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Two Doms for Vicki [Pleasure, Montana 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Melody Snow Monroe

She was totally exhausted, but she wouldn’t give up a chance to be with Clint. For the next two months, her world would be centered around Sanford, and she wanted to spend time with Clint.

  She leaned close. “What do you have in mind?”

  “Well, if you’re up for it, how about going to the Pack & Save and picking up some stuff for dinner. It will be romantic to cook together.”

  Because their sister was a consummate chef, neither one of Chelsea’s brothers had ever learned to cook. “You know how?”

  He puffed out his chest. “Hell no, but that’ll be the fun of it.”

  Oh, boy. She couldn’t wait.

  * * * *

  Being back in the office without Sanford lost some of its appeal. If Vicki ventured out to the main area, she could hear Ms. Bailey in her cubicle chatting away on the phone. She couldn’t tell if Ms. Bailey had volunteered so it would give her an excuse to get recipes and catch up on the lives of her former students, or if the personal connection would really garner votes.

  Each of the volunteers had the list of Sanford’s priorities, but when he returned she believed it might not be a bad idea to go over what he stood for again. One time, she’d heard Evelyn talk about a topic that sounded like it would support Megan’s candidacy more than Sanford’s.

  Vicki had emerged one time to find all three bickering. Apparently, they were discussing the copy machine. Seems Ms. Bailey believed she was an expert, but Earl Samples had other ideas.

  Between the frequent coffee stops and checking on the volunteers, five o’clock came around too soon. Earl knocked on her door. “We’re all heading out. I wrote up a report and e-mailed it to Sanford.”

  She waited a beat to see if he would salute her, but he didn’t. She smiled. “I’ll let him know.”

  The office was quiet for about fifteen minutes until the bell above the door dinged. It was Clint, ready to take her on their shopping and cooking adventure. Depending on what time Sanford got back from his meeting with Sayles, she might get some very alone time with Clint. Would he be as strict as Sanford in the bedroom? Could she convince him to use some restraints?

  “Hey, darlin’. Looks like you’re ready.”

  She’d shut down her computer and had cleared off her desk. “Yup.” She stood and slipped on her jacket. “I don’t have a key to lock up.”

  “I do.”

  “Perfect.” She turned off the overhead lights, and together they left.

  After Clint locked the doors, he escorted her around the end of the block to the alley behind the sheriff’s office where he’d parked.

  While Vicki had dressed up for her first day at work, wearing a dress might not have been the smartest move, especially with the cold snaking up her bare legs. “Brr. It feels like snow.”

  “I hope not.”

  “Tell that to the snow clouds.” She pointed to the sky.

  “We better hurry then. Maybe we should buy an extra amount of food in case we get snowed in.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You can always raid the Mountain View kitchen if the heavens open up.” She reminded him of the party right before they came home from the war the first time.

  “I remember Luke telling me about it. They were holed up for a couple of days. I think that kind of solidified my sister’s relationship with her men.”

  “Very true.”

  She should be so lucky. She climbed in his truck, sorting through her food options. He started the engine, and cold air poured out of the vents. He slipped the dial to heat.

  Vicki had no idea whether Clint liked to plan or wing it. He had been the more carefree brother, but they’d matured since they were home last, and both seemed more serious. Maybe exposure to war did that to a person.

  “Any idea what we’re going to make for dinner?”

  He glanced over at her as he pulled out on Main Street and headed toward Ash Boulevard. Pack & Save was only three blocks away. Since it was situated on the same street as her office, she was tempted to have him drive by but decided she needed to trust Kim.

  Clint shoved his hand in his pocket and withdrew a crumpled piece of paper. “I asked Chelsea to write down a few ideas.” He handed her the piece of paper.

  “Any recipe she has will be good.”

  He grinned. “That’s was I was thinking. As they say, it’s not what you know, but who you know.”

  The parking lot was rather full for a Monday evening. Clint cut the engine and rushed over to her side to help her out.

  “Which meal looks good to you?” he asked.

  She smoothed out the paper. Good old Chelsea. She knew some of Vicki’s favorites. “I think the chicken casserole looks easy.”

  “Chicken it is.”

  Once inside, he pulled out a cart and started on the right side of the store. He went down each aisle as if he didn’t want to miss out on anything.

  “She didn’t give us any desserts. I wonder why she omitted putting some down as your sister’s specialty is dessert.”

  “Chelsea said the things she makes are too fancy for a ‘novice’ like me. How about brownies? What we don’t eat, I can bring to the office tomorrow.”

  She probably shouldn’t even eat dessert tonight. She’d already given in to Evelyn’s chocolate chip cookies too frequently today, and her belly was bulging enough, but Clint sounded so enthusiastic, and she didn’t want him not to have any because she needed to go on a diet. “Brownies it is.”

  After they gathered the needed items, they checked out, and Vicki couldn’t help but pimp Sanford to the check-out girl.

  Clint wheeled the cart to the truck. “You know everyone, don’t you?”

  “No. I just come here a lot.”

  He insisted she get in the cab to stay warm while he put the groceries in back. The return trip took only a few minutes. Once more he parked behind the bar, and then used the small alley that ran along the building to go up to the apartment. Walking through the bar and grill laden with groceries wouldn’t be cool.

  Once up the steps, she went inside where the apartment was warm and toasty.

  “Let me help put the food away.” Vicki set her bag of groceries on the counter.

  She had to ask many times where he wanted the items. Once the food was put away, she pulled out the sheet of paper with the recipes on them.

  “Where do you want to start?” She looked up at him.

  Clint pulled her to his chest. “How about right here?”

  Chapter Nine

  Clint’s kiss was like snow to a mountain stream. Unless he told her not to move, Vicki wasn’t just going to stand there. She wanted to enjoy every inch of the man and wrapped her arms around his neck, thoroughly giving his lips some loving. He groaned as he rubbed her rear and kissed her hard.

  He stepped back. “Oh, darlin’, I can’t tell you how I’ve been waiting all day for this, but if I don’t stop right now, we won’t be eating until midnight.” He grabbed her hand and placed it on his crotch.

  His cock was big and hard, and she bet throbbing. “Oh, my. Can I get a rain check?”

  He leaned down and inhaled. “Trust me when I say that is a given.” He tapped her butt. “Let’s get a cookin’.”

  Not surprisingly, Clint had no idea where Luke or Preston kept any of their pots and pans.

  “Over here,” he called. Clint waved an oblong glass dish that would be perfect for the casserole.

  “We need a frying pan, olive oil, and the chicken,” she noted after rereading the recipe.

  He grinned. “Check.”

  He was too cute. They both focused on organizing the meal to make sure he didn’t need to run downstairs for something they forgot.

  Clint looked around. “Okay now what?”

  She placed the frying pan on the stove. “How about if you chop up the chicken breast first. It will cook faster that way.”

  He drew in his bottom lip. “Okay.”

  He pulled a butter knife from the drawer, placed the chicken on a cutting board, and attempted
to saw through it.

  She moved next to him. “I know what you’re doing.”

  His mouth opened. “Moi? What am I doing?”

  “You’re pretending to be completely inept so I’ll do all the work.”

  He set down the knife and drew her into his arms. “Is it working?”

  She punched him in the chest and laughed. “Not on your life. You have been tasked with chopping the bird. Now do it.” She tried to use her sternest voice.

  He spun her around, bent her over, and paddled her bottom twice. She laughed, but it was out of surprise. The spanking hadn’t stung.

  He straightened her up and turned her around. “I give the commands, young lady. And don’t you forget it.” He might have winked as he wagged a finger, but she heard the seriousness of his voice underneath.

  She saluted and pretended all was well. “Of course, Sir. What would you like me to do next?”

  “Truthfully, I’d like to see you naked, sitting on the counter with your legs spread, begging me to impale you.”

  Once more her laugh erupted from nervousness, but her pussy sure liked the idea. “I thought you wanted to eat first.”

  “First and last.” He kissed her hard then moved back. “But you are right. We need to eat this food.” He walked over to the block of wood that held the sharp knives and withdrew one.

  It wasn’t the one she would have chosen to cut chicken, but it would do the trick. “I’ll cut the mushrooms,” she offered.

  This time they managed to finish the chore without any further kissing delays. Once they assembled the meal and placed it in the oven, they’d have time for some recreation.

  Clint picked up the can of green beans and mushroom soup. “What about these?”

  She wished they’d had fresh vegetables, but she had no idea, nor did Clint, if Luke and Preston had a steamer. “Open the can, toss it in another dish and slather on the soup.”

  His chin tucked in. “That doesn’t sound hard.”

  “It isn’t.”

  He glanced over at her again. “Are you patronizing me again?”

  She really didn’t want another spanking, at least not until she was naked. “No, Sir.”

  He grinned and did as she’d directed. They’d purchased rolls, but they could be heated after they took out the casserole.

  They placed the two dishes in the oven and turned on the timer.

  He approached her, clasped her waist, and walked her backwards. She looked behind her.

  “Look at me, Vicki.” She did. “I won’t let you trip. In fact, close your eyes.”

  She took a split second to decide. The worst case would be she bumped into something, so she obeyed.

  “Good girl.” They stopped about twenty steps later. “We’re now in my bedroom. Keep your eyes closed and stand right there.”

  The forcefulness of his words had her pussy dripping. What was up with that? She thought she liked plain vanilla sex, but adding the domination thing to the mix heightened every one of her senses.

  Drawers opened. Oh, my God. Was he going to handcuff her to the bed or something? She never thought she’d like something like that, but after hearing all her friends tell her how wonderful it was, she wanted to give it a try. She really wanted to look, but that might spoil any surprise.

  He returned. “I like how you’re willing to do what I ask.”

  Uh-oh. What would he want her to do now?

  “Keep your eyes closed and take off my clothes.”

  His clothes? Yes! This was a fantasy come true. “Yes, Sir. I’d be happy to.”

  “Don’t cheat now.”

  Where would the fun be in that? She reached out and found him a foot in front of her. He was still in his uniform. Unbuttoning his shirt was not only easy but fun. Now for some skin time. She ran her hands up his chest but only got halfway when he clasped her wrists.

  “Undress does not mean seduce. Touch my clothes only.”

  “That’s not as much fun.”

  One arm wrapped around her waist, and he tugged her hard against him. “What did we say about challenging us?”

  She couldn’t remember. “What?”

  “I know what will give you the best climax in the world. By not being able to touch me, you’ll want it more when I finally crawl on top and drive my cock into you.”

  She loved when he talked dirty to her. His words did hold some logic. “I won’t question you again, Sir.” She wanted to ask if this Dom stuff was a twenty-four hour a day requirement, but why spoil the fun?

  She slid his open shirt off his shoulders and let it drop to the floor. Only then did she realize her possible mistake. This was his good dress shirt. “Would you like me to fold your uniform for you, Sir?”

  He laughed. “You are amazing. Yes, my little sub, but remember not to open your eyes.”

  That would be hard, but she wanted to please. She squatted, patted the ground, and bumped into his legs. She thought he’d move, but he didn’t. With her ass high in the air, she crawled around him and found the shirt right behind his feet. She picked it up and neatly folded it. Now she had to find the dresser.

  She stood. Taking tiny steps she reached the wall, and then sidestepped to where she thought the dresser was. Wrong. She misjudged it and knocked her hip against the corner. “Ouch.”

  He was by her side in a flash. “Did you hurt yourself, darlin’? I never should have made you do that.”

  She rubbed her hip, but the pain was gone in a flash. “I’m good.”

  “From now on, just leave my clothes on the ground.” He removed his shirt from her grasp and presumably placed his uniform on the dresser. “Come back to the middle of the room where you won’t bump into anything.”

  That was sweet of him. From her quick touch, he wasn’t wearing an undershirt. Before she could get to the really good part, she’d have to take off his boots. “Can you sit on the bed so I can take off your shoes?”

  “Yes, darlin’.”

  He grabbed her hand and she followed him. From the change in angle, she could tell when he sat. To get her bearings, she reached out until she touched his knee. Darn. She was hoping for something closer to his cock. She knelt and was able to get his boots and socks off with a few quick tugs. Now she was ready for the good part.

  “Can you now stand, Sir?” She looked up at him even though she kept her eyes closed.

  He did. Using an open palm she patted his leg, accidentally on purpose, running into the bulge.

  “Careful there.”

  She pressed her lips together. She’d barely touched him. Not wanting him to announce he decided not to reciprocate, she carefully undid the button on his waistband and unzipped his pants. She wanted to touch him, but she needed to delay her gratification a little longer. One tug and his pants fell to the ground. Holding on to the pants leg, she asked him to step out. Soon he was left with only his underwear.

  She reached up, felt for the elastic waist, and tugged. The band caught on his cock. “Whoops.”

  She lifted it over his erection and lowered his underwear. After he stepped out of them, too, she expected him to tell her to suck on his cock.

  Instead, he lifted her up to a stand. “Now it’s my turn.”

  Her heart raced, and her nipples hardened even before he touched her. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her with such softness she might have mistaken him for a puff of wind. His light touch continued down her chin to the hollow of her throat.

  “I could spend hours loving you.”

  “We don’t have hours.” Which meant he’d have to hurry. She’d been about to add that if they ignored the oven timer when it went off, not only would it be quite annoying, but the smell of burnt food would permeate the entire apartment.

  “You look hot in this dress. Besides, it’s kind of in the way.” He stepped back. “Take it off.”

  A stab of disappointment shot through her. Didn’t he want to be the one to ease the clothes off her body? “Could you do me a favor, Sir?”


  “Could you turn off the lights?” She expected him to ask why, but she wasn’t ready to tell him she was still embarrassed by her body.

  Even though her eyes were closed, the change in light was noticeable. “Thank you.”

  “I’m glad you asked. I don’t want you uncomfortable.”

  He did seem earnest about knowing her likes and dislikes. She, however, failed to understand how her undressing herself would build her desire, but she’d obey. Maybe that was the point—to see if she would do as he asked.

  Pleased she’d perhaps figured him out, she unbuttoned her shirtwaist dress. Once open, all she had to do was slip the jersey material over her shoulders and let gravity do the rest. Now she wished she hadn’t worn a slip, but it had been cold this morning. She bent down to grab the hem, and slowly lifted it over her head.

  “Oh, darlin’, you are a sight for sore eyes.”

  Heat raced up her face. He was just saying that. He couldn’t see all that much, could he? Once the slip came off, she was down to her bra and panties—make that her red-hot bra and panties. Fancy lingerie was her one splurge.

  In a flash, he lifted her off the ground. “I can’t wait. This is too good to waste.”

  He set her on the bed and crawled on top of her. His kisses came out strong and determined as if he wouldn’t last long if he didn’t kiss her. Her body thrilled to his passionate demands.

  He sat up. “Get on your knees and face me.”

  She hadn’t anticipated that command, but once more she followed his instruction. He popped open the hook on her bra, and she reveled in the freedom.

  “I know your eyes are closed, but I’m licking my lips waiting to taste you.” As Clint spoke, he lowered the straps. He hissed when the top exposed her breasts.

  Could he really see that much? “May I touch you, Sir?” She hoped he wouldn’t get upset if she asked first. Sanford, she was certain, would have said no.

  “Perhaps later if you’re a good little girl.”

  Little she’d never be, but she would work on the good part. She smiled. He dragged a thumb across her lips and need exploded between her legs. He finished lowering her bra down her arms.


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