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Time of the Draig

Page 15

by Lisa Dawn Wadler

  “My palm tingles, and I dinna like it,” Faolan hissed.

  With a nod she lifted the orb and placed it back on the table. Her mind raced with the implications; UNK005 had only ever done that for her and no other living person. Samantha said as much to Faolan.

  When her eyes moved back to his face, a strange smile covered his features. Faolan said, “Your legendary power kens me, as does your beast.”

  All she wanted to do was to plug him into the system and see if it spoke to him as well. A simple controlled experiment, and maybe it would lead him to different information and possibly data she had never thought to search. Reality took hold, and she knew it would be beyond his scope of reasoning.

  When she explained the thoughts in her mind, Faolan said, “If you have need of me, I am yours to command.”

  So much fear was visible on his face as was the certainty he would do it. “Thank you, but this isn’t meant for you. It’s not even meant for me,” Samantha said.

  Faolan’s hand covered her cheeks as he implored, “Can you leave it alone?”

  “Not yet,” Samantha answered and gave him the basics of what she had found. “The other one needs to be recovered or all of time could be destroyed.”

  Faolan took advantage of his hold and pulled her close for a quick kiss. “Bring the other here, and we will see it done together.”

  Is that even possible? she wondered. Given the options, it made the most sense. She said, “That may help me with a plan. Now my end point has been determined.”

  His nose rubbed against hers. “Can you just say, ‘I will return home’?”

  Home was a word that had held little meaning for the last five years. Samantha hadn’t even thought about it during that time. Home had ceased to exist long ago, along with notions of security and tranquility. Yet settled on Faolan’s lap, memories of those emotions flooded her heart.

  “You think too much. I can see your mind move in the depths of your eyes.”

  “I need to finish what I started. Maybe then I can take a break,” Samantha said and savored being held.

  “There is much left undone, Samantha,” Faolan whispered as he kissed her lips and pulled her close.

  He demanded more with his offering than before. His lips crushed hers, and one hand gripped within her hair. There was no slow gentle exploration, only a hunger to be fed with passion returned.

  Samantha gripped the front of his shirt as he feasted upon her, and she let Faolan lead her toward the edge. Her tongue battled with his for dominance while his lips molded against her mouth.

  When he broke the union, she gasped for air. Shock filled her at how quickly she had lost all thought and reason.

  Faolan tugged her head to the side and kissed just under her right ear. He whispered, “That was for the night we missed, the first night stolen from us. I spent that night with such fear in my heart.”

  His forehead rested against the side of her head, and his soft breath caressed her neck. Samantha reached out to stroke his hair. “I’m sorry.” Her voice was a soft whisper.

  His voice carried a tone of confession. “This morn they made me leave your chamber. I lost all reason as you lay in the bed without movement.” Faolan shuddered. “It took Boomer and three of my men to remove me. I screamed, yet you slept. I threatened, and you slept.”

  Samantha felt his swallow while her fingers smoothed over his soft hair. “My grandmother bid me to leave, so I left. I rode with no purpose and found myself at the loch we had shared. The cool water felt like dry air and did nothing to heal me. Only now with you within my arms am I restored.”

  Tears stung her eyes at the admission, and she found her arms wrapped around his neck. Noises to soothe left her throat while he clung to her. Never in her life had anyone needed her like that, and for reasons beyond her ability to fathom, she needed him. In her mind, she saw particles dance and join.

  The fresh aroma of the loch still clung to his skin. Her body shifted to pull him closer and waited for what came next. Samantha never imagined being so drawn to someone, much less someone she had only just met. In the moment, Faolan was the only thing that mattered. Peace enveloped her being as she stilled within his hold.

  “I returned this night to find you gone from the bed. You woke, and I was nay here to greet you. Forgive me,” Faolan begged.

  A hoarse sound escaped her as he asked for something ridiculous. The only person she ever expected to always be there was Boomer, and that was only because of the love and bond they shared.

  “I never expected you to be here.” The words left her mouth, and simultaneously he lifted his head to stare at her with shock written on his features. His eyes searched hers while she watched the hurt cover his face.

  Faolan lifted her gently from his lap, and her boots hit the floor. “Then I will leave you to your sleep.” He rose to stand.

  In a flash, she stood looking at a different man. He had become distant and wanted nothing to do with her.

  In a formal tone, he asked, “Is there anything you require for your comfort?”

  She blinked at the sterile question and asked, “What just happened?”

  “When you can answer that question, I will be waiting.” Faolan turned and walked to the door. With his hand on the latch, he said, “I will wait,” and then he was gone.

  A myriad of emotions crashed through her all at once. It hurt that he left; she was confused as to why, and she felt alone. Time passed as she stared at the door and wondered what she had said to cause the reaction and found no answer.

  The untied boots slipped from her feet as she moved to the window. A sea breeze-filled air moved through the chamber as the moon glistened on the sea in the distance. Waves crashed, and still no answer came. With the fabric of the universe hanging in the balance, the last thing she needed to concentrate on was why Faolan refused to keep kissing her. She wasn’t and had never been a silly schoolgirl.

  Samantha walked to the bed, certain sleep would never come. Her hand lifted a cutting of pine boughs from the pillow. She inhaled the fresh clean scent and wondered what form of healing it was supposed to represent.

  The robe dropped to her feet, and she climbed underneath the soft sheets. Her eyes closed as the sound of the sea lulled her back to sleep. She dreamt of dragons.

  Chapter 11

  The beep from the communicator at her belt disturbed the work. Samantha shifted the scanner into her left hand and answered, “You have the major.”

  The device replied, “You have a hungry captain. Sun’s setting, and the work day is over.”

  For the first time, she noted the sun had dipped behind the tree line. She offered a quick, “On the way. Is everyone else accounted for?”

  “Just waiting on you three,” Jeff answered via the device.

  “On our way. Save some hot water for us,” Samantha replied, and she caught the thankful expressions Efraim and Boomer wore. With the communicator back on her belt, she said, “Looks like we’re done for today.” It had been a productive afternoon. They had finished mapping the series of caves and tunnels that ran under the keep and surrounding area. Plans could be finalized to reroute the human waste from the village and the keep, thus ensuring the safety of the water table.

  “Perfect timing. All my data has been saved,” Boomer said as he turned off his sensor pad.

  “Same here, Major,” Efraim added.

  “Good. Tomorrow morning we can meet with the locals and get work underway. Even with the lack of power equipment, it should only take about two weeks to move the latrines in the village and the ones behind the keep,” Samantha said even as she dreaded the conversation to come. She would have to sit and talk to Faolan and present the formal plans and ask for men to help the project move underway. That was if he showed up. He had ridden out the previous day and not c
ome back.

  The past four days had been awkward between them. He was polite but distant and reminded her at every opportunity that he waited for an answer to the question of what happened. Her unspoken reply was that she was beyond foolish for letting the man come anywhere near her. She should be evaluating her data and finding a way back to her lab, not fretting over why some ancient laird didn’t want to kiss her.

  Boomer interrupted her thoughts. “Why do you look so pissed?”

  Samantha motioned for Efraim to walk back to the keep and said with a hushed voice, “When we’re alone.”

  Boomer laughed and said, “Efraim, why don’t you go on ahead and get washed up. We’ll catch up.”

  “And here I thought after four days’ working together, I’d get to be in the club,” Efraim said as he pasted a mock hurt look on his face.

  “Four days is nothing.” As the other man started jogging back to the gate, Boomer asked, “Are you going to tell me about it now?”

  Samantha let out a sigh and proceeded to tell him about the strange ending to the events in her chamber. She said, “What I can’t figure out is what happened?”

  “You really don’t get it?” Boomer’s look of disappointment made her wonder if she was the only one who didn’t have the answer.

  “If I got it, would I have to ask you?” she replied. She did not care for the disbelief in his voice.

  “I should leave this one alone. It violates the bro-code big time,” Boomer answered.

  Samantha felt her irritation rise at the statement. Without really wanting to know, she asked, “What in the hell is a bro-code?”

  “Once upon a time, I spent time with guys,” Boomer started.

  As he explained the notion of men sticking with men against women, Samantha could only stare in astonishment. “So you’re going to put some guy you’ve known for a week ahead of me?” Even asking the question was painful.

  “Maybe I’ve protected you a bit too much for your own good. All Faolan meant was that he expected you to expect him to be there. When you didn’t, you hurt his feelings.”

  “I can’t deal with all of this. The only person I expect at my back is you,” Samantha stated, unsure of what to do with comment.

  “How long did it take you and me to hit it off? Maybe an hour, and we just knew, didn’t we?” Boomer asked.

  In her mind, it had taken seven minutes to know that Boomer was trustworthy on that day they had met. Some part of her welcomed him into her life like he was a missing piece of her soul. But that had been a lightning in a bottle moment, something so rare and precious. Samantha explained her thoughts to Boomer.

  “Sam, did you even think there might be room for more than one person in your life?” Boomer asked. “Come on and think about it. Lightning never strikes twice, or so they say, but they never traveled to an alternate past and met a handsome laird.”

  His tone mocked, but she knew Boomer had a point. She either let people in or she didn’t; middle ground held no validity. The question was, did she want to let Faolan in?

  In a grand sweeping gesture, Boomer waved his arms in the air and said, “Did you even think you’d meet a guy who offered you all of this? A castle complete with a stone wall and a place by his side as he ruled his domain?” Boomer stopped his movement and said, “The man also didn’t flinch when I threatened him. I like that.”

  With awe in her voice, Samantha asked, “You threatened Faolan for me?”

  An enormous smile erupted on Boomer’s face. “Of course I did. Only the best for you.”

  With certainty Boomer would catch her, Samantha leapt into his arms and held tight to his neck. Massive arms pulled her hard against his chest as her feet dangled over a foot off the ground.

  Boomer held tight and resumed walking to the rear of the keep. Only when they reached the washbasins behind the kitchen, did her feet hit the ground. Samantha looked up. “I don’t know how I would have survived without you.”

  “Ditto. You are my family and always will be.”

  Dana made her presence known. “If you two are done with the love fest, I have dinner on the table. Wash up. Clean clothes are waiting in the bathing area.”

  Samantha wrapped her arms as much as she could around Boomer’s chest and gave a squeeze. She looked over at Dana as she let go. “Now we’re done.”

  Boomer and Samantha removed their jackets and used basins to wash their faces and hands. Dana had made it clear that only clean people ate in her hall. The pair made their way into the bathing chamber and stopped at the strange clothes laid out on the bench.

  Samantha picked up the green fabric. “Where’s my other set of fatigues?” The pattern had become routine: change clothes after the workday and leave the dirty uniform behind for the laundry. The other set of fatigues was normally waiting to be changed into, but not that night.

  Dana explained, “We seem to have misplaced your other set of clothing, and that goes for both of you. Don’t worry, I’m sure they just got mixed up with something else. I have the women keeping an eye out for them.”

  Samantha envied the leather pants and loose-fitting shirt set out for Boomer. The stitching on his pants was on the outside of the leg, which made them appear rugged, and in her opinion, very cool. Her bundle was a long green dress. While the color of a perfect summertime lawn, it seemed so unlike her.

  “The women took it upon themselves to make you a few gowns. Most believe you are here to marry Faolan and would have you dressed appropriately,” Dana said. “Think of it as their way of welcoming you.”

  With a glance down at the mud-splattered pants, Samantha asked, “Don’t suppose you might let me eat without changing?”

  A stern look from Dana answered the question that hadn’t needed to be spoken. With a grumble, Samantha removed the uniform and dumped it into the pile of dirty fatigues. Dana helped her put the dress on.

  While made of the local wool, the fabric was soft against her skin. The dress was simple in construction, with long loose sleeves, a slightly tapered waist, and laces on the sides and front for adjusting the fit. “I think this is the first dress I’ve ever worn that isn’t too long.” The hemline was an inch above the floor without her boots.

  “We used the other uniform to make the pattern, that is before it went missing. Later, we can finish adjusting the sides and have those laces removed,” Dana said as she adjusted the laces on the front of the dress. “I made a few fashion updates over the years. This shows off your figure a bit. It’s so much better than the sacks that passed for dresses when I arrived. Just for the record, pants on a woman pushed the envelope a bit too much, but know that I tried.”

  Samantha couldn’t remember ever wearing something that showed a bit of cleavage. Even when she was off duty in years past, jeans and t-shirts had always been her favorite. Still her mother’s reprimand whispered in her mind over not expressing immediate gratitude. “It’s lovely. Thank you for going to the trouble to help me.” She continued with a desire to know who to personally thank for the craftsmanship.

  “I’ll point them out in the morning,” Dana replied, clearly pleased at the good manners.

  With a twirl, Samantha asked, “What do you think, Boomer?”

  “Holy crap, you look like a girl,” Boomer teased. “Bet you wish you had my bad ass leather pants.” He looked down at her feet and said, “Combat boots definitely make the outfit.”

  “You two decent?” Jeff asked from behind the curtain.

  Dana pulled it open. “Like it matters. Neither one of them seems to know what modesty means.”

  “You tend to lose that after a few years sharing a small room,” Boomer added as an explanation.

  Jeff looked the pair over. “Looks good. The women have also made some civilian clothing for all the men, but you two are the first to go native.
Think they were waiting for permission.”

  “Let’s stick to fatigues for work, and off-duty, it doesn’t matter.”

  Jeff nodded and smirked. “You do look like a girl. Could you fight in that if needed?”

  Samantha shifted her legs. “One or two quick tears and I’m good to go.”

  “Nice to know,” Jeff acknowledged as he turned to Dana. “Your men in the hall seem to be enjoying something a bit stronger than ale. Any chance I could buy my men a drink tonight? With your permission, Samantha.”

  Samantha mulled over the idea: the men had been putting in long hours, and a drink seemed like a great idea. “No issue with me as long as you keep it controlled.”

  “I’ll have a pitcher or two brought in after they eat.” As Dana moved into the bustling kitchen, she remarked, “Not surprised the mice are playing while the cat is away. The older warriors like a few too many now and then. Faolan tends to limit the drinking on nights when training is expected in the morning.” She laughed. “They’ll regret it when he’s looking for them tomorrow.”

  “Is he due back tonight?” Jeff asked. “I’d like to review our plans and findings before we begin assigning men.”

  “Rumor has it he’s in the village having dinner with Kagen and his wife.” Dana beamed. “He rode out to check on his mother and sister. Congratulate me. I have another great-grandson.”

  That explains the absence, Samantha thought. He was cryptic about his destination when he left. Am I simply too consumed with being irritated about his being aloof? Maybe I am too wrapped up with deciphering the information from UNK005 to be truly cognizant of anyone else.

  Boomer said, “You’re the prettiest great-grandma I’ve ever seen,” and moved to place a kiss on Dana’s cheek. With a tug on Samantha’s skirt, he said, “That’s a good man, going to check on his family.”


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