The Goodwill Gesture
Page 14
She clutched my hand across the table. "Look, becoming an officer is a long term investment. I wouldn't suggest it just so we could… umm…"
"Goodwill each other?"
She laughed. "Yes, goodwill each other. I think you're clever, and I've seen the way you handle yourself around the PMA and Master Chief. You stand up to the pressure well, your men respect you, and they perform well under your guidance. And Shakespeare… well…. I think you'd be an asset to the Navy as an officer."
I was actually getting high praise from someone I admired and respected. I had a hard time believing her, but she didn't have any reason to lie to me. She could have me anytime she wanted, she didn't need to pump my ego. There was no reason for her to be artificially kind.
But people in the Navy got transferred all the time. So even if I was an officer that wouldn't mean we'd spend time together. And why would someone like her try to get me commissioned when she could have any guy she wanted? It would take a good few years for me to become an officer, and I wanted her now.
I sipped my wine. "Thank you, Darcy. I'm really touched that you think so highly of my abilities, but I'm not really officer material. I mean, I still drink beer from a can and stuff like that."
She grasped my hand tighter. "Zac, you're so cute. They'd send you to knife and fork school to teach you how to eat and drink properly before they'd let you have command of your own vessel." She patted my hand and returned her attention to her sea bass. "Don't sell yourself short. Just promise me you'll think about it."
I stared at her as she wrapped her lips around her fork, slipping a piece of fish into her mouth. I pushed my shoes off and wrapped both feet around her leg, stroking it up and down. "Do you think you could show me some of the fringe benefits of being an officer? You know, like, do officers invite other officers in for a nightcap when they get dropped off after a business dinner?"
She pointed at me with her fork. "If a particular officer keeps stroking my leg like he is, he's going to get a lot more than just a nightcap."
I raised my glass toward her. "Lieutenant Novak, I shall seriously consider your suggestion about becoming an officer."
"Good." She scrunched her shoulders up and smiled. "I can hardly wait for the nightcap."
Chapter 23
The taxi dropped us off at Darcy's place and she invited me in.
She left me in the living room to look around while she stepped into the kitchen to fix us a drink. I walked over to a wall hosting several photographs. A stylish guy in a tweed jacket held a horse by the reins, which had a wreath around its neck reading 'Winner.' The man had a big cigar hanging from the side of his mouth and wore a huge smile. He had jet-black hair like Darcy, with touches of gray showing around the edges.
In another picture, the same guy stood with his arm around Darcy, and an attractive blonde woman stood on the other side, also embracing her. Darcy stood in the middle, smiling and wearing a graduation cap and gown. They looked very proud of her.
Then one caught my eye. Darcy wore a blue and white cheerleading outfit. A University of Kentucky Wildcat mascot hoisted her into the air, holding her up with his paw on her ass. She had her arms extended overhead, with a blue pom-pom in one hand and a white one in the other. The skirt barely covered anything. I looked closely to see whether her panties were visible.
"Trying to look up my dress?"
I wheeled around, embarrassed. How did she what I was doing? Darcy stood there smiling with two brandies in her hands. She placed them on the coffee table, then came over and explained the photos to me.
We moved over to her lavender couch and sat down. She pushed a brandy my way and offered me one of my chocolates.
I made a visual sweep of her apartment. "So, what brings a guy like me to a place like this?"
She arched her eyebrows. "You don't like it?"
"I couldn't think of any place I'd rather be. It's just, you know…" I moved my finger between the two of us. "…you, and me. The illegalness of it all."
"I'm not sure illegalness is a word."
"You know what I mean." I took a sip of brandy. "You, an officer; me, an enlisted guy."
"Do you know you're killing the moment?" She reached for a piece of chocolate and popped it in her mouth.
"Sorry." I wasn't sure if I should just rip her clothes off as an apology or not. "I guess I kind of wonder what you see in me. I hope I'm not just eye candy."
Darcy burst out laughing. "Well, that's part of it." She placed her hand behind my head, gently touching my hair. "And you do make me laugh. I need that." She kicked off her shoes and tucked her feet behind her on the couch, angling her body toward me. "Okay, I've really enjoyed tonight and I don't want to put you off your stride, so I'll tell you."
Whatever it was, it sounded ominous. I hoped she wasn't going to dump me before we got started.
She took a sip of brandy and drew a deep breath. "You make me feel special, Zac. You do your best to comfort me. Even though there are strict divides in place, you seem to find a way to skirt around them to let me know that you care about what happens to me, even if it means you may have to suffer the consequences. I see you as a risk-taker, and you're also a very kind and caring individual, with gentlemanly values and qualities. On top of all that, you turn me on like no other guy ever has." Her hand brushed my cheek. "And this brooch you bought me…" she looked down at it, "I cried when I got home that night. Then I was so nervous getting ready for tonight, I almost forgot to put it on."
I rested my arm on top of hers and stroked the back of her head. "Really? You were nervous?"
She nodded. "Like pee my pants kind of nervous."
Oh my God. I hit her vulnerable side. On top of that, I wasn't even sure I had a mature side, but she seemed to like it, wherever it was. I moved closer. "Can I kiss you?"
Her lips brushed against mine and she spoke just above a whisper. "Anywhere you like."
Tingles jetted through my body as our lips touched. As I grew hard, the rubbing against the fabric of my cotton boxers added a heightened sensation to the simple act of just growing hard. Perhaps the Brits had the right idea about wearing softer, looser clothing. It certainly offered more freedom than the friction and restraint of a pair of jeans.
My tongue plunged into her mouth, enjoying her sweet chocolate taste. I grabbed the back of her head, forcing myself deeper into her mouth. She moaned while her hands went into a frenzy, searching my body.
My fingers fiddled with her buttons under the frilly ruffles concealing them.
She groaned in frustration at my slowness. "I want you, Zac," she panted.
Grabbing each side of her frock, I yanked hard, ripping it open and sending buttons flying in every direction. Her arms wiggled, freeing herself of the blouse as I pulled the sleeves down, our lips still locked in bliss.
She grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it over my head, our kiss briefly interrupted to let the shirt pass between our mouths.
"I want you," I growled. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever been with."
She stood up and took my hand, leading me to the bedroom. Lacy pillows decorated the top half of her double bed.
As we faced each other, I draped my hands behind her back, releasing her bra. My fingertips dragged from her back, across her ribcage to her chest, with the gentlest of contact. She visibly shuddered at my touch.
I pinched the tops of her A-cups with my fingers and thumbs. I teased myself, lowering her bra just enough to reveal the top edge of her nipples. My whole body tremored with anticipation. I lowered her bra further, showing the erectness of her tips poking straight out. My little peep show induced a raging hard-on like never before. But then, I never had a woman as beautiful as her before. She stared at me with serious 'fuck me' eyes.
Finally letting her bra drop to expose her petiteness in full glory, I admired her small breasts for several breathtaking moments before stepping in, leaning down, and taking her in my mouth, while caressing her other breast and playing with her hard n
ipple. She cast her head back and moaned.
I guided her to the bed. As she lay there biting her knuckle, I removed her pants and red satin panties.
Her attention focused on me as she spread her legs.
I licked my lips in appreciation. "Did you know, when I fantasize about you, I think of you as 'Delicious Darcy'?"
She stretched her arms toward me, wiggling her fingers, hurrying me to her embrace.
I lowered my head to her neck, kissing the crook of her shoulder as she wrapped her arms around me. Slowly, I worked my way south, kissing every inch of her skin on my way down, gently taking her hard nipple in my teeth, biting until she panted with want. I kissed further until I arrived at her sweet spot and licked her nectar.
Her body twitched and squirmed as she whimpered at my touch. She held the sides of my head. It felt good to have her guiding me to her hottest spot. I wanted to please her, and she wasn't afraid to show me where she wanted my tongue.
Her fingers played with the top of her mound, exposing her clit. I got so turned on seeing her touch herself, it added another dimension to my excitement. I licked between her fingers as she brushed her fingertips over her clit. My mouth and her hands took turns pleasuring her most sensitive part. I almost took a break just to watch her, but she tasted too good to stop.
I let her hands take over her clit as I thrust my tongue deep inside her wetness. I timed my plunges to coincide with her thrusts. I closed my eyes and grabbed her ass as her rhythm increased.
Her hips pumped hard, then moved up and down as my tongue worked the entire length of her slit. Her strokes got longer and her panting increased. She lifted so high, my tongue slipped across her ass. "Yes!" she screamed.
My tongue slid from her ass to deep inside her hidden cove while she still fingered herself. She withered and thrashed, as her fingers and my tongue danced in and around her sweetness. She grabbed the back of my head with one hand, pulling my hair hard, and holding my face tight against her pussy. Her other hand grabbed a pillow, muffling her screams and orgasmic cries. The apex of her legs contracted and twitched around my head and face.
Her flexing and constricting muscles slowed, and she removed the pillow from her face. She eventually stopped shaking and lay still, except for the occasional shudder still running through her body.
"Oh my God," she huffed.
I crawled up and lay down next to her, feeling fully satisfied from just watching and listening to her getting off, and knowing I was the one to give this amazing woman an incredible orgasm. I brushed her sweat-soaked bangs to one side with my thumb. "Has anyone ever told you you're incredible?"
"I could say the same about you."
"Well, there you go." I swooped my hand up as an act of enlightenment. "We have something in common."
If she wanted to stop at that moment, I would have been content. This time, it wasn't all about me. It felt like I'd had an orgasm myself just by sharing hers.
We lay together for several moments with her head tucked against my shoulder. Her closeness was a feeling of contentment I hadn't had before.
"I want you inside me," she said softly. "I want to feel you as close to me as I can. Be a part of me."
Okay, maybe I kidded myself that I could have happily stopped with her orgasm, because I was delighted she invited me back for more.
I wiggled my way off the bed and stood up, dropping my pants and underwear.
"You have a condom, right?" She nodded encouragingly.
"What?" Oh shit. Sure, I bring her chocolates, but forget to bring the 'fucking' equipment. Nice one. "Sorry, I forgot… I thought you'd be on the pill."
She propped herself up, leaning back on her elbows. "Well, no. I haven't been active lately, so there hasn't been any need for me to be on the pill. Besides, why would you just assume I was on the pill? Do I have 'easy' stamped on my forehead?"
I put my hands up in a disarming move. "I didn't mean it like that. I just thought a career woman like you would want to make sure there weren't any little Davids or Darcys on the way unexpectedly."
Her face softened. "There's other issues besides pregnancy."
I rubbed my chin, trying to think of a good explanation. "Look, I can assure you I don't have diseases or anything, and I can just pull out when the time comes."
"Oh yeah. And give me another blast to the face like you did in France. I don't think so."
I couldn't help but snicker. "That was an accident, and I won't do it again. Not unless a shotgun goes off or something."
She snickered back.
I stood before her naked.
"Will you be totally honest with me?" Her look told me she was going to assess my answer carefully.
"Yes, ma'am." That 'ma'am' put another little spring in my cock.
"When was the last time you were with a woman? Intimately, I mean."
Yep, she was assessing me. I thought back, and it was embarrassing. Really embarrassing. "Not for a while. ma'am."
She rolled her eyes. "Will you quit calling me ma'am? Now come on, how long?"
I lowered my head and watched my hardness go into a dive. "Not since Hawaii."
"What?" She bolted upright. "That's been… what, five months? Six? What about all the goodwill you've been spreading?"
I parted my arms in a show of openness. "I always got interrupted. Either some jarhead wanted to beat the crap out of me, or I couldn't get—" Whoops. Best to leave out the part about not being able to get it up. "—or some farmer would try to blow my nuts off. So no, I haven't been the Scottish gigolo you may have thought. Billy Earl probably getting more puss— action than me." If she stayed on the current line of questioning I wouldn't be able to get it up anyway.
"What about Charlotte Kemp?"
Talking about her certainly wouldn't help restore my erection. I attempted to sound nonchalant. "What about her?"
She leaned her head to one side. "Are you sure nothing happened with her? George sounded pretty sure you screwed her."
"Well, George wasn't there. I was, and nothing happened." I ran my finger in an 'x' across my chest. "Cross my heart and hope to die."
She held a straight face; her eyes traveled up and down my body — from my eyes, to my rising cock; eyes, cock, eyes. Her lips turned to a smile and she crooked her finger.
I returned to her side, lying next to her, kissing her, then slid my finger into her still moist opening. In turn, she grabbed my hardening shaft, squeezing it. Her grip loosened and she circled my thickness with an open fist, her hand gliding up and down my length.
I couldn't postpone my yearning for her any longer and positioned myself between her legs. Her opening glistened from her wetness. I held my extension firmly and guided myself in gently, watching as the tip of my staff disappeared inside her.
She closed her eyes and moaned, her hands grasping at the bedspread.
As I pushed in further, her muscles tightened and pulsed around me, gripping my cock and sending throbs of pleasure throughout my body. I pushed until I was fully inside her, my pubic region resting against her clit. She clutched my ass and stimulated her clit against my pelvic bone as my hard-on grew inside her silky cave. Her muscles contracted around me. I lay still as she magically massaged my rod of arousal with her inner muscles, sending sensations through me I didn't even know were possible. My body shuddered and I pushed harder.
Her head moved side-to-side, whispering 'yes' as her insides clenched tighter around me, having a rippling effect up and down my entire length firmly planted inside of her. I let out a quiet moan — maybe it was even a purr.
I slowly withdrew until the tip of my head rested against her lips. Reaching down, I held my cock and rubbed it up and down against her opening, gently pushing in, then withdrawing, rubbing my rigid member against her love opening, not penetrating her more than an inch each time I inserted myself.
I watched as I played and teased a goddess. I took longer strokes to the outside of her pussy, firmly rubbing my staff at the bottom o
f the crack of her ass, then slowly running it up her slit, resting the underside of my shaft on her clit, and pushing hard, my mass hiding her thin strip of hair momentarily, before moving back to the bottom of her ass, then up again for a slight insertion to her pulsating core.
I was on the verge of cumming, but she wanted more, and I wanted to give it to her.
Her hands fell on my ass and she pushed hard, trying to drive me in. I raised myself up and looked at her, smiling.
"Beg," I said in a low growl.
Biting her bottom lip, she looked desperate. "Please, I want you."
I lowered my head to whisper, my lips brushing against her ear. "I said, beg." My tongue darted into her ear.
"Fuck me, Zac," she pleaded. "Please… fuck me. I want you. I need you." Her hands kept pushing my ass, but I resisted her force. "Fuck me, dammit!"
It felt like I grew another inch. Slowly, I slid into her, then withdrew, just touching the edge.
One of her hands grabbed my face and she looked me in the eyes. "Fuck me, you son of a bitch."
As I drove into her, she wrapped her legs around me, and both hands went back to my ass, pushing me in as deep as I would go. Her hips bucked as I thrust. "Fuck me," she whimpered. I pumped faster, driving in and out of her.
Electricity sparked between our bodies; we were on fire, the heat of passion burning within our inner cores.
Her breathing went out of control — panting and whimpering. I reached under her and pressed my finger against her back door.
She relaxed her clenched butt. "Yes!"
I inserted the tip of my finger into her ass. Her legs tightened, squeezing me hard as she screamed. She thrashed violently, and I fought not to cum in her. I pumped hard, using every ounce of restraint I could muster to hold back my juices from exploding inside her. The bubbling juices traveled up my shaft, pounding the inside of my tip. My toes collected a mass of covers from gripping it, fighting my release. I couldn't hold back any longer.
"Now!" I screamed. She unclenched her legs and I pulled out just as I exploded, sending a stream of jizz straight for her head. She jerked to one side and it landed on the pillow next to her. I knelt before her, stroking myself, sending shot after shot of hot cum onto her stomach. A pool of semen collected in her belly button. I quaked from the magnitude of the explosion, my legs wobbled as I knelt over her, milking myself. I looked over her naked body. A few drops had managed to land on her tits. Thank God I missed her face.