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The Goodwill Gesture

Page 24

by McKay, KC

  Raising myself, I moved up and looked at her. "Darcy, you are the love of my life." I buried my head in the crook of her shoulder, kissing her neck, up and down, from ear to shoulder. Her peach scent wafted all around her, driving me wild as I caressed her soft skin with my mouth.

  I reached down and guided my hardened rod into the silkiness of her innermost part. Her soul was in her eyes; my paradise lay between her legs. Gently, I pushed myself in. Her heat and wetness was a testament of her desire for me. With her legs wrapped tightly around my buttocks and her fingers digging into my cheeks, there was no denying there was passion in our love that would outshine the brightest nova. Each thrust I delivered was another assertion of my love for her.

  Our breathing increased in perfect sync with one another, like a duet of love echoing through each breath we took.

  The rhythm of our bodies stepped up in pace and matched our breathing. I couldn't feel where I stopped and she started. We were truly one, and that thought alone sent me into an almighty orgasm, releasing my love deep into her.

  Darcy screamed as the tightness of her legs around me squeezed so hard I couldn't move. My sole movement was the pulsating of my juices flowing into her as I gripped her shoulders.

  She bucked as she whimpered, muffling her cries of ecstasy into the hollow of my neck. Her tight haven quivered around my draining shaft.

  We lay in one another's arms for several moments, panting in each other's ear, and whispering "I love you."

  We were not only consummated, we were cemented.

  Chapter 38

  The train ride back to Sacred Loch was bittersweet. Darcy and I were now married and nothing could ever change that. But I was going to be shipped off to face a court-martial for what now equated to trying to have sex with my fiancée. Okay, I wasn't really going to dork her in front of the PMA, but her office was a pretty stupid place to get a hard-on.

  Still, I had never been happier in my life, yet at the same time, so disappointed that I couldn't tell anyone I had a wife who loved me.

  We were both back in our dress uniforms as Darcy used the forged papers to get me through security and back aboard the Anticipation.

  Once back on the ship, we rounded the corner out of view of the Officer of the Deck and stood in the empty passageway.

  Darcy looked at her hand admiringly. "Perhaps we best not wear our rings in public. Not yet anyway." There was sadness in her voice.

  "Probably not." I slipped my ring off and shoved it into my pocket. Although I wasn't wearing the public declaration, I loved her deeply, and that wouldn't change. Ring or not.


  Darcy and I weren't able to spend any meaningful time together over the next four days before they shipped me off to Norfolk for my court-martial.

  When I got to Norfolk, they put me in a barracks room while I awaited my trail, so it wasn't too bad. The room was similar to the one I had in tech school; basic brown furniture, a single metal-frame bed, and a fourteen inch black and white TV. The highlight of my day was watching The People's Court. It helped to get me into a 'courtroom' frame of mind, although I had a feeling Navy Commanders and Captains wouldn't be as entertaining as a TV judge. I wasn't allowed to leave the barracks, but I had a room to myself.

  The day finally arrived and I was brought before the panel of three officers who were designated to seal my fate. The prosecutor was a Navy Ensign Wainwright. Ensign was the most junior officer rank, so he probably didn't have much experience. With his fire engine-red hair and goofy smile, I guessed he was probably a damn good lawyer because I couldn't imagine he ever had any dates in college, allowing him ample time to study and perfect his profession.

  A Marine Major was assigned as my defense counsel. He was pretty high up the pecking order as far as rank was concerned. It was good he had seniority, and with that, experience. But he was a Marine, so I didn't trust him. Although the Marines were part of the Navy, traditionally, they hated us squids. My confidence in his dedication to my cause wasn't as absolute as I would have liked it to have been.

  Shore Patrol led me into the courtroom and sat me down at the table with my Marine defense attorney, Major Samuels. I looked around the courtroom, and three rows back on the opposite side sat Darcy and the PMA.

  I looked at her, but appreciated her avoiding my gaze. It wouldn't look right for the accuser to be making googly eyes at her accused attacker. Still, the mere sight of her put butterflies in my stomach.

  I noticed the PMA's chest full of medals. I noticed Darcy's, well, her chest; understated as usual, but I knew what pleasures lay beneath her tunic. It was just a question of how long I'd have to wait to indulge in those pleasures once again.

  My lusting aside, I had great pride and comfort having my secret wife in the audience, even if she was on the prosecuting side. Better there than at the defense table with me.

  Commander Lewis was in charge of the proceedings and banged the gavel, bringing the hearing to order.

  Darcy was first on the stand. I felt nervous for her, hoping her conscience wouldn't get the better of her and make her confess that she actually liked having my hard cock rubbed against her.

  Ensign Wainwright paced in front of the witness box and started the questioning. "Lieutenant Novak, what was your relationship with Petty Officer Chambers?"

  "I was his superior, and our relationship was always professional. He's a good sailor and supervisor. I have great respect for his abilities."

  "Interesting." Wainwright pressed his finger to his lips. "So what happened the day he attacked you?"

  "I wouldn't really call it an attack." Her eyes glanced in my direction, then back to Wainwright. "We shared some good news together. He just passed some college exams, tough ones, which were going to help secure his future as a Navy officer. One of his subordinates passed an exam for promotion, which was down to Petty Officer Chambers' assistance, and he had just been made Sailor of the Year of the Anticipation. So understandably, he was excited."

  "Yes, very excited." Wainwright looked back at the PMA in the gallery. "According to Commander Gentry's statement, Petty Officer Chambers had an erection. A very noticeable erection by all accounts. Would you consider his achievements worthy of sexual arousal?"

  She briefly hid her face in her hand. "I couldn't possibly tell you what gets Petty Officer Chambers sexually excited. That is not my concern."

  "But you told him to stop and slapped him. Could you feel his penis against you?"

  God, it was so embarrassing. For me and for her. Talking about my dick in a court of law. Holy crap.

  "No, I felt no protrusions. His behavior became inappropriate in so much as embracing an officer, but I could understand his excit— I mean, his happiness. I didn't realize it was sexual, or if it even held sexual connotations. Nevertheless, I slapped him and he corrected his behavior. I never felt threatened and I handled the situation."

  "But, you were aware he had a hard-on?"

  I could have sworn Wainwright was getting his jollies trying to generate a visual image for everyone in the courtroom to envision; Darcy standing there all embarrassed with me cultivating a massive hard-on.

  She straightened her posture. "Not until the PMA pointed it out."

  "Literally," he smirked. "No more questions."

  Major Samuels leaned into to me to confer. "I think that went well," he suggested. "She didn't do you much damage. I think we should let her off. What do you think?"

  I felt the same way. If the charges were true she would have been out to hang me. As it was, she protected me as best she could without dropping herself in hot water. I was extremely proud of my girlfriend. I shook my head — my wife. I still had a hard time getting used to that. "Yes, sir," I whispered to Major Samuels. "I think her testimony was fine as it is."

  Samuels stood up and addressed the court. "We have no questions, Your Honor."

  "Very well," the head honcho replied, yielding a nod toward our table.

  The PMA was the next witness a
nd strode to the stand with purpose. He wore his trademark look of determination and his eyebrows looked groomed to be more pointy than ever.

  Ensign Wainwright tossed him easy questions that made me look like a sick, perverted, insubordinate degenerate. Doom loomed over me by the time they finished assassinating my character.

  Then Major Samuels stepped up. "Commander Gentry, in your report, you have charged Petty Officer Chambers with attempted rape. How did you arrive at that charge?"

  "I saw it with my own eyes. Chambers had Lieutenant Novak in his grasp, attacking her, in a state of arousal." The PMA'S eyes bulged slightly, harboring a look of anger.

  "Can you describe his penis for us, Commander?"

  I buried my head in my arms, laying them on the table. God, I wished they'd quit talking about my dick.

  "No, I cannot," the PMA snapped.

  "Exactly," Samuels rebutted. "Because his penis wasn't exposed, was it? How can a man rape a woman with his penis still in his pants? It's not possible, is it, Commander?"

  Good point. I lifted my head, spotting a ray of hope.

  The PMA conceded that normal intercourse was not possible while fully clothed.

  Point for me and the jarhead.

  "And could you tell us, Commander, what constitutes fraternization aboard a Naval ship?"

  The PMA didn't hesitate with his answer. "An inappropriate, or unduly familiar relationship between an officer and an enlisted person."

  Samuels let a sly grin appear on his lips. "I think relationship is a key word here, Commander. If you are under the impression that Petty Officer Chambers was about to commit an act of rape — still fully clothed, I might add — that hardly suggests a 'relationship.' A relationship requires willful consent by both parties, does it not? It appears very clear that Petty Officer Chambers and Lieutenant Novak were not in a relationship, therefore, a charge of fraternization is not possible. Wouldn't you agree?"

  Samuels got the PMA to agree that the frat charge was incompatible with the facts of the case. After more badgering and twisting of words and meanings, Samuels made the PMA look foolish and made it clear that the charges didn't stack up. Major Samuels was good, and Marines went up in my estimation. A little.

  Samuels raised my profile to that of a hard-working sailor with only minor fuck-ups staining my record and character. I took to the stand and he focused on my achievements. My confidence grew as he guided me into a light of respectability.

  Ensign Wainwright wasn't so kind in his appraisal of my military persona. After attempting to discredit my military accomplishments, he turned to personal attacks.

  "Did you have a thing for Lieutenant Novak?"

  I felt like telling him to suck my thing. "I'm not sure I understand the question, sir."

  "Did you have sexual fantasies about her?"

  This guy really was getting his kicks off our encounter. "Sir, with all due respect, I really can't see how my sexual thought pattern is relevant to this case." I bet the asshole didn't know I got an A- on my law exam. I wasn't just going to cave in to his silly-ass questions.

  Commander Lewis agreed with me and told Wainwright to move on.

  "Do you often get an erection when you receive good news," he continued, "or was this state of arousal driven by your desire to have sex with Lieutenant Novak."

  Major Samuels shot to his feet. "Objection, Your Honor. Can we stop talking about Petty Officer Chambers' penis and move onto charges he's accused of? This line of questioning is absurd!"

  Lewis nodded. "Sustained."

  That knocked the wind out of Wainwright's sails and he became a bumbling idiot after that. I did my best to dodge his questions and tried to find loopholes in his case that could possibly set me free.

  All in all, Samuels did an excellent job, and as I sat next to him after the closing arguments, I had a surge of confidence that I might actually walk away from this after all.

  Of course, I would have to be extremely careful where and when I had sex with my wife, but the taste of freedom hovered in the air.

  Chapter 39

  Commander Lewis ordered a recess while the panel considered the verdict. I stepped outside under the supervision of Shore Patrol to smoke a cigarette. Major Samuels came out with me. When I offered him a cigarette, he accepted.

  I took a drag and held it in, letting the smoke penetrate deep into my lungs. After several seconds, I exhaled. "Thanks for all you did in there, Major. Do you think I'll get off?"

  "It's hard to say, but that Wainwright did look like a twerp in there. I'd say he did you a favor, and of course, he was no match for my skills." He patted my shoulder. "Deep down, I have a good feeling about this."

  His confidence was reassuring. My mind wandered into getting back to normality, whatever that may be. I just wanted to be near Darcy. That would be enough for now, even if living off stolen moments.

  A few hours later we were led back into the court for the verdict. Samuels warned me that there was still a chance they may find me guilty on one or more charges. I was prepared for that, which made me pray all the harder.

  We all rose as the judges entered the courtroom and took their seat behind the panel. Samuels and I remained standing as Commander Lewis cleared his throat. He held a piece of paper in his hands, his gaze shifting between me and the paper he held.

  "Petty Officer Chambers," he barked. "This has been a most interesting case. Although being caught… red-handed, shall we say… concrete proof of total misconduct hasn't been established in this panel's judgment. It is apparent that Lieutenant Novak thought quite highly of you by recommending you for an officer program. Perhaps you misread the signals and confused her professional assessment of you to mean there was a personal affection. Your… happiness… under the circumstances, was somewhat understandable." He stopped and took a drink of water.

  I glanced sideways at Major Samuels. He was smiling; a good sign.

  Lewis continued. "It is the finding of this panel, that your actions could be interpreted as inappropriate… or merely as an act of enthusiasm that spilled over into an out-of-bounds area, but done without malice or intent to cause harm. This panel considers it the latter, and finds you not guilty of all charges."

  My first act as a free man was to look at Darcy. She looked to fight emotion, but couldn't totally conceal a smile. The PMA, on the other hand, had no trouble in displaying obvious anger.

  I clenched my fist in restrained jubilation. "Thanks, Major," I whispered from the side of my mouth.

  He slapped my back. "My pleasure, Chambers."

  Commander Lewis banged his gavel to restore order. "I hereby order status quo. Petty Officer Chambers, you are to return to your assigned duties in Sacred Loch, Scotland." He looked around the courtroom. "Lieutenant Novak, does this pose a problem for you?"

  Darcy stood up. "No, sir, it does not."

  "Very well. This case is dismissed."

  The gavel fell one last time, announcing my freedom.


  Major Samuels walked with me as we left the building. Words could not describe my feeling of euphoria. We stood next to a black and silver outdoor ashtray to share one last smoke together.

  I heaped praise on Samuels for finding a way for me to retain my freedom, which he arrogantly accepted, proclaiming he was the best lawyer in the entire military. I didn't argue with him.

  The PMA made a grunt of disapproval as he and Darcy walked past us without speaking. I'd have to wait until we were back in Scotland to talk to Darcy again.

  I looked at the ground as Samuels continued to blow his own trumpet. I noticed a heart-shaped stone lying next to the ashtray. Seeing it as an omen, I bent over and picked it up. It fit perfectly in the palm of my hand. After examining it, I clutched it, knowing it was a sign from the heavens that Darcy's and my relationship was solid as a rock.

  Samuels' voice brought me back to reality. "… You know you were wasting your hard-on on her, don’t ya? "

  I shook my head, jarring my
self back into the conversation. "Sorry, Major, I missed that. What are we talking about?"

  He nodded toward Darcy walking away in the distance. "Your Lieutenant woman. I must admit, you squids got some good-lookin' hoes, but everyone knows Navy chicks are dykes. The women in the Corps are all pretty butch, but at least they put out." He aimed his finger at Darcy's back. "I can see why she gave you a hard-on, Chambers, but you’re the wrong sex." He took a drag of his cigarette, still staring in Darcy's direction.

  "I don't think you should be talking like that, Major."

  His forehead creased as he looked at me. "Oh? Sorry to squash your fantasy, but it's time you face facts. Not only was she out of your league to begin with, but she was out of your gender scope as well. "

  "I don't think—"

  He smacked my chest with the back of his hand. "Don't worry, Chambers, maybe I'll convert her for you. Then if you ever do become an officer you might have a chance." He laughed.

  I didn't.

  Officer or not, I wasn’t going to let him talk about my wife like that. I had a premonition of death, but ignored it and gripped the rock tightly.

  Major Samuels looked at his watch. Good timing. I cocked my arm and hit him as hard as I could, my fist landing square on his jaw.


  The pain was instantaneous, shooting agony to every cell in my hand.

  Samuels grabbed his jaw, looking at me with a mixture of shock and rage. "You sonofabitch," he spewed.

  Before he could move, I kicked him in the balls. When he doubled over, I clocked him with another rock-loaded right fist to the side of the skull.

  A whistle blew repeatedly, getting louder as I watched Samuels fall to the ground, holding his nut sack.

  A sharp blow hit the back of my neck. After I went down, I looked up to find a baton-wielding Shore Patrol standing over me, billy club in one hand and a silver whistle dangling from around his neck.

  Walking up from behind him came Commander Lewis. "Well, well, well. Perhaps my judgment in your last case led to the wrong verdict, Petty Officer Chambers." He folded his arms across his chest. "However, I just saw you hit a superior officer, twice, along with kicking him in the groin. You will not escape punishment for this offense." He bent forward, leaning toward me as I still lay on the ground. "I can promise you that." He stood upright. "Shore Patrol, escort him to the brig to await court-martial." Lewis did an about-face and walked off.


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