The Goodwill Gesture
Page 27
My dark-haired beauty came into view from the corridor exiting the plane. My heart leapt and I waved frantically, anticipating our embrace.
She wore a smile as big as one of those Texas hats. Even twelve hours on a plane didn't mar her beauty. She broke out of the crowd wearing a scarlet polo shirt and the tight-fitting jeans I liked so much; the ones that wrapped her figure like denim skin. Black cowboy boots highlighted her 'giddy-up' spirit.
We wrapped ourselves in each other so tightly we nearly merged on the spot.
"I love you," she whispered in my ear, followed by a long, lingering kiss.
When we broke, I whispered it back, then stepped away to hand her the flowers. She sniffed and admired them, then thanked me.
After our passionate reunion at gate sixteen, I whisked her back to the hotel for a more intimate hello than that allowed in a public airport.
When I was serving time in the big house in Oklahoma, one of the guards thought he was being a smart-ass and gave me Cosmopolitan magazines to read, like he thought I was some kind of homo or something. But besides the breast enlargement advertisements shown in the back using real tits and faces, which helped me pass the time, there was also a lot of good information about what women liked and looked for in a man.
One article said that if a woman gave you her neck it meant she had total trust in you. That was the most vulnerable part of the body. Beneath the soft skin lay the main artery and it was also where strangling would take place. Many critical injuries were caused at the neck, so it was an area to be protected at all costs. Offering it freely showed the ultimate level of trust.
She gasped when she entered the room and saw the bride and groom bears hugging each other on the pillows of the bed.
"Zac, they're adorable." Her eyes welled up.
We stood next to the bed and I massaged her most erogenous zone, her neck. I kissed on top of her shoulder, then gradually moved my kisses up. As I did, she stretched to one side, giving me full exposure to her thin, graceful lines. With my teeth, I gently massaged her jugular. She purred with approval. I kissed to the bottom of her jaw, then back down again.
Darcy showed no reservations in letting me assault her neck, which inspired further confidence of our love, despite our separation.
We made love all through the night, rekindling and reacquainting our love, passion, and friendship. I was so immersed in our love throughout the night, I had forgotten about my predicament and our problems. She was a passion that made me forget everything else.
We got up the next morning and had breakfast at Denny's. I had biscuits and sausage gravy while Darcy had a small stack of pancakes with strawberries and cream.
We were both too excited to talk about anything other than us and the night before. We avoided any discussion about the day that awaited us through most of breakfast, but my nerves eventually pushed my happiness to one side to address the issue of meeting Darcy's dad. She undoubtedly loved her mom and spoke of her affectionately, but I knew that she was a Daddy's girl and I needed to impress him if I was going to win any points with the Novak family.
I cut into one of my biscuits and swirled it on my plate, covering it in gravy. "What'd your dad say when you told him you were bringing your boyfriend home?"
"He said," she put on a stern face and a growl in her voice, "It must be serious, and he better be up to scratch, young lady." She reached across the table and touched my hand. "Hey, don't worry. You'll be fine."
"I hope so," I mumbled unconvincingly. "Will he really let his daughter marry a convict?"
Her lips stretched into a smile. "She already has." She leaned forward. "Don't say anything, but he did some time for running numbers when he was in his early twenties. So if he does quiz you about your criminal past, say it was a youthful indulgence. He'll understand that. But he'll also be very supportive if you have to tell him you beat the crap out of a Marine for making rude comments about his daughter. He might even give you a medal."
At least she put some tricks in my arsenal I could use if I felt he wasn't buying into my charm. It was a shame Darcy wasn't more of a momma's girl. I always got on better with women. That would have been easier than having to impress another guy.
The taxi rolled up the crunchy drive to what could only be described as a mansion. Darcy had said her parents were well off, but holy crap. The house was like something out of the movie star's album. Huge white pillars encased the entrance, and everything was symmetrical. The left side of the house mirrored the right side. Darcy told me that was the Georgian style. The two-story brick structure had several large white windows, evenly spaced.
It was intimidating walking up the marble stairs to stand under the grand chandelier over the entrance. Darcy rang the bell and we stood there, arm in arm.
As the locks on the door clicked, my butt twitched.
Chapter 43
The door swung back, pulled open by a black woman in her fifties wearing a gray blouse and matching pleated skirt with a white scarf tied on her head.
"Well, Miss Darcy, if you ain't a sight for sore eyes." The woman kind of curtsied.
"Hello, Eleanor." Darcy stepped in and gave her a hug. She opened her hand in my direction. "This is my boyfriend, Zac."
"Howdy, Mr. Zac." To my embarrassment, she offered a half bow.
I gave a half-assed wave. "Hi, Eleanor. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Eleanor leaned toward Darcy and whispered, but not very discreetly, "Miss Darcy, does his momma know he's out?"
Darcy smiled as Eleanor giggled.
Eleanor slapped her hand through the air. "And here Mr. Novak was afraid you'd be bringing home some gentleman old enough to be his brother." She looked at me, smiling, then nudged Darcy. "No chance of that, is there?" She whooped out a howl of laughter.
A gentleman in a tweed jacket swooped down the semi-circle staircase. His salt and pepper hair looked extremely tidy and his smile would dazzle any eyes within range.
He approached with outstretched arms. "Dodo! How's my baby girl?"
I wasn't even given a sideways glance, but then I wasn't important yet. Certainly not while he was captivated with his beloved 'Dodo.' They stood at the bottom of the stairs, hugging.
"Darcy, daaaarling…" A refined-looking lady swanked in, arms wide open and extended.
Darcy turned to face the elegant woman.
She looked mid-fifties, slender, with blonde curly hair stacked up high and a snug-fitting jacket with shoulder pads. Long sparkling earrings dangled down and complemented her high cheekbones and light complexion. A knee-length blue skirt fit tightly around her waist, drawing attention to her stunning figure and legs.
"Mother." The two of them lightly embraced, then exchanged two kisses, one to each cheek.
"So delightful to see you, darling." Her eyes quickly darted in my direction, eyeing me up and down. "So… is this your new beau?"
Darcy cleared her throat. "Yes. This is—"
"Jack!" Mr. Novak bellowed. "How the heck ya doing?" He thrust his hand toward me and we shook.
"It's Zac, sir."
He waved his hand around dismissively. "Jack, Zac, Mac. As long as it's not Jimmy. I hate sissy names."
"Roscoe!" Mrs. Novak snapped. "Show some respect. You don't even know the boy." She glided my way and extended her hand, limp-wristed, knuckles up.
I lightly held her fingertips and gently kissed the back of her hand. "Professor Novak, it's an extreme pleasure to meet you, ma'am. I can see where Darcy gets her stunning looks."
She looked sideways to Darcy. "Charming, darling. You brought us home a gentleman." She looked back at me. "In this house and by my husband's side, I am Mrs. Novak. In my professional capacity, I teach under my maiden name, Professor Goldstein. But you, my dear boy, may call me Miriam."
"Thank Yid— you, I meant you. Thank you, Mrs. No— I mean Profess— Miriam."
She nodded to Darcy. "How sweet, darling. Your companion gets tongue
-tied." Her blue eyes glittered. "Has Darcy not told you of her Jewish heritage?"
"No, ma'am." Uh-oh. I hoped this wasn't a sore point within the family.
Darcy looped her arm through mine. "It's never came up in conversation, Mother. One does not introduce oneself as 'Darcy the Jew.'"
Her mother's eyes threw little Stars of David.
"Forget all that nonsense," Roscoe shouted. "I asked Eleanor to make your favorite, Dodo. Soup beans, cornbread, fried taters with sliced onions and fried green tomatoes." His smile was nearly as broad as his shoulders. He only looked to be about 5'8", but his personality was larger than life. Stocky, but not fat. Definitely a wheeler-dealer type, but he seemed pleasant enough, provided you stayed on his good side. I certainly wouldn't want to cross swords with him.
Darcy gave him a look of admiration. "Oh, Daddy, I love it. Navy chow's nothing like Eleanor's home cooking. Gosh, I've missed it so much."
The four of us sat around a table that could have easily seated ten. A white tablecloth acted as the base for the lavishly set table, complete with crystal candlesticks. Darcy and I sat next to one another with the Novaks sitting across from us, leaving vast space at either end.
Roscoe had expensive wine at the table for our sipping pleasure. Well, the label looked expensive and he didn't seem the type of guy to buy the $1.99 special from the local Piggly Wiggly.
Roscoe sipped his wine and let out an unexpected "'Ahhhh,'" of pleasure. "So, Jack, are you the guy who salvaged my daughter's reputation?" He eyed me, ready to pass judgment.
"Daddy, it's Zac."
He waved his hand around, still focusing on me. "Whatever."
I dabbed the corner of my mouth with the linen napkin. "Yes, sir. You've raised a beautiful daughter and I couldn't stand by silently while some deluded Marine made inappropriate comments."
"Wanted to impart his carnal knowledge, did he?"
"Daddy!" Darcy screeched.
"What?" He took a bite of cornbread and swallowed it quickly. "Hey, Jack, you know where the word 'fuck' comes from?"
Miriam slammed her hand on the table, rattling the silverware. "Roscoe!"
A pinto bean lodged in my throat and I choked, but managed to hack it out into my napkin.
"What?" Roscoe looked dumbfounded by his wife's uproar. "I'm just trying to educate the guy." He rested his arms on the table, leaning in as he continued. "In the old medieval days in England, they didn't like any hanky-panky before gettin' hitched. So, if they caught people havin' a bit of the old moo-moo, they'd have to appear in court. You know what the charge was?" He paused, waiting for my answer.
I didn't think Miriam would appreciate it if I said 'fucking.' Besides, I was still trying to get over the shock of him using the Billy Earl term of moo-mooing. Must have been a Kentucky thing. "No, sir. What was the charge?"
"For Using Carnal Knowledge, but that was too long to write out in the charge book, so they would abbreviate it, F.U.C.K. Fuck."
Roscoe smiled broadly, while Miriam rolled her eyes to the heavens. Darcy giggle-snorted, and I sat there with my mouth wide open, staring in disbelief.
After a long moment, Darcy gave me a swift kick sideways under the table.
"Oh, yeah, right. That's a great story, sir. I didn't know that." I sipped my wine.
We finished dinner without any more 'fuck' stories. I strongly sensed Miriam was judging me as we ate, but I had no idea what her verdict would be. And Roscoe just enjoyed being Roscoe. I liked him, but would have liked him even more if he could get my name right.
As Eleanor cleared the dishes from the table, Roscoe instructed the women to retire to the sitting room while he and I went to the parlor for brandy and cigars.
An impressive marble fireplace stood against one wall, with photos of the family adorning the mantle. Darcy in her cheerleading outfit was my favorite, but she also looked pretty classy in her newly commissioned Naval uniform. Roscoe also had a few of him with winning horses.
He stood by a globe in an oak stand which opened at the equator. Inside sat a crystal decanter with matching glasses.
"Hope Remy Martin's okay," he said, lifting the decanter.
"Fine. I always enjoy a spot of Remy."
He raised his eyebrows, then poured the brandy into the balloon-shaped glasses.
He directed us to two red leather button-back chairs with a side table in-between. Once seated, he opened a box housing cigars, snipped the ends off the butts, and handed me one. He popped the other one in his mouth. He offered me a light, and within less than half a minute, clouds of smoke billowed over our heads.
He chomped on the cigar, hanging on the side of his mouth. "So, tell me about yourself, Jack."
"Actually, sir, it's Zac." I puffed my cigar, wondering if he'd dismiss my correction. If he did, it looked like I'd always be Jack to him.
He smirked. "Good. Trust me, son, I know your name. Do you know how many times I had to say 'Zac Chambers' playing golf? Then I even had to call Dodo to get your social security number."
"Mr. Novak, I can't thank you enough for what you did for me. I'll never forget it and do whatever I can to repay you."
He waved off my gratitude. "Don't worry about it. Dodo is really smitten with you, and whatever makes my little girl happy makes me happy. But I wanted to see what kind of man you are. I've been calling you Jack to see if you'd just take it like some little pussy because of who I am or if you'd stick up for yourself. I can't stand sissies."
I puffed out my chest. "So it was like a test?"
Roscoe nodded, then sipped his brandy.
Since I passed his test I figured I'd better strike while the iron was hot and before I screwed up. "Sir, I want you to know that I love your daughter and want to dedicate the rest of my life to looking after and pleasing her. With your permission, I'd like to ask for Darcy's hand in marriage."
It felt like I should have been down on one knee asking him.
He stared at me, smoke billowing from his mouth. He removed his cigar. "Let me ask you something. How do you intend to take care of her? I mean…" He shifted in his seat, opening more toward me. "…let's be frank here. She's a Navy officer, and you're a convict. She earns a good salary. Are you going to be a kept man?"
Uh-oh. Was he checking me with his sissy meter? I didn't have an answer. He didn't even know I wasn't allowed in the same country as her. I needed something then remembered what Darcy had told me. "Well, you know what they say…" I tapped the side of my nose. "… birds of a feather…"
He pulled his head back as his eyes narrowed. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
I nudged my elbow in his direction. "You know… birds, flocking together." I lowered my head and whispered. "Jailbirds."
He jabbed his cigar in my direction. "Hey, that was a long time ago, and keep it down, will ya? Miriam doesn't know about that."
I sat upright, smirking. "Of course. It shan't be mentioned again."
Roscoe's faced crinkled and he silently mouthed 'shan't' while looking puzzled.
Maybe it was the Kentucky haze, but Billy Earl popped into my head. "To answer your question, a good friend of mine is getting out of the Navy before long. He lives here in Kentucky and promised me a job as his ranch manager. It's a big operation, and Darcy and I decided that I'd work there for a while. You know, build up a nest egg and let her concentrate on her career for the time being."
"So, you're going to leave a good-looking newlywed woman on her own in a foreign land." He gave me a disbelieving look. "So why get married now? It doesn't make sense to marry a woman then not be able to use your carnal knowledge on her." He and Darcy had the same cool gray eyes.
He had a point and I didn't have an answer. Looked like it was time for half-truth, half bullshit. "Mr. Novak, I really do appreciate all you've done for me, but the truth is… the Scottish won't let me back in the country. They think I'm a felon. So we can't be together right now, but Darcy's pregnant. That's why we want to get married now
"What?" He jumped out of his chair and left the room.
My heart pounded hard. It looked like I may have picked the wrong line. I figured if me and Darcy got busy maybe I could get her knocked up before she had to go back to Scotland. I couldn't think of any other reason for the urgency. I gulped down the rest of my brandy.
Roscoe returned to the parlor brandishing a shotgun. "How dare you, you son-of-a-bitch!"
He aimed at the ceiling.
Plaster rained down on the marble floor. "You're next!"
Shock took over and controlled my body, rendering it useless. I sat in the chair, gripping the arms as tight as I could, motionless, staring at Roscoe the maniac.
Miriam and Darcy appeared at the door, breathing hard.
"Roscoe!" Miriam yelled. "Put that thing away before you hurt someone."
"Stand up and turn around, boy," Roscoe shouted.
I jumped out of the chair and wheeled around, holding my hands high in the air.
Roscoe laughed. "Just wanted to make sure the boy wouldn't shit himself under fire." Roscoe's laugh echoed around the parlor.
I turned to face the Novaks. Roscoe held his belly as he continued laughing.
"Daddy, would you quit trying to scare my boyfriend?" Darcy huffed.
"Ah, Pumpkin. I just want to see what he's made of. Don't want you marrying no sissy."
"Marrying?" Miriam screeched. "Did you say 'marry?'"
"Yep. The boy's asked for Dodo's hand." He walked over to the side table and picked his cigar out of the ashtray and puffed away.
Miriam strolled over and hugged me. "Welcome to the family, Zac."
Roscoe looked at his wife with narrowed eyes. "I ain't said yes yet."
"Well hurry up and give him your blessing. Darcy and I have a wedding to plan." Miriam took Darcy by the hand and they left.
Roscoe shrugged. "Don't know why you just didn't ask her."
In hindsight, I wished I had. Roscoe didn't know how risky it was to check my bowel strength.
Roscoe pointed to the chairs. "Sit." He grabbed the glasses and poured us another drink, then joined me. "Dodo tells me everything, Sunshine, so don't try to BS me. I know you can't get into Scotland, and I also know she's not pregnant. So why the urgency to get married?"