The Goodwill Gesture

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by McKay, KC

  Chapter 11

  The hydraulics of the pipe bender pumped away as I operated the controls. Once I was satisfied that the new pipe was a pretty good replica of the old one, I disengaged and unclamped the work. Charlotte was on hand to witness everything and took her required readings and measurements.

  She pored over the paperwork time and time again, flipping back and forth. I think she enjoyed watching me squirm, only I wasn't. I just wanted her to fail the damn thing so Darcy and I could go about bringing Clark down. And if Charlotte got caught in the crossfire, so be it.

  She rapped the end of her pen against her teeth. "Well, I hate to say it, Chambers, but it passed."

  "What?" I yanked the paperwork out of her hands. "It can't. No, it's shit. Fail it, dammit." I scoured over the papers. She had passed it.

  "Believe me, I wanted to." She tucked some loose blonde hair behind her ear. "But, it's good to go. And lucky for you. The PMA would've had your sack if you screwed this up." She poked me in the chest. "You might be shit in bed, but I'm a professional. Your lack of performance does not affect mine."

  I swiped my hand over my mouth, wiping away any sweat on my upper lip. "Look, Charlotte, I have to tell you something. Clark actually—"

  "Clark actually what?" Bob stood over my shoulder.

  I grabbed my chest. "Holy crap. You scared the Bejesus out of me.

  "I bet I did." He leaned in closer. "Clark actually what?" His lip quivered under his moustache.

  Charlotte looked on with interest.

  "Umm, I was about to say that you prepped it, so no wonder it passed." I slapped the side of his shoulder. "Thanks for that, Bob."

  "Anytime. Now get your ass down to the boat and get it installed." He stepped to one side to let me pass.

  Now what? Novak hadn't given me any guidance what to do if it passed. I was at a loss. Could I confide in Charlotte right in front of Clark about what he did? It didn't feel like a wise thing to do.

  "Chambers!" Clark bellowed. "I gave you an order. Now get that pipe and your ass down on that boat ASAP, or I'm putting you on report."

  My bowels rumbled.

  "Wait just a gol dang minute, there." Billy Earl came walking across the shop floor with Lt. Novak close behind him. "That can't be a legitimate pipe. I told Petty Officer Clark we didn't have the correct pipe and I couldn't get it for another two days. He told me not to worry about it. That can't be one piece."

  "What are you talking about, you moonshine mongrel?" Clark snapped. "Chambers did the job. Are you sayin' he cheated?"

  Novak glared at him. "No, Petty Officer Clark, I'm saying you cheated. I have two witnesses that say you put it together." She looked at Charlotte. "X-ray the pipe, Petty Officer Kemp. If it's two pieces, Clark, you're busted."

  Charlotte took the pipe over to the QA lab and x-rayed it while we all waited for the results. Not that there was any big surprise when she returned and announced that it had in fact been welded together and was not an acceptable repair. Howard Howard stood next to her as she delivered her verdict, nodding his head in angered agreement.

  Lt. Novak snatched the paperwork out of her hand and ordered Clark and Charlotte to follow her to the PMA's office.

  Billy Earl and I went to the shop office and sat down. I pulled out a cigarette and eyed over my hillbilly friend. He certainly was a mystery.

  I took a drag and studied the end of my cigarette for a moment, before looking at Billy Earl. "So what was that all about?"

  "That rascal's been buggin' me." He plopped his feet on the desk. "He thinks I'm dumber than a kindergartener in the sixth grade, and he says mean things about my ma. I'm fed up with it. He's gonna kill somebody one day. So I told on him to Lieutenant Novak. She'll fix 'im." He took his hat off and ran his hand through his balding hair. "She sure is pretty, ain't she?"

  I shuddered at the mere thought that Billy Earl may have harbored indecent thoughts about Lt. Novak. At least he did have good taste. And his timing was pretty good too. I wasn't sure what fate Bob would suffer, but I would no doubt score big points with Darcy for bringing about his downfall. I gave her what she wanted. She'd have to be pleased with me.


  I didn't see Bob for the rest of the day. In fact, things were unusually quiet considering the pipe shop was responsible for the Thomas missing its underway time, but there was nothing we could do about it until the new pipe came in.

  Lt. Novak summoned me to her office last thing in the work day. When I arrived, it was just her and me. Perfect. I prepared myself to remain modest while she heaped praise on me. Maybe a little blowjob as a way of saying thanks would be in order. I smiled at the impossible yet arousing fantasy.

  She looked at me for several moments without speaking. I had to keep averting my eyes to avoid giving her lustful looks. I knew I was her newfound hero, but I needed to remain professional.

  She blew a breath up, fluttering her bangs. "Well, I should say 'good job,' Chambers, but my troubles have just begun."

  "Clark got fired, right?" I asked.

  She nodded.

  "Well, then." I brushed my hands together. "Job done." I smiled.

  "Not quite. The PMA went ballistic."

  I offered a 'What's new?' kind of look.

  "Oh, he's going to bust Clark and send him off Site Bravo. And he'll get kicked out of the Navy." She ran a hand through her short hair. "But the boss wants to know who's going to run the show in that shop now."

  I cradled my chin in my palm. "Oh yeah. I see your problem. Who will run it?"

  She drew a deep breath. "You."

  I jumped out of the chair. "Me? Uh-uh. No way." I sliced my hand through the air. "I'd just fuck everything up. Uh-uh." I paced. "No way, Darcy, not—" Did I just call her Darcy? We looked at each other, both of us drop-jawed. "I mean Lieutenant Novak. Ma'am." Drips of sweat tickled my brows.

  She stood up and placed her hands on her hips. "Well, I was stuck. The PMA badgered me and I had to give him someone quick. And if I didn't think you could do it I wouldn't have put you forward."

  "But, ma'am, I'm only a second class petty officer." I pointed to the emblem on my arm indicating my rank. "The pipe shop always has a first class or even a Chief running it."

  "Look, Chambers, I just sang your praises to Commander Gentry and said you could handle it. I stuck my neck out. If you screw this up, I look bad and may never see another promotion myself. I'll help you as much as I can, but it's your shop now." Her eyes went soft — pleading like. "C'mon, Zac. I need some help here." She held her hand out for us to shake on it.

  What a nightmare. I shook her hand. She had a firm handshake for a woman. I thought about having that hand firmly wrapped around my rock hard—

  Holy crap. Not now. I reminded myself I was depressed, not horny.

  She smiled. "Good. I'm glad you saw it my way. Welcome to the big league. Now get some rest. I need you fresh first thing tomorrow morning."

  "Yes, ma'am." I turned and walked out with my shoulders slumped.

  A simple slip-up didn't look likely to get me out from under the blanket of responsibility. It would have to be colossal — so big in fact, I'd probably have to serve some time in the brig before getting a dishonorable discharge to get out of this.

  Darcy was putting her faith and possibly her career in my care. Nobody had ever banked on me before. I'd have to do it for her. I briefly looked skyward and prayed I wouldn't screw it up. I didn't want to disappoint her.

  Chapter 12

  Over the next few months things went fairly smooth. I got the work done on time, which kept the PMA off Darcy's back, which kept her happy. And if she was happy, I was happy.

  Being good at my job took its toll. Feeling a little run down, I wanted a break. With my bunk being on the ship, I never really got away from work. If there was a question concerning a job, no one ever hesitated to wake me up and ask for my opinion, guidance or wisdom. I usually didn't mind because it made me feel smart and needed, but it also sucked never being
able to get away from it completely.

  I eventually had a weekend off and wanted to make sure I had uninterrupted liberty to indulge myself in unlimited drinking and no-name sex. After all, I was a sailor and that's what we were supposed to do. I had an obligation to uphold Naval traditions.

  Once liberty call was announced Friday afternoon, I headed for Glasgow some thirty miles away. The city had a population of over 800,000. Out of a city that size, finding three or four horny girls would be a cinch. And if that failed, I could always find one drunk one. I planned on getting a nice yet reasonably priced hotel, and letting the good times roll.

  The sun sent out sporadic rays of brightness in between rolling covers of clouds as I walked down the pier leaving the ship behind, but I was happy enough that the passing shadows of darkness didn't dampen my spirits. I was ready to sock it to the gals of Glasgow.

  A taxi took me to the ferry and I crossed the River Clyde as a foot passenger, then made my way to the train station to get to the big city. I found the line for the ticket counter and waited for my turn as excitement crept through my body, wondering what kind of girl I would find. Maybe I'd hook up with a lass with big hooters. I went into a daydream, but was broken out of my fantasy with Miss No-Name with the big tits by a tap on the shoulder.

  "Hi, Chambers. What are you doing here?"

  I turned around and my heart fluttered. "Oh, hi, Dar— I mean, Miss No— I mean, Lieutenant Novak."

  She wore tight-fitting denim jeans, tucked into mid-shin high leather moccasins, with cut fringe hanging down the sides. Her plain white shirt mostly hid under a leather bomber jacket. She had hold of a carry bag, and a brown suede purse slung over her shoulder. "Off anywhere nice?" Her eyes were as sweet as her voice. She always looked hot in her uniform, but her civilian look took her to a different level of heat.

  I was mesmerized by her beauty and left speechless. "Umm…" I suffered brain freeze and just stared at her.

  "You're not going to the Edinburgh Tattoo by any chance, are you? That would be too funny." She held a look of innocence.

  Oh my God. She was serious. I didn't think officers were allowed to get tattoos, but she just admitted it. Maybe if she got one on her ass I could watch. "Umm, yes, ma'am… I was. That's where I'm going. To Edinburgh. That's right. What a coincidence." I sounded excited because I was. Edinburgh was a big city too, and the capital of Scotland. Maybe after we got our tattoos, we could have a beer together and talk or something. Except she probably wouldn't drink beer. Maybe a Cosmopolitan or a Manhattan. Something sophisticated for sure. I knew I couldn't have sex with her or anything, but it would be nice to share her company for a while. After all, she was my boss, so it wouldn't hurt to get to know her a little better.

  She smiled. "Would you believe it?" She pointed at a map stand in the middle of the station. "Why don't I wait over there while you get your ticket? Maybe we could ride over together, that is if you're not traveling in first class." She laughed and swatted her hand at me. "I can't afford that kind of luxury."

  "Sure thing, ma'am. That would be nice to have a travel companion."

  As she turned and walked away, I watched her tight ass sashay over to the map stand. The rest of my body melted as my loin grew twitchy. I had to perish thoughts of lust. We were just colleagues taking a train ride together. Like buddies. Yes, I needed to remain professional. That was us. Two, non-fucking professionals. I could handle it, but could she?

  Once I made my way to the counter I asked for a ticket to Edinburgh. As the lady issued the ticket, I leaned in closer. "Excuse me, are there many tattoo parlors in Edinburgh?"

  Her round face stared at me looking puzzled.

  "You know?" I urged. "The Edinburgh Tattoo thingy… it's a big thing, right?"

  "Oh, you daft begger. It's a festival."

  "A festival?"

  "Oh, aye, it's a grand event," she gushed. "Military bands marching and playing. Aye, the bagpipes are magnificent. And they bring some bands from your country over too. You'll enjoy it, laddie." She slid my ticket under the window.

  "So, it's not like ink tattoos or anything?"

  She chuckled. "You Yanks do make me laugh." She moved her head to one side to look around me — my cue to get out of the way.

  I scooped up my ticket and headed over to Darcy, waving the rail pass over my head. "Got it," I said beaming.

  She smiled back.

  "I love military bands," I said. "I can't wait to hear those bagpipes. Who would have thought we'd be going over there together? I told Billy Earl, I mean McClure, I was coming to the Tattoo, and he thought I was going to get a naked lady on my arm or something." I shook my head in mock disbelief. "What a hick. Those Kentucky bumpkins are the thickest on the planet. I guess he can't help it his Ma and Pa were cousins."

  She held her hand over her mouth and faked a gasp. "You don't say."

  I nodded and was pleased that she shared my sense of humor. That would help me relax around her.

  The announcement board showed the train to Edinburgh was loading on platform three. I pointed to it. "Shall we go, Lieutenant? Our chariot awaits."

  She placed her hand on the back of my bicep. "Look, we're off the ship and just happen to be sharing a train together. I think under the circumstances, you can call me Darcy. Lieutenant seems so formal." Her gray eyes sparkled. "Deal… Zac?"

  Hardly able to contain my disbelief, I eventually recomposed myself and closed my mouth, then slowly turned it into a smile. "Deal, Darcy." I held my arm out to escort her. She obliged and looped her arm through mine.

  Chapter 13

  People stared at us as we walked past them on the way to the train. The fact that Darcy was the most beautiful woman in Scotland must have had a lot to do with the looks of envy we received. I pretended she was my girlfriend for those precious moments and strutted like a proud peacock. I couldn't have her, but they didn't know that.

  My stomach flip-flopped from the excitement of Darcy embracing my arm all the way to the train. I let her enter the train first and had to fight the temptation of giving her a helping hand up by the ass. I simply licked my lips instead as I watched her board.

  We wandered down the aisle and stopped when she found empty seats. There were four seats together, two on either side of a table. I quickly hoisted our bags into the overhead rack while she slid in next to the window. I sat opposite her so I'd have a clear view of her perfect face.

  The stagehand blew his whistle and shortly thereafter the train rolled away from the platform. Darcy held a contented smile as she looked out the window while the train gathered speed.

  I drummed my fingers on the table. "Well, looks like we're away from Sacred Loch and Site Bravo for the weekend." I offered a reassuring smile.

  "Chambers— I mean Zac. Can we make a deal? Can we not talk about work? This is my escape. That's why I suggested we use first names." She leaned forward. "And you do know that's just for this trip, right?"

  I gave her my 'I'm not a dumb-shit' look. "Of course I know that."

  "Good." She patted my hand. "I just want a relaxing weekend with a work colleague, which you are. It wouldn't be unusual for a division officer to spend time with one of her supervisors, you know, professionally, but on this particular occasion, I don't want to talk about work."

  I looked at the top of my hand where she just touched me and a warmth spread through my body. "Ma'am, just think of me as Danny Discretion." I pretended to zip my lip. "If we were driving, I could park in a handicap spot for being a deaf mute. I say nothing. What happens in Edinburgh, stays in Edinburgh."

  Her face went solemn. "And just what do you think might happen in Edinburgh?"

  Uh-oh. Perhaps I overstated my discretion. I sliced my hand through the air. "Nothing, ma'am. Absolutely nothing. It's just an expression. But you know, if you went out of control and lost your money gambling or something, I wouldn't tell a soul. Honest." I needed to remind myself that she was off the agenda. It felt like I was planning an affair with
a married woman or something. The truth was she was so attractive I could barely look at her without thinking about sex. I needed to shut up before she thought I was a babbling idiot.

  She cocked her head and held a look of concern. "Do I make you nervous, Zac?"

  "No, of course—" I stopped myself. Perhaps I could benefit more if I let her see my vulnerable side. "Well, ma'am—"


  "Sorry. Of course, Darcy." I rested my hands in the middle of the table in case she wanted to clutch them.

  "We've only ever talked professionally before, so it's almost like a first—" I stopped before I said something that might sound inappropriate.

  "A first date?" She leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table, bridged her hands and rested her chin on them. "It's okay. I understand. Would it help if you thought of me as a sister?"

  A sister? No way! That might be okay for that incestuous hillbilly McClure, but there was no way I wanted to think of her as a sister. Not even a cousin. I leaned my head to one side. "Umm… how about a substitute teacher?"

  She leaned back in her seat and smiled. "How so?"

  "Well… maybe the mean, grumpy old teacher lady is off sick, with… I don't know, menopause. And the young intern comes in to take over the class. Of course, I'd do what I could to help the sub, just out of kindness—like, but I'd know there were clear boundaries."

  "So, you'd be like the teacher's pet?"

  "If the teacher wanted a pet, yes, it would be me."

  She pinched her bottom lip together.

  Holy crap was that ever sexy.

  She gently narrowed her eyes. "You know teachers can't have favorites, right?"

  "Don't subs play by different rules?"


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