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Magic and Mayhem: A Witch Possessed (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 3

by Isabel Micheals

  “You’re lying. I’m not a witch. I’ve never exhibited any powers. Even if I had, how could you have kept something like this from me for all of these years?”

  “I know you’re upset with me, sweetheart. But I assure you, I speak the Goddess’s honest truth. You are a witch and a very powerful one. The reason you’ve never exhibited any powers before is because they were bound by the Goddess, herself, when you were born.”

  “What?” Hildy and Fabio screamed in unison as they read what Viola had scribbled on the notepad after it had slipped from Zoe’s hand.

  “Zoe, sweetheart. Are you okay?” Fabio asked with concern in his voice.

  “Mm-Hmmm! Noooo! No, I’m not okay. This is a bit much to take in all at once,” she said hysterically fanning her face.

  Fabio continued softly speaking to Zoe with soothing words of comfort while rubbing her back in a circular motion. Hildy decided to ask the question everyone wanted an answer to. “Viola, are you telling us only the Goddess can unbind Zoe’s powers?”

  Viola picked up the pad and quickly jotted down her response. “No.”

  Agitated by the short, unhelpful witticism, Hildy gritted her teeth and asked again in a sweet saccharine voice laced with danger, “Let’s try this again, shall we. How do we unbind Zoe’s powers?”

  “I don’t know. My instructions were that should a situation like this arise, I was to summon the Baba Yaga and she would know what to do. However, since I’ve lost my powers, I can’t do that right now.”

  “Oh for Goddess’s Sake! Why didn’t you just say that? It would be my pleasure to summon Fabio’s Baba Lover’s lying, boney ass.”

  Chuck had never seen his mate so furious. He knew she had a legendary reputation for being a little crazy and unstable, but always in a good way. However, this dark glow she was currently sporting meant all hell was about to break loose because his mate was about to bust some serious Baba-ass.

  Goddess’ from the past;

  Hear me roar.

  I summon the witch to me;

  That’s bopping my brother, the man-whore.

  “I told you he’s no longer a man-whore, Hildy,” Baba Yaga refuted as she materialized in Viola’s bedroom.

  “Oh, save it for someone who gives a rat’s ass, Baba Yaga. I have bigger fish to fry today as you well know. Now quit stalling and start talking before I turn your boney ass into a toad like I used to do when we were kids. Trust me, I will make sure my spell lasts for at least the next hundred years or so. We’ll see how Fabio likes bumping uglies with a toad for the next century.”

  “You wouldn’t,” Baba Yaga bellowed.

  “Try me! Now start talking. How do you unbind Zoe’s powers?”

  “Oh! Is that all you needed to know?”

  “For starters, yes.”

  “Hildy, the Goddess gave you the power to unbind Zoe’s magic when we were kids. Don’t you remember? Just say the spell she whispered in your ear and it shall be. Why do you think I sent you to help her?”

  “I don’t know Baba Yaga. Maybe it was because the mission you gave us was as vague as all Hades?”

  “Nonsense, I told you exactly what you needed to know. Now say the spell woman, I have bigger asses to fry.”

  It wasn’t that Hildy didn’t trust the Baba Yaga, she was just skeptical whether or not her magic as a ghost was powerful enough to undo the work of a deity as powerful as the Goddess herself, which is the reason she had to ask. “Do I really have the power to undo a binding spell the Goddess cast years ago?”

  “Of course you do Hildy. We’re two of the most powerful witches of all time. We can do anything.”

  Hildy closed her eyes and focused on her time at Witchery U with Carol (aka Baba Yaga), the Jezibaba, and the one instance she had met Morgana, the Goddess. As the memories floated over her, she began chanting…

  On this night during the midnight hour;

  I call upon the Fates and the Goddess’s ancient powers.

  Unveil the secrets they hid in the night;

  Hear now the words in this witch’s plight.

  To unbind a witch’s bond that should never have been done;

  Give up the power to see it undone.

  As the oldest of Goddess’ are called upon tonight;

  To restore the magic of this witch in our sight.


  Every light in the room began flickering as Hildy continued chanting the spell to summon Zoe’s powers. It was obvious that something had happened because even the Baba Yaga reacted to the extra surge of power circulating in the room by blowing up a vase.

  “Are you okay, Babalicious?” Fabio asked in a concerned voice.

  “Don’t call me that in front of mixed company,” Baba Yaga retorted through gritted teeth. “Besides, I’m not the one who blew up the vase. If my suspicions are correct, it was your daughter, which means Hildy has succeeded in unbinding her powers and my job here is done.”

  When Baba Yaga tried to avoid the wrath of her best friend by teleporting herself anywhere other than Viola’s bedroom, Fabio placed a firm hand on her shoulder and softly said, “Don’t run! Stay and explain what’s going on.”

  “I can’t Fabio. The Goddess and Fates won’t allow it. All I can tell you is that the Goddess handpicked this mission for Hildy and it involves helping Zoe reach her destiny. It is imperative you remind her that the one thing we’ve learned in all of our centuries together is that everything happens for a reason. Destiny always gets its own way.”

  “What exactly does that mean for Hildy and Zoe?” Fabio inquired, desperate to figure out a way to protect his family.

  “She needs to trust in the Goddess and Fates like never before, or we are all doomed. The fate of Magic lies in their success. Tell her I wish her good luck and will see her soon. Bless it be,” Baba Yaga said in a whisper, disappearing as quickly as she had appeared.

  Hildy finished the chant and opened her eyes. It took only a nanosecond for her to realize Baba Yaga had fled the scene. You can run, but you can’t hide Baba Yo Pain-In-My-Ass. We’ll finish our discussion later, Hildy thought as she took in the amount of rainbow power flowing throughout the room and slowly seeping its way through the rest of the house.

  “I’ve seen some magic in my lifetime, but this is amazing,” Viola had jotted down on her notepad and held it up to the group to read.

  * * * * * *

  Zoe felt a twinge in her stomach right before all hell broke loose. All of the emotions permeating the room attacked her at once. “Please, make it stop,” Zoe pleaded.

  “Zoe. Sweetheart. What’s wrong?” Aunt Viola asked in a deeply concerned voice.

  “My head feels like it’s about to explode. The emotions all of you are giving off is making me nauseous.”

  “Hildy, what in the Goddess’s name is going on?” Fabio asked, as panic bells went off in his head.

  “Stop it!” Zoe screamed as every lamp in the room exploded. “All of your doubts, anger, and fear are screaming inside of my head and I can’t take it,” she yelled as the windows in Aunt Viola’s bedroom shattered into pieces.

  Watching her niece suffer in agony, Hildy quickly realized why the Goddess and Fates had assigned her this mission. In over two hundred years, she had only ever encountered one other empath in her lifetime.

  Oh Goddess! She’s a witch who has been granted a power normally reserved for mortals, Hildy thought as she suddenly realized what needed to be done.

  In a soft, soothing voice, she said, “Fabio, I know this is going to pull on your magic, but for Zoe’s sake, you need to put her in a protective bubble that shields her from all sound and emotions. I’ll explain what has happened when we get downstairs. But for right now, please do as I ask without any arguments.”

  Unable to watch his daughter suffer in pain any longer, Fabio quickly did as Hildy asked. Before they left the room, Aunt Viola wrote Zoe a note encouraging her to relax and to not panic because they would fix this mess. She further explained that they
were going downstairs and would be back shortly.

  “What in the Hades is going on Hildy? What did your spell do to my daughter?” Fabio raged.

  “Yeah, what he asked?” Viola had furiously scribbled on her notepad.

  “Both of you need to calm down. Your out of control emotions are not helping Zoe.”

  “If you want us to calm down, then tell us what the Goddess is going on?” Fabio countered.

  “I’ve only met one other witch who has experienced what Zoe is experiencing right now and things didn’t end well for her.”

  “Stop being so damn cryptic Hildy and tell us how to fix this mess you’ve created,” Fabio shouted, throwing all caution and what little patience he had left to the wind.

  “So help me Goddess if you don’t sit down, shut the Hades up, and let me finish, I will turn you into the man-whore toad you are for all eternity. There was nothing wrong with my spell. The Goddess, Fates and Baba Yaga weren’t lying when they said Zoe would be one of the most powerful witches of all time.”

  “I’m still not following you, Hildy.”

  “Um… maybe I can shed some light on the situation?” Chuck said. “What Hildy’s trying to tell you is that Zoe’s an Empath.”

  Grateful for his directness, Hildy squeezed Chuck’s hand and mouthed a few words of gratitude.

  “That’s impossible!” Viola exclaimed, but once again no words came on. “Only mortals are blessed with the gift of being an Empath,” she finally wrote on her notepad.

  “Wait! All of you have lost me. What’s an Empath?” Fabio asked.

  “An Empath is a mortal who can feel what other people feel. It’s a rare gift that’s bestowed upon them after they die and then return to Earth. They blend into the human world by working as counselors, Elders and even teachers. They use their sensitivity to guide mortals, ease their pain, and even heal them,” Hildy explained.

  “I still don’t understand. If Empaths are healers and Zoe comes from a line of witches and warlocks who are healers, then why is she in so much pain right now? I would think the Healer in her would be able to handle the empathic powers.”

  “While in theory you are correct Fabio, there’s one thing you haven’t taken into account.”

  “What’s that?”

  “What happens to an Empath who tries to reject her gift?”

  “Oh no! “Zoe is fighting the emotions she feels instead of embracing them,” Viola scribbled urgently on the notepad before showing it to Fabio.

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  “Yes,” Hildy countered. Viola nodding in agreement.

  “If Zoe doesn’t embrace her empathic powers soon, they will eventually destroy her and change the world of Magic as we know it. This is why the Goddess and Fates sent me here to help her.”

  “What about Alaric?”

  “If I’m right, once Zoe learns to channel her empathic gift with her magical powers, she’ll be able to handle Alaric all on her own, as well as restore Viola’s powers.”

  “So what do we do?”

  “First, we need to control our own emotions by not only calling a truce, but also focusing solely on helping Zoe. Second, we need to help her address her fears of being a witch. Third, we need to teach her how to channel her powers not only as a witch, but also as an Empath. Once she becomes one – mind, body and soul – her powers will increase to their full potential and she’ll be ready to kick Alaric’s ass.”

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to help Zoe. Count me in,” Fabio said.

  “Me too!” Viola scrawled on the notepad and then held it up so Hildy could read it.

  “I’ll always have your back, Hildy because I protect what’s mine,” Chuck said in a loving voice that would have weakened Hildy in the knees if she weren’t a ghost.

  “How should we proceed?” Fabio asked.

  “While I would rather Viola be the one who coaxes Zoe into addressing her fears as a witch, that’s not going to be possible given her current state. Therefore, I’ll have to do it. But before I do, Viola you’ll need to write Zoe a note explaining that everything I’m saying is the Goddess’s honest truth. Are we all in agreement?” Hildy inquired.

  When everyone agreed, Fabio helped Viola back up the stairs so they could rejoin Zoe in the bedroom.

  * * * * * *

  Zoe was pacing back and forth in the protective bubble like a caged animal talking to herself.

  “Fabio, would you provide us with a bit of sound so we can hear what Zoe is saying without her feeling our emotions? We need her as calm as possible.”

  Trying his best to contain his emotions, Fabio did as Hildy asked. He was determined not to let Zoe feel his fear, anguish, and heartache regarding her situation.

  “How could she turn me into a witch?” Zoe asked to no one in particular.

  In a calm, soothing voice, Hildy said, “Zoe, I need you to read your Aunt Viola’s note and then listen to me very carefully.”

  Startled by Hildy’s voice, Zoe screeched, erratically waved her hands and blew up the television set.

  “You scared the bejeezus out of me, Aunt Hildy. Don’t ever sneak up on me again.”

  “I apologize for scaring you, but I need you to read your aunt’s note.”

  When Zoe nodded and did as she was told, Hildy continued. “I didn’t turn you into a witch. You were born a witch just like your sister, Zelda.”

  “Wait! Sister? What do you mean sister? I’m an only child.”

  “No, you’re not, sweetheart. Not only were your powers bound at birth, but you were also separated from your twin sister in order to keep you safe.”

  “This can’t be happening. There has to be some mistake.”

  “Zoe, are you okay?” Fabio asked as he watched her pace back and forth like a mad woman or an out of control witch, which was never good for anyone… except the bad guys.

  “No, I’m not okay. How could I be okay? I just learned that I’m a witch. There’s a warlock trying to kill me. I can see ghosts, two of which are my aunt and uncle. My dad is a warlock who likes to wear women’s leggings, and I have a twin sister that I’ve never met.”

  “No one blames you for being angry, sweetie,” Hildy replied in a soothing voice.

  “I passed angry an hour ago, Aunt Hildy. You cannot float in here after all of these years and say, ‘Oh, I forgot to tell you. You’re a witch’, and expect me to just be okay with it.’”

  “I know it’s a lot to deal with. More than anyone should ever have to. But you’re going to have to deal with it and fast whether you like it or not.”

  “No, I don’t and I’m tired of everyone implying that I should just lay down and accept this without a fight.”

  “Yes, you do,” Hildy said with enough authority in her voice that it silenced everyone in the room. “This is your path, child. Your destiny. Get angry about it. Cry about it. Write a damn song about it. I don’t care. But don’t, and I repeat, don’t fight it or it will consume you.”

  As Nicolai watched the scene play out between Hildy and Zoe, he figured revealing himself couldn’t make things any worse, so he took a deep breath and said, “I guess this wouldn’t be a good time to tell you I’m your mate.”

  “Who said that? That is so not funny,” Zoe exclaimed, blowing up one of her Aunt Viola’s vintage radios.

  “Sorry Aunt Viola, but this is a lot to take in. Now I’m hearing voices. Someone just told me I was his mate.”

  “Zoe, I need you to calm down. No one said a word. I think you’re channeling the emotions outside of the house.”

  “You can hear me?” Nicolai asked excitedly.

  “Of course I can hear you. How could I not? Where are you anyway?”

  “I’m down here.”

  “Down where?”

  “Down here beside Aunt Viola’s feet.”

  “No you’re not. Nicolai, our cat, is by Aunt Viola’s feet. Look, this is so not funny. I don’t have time for your antics. Now show yourself before I… uh… before I smite y
our boney ass.”

  “Seriously? You’re using your Aunt Hildy’s words against me? I’m your mate. You can’t smite my boney ass as you put it. Besides, my ass is many things, but boney is not one of them.”

  “That’s it! You asked for it.”

  Zoe aimed a magical shimmering gold ball of fire towards Aunt Viola’s feet that got out of control and bounced around the room, taking out the bookshelf, the DVR, the boxed fan, and the lamp on the night stand.

  “Hey! Watch it! You almost singed my furry ass.”

  “If you don’t show yourself, your furry ass is not all I’m going to singe.”

  “Um… Hildy? I think we have a tiny, teeny complication we hadn’t planned on.”

  “You think, Chuck?”

  “Zoe. Enough!” Hildy shouted in a voice of authority that stopped everyone dead in their tracks. “Now that I have your full attention, listen to me carefully young lady. Nicolai is not lying. You can hear him because you are also part Shifter Whisperer or as Zelda likes to call herself, a Shifter Wanker. So stop blowing shit up. We don’t have time for this.”

  “You have got to be joking,” Zoe snapped back. “What did you people do? Piss off a Goddess in another life? Don’t answer that. It’s obvious you pissed off someone if I’m mated to a cat… of all things.”

  “I don’t mean to interrupt your rant, but I wasn’t born a black cat. I was born a Black Panther.”

  “And your point is?” Zoe countered sarcastically.

  “There’s a difference. Trust me,” Nicolai replied in a deadly tone that sent chills down her spine.

  “What was that?”

  “What was what?”

  “That chill you just sent through my body.”

  “You felt that, did you?”

  Not wanting to give him the satisfaction, Zoe went with option two and lied. “Not really. It could have just as easily been the wind.”


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