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The Lone Hunt

Page 27

by L. L. Raand

  Sylvan’s wolf registered the subtle rise of anger and aggression in his scent. She held back the urge to snarl. “We’re hoping to see the bill reach the floor before the end of the session, isn’t that right, Senator?”

  “I think that’s a very good possibility,” he said, carefully not committing himself.

  “Well,” Sylvan said, “I’m sure we can count on you to do everything that can be done.”

  “Of course. And how are things at Mir Industries after the accident?”

  “All our projects are on schedule,” Sylvan said, “as the damage was far less than reported.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. So many of our supporters depend on the generosity of your foundation.”

  “Yes, I’m aware of that.”

  “Well, it was a pleasure to see you again”—he nodded to Drake—“and you, Doctor.” He moved away into the crowd, treating others to his trademark megawatt smile.

  Sylvan watched him go. “I’m not at all certain he intends to push for the vote this year—or ever.”

  “You might be right. But he’s also a politician,” Drake said, “and even if he actually supports the resolution, he may be hesitating for fear of creating animosity among his constituents or of supplying ammunition to those who might oppose his other agendas.”

  “I hate politics,” Sylvan muttered. “You can’t tell friend from foe, and alliances shift from one day to the next. No one ever says what they mean.”

  “No one would ever know you weren’t a natural.” Drake laughed softly and slid her arm around Sylvan’s waist. “You may not like to play the game, but you’re very good at it.”

  Sylvan kissed her temple. “And you are very good at managing me.”

  “I’m learning.” Drake rubbed Sylvan’s back. “At least you didn’t growl at him. I could tell you wanted to.”

  Sylvan growled and Drake grinned.

  “How do you feel?” Sylvan asked.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Then why do I keep getting these twinges in my back?”

  “You feel them?”

  “Yes,” Sylvan said. “They started just about the time we arrived.”

  “Nothing to be too worried about right now,” Drake said, “but I suspect they’re sending a message.”

  Sylvan grinned a self-satisfied grin. “We should give Katya a little more time to study the crowd in case something triggers a memory and she recognizes her captors. Then we should go.”

  “Yes. Let’s finish the necessary social niceties first.” Drake nodded toward the opposite side of the room where Jody, with Becca on her arm, bowed to a wildly handsome man in his early thirties with dark hair, a muscular build, and an air of power that reached Drake even across the room. “That can only be Zachary Gates.”

  Sylvan followed her gaze. “Yes. And Jody’s father wields nearly as much power as Francesca.”

  “With Jody heir to all that?”

  “Yes—whenever Zachary chooses to step aside, or in the unlikely event he is overthrown or meets true death.”

  “He looks like her brother. I don’t think I ever really appreciated what it meant for them to be immortal.”

  “The price they pay is steep,” Sylvan murmured, sliding her hand up to Drake’s neck. “We will have hundreds of years together, in sunshine and in moonlight. I will take that over an eternity of darkness.”

  Drake kissed her. “I will celebrate every moment with you as if it were a lifetime—and that is eternity enough.”


  Veronica Standish couldn’t take her eyes off Francesca and Michel. They were the two most beautiful individuals in the room, shimmering with sexuality and practically glowing with power. Her blood pulsed hard, straining toward the surface as if willing her to offer herself. Her breath burst from her in a rush of anticipation. Luce was nearby, just out of touching distance, and Veronica yearned to be closer, to rub against her until Luce’s eyes turned to fire and she plunged her incisors into Veronica’s throat. Instead, she was on Nicholas’s arm, and while he had once seemed to her such a powerful ally, he now seemed pale and inconsequential.

  “They all seem so civilized, don’t they,” Nicholas murmured, acid in his tone.

  “They haven’t managed to live among us for millennia without being able to masquerade as something other than the animals they are,” Veronica said, feeling herself grow wet and heavy with urgency. She looked to Luce, knowing her eyes were pleading. Luce merely smiled, a flicker of her incisors sending a bolt of arousal directly to Veronica’s sex. She gasped softly.

  “Something interesting?” Nicholas asked, his gaze riveted to Sylvan Mir.

  “Just surprised,” Veronica said, trying to hide her distraction. “I didn’t expect the wolf Were to bring her mate tonight. She’s pregnant, you know.”

  “I know,” Nicholas said, a slight smile doing nothing to soften the hard fury in his expression. “An unexpected bonus.”

  “What do you mean?” Veronica asked absently, wondering how she could get Luce alone for just a few minutes. Just a few minutes to help temper the furious need tearing her to shreds.

  “Losing the Alpha pair and their mongrel get will destroy that Pack, and it’s well past time that happened.”

  Veronica heard the words and struggled to register their meaning through the escalating need that had her heart racing and her muscles trembling. Bringing all her considerable mental control to bear, she fought to think through the lust clouding her reason. Had Nicholas just said he was going to attack Sylvan Mir? “Surely not here—”

  Nicholas said, “And what better place than when you and I have such a perfect alibi? The protesters are twenty deep outside. The authorities will have plenty of suspects, and there has already been one violent attack attributed to those fanatics.” He slipped his hand around her back, his palm cradling the outer curve of her breast. Her nipple tensed painfully.

  “You seem very sure all of them will be—”

  “Fortunately, the weapon of choice of these fringe groups has always been explosives.” His smile widened and mad pleasure brightened his dark eyes. “After tonight, my dear, we will have our pick of subjects for your experiments. I have teams ready to begin procurement as soon as the Were leadership is dealt with.”

  “You do know what I need, don’t you,” Veronica said, thinking him quite insane. But at this point she didn’t really care. His usefulness to her was nearing an end. And the only thing she craved more than her work was the pleasure of a Vampire’s bite.


  Francesca surveyed the humans milling about, making plans, scheming, flaunting their pitiful power as if they had some control over their futures. Futures that were to her nothing but the blink of an eye. Still, without humans, existence would not only be impossible, it would be somewhat boring. At least they entertained her.

  “What do you think of the little alliances spawning here and there, darling?” Francesca asked.

  Michel shrugged. “Nothing more than I expected, although the cat is a surprise.”

  “Yes, she’s quite beautiful, isn’t she,” Francesca said, eyeing the blonde with Jody’s warlord. “I wonder exactly how much power she brings with her.”

  “The cats are fierce fighters, and if that cat can organize them, Jody and Sylvan will have a formidable army.”

  “Yes. An army that Sylvan has pledged us should we need it.”

  “Assuming Sylvan survives,” Michel pointed out. “And assuming she still trusts us.”

  Francesca glanced across the room at Nicholas Gregory. He had been particularly circumspect that evening, actually avoiding her after the briefest of acknowledgments. “I’m afraid Nicholas may do something very foolish.”

  Michel laughed. “I think you can count on that.”

  “We may need to put Sylvan on her guard.”

  “Are you sure you want to spoil Nicholas’s plan?”

  Francesca smiled. “Weren’t you the one who suggested it would be wiser to ally wit
h the Weres than the humans?”

  “Yes, but with Sylvan gone, the Coalition will break and you will have achieved your goal of delaying, or possibly destroying, the move toward assimilation.”

  “I have thought of that,” Francesca said contemplatively. “The Shadow Lords and their followers would be in our debt, but with Jody now allied with the cats, and us without Sylvan’s army, we could have an internal challenge.”

  “From Jody?”

  Francesca searched out the handsome vampire with the midnight hair and sapphire eyes. He was so beautiful. “No, her father.”

  “Ah. You are right, as usual.”

  “Summon Luce, would you, darling,” Francesca said, watching Veronica Standish shiver with bloodlust. She smiled. “Let’s see what Nicholas has in mind.”

  “Of course, Regent,” Michel said, signaling a guard to her side. “Tell Luce the Regent requires her presence.”

  “Yes, Senechal,” the guard replied and melted into the crowd.

  A moment later, Luce appeared and went to one knee in front of Francesca. “Regent, you called?”

  Francesca extended a hand, which Luce kissed in formal greeting. “You may rise.”

  Luce stood. “How may I be of service?”

  Francesca leaned close as if in conversation, but she had no desire to be overheard. I wish to know of Nicholas Gregory’s plans. Perhaps his lovely companion will have some knowledge.

  I believe I can find out.

  As soon as you can. You may go.

  Luce bowed. “Yes, Regent.”

  Francesca took Michel’s arm as Luce made her way back to Nicholas’s party. “If there’s any need, I’m sure you have some way of getting a message to Sylvan that won’t be traced directly back to us.”

  “I’ll see what I can manage,” Michel said coolly.


  “Sylvan,” Drake murmured.

  “Yes?” Sylvan’s fury rose as she focused on Nicholas Gregory. She wanted to drag him back to the Compound and tear him to pieces. He had to be involved in the attacks on her laboratories and her young, but she had no proof. Katya couldn’t recognize her captors—her memory was still clouded with the aftereffects of silver toxicity.

  She would find the proof. She would continue to search for the remaining installations using the information they obtained from Andrea, Martin, and Raina’s mercenaries. And when she found them, she would raid them again. If there were no captives to free, they would simply burn the buildings to the ground. And then she would deal with Nicholas.

  “I think it’s time for us to go,” Drake said.

  “Now?” Sylvan’s heart leapt and her wolf surged. Her eyes flashed gold, her jaw thickened, and pelt rippled beneath her skin. She wanted her mate away from these strangers, out of danger.

  Drake laughed softly and stroked Sylvan’s face. “You can’t shift here, Alpha. You’ll terrify the humans.”

  Sylvan growled. “I don’t care.”

  “Take me home.”

  Sylvan signaled to the centuri who had taken up posts around them in the crowd. “Have Andrew bring the Rovers. We’re going home.”

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Jody and Becca, along with their guards, joined Sylvan and Drake as they made their way toward the ballroom exit. Jody said, “We’ll walk out with you. My tolerance for half-truths and false promises has been exceeded for one night.”

  “As has mine,” Sylvan said.

  Becca said to Drake, “You look wonderful. And a little bit…expectant.”

  Drake smiled. “You’re perceptive. And correct.”

  Becca beamed. “You need anything? I’m not sure how much help I would be, but…I’m here if you need anything.”

  “Thank you,” Drake said, squeezing Becca’s hand. Sylvan and the Pack filled her life, completing her emotionally and physically, but Becca’s simple offer of friendship was welcome amidst the constant strife and subterfuge. “I will. And as soon as possible, you’ll have to come visit.”

  “Try to keep me away.”

  “Stay close,” Sylvan murmured as uniformed attendants pulled open the wide front doors to the mansion.

  Drake pressed against Sylvan’s side. The rhythmic spasms in her abdomen were more regular now, but not so severe as to be worrisome. As long as they reached the Compound without delay. The crowd outside had grown since they’d arrived at the governor’s mansion, and several hundred people crowded the rope barricades, forming a gauntlet along the walkway that led to the circular drive. Most were probably reporters or simple sightseers, but some were placard-carrying anti-Praetern protesters chanting humans first and displaying signs for HUFSI, Humans United for Species Integrity. Sylvan had her wolf on a tight leash, but Drake sensed her on the verge of attacking at the slightest provocation.

  “I’m fine, Sylvan.” Drake pointed down the drive to the line of Rovers and limos approaching. “Andrew and Dasha are on their way. We’ll be home soon.”


  “I only have a minute,” Veronica said breathlessly, drawing Luce down a service corridor and into a dimly lit corner. “Nicholas thinks I’ve gone to freshen up.” She slid her hands inside Luce’s tailored jacket, pulled her shirt from the waistband of her pants, and stroked the cool chiseled muscles of her back. “God, I haven’t been able to think of anything but you all night.”

  Luce caged her against the wall with her arms outstretched on either side of Veronica’s shoulders. “And you think I enjoy watching that human put his hands on you?”

  Veronica gripped Luce’s ass and pulled her close. “I wasn’t thinking of him. I was thinking of you. I’m so wet. Hurry.”

  Luce laughed softly and leaned forward, licking Veronica’s throat very, very slowly. “What is it that you want?”

  Veronica whimpered, her hips rocking. “Oh God, you know what I need. Please, Luce. Please.”

  Delicately, Luce punctured Veronica’s skin, millimeter by millimeter, drawing out the pleasure for them both. She needed Veronica to drop all her shields, to be completely subjugated to her power, and Veronica was mentally very strong. She released a surge of feeding hormones but drew back before Veronica peaked. Veronica cried out in protest. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  “Yes, yes.” Veronica writhed, hands scrabbling over Luce’s back, her eyes glazed, her color high, her breath escaping in ragged gasps. “Oh my God. I’m going to come the instant you take me. Please, hurry.”

  Luce snarled, gripped Veronica’s hair in her hand, and extended her neck. When she buried her incisors bone-deep into Veronica’s jugular, she poured feeding hormones into her system, overwhelming her. Veronica snapped taut, her strangled cry of ecstasy an invitation for Luce to slide into her mind.

  Tell me, what is he going to do?

  An image of soaring flames, twisted wreckage, and scattered bodies jerked into view, and she knew.


  Niki waited with Lara and Raina just outside the entrance until the Alpha’s party and the Vampires started down the wide stone steps. The Alpha led, Drake’s hand in hers. Max, Jace, and the others wolves flanked them, guarding against an attack from the sides. The Alpha projected a silent air of menace and power, and bystanders pulled back as she and the Prima passed. Jody, Becca, and their Vampire guard followed close behind in similar formation. Niki fell in at the rear with Lara and Raina to ensure no threat encroached from behind. She didn’t notice that Katya had dropped back from the Alpha’s party until she drew alongside her. Katya stood still, a perplexed expression on her face.

  “What are you waiting for?” Niki asked, taking Katya’s arm as she scanned the faces nearby.

  Katya turned glazed eyes to her. “Imperator?”

  “Sentrie,” Niki snarled. “Report!”

  “Imperator!” Katya’s stare widened. “I…danger!”

  Niki spun around and for a second thought she saw a form ghost behind a pillar. Then nothing. She whipped back around. “Where?”

  Lara and Raina went
into battle mode, turning back-to-back to face the crowd.

  Katya’s face filled with horror. “The Rover.”

  Niki stared down the long walkway. The Alpha and Prima had just reached the drive as the first Rover, twenty feet away, slid to a stop.

  “No,” Niki shouted, shifting as she raced down the stairs, Lara and Raina close behind.

  The wolf, the cat, and the Vampire launched themselves off the marble staircase as the world lit up and a fireball erupted.

  Chapter Thirty-four

  “Are you really sure it’s necessary for me to hide?” Veronica stood at the window of the safe house Luce had brought her to the night of the gala. The winding mountain road leading up to the isolated house was barely visible in the predawn gray. No lights penetrated the murk—they were alone. She couldn’t remember the details of the attack, only having awakened in Luce’s arms in the rear of a limo as it whisked her out of the city. She’d followed the news reports the last few days from the seclusion of the mountain chateau, watched over by Luce and a contingent of other Vampires and human servants. “I know some rogue Were implicated Nicholas, but the news reports say there’s no evidence. And Nicholas denied everything in the interview they broadcast last night.”

  “He would.” Luce kissed the back of Veronica’s neck. Veronica shivered and Luce smiled against her skin. “The Regent wants to ensure your safety, and she’s right to be concerned. The law will mean nothing to the Weres now, and anyone they suspect is in danger. You are a known associate of Nicholas’s—and he will be their main target.”

  “But I thought the only witness against Nicholas is dead.”

  “The Were who planted the explosives said he’d acted on Nicholas’s order, and that’s all the proof the wolves will need.” Luce shrugged. Nicholas probably hadn’t informed the Were exactly when the detonation would occur—a handy way to dispose of a witness—but the Were had lived long enough to be questioned. Nicholas Gregory had been arrogant and foolish to think the blood-addicted Were he had manipulated to do his bidding would not break when confronted by a dominant wolf like Niki Kroff. “Attacking the Pack is a death sentence.”


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