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Magic and Mayhem: A Witch Possessed (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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by Isabel Micheals

  Text copyright ©2016 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by Robyn Peterman. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Magic and Mayhem remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Robyn Peterman, or their affiliates or licensors.

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  Table of Contents























  A Witch Possessed


  Isabel Micheals


  I’d like to thank Deb S. for her unwavering support and tireless effort as my beta reader while I was pounding away on the keyboard trying to bring readers Zoe and Nicolai’s story. More importantly, I love her because she totally gets my quirky sense humor. She’s a true gem and I will be forever in her debt.

  I’d also like to thank Denise R. for her thorough editing on such short notice. It is greatly appreciated, and I promise to do better next time.

  Cover by Blackraven’s Designs

  Edited by Denise R. at Blackraven’s Designs


  This one is for the sexy, smart, funny Robyn Peterman, who always makes me laugh and was gracious enough to invite me into her fantabulous world.

  She’s a kick ass friend, a wonderful mentor, a kind soul, and a fierce protector of the people she cares about, so don’t mess with her.

  Thanks lady! You ROCK and I love you!


  Hildy and Chuck are desperate to begin their next ‘great adventure’, but the Goddess and Fates have other plans… to help the witch in danger embrace her destiny.

  Until the Angels of Death, a talking cat, and a leotard wearing Healer invades her home, Zoe has no clue she’s been living a lie. Two claim to be ghosts, one claims to be her mate, and the other insists on her calling him dad.

  Desperate to help her unconscious Aunt Viola, Zoe doesn’t know who to believe. But one thing is for sure, there’s a warlock named Alaric, who wants her dead… and dead she will be. When the energy balls start flying, things begin to heat up.

  Will this band of misfits find common ground, or will magic as they know it cease to exist?

  Strap yourself in and hold on to your funny bone because the little town of Bass Ackwards, TN will never be the same.

  A Witch Possessed is based on the wonderful characters found in Robyn Peterman’s Magic & Mayhem series.


  Hildy and Chuck were confused when their next “great adventure” looked a lot like Baba Yaga’s office. She wasn’t sure what her childhood friend was up to, but she knew it couldn’t be good if they had been derailed from boarding their train to Happily Ever After.

  “Uh… Hildy… Sweetheart. What’s going on?” Chuck asked, dazed and utterly confused.

  “I don’t know, honey, but I can guarantee you this is not what the Goddess or I had in mind when envisioning our next ‘great adventure’. I smell the workings of a rat dressed in hot pink 80s leotards and when she materializes, I’m going to smite her boney ass… ghost or not.”

  “Oh, simmer down Hildy. We both know you don’t have a mean bone in your body,” Baba Yaga said as she and her entourage of Warlocks teleported into the room.

  “Carol, start talking… NOW,” Hildy said in a deadly voice that brokered no argument and made even Chuck, her beloved mate, float a few feet out of the line of fire.

  “Don’t get your panties in a wad, Hildy,” Carol sighed in exasperation.

  “As your best friend since childhood, I’ve always respected your position as Baba Yaga, but Goddess help me, you’re trying my patience woman. Now quit ass-farting around and tell me what in the Goddess’s name is going on.”

  “Look, I know you and Chuck had your heart set on starting your next ‘great adventure’, but I’ve just returned from meeting with those ass-farts, the Council of Witches, who have informed me that not only the Goddess, but also the Fates have other plans for you at this point in time, which is the reason you’re in my office, instead of bumping uglies with your mate.”

  Taking several deep breaths, Hildy did her best to channel her inner Shifter Whisperer in an effort to calm her nerves and to prevent herself from reaching out and turning Carol into a frozen popsicle.

  All it would take is one little touch and she would be temporarily frozen in time looking like a Flashdance reject, Hildy thought. Why does she insist on wearing these hideous 80s outfits? I swear, girlfriend is one step away from a serious fashion emergency intervention.

  “Hildy… focus, please” Carol said in her Baba Yaga voice that put the fear of Goddess in everyone surrounding the powerful witch except her. Not only because they were best friends, but also because they were family and had been since childhood. Not to mention, she wasn’t afraid to turn Carol into a toad if the situation called for it.

  Feeling deflated, Hildy gave in, lowered herself into the soft leather chair in front of Carol’s desk and begrudgingly said, “I’m listening.”

  “Well, it’s about time,” Carol said in a relieved voice laced with a pinch of exasperation and sarcasm. “Since I’m not one to beat around the bush, here goes… There’s a witch in grave danger who needs your help according to the Fates. Therefore, I need you and Chuck to teleport to Bass Ackwards, Tennessee and do your thing.”

  “Do what thing? I don’t know what thing you’re talking about, Baba Yaga. Moreover, I don’t appreciate you high jacking my next ‘great adventure’ and ordering me to teleport to Bass Ackwards, Tennessee to save a witch I don’t even know. Besides, is there really a place called Bass Ackwards, Tennessee and who am I supposed to protect her from? The boogeyman?”

  “Funny Hildy, but No,” Baba Yaga replied in a deadpanned voice. “All I can tell you is that your new charge is named Zoe and that you’ll immediately recognize her. I can also wish you the best of luck as my dearest and oldest friend.”

  “Carol, I’m your only friend, which is how I always end up in these messes.”

  “You’re right and trust me when I tell you if I could have spared you from this mission, I would have, but the Goddess and Fates were having none of it,” Carol said with a tinge of remorse in her voice.

  In fact, the more Hildy looked at her old friend, the more she realized how tired she looked, which was unusual. Although her best friend was still beautiful, it was obvious that her years as the Baba Yaga was starting to take its toll.

  “Are you okay, Carol?”

  “I’m fine. It’s just been a long month between you dying, searching for your killer, bringing Zelda into the fold and up-to-speed with her new powers and responsibilities, dealing with those ass-hats on the Council of Witches and the unwavering Fates, all while maintaining the balance of the magical world. It gets kind of tiring… you know. A girl could use a night out on the town every now and then followed up by a
roll in the sack with a hot, sweaty Warlock.”

  “Goddess forgive me for even bringing this up and before I do, let’s just be clear that I’m not fishing for details… but I thought you went out last week with my man-whore of a brother, Fabio?”

  “He’s no longer a man-whore, Hildy.”

  “Oooookaaaay! Don’t get so touchy. Obviously, he’s changed his man-whoring ways given your grumpy ass mood.”

  “Don’t push me today or I’ll smite your ghostly ass all the way to Ass Backwards, Tennessee, myself.”

  “Uh, I think you meant Bass Ackwards, Tennessee, Baba Yaga,” Chuck politely corrected.

  “Ass Backwards… Bass Ackwards… it all sounds the same to me these days. Speaking of Ass Backwards and the trouble brewing there, do you and Chuck accept your mission from the Goddess and Fates?”

  Hildy and Chuck looked at one another and silently communicated before asking the one question that had been on their minds since Baba Yaga had presented them with their mysterious mission. “Will we move on to our next ‘great adventure’ once we help the witch in danger?”

  “Her name is Zoe and honestly, I don’t have a clue. I’ve told you everything I know, except that should you fail, the future of Magic as we know it will cease to exist.”

  “Thanks Baba Yo Mama! No pressure there,” Hildy replied sarcastically. “What’s next, your merry band of warlocks start playing the Mission Impossible theme song?”

  “What did you just call me?” Baba Yaga asked in a deadly voice as her body took on a bright green glow indicating she was pissed.

  “Uh… Nothing. We’ll be going now Oh Great One! Bass Ackwards, Tennessee, here we come,” Hildy said right before a small bolt of bright, green lightning zapped her on the ass.


  “I should have killed your smarmy ass years ago, Alaric when I had the chance,” Viola said as she dodged right to avoid the magenta bolt of lightning aimed straight for her head.

  “Aw, I’m hurt sugar plum, especially considering you told me once that I was the love of your life. My how times have changed.”

  “You wouldn’t know love if it jumped up and bit you on your proverbial, lying, cheating, womanizing, man-whoring ass. I was a fool to believe a warlock as self-absorbed as you in the bedroom could ever be faithful. My first clue should have been the amount of time you spent in the bathroom primping,” Viola countered with an orange energy ball that nicked Alaric in the shoulder and caused him to yelp in pain.

  “Now-now, sweetheart. I suggest we let bygones-be-bygones. Besides, if you just let me kill the witch, we could kiss and make-up for lost time.”

  “Make-up with this you arrogant, pompous jerk. I’m going to fry your ass into Never-Neverland,” Viola replied with another energy ball aimed directly at his gonads.

  “Hey, you almost singed the precious gems responsible for creating all families.”

  “From your lips to the Goddess’s ears, if it could only be.”

  “You can keep lying to yourself, but I remember how much you enjoyed the motion of the ocean when we were together. Not to mention, the way you screamed my name in pleasure and begged to the Goddess for more,” Alaric countered with a knowing smirk.

  “Keep telling yourself that, especially if it makes you sleep better at night. However, since we’re being honest, the only thing I enjoyed about our time together was when the ride was over. I mean really, a girl can only scream, Oh yes, Goddess. That’s it. Don’t stop! I’m coming Goddess… I’m coming; so many times before she needs a cough drop. I drank more honey, lemon tea when I was shagging you than I have my entire life. But hey, it kept up your confidence level and made you feel manly. The things women do to help out men who are infatuated with their Johnson is beyond me. It’s never-ending I tell you. Never-ending.”

  Lost in her own reverie and the pleasure of finally putting Alaric in his place, Viola almost missed the two magenta fireballs headed straight for her heart. Unable to avoid the attack completely, she quickly dove behind the sofa. While the first one missed its mark, the second one seared her shoulder, causing her to cry out in pain.

  “What was that whale’s breath? I didn’t quite hear you.”

  Channeling her rage, Viola quickly stood and let out several short bursts of orange lightning that knocked Alaric on his ass, thereby, successfully wiping away the smirk his ugly mug had been sporting.

  “Who’s laughing now ass-wipe?” she countered.

  “You’re going to pay for that you evil mongrel. When I’m done with you, not even those stuffed shirts and old biddies on the Council of Witches will recognize your body. Hence, your sacrifice will have been for nothing.”

  “Are you going to jabber all day long or are we going to fight? I have a date later on with a handsome, honorable warlock who’s the exact opposite of you, thank the Goddess.”

  “Then you better cancel now because you won’t be making it and neither will the witch you’ve been protecting all of these years.”

  “Kiss my grits,” Viola said as she aimed several short bursts of lightning toward Alaric while making her way toward the stairs. Unfortunately, her efforts were in vain, because just as she made it to the top and turned, Alaric blasted her with a magenta fireball laced with a blue substance that froze her in place.

  “What have you done to me, you horse’s ass? Why can’t I move?”

  “That’s for me to know and you to find out, my sweet Viola.”

  “When this wears off, I’m going to tear you from limb to limb, you smug, overzealous nincompoop.”

  “Yada, yada, yada. For years, I’ve had to listen to you go on and on about only the Goddess knows what. And while the sex was great, everything else was a royal pain in my Gluteus Maximus.”

  “Gluteus Maximus? That’s the best you’ve got? Can’t you curse like a real man? Grow a pair already. As for the sex, it was only great for you. For me… not so much. Now release me so I can finish killing your sorry butt.”

  “Viola, the only thing that’s going to die today is your bad breath after I seal your trap shut for good.”

  Winds of the East,

  Winds of the West,

  Zip this witch’s lips,

  So my ears can get a rest.

  “Do you hear that Viola? It’s called silence. Oh, how I’ve waited for this moment since the day we met.”

  Viola’s lips were moving, but no sound was coming out. Goddess, what has he done to me? I can’t move. I can’t speak. How will I ever protect my Zoe? If I’ve ever needed your help, now would be the time to wield your power and save me from this imbecile.

  “What was that Viola? I can’t hear you. Don’t be shy sweetheart, speak up,” Alaric goaded.

  The more Alaric taunted Viola, the madder she got. From her red face to the fire lingering in her eyes, it was obvious if she ever got loose, he was a dead man.

  I’m going to smite his traitorous ass from here to eternity once I free myself. On my witch’s honor, I promise the Goddess; I will avenge anyone who threatens the life of my Zoe.

  Alaric snapped his fingers to regain Viola’s attention. “Welcome back to the land of the living, sweetheart… at least for the moment. Now, where was I before you zoned out on me… again. Ah yes, I bet you’re wondering what’s going to happen next? Since I’ve never been one for suspense, let me spell it out for you. Get it? Spell It Out!”

  I’m being held captive by an idiot of massive proportions. Goddess, say it isn’t so. Maybe if I close my eyes, click my heels three times and chant in my head–There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home –this nightmare will finally end and I’ll realize this was all a bad, bad, bad dream.

  Figuring she had nothing to lose, Viola chanted in her head for all she was worth. She bargained with the Goddess and Fates offering up her closet full of fluffy, animal-like slippers, as well as her Beatles collection and the 150 year old bottle of cognac she’d been saving for a special occasion, but nothing worked.

ll of a sudden, Viola’s eyes flew open when a burst of pain radiated through her good arm. I’m going to kill him were the last words that floated through her brain before she collapsed on the floor.

  “Why does she always have to spoil my plans?” Alaric screamed in frustration as he continually ran his fingers through his hair while pacing up and down the stairs. “All she had to do was give me the witch and I would have gladly spared her life. But no, not Viola. That would have been too easy. I swear her damn righteous indignation and do-gooder ways are going to be the end of me.”

  “Who do you think he’s talking to Hildy?” Chuck whispered.

  “I don’t know luv, but Viola is in serious trouble. We need to figure out a way to help her and fast.”

  “I’m a ghost Hildy, it’s not like I can shift into my bear form and take him out. What’s that in his hand?”

  “Oh dear, I’ve only seen a syringe like that one other time and that’s when the honey badger took my powers.”

  Before Hildy could say more or come up with a plan, Alaric plunged the glowing syringe into Viola and drained her of her magic. Just as quickly, he turned and injected himself before losing his nerve.

  “I’m sorry it had to be this way Viola, but unfortunately, you chose the wrong side. My job was supposed to be simple. Kill the witch. No one had said anything about her being protected by a former member of the Council of Witches. You may have been able to temporarily stop me tonight, but I’ll be back because the powers that be want her dead, so dead she shall be.”

  “Looks like we arrived just in time Chuck and I have an idea of how to save Viola.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Once I get behind him, show yourself long enough to distract him so I can freeze him.”

  “Hey, that’s a good idea. I can do that. Just tell me when you’re ready.”

  Alaric kept talking and pacing back and forth while Hildy tried to execute her plan. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t stay in one place long enough for her to get behind him.


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