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Surge Of Magic

Page 4

by Vella Day

  His buttoned down white shirt was partway out of his jeans looking like he’d been on the go since early morning, and his shoulder length dark hair was a bit tangled. In light of what he’d been through since finding out about his brother, she was thrilled he looked as good as he did. The biggest telltale sign of his worry though was his slightly bloodshot eyes. His beard appeared fuller and thicker, implying this was the one morning he’d skipped his usual grooming ritual. Regardless of his disheveled look, his black eyes mesmerized her and drew her in like the proverbial moth to a flame.

  “I know it’s late, but I needed to see you.”

  Whether it was because he could tell she was still attracted to him or because he also wanted to be with her, his body was emitting a faint, shimmering blue as well.

  “How’s Randy? Missy told me about the attack. That’s terrible.”

  “I’m hoping he’ll be released tomorrow.”

  “I’m happy for him.” She didn’t know what else to say. “You want something to drink?”

  With his gaze locked onto her face, he kicked the door closed behind him. “What I want is to drink you in.”

  His words melted her. She understood that he probably needed something to take his mind off the horrible situation, but geez, she looked a mess. When she reached up to take down the mass of curls from on top of her head, Kip clasped her wrist. “Let me.”

  His glow pulsed, and suddenly heat suffused her body. Oh, Goddess. Their sexual exploits had always been intense in the past, causing energy sparks to shoot out at the moment of climax, but this kind of blue signature was new and drew her in like nothing had before.

  They should talk about her vision, about why she’d stayed away, and what exactly had happened to Randy, but all she could think about was ripping off Kip’s clothes and making love with him.

  Once they were relaxing in the afterglow of sex, they’d be more comfortable, and then they could discuss the future or how he couldn’t be part of hers.

  He tugged on her hair and the loose knot fell apart, the long tresses cascading down over her shoulders. His touch set her body on fire, but she needed to stay strong.

  The entryway wasn’t a place to make out. “You want to sit down?”

  “No. I want to peel away your clothes one piece at a time, and then tease you with kisses and my touch until you come.”

  Ooh. Melting. No one could resist a man like Kip. The blue aura around his body pulsed brighter, confirming what he said was true.

  “I won’t stop you.” She couldn’t believe she’d actually said those words out loud, but it was what she really wanted. Both Izzy and Missy had been right. She had missed Kip more and more each day. Maybe if they were together again one more time her thoughts would become clear again.

  Get real. This wasn’t about her mental health. Her body yearned for him, and she wanted to feel his fingers on her skin and his lips all over her body. Pinpricks of anticipation shot up her spine at the thought of making love with him.

  One more time.

  That was all she needed to remember him by.

  Kip stepped closer, and when he cupped her face and leaned over, she lost it. Her hands found his hips and she drew him close. Their bodies met and her desire exploded. She could feel the outline of his hard cock, and the intense urge to grab a hold of it stunned her.

  The kiss that followed truly curled her toes and heated her up from the inside out. Each thrust and parry of his tongue had her hands roaming higher over his back. Loving the way his muscles flexed with each move, she could touch him forever and never get tired of it.

  She broke off the kiss. “I need to feel your skin on mine.”

  As much as she wanted to slowly lift off his shirt and explore every inch of his body, she could no longer control herself around him. She stepped back. They both must have had the same idea, because they kicked off their shoes at the same time.

  “Need you more,” he said. When Kip undid the top few buttons of his shirt then lifted the material over his head, she couldn’t help but stare at his naked chest. The top half was sprinkled with thick dark hair that tapered down into a delectable happy trail, leading to his treasure trove.

  Kip slid his hands under her T-shirt, and his warm palms sent bolts of electricity right through her—or at least that was what it felt like. He then took off her tee and let the material float to the carpeted floor.

  He whistled. “Did you know I’d be stopping by?”

  “No.” Her sixth sense must have known because this morning she’d picked her sexy black lacy bra to wear to work.

  Kip lifted one strap and ran his finger underneath the satin straight down to the top of her breast.

  “I’ve dreamed of doing this for so long.” His words came out on a breath.

  Teagan wouldn’t dare tell him what she had dreamt of. Instead of speaking her wish, she reached out and undid the button on his jeans.

  “You’re in trouble now, psychic lady.”

  They loved to challenge each other—to see who was better at withstanding the sexual foreplay. “I bet I can make you fold in less than two minutes.” Teagan loved sucking on his cock and trying to break him.

  His smile reached his eyes. “I can’t wait two minutes.”

  In a flash, she was in his arms, and he was marching them toward her bedroom. He was giving her ample time to tell him no, but the words wouldn’t form. He shouldered his way into the bedroom then set her down.

  Thankfully, she’d made her bed this morning, but she had a feeling it wouldn’t stay neat for long.

  “Don’t move,” he commanded.

  “May I touch you?”


  The way his blue energy pulsed around his lower regions spoke volumes. He was on the edge, and any aggression on her part could result in early detonation. She didn’t need a mirror to see the blue sparks jumping off her own body every time he touched her.

  Kip moved closer, reached around to her back, and then pinched open her bra clasp. The relief was palpable. The seduction had begun, and the urge to drag him to bed right now overwhelmed her, but she wanted to savor their time together. No telling how long she’d be around.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said as he dragged the straps down her arms. The brush of his knuckles on her sensitive skin had moisture pooling between her thighs.

  “Thank you,” she said, not able to come up with anything else clever to say.

  She flexed her fingers then closed her hands into a fist, the temptation to touch him so great. Once he threaded the material through his fingertips, he let the bra drop to the floor. The light next to her bedside must be playing a trick on her because his eyes seemed to have turned a lighter color—dark brown with swirls of emerald green and amber.

  Instead of playing with her tits, he walked behind her, pressed his hard chest to her back, and dipped his head so that his lips were close to her ear. He drew in an audible breath. “I love your scent.”

  It was probably the incense and the slight residue of oil on her hands that he smelled, but she didn’t want to break the spell by mentioning it. “What does it smell like?”

  He lowered his nose to her neck and inhaled again. “Creamy peaches. Or maybe malt whiskey.”

  She laughed and spun around to face him. “You are such a liar.”

  He winked. “Does it matter?”


  “Good, now kiss me.” When he captured her lips, pure pleasure pulsated through her.

  At the same time, they both reached between them to undo each other’s pants, but their hands got tangled up. They laughed. More than likely that was a much-needed release of tension for both of them.

  Kip swatted away her hands. “I’ll go first. You’re making a mess of things.”


  He smiled, and she nearly swooned. He was such a handsome man with his straight nose, wide-set eyes and strong brow and chin. He undid her pants and pulled them down quickly. Holding onto him for balan
ce, she stepped out of them. Now all that remained were her panties.

  Instead of removing them, he cupped her waist and leaned over. The first tug on her right nipple turned her on way too much. This wasn’t good. She wanted to prove to herself that she could survive without him, and right now her chances of success looked really slim.

  His tongue made circles around the tip igniting total bliss to spread throughout her, and causing Teagan to arch her back and press down on his shoulders. Each suckle he lavished on her caused even more sparks to shoot throughout her body, and she wasn’t sure how much longer she would last. Damned lust.

  When he dropped to his knees, he tugged off her panties then spread her legs. Teagan virtually gave up on control. His masterful tongue always pushed her over the edge faster than she wanted, but this time instead of flicking her clit, he slipped two fingers inside her.

  “Someone’s excited,” Kip said with a smile.

  “You’re smug now, but wait until I do my magic on you,” she said. He wiggled his fingers, forcing her to stand on her tiptoes. Oooh, there would be consequences for his action.

  “I can’t give you that chance.”

  Just as she was about to complain, he swiped his tongue across her opening, and she sucked in a big breath of air. “Not fair.”

  “It’s been too long.” He glanced up at her, sending a clear signal as to whose fault that was.

  If she’d been able to think clearly in any way, she would have argued. Right now, however, she was at his mercy and really needed a release badly. When he tugged on her clit, her climax descended with a force strong enough to nearly knock her down, and the resulting scream came out strangled.

  Kip pressed back onto his heels and stood. “You came.”

  “What was your first clue?” She did enjoy sparring with him.

  “For giving me sass, I’ll have to cut short the foreplay.”

  Oh, darn. He walked her backward to the wall, twisted her around, and pressed on her shoulders. Kip had always loved coming in from behind—and she loved it too. It didn’t seem to matter that they were only a few feet away from her bed.

  Teagan planted her hands on the wall for support, ready to receive his cock. As much as she’d wanted to suck on him first, he might burst too soon. Since she had stayed away from him for so long, it was understandable that he too needed the release.

  “I hope you’re prepared,” he said, “To tame the beast.”

  She laughed at his shifter envy. “I’ll try.”

  He slipped his hands under her, cupped her breasts, and then pressed them together. Oh, how she enjoyed the pressure.

  “You have no idea what you do to me,” he whispered.

  From the way his hands shimmered, she could take a good guess. When he brushed his thumbs against her tender nipples, she ignited again. “What are you waiting for?”

  She shouldn’t be desperate after her climax, but she was. Something about Kip turned her on like no one else could, and the second the tip of his cock pressed against her opening, waves of anticipation washed over her.

  He slid his hands down to her waist and pressed his chest against her back. The masculine feel of his muscles on her skin sent tiny shock waves along her spine. His fingers tightened right before he drove his cock into her.

  Whoa! Excitement exploded inside her as his big cock caused tremors to radiate throughout her. “Yes.”

  His lips found her neck and he kissed his way up to the shell of her ear. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  Teagan didn’t want to think how much her actions had hurt him, and while her guilt would surely come later, right now, she needed him. “Prove it.”

  He growled, withdrew, and pounded into her, again heating her to the core. Her fingers dug into the wall, and she pressed her hips back for more. His hands roamed up to her tits again, and when he pinched her nipples, every nerve end detonated. He continued to seesaw in and out of her in a natural rhythm that spoke of lust and passion.

  She lowered her hands on the wall to change the angle, and on the next thrust, he filled her to the hilt and caused another climax to claim her—this one more powerful than the last. Holy crap. From her fingers down to her toes, she was glowing neon blue as tiny sparks flew off of her like mini fireworks.

  Seconds later, Kip’s hot seed blasted into her and he grunted and groaned. As his pulsating slowed, he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her shoulder. “That was amazing.”

  She’d remember this for a long time. Teagan slowly eased up and Kip stepped back. “Let me get something to clean us up with,” she said.

  Teagan walked across the hall to the bathroom, grabbed a clean towel, and wet it. Once she swiped herself, she returned and had a lot of fun cleaning him up.

  Kip grabbed the towel from her. “Enough. You want me to start all over again?”

  She was already a bit sore. “I’m good, but how about we put some clothes on and then talk?”

  Chapter Five


  Once Teagan and Kip dressed, they returned to the kitchen where she fixed two cups of coffee, needing the caffeine jolt to keep from falling apart. “Let’s sit in the living room. I know you have questions,” she said.

  “You can say that again.” Kip carried both cups over to the coffee table and set them down. She sat on the sofa and patted the seat next to her for Kip.

  “I bet you want to know why I had to pull away,” she said, not able to make eye contact.

  His lips pressed together. “You mean break up with me. I also would like to know why you refused to answer my calls. I’ll leave Randy’s injury out of the equation.”

  His words cut her deeply. “I’m sorry, but it was for your own good. I had another vision.” She held up her hand to stop him from commenting. “Actually, I’ve had several visions, but the last one was the worst.”

  Kip picked up his cup and blew the steam away from the liquid. “I appreciate you worrying about me, but I don’t need you or anyone else to watch over me. I can take care of myself.”

  “Randy probably thought the same thing and look what happened to him.”

  “I’m not Randy; besides, he was careless.” He sipped his coffee then set it down. “My brother has nothing to do with what happened between us.”

  This wasn’t going as she’d hoped. “I never meant to hurt you.”

  He looked off to the side and drew in one side of his mouth. “But you did.”

  “You’re not going to make this easy on me.”

  He leaned in closer and placed his hand on her wrist. “Should I?”

  Her stomach twisted. “No. You have every right to be angry and hurt. Remember the night we had our big fight?” she asked.

  “You mean when you practically hurled a book at my head?”

  He was being silly. “I didn’t know I had that talent then. It just happened.”

  Kip sank back against the sofa. “I realized that later. I’ve replayed every word in my head and can’t for the life of me figure out what I did wrong.”

  Teagan inhaled. “You did nothing wrong. I was the one with the problem.” She explained about the series of visions, starting with the first quick one and ending with her seeing him swimming in blood.

  “Why didn’t you warn me?”

  His concern-filled angst made her want to vomit as her heart dropped to her stomach. “The vision involved me being with you, so I figured if I wasn’t with you, then the event wouldn’t occur.”

  His brows rose. “Are you kidding me? You avoided me this whole time in an attempt to alter fate? Did you even think to talk to me about this? I thought what we had between us was special. Fuck. I’m more hurt because you didn’t trust me enough to tell me.”

  He made it sound worse than it was, though she couldn’t argue with his logic. “You’re right, but I thought if we were together, you might have been thinking about me—about us—and been careless like Randy.”

  Kip picked up his coffee once more and drank some.
“Are you saying you’d rather kick me out of your life because you’re afraid something bad will happen to me, than enjoy what we have together?”

  She dropped her head back. “I don’t know what I want. The way you just phrased it makes me sound like an idiot, but I had my reasons, and they were good ones too. Look, I’m confused about all of this. I do want you, but I’m not sure we belong together.”

  “You’re fucking kidding me, right? Did I just make love with a different woman? That woman and I belong together.”

  Waves of confusion slammed into her. “Can you give me some time to sort this out?”

  “Will it make a difference what I say?”

  Teagan couldn’t feel worse if she tried. “No.”

  Once more, he set down his cup. “Teagan, listen to me. Life can’t be planned like that. What happened to my brother was terrible, and hopefully in time, we’ll retrieve what was stolen.”

  “Stolen? What was taken?”

  “You don’t know? No, how could you? You don’t listen to my messages.” He told her that while the men hadn’t stolen anything from the house, Randy’s powers were gone.

  “What? How is that possible?”

  He shook his head. “I wish I knew. Randy thinks the knife they stabbed him with was imbued with some kind of special powers. Now, he can’t control electricity on any level.”

  Her heart ached. “Will he be okay though?”

  “In time.” He clasped her hands in his. “Bad things happen to good people. Maybe if we’d been warned, he wouldn’t have answered the door, though I understand that even with a warning, I might not be able to stop something from happening.”

  He didn’t seem to see the big picture, though now, she wasn’t sure if she really believed her rationale either. Teagan’s powers of premonition might not be as powerful as she’d thought. “I get it, I do, but I still need time.”

  Kip scooted closer and stroked her face. “As long as you keep me in the loop, I’ll give you all the time you need.”

  She couldn’t ask for more. “Thank you.”

  He stood. “You have a lot of thinking to do, and I have a lot of calls to make. Somehow, I have to figure out a way to help Randy get his magic back.”


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