Magic and Mayhem: A Witch Possessed (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Magic and Mayhem: A Witch Possessed (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 9

by Isabel Micheals

  “I get it, alright. I’ll be sure to pick up some clothes from Wally World before our next battle. What about the Dragon Blue Mist?”

  “What about it?”

  “Do you have more I can use to paralyze the witch and steal her powers?”

  “Of course! Jackal will bring everything you need when the time is right. Don’t fail me again, Alaric.”

  “I won’t, Sire. Your wish is my command,” Alaric said as he bowed and left the room, as quickly as he had entered. The place always gave him the creeps. He couldn’t wait to be back in the land of the living.

  * * * * * *

  The moment Alaric resurfaced from down under, he washed up, changed clothes, and headed for the closest bar. He needed a drink and a woman like most people needed their next breath. Seeing his ex-lover had stirred up feelings he wasn’t ready to deal with just yet.

  “Scotch… neat,” he said, taking a seat at the bar. Toad’s Pub was famous for its good food, even better drinks, rowdy bar brawls, and willing female companionship.

  Although there was no doubt, he was a love ‘em and leave ‘em kind of guy, he was no man-whore as Viola had claimed. Truth be told, he cherished their time together and still did. Moreover, if he had thought for one moment… thought being the operative word… that she would have taken his sorry-excuse-for-a-horse’s-rump back, he would have begged for her forgiveness on the spot. Unfortunately, that was not to be his fate.

  “Why you looking so down, Alaric? Someone thwart your latest get rich quick scheme?” Fat Rowdy asked, slapping him on the back hard enough to make him spew his scotch all over the bar.

  Sly, the fox bartender, glared at the both of them. Alaric knew from the look on his face, he was one step away from kicking their butts out He didn’t need this crap from Fat Rowdy, the loud, obnoxious hell hound, who was a constant pain in his ass and didn’t play well with others. Yet, instead of egging him on, he decided to play nice. Mainly, because he had his eye on the sweet, delectable, kitty Shifter in the corner by the name of Celine.

  “I’ll have another scotch and whatever she’s drinking,” Alaric said, nodding toward the sexy, kitty Shifter.

  Sly shook his head in disgust and started making the drinks.

  “Look, I’d love to chat with you Fat Rowdy, but I have a date with the beauty in the corner. Maybe next time,” he said, quickly grabbing the drinks and walking away.

  “Hello pretty lady, thought you could use another drink,” Alaric said, handing Celine the apple martini with a wink and a smile.

  “Thanks, Handsome! Your timing is PUUURRRRRRFECT!”

  Alaric grinned wider as he joined the lovely kitten at the table. She seemed nice enough, but about fifteen minutes into the conversation, Alaric was hoping… no praying… that Fat Rowdy would come and interrupt.

  As if it were even possible, she was more obnoxious than himself. For the last fifteen minutes, he had been listening to her drone on about herself, her ex-fiancé, oh yeah… and herself. No matter the topic of conversation, it always pointed back to her.

  Desperate for a reprieve, Alaric excused himself and headed for the back exit near the men’s room. Tonight had not gone as planned. It quickly became obvious, it was time to call it a night and go home… alone.


  It was the crack of dawn and Zoe couldn't sleep, so she got dressed, went downstairs, found a cozy spot on the mats and begin meditating. When that didn't work, she stood up, walked back up a few of the steps, turned and jumped, but nothing happened. She did this several times with the end result being the same.

  Nicolai stood at the top of the stairs, wondering what Zoe was up to. When curiosity finally got the cat, he asked, "What are you doing?"

  Startled by his presence, Zoe stuttered and then said, "Uh! Trying to see if I can levitate like Phoebe in Charmed?"

  "Why do you need to levitate? I thought we agreed you would take your training more seriously."

  "I am, which is why I'm trying to channel my inner Phoebe."

  "Magic doesn't work like that, Zoe"

  "Well, it should. We're magical beings for Goddess's sake. We should be able to skip over all of this practical magic slash training crap."

  "I hate to be the one to break it to you, sweetheart, but there are no shortcuts, especially when it comes to magic. Like humans, we're also required to attend school – otherwise known as Witchery U - in order to learn how to control our magic."

  "There's a school? I'd love to check it out sometime."

  "It'd be my pleasure to be your tour guide. Now, let's go back to bed. It'll be time to get up soon enough."

  "I can't. I'm too wound up to sleep," Zoe whined.

  "Fine,” Nicolai said in exasperation. “Then we'll train. Let's start with me throwing a few low voltage energy balls at you. That should get you all nice and warm."

  "Give it your best shot, Bootsie," Zoe said as she began bouncing around like a wannabe MMA Fighter... again.

  "Keep it up with the comical feline names. I promise that by the time we're done, I'll be the last one laughing," Nicolai countered as he quickly released two energy balls. One zapped Zoe in her right shoulder while the other used her butt as a bulls-eye.

  "Oh-kay! That was just rude. This means war. Bring it on, Clawdia," Zoe countered with two energy balls of her own.

  “Better channel your inner running man because that’s what you’re going to be doing for the next hour, sweetheart,” Nicolai replied with a bolt of energy that sent Zoe diving behind the sofa.

  “Whew! That was close, but not close enough,” she whispered, just as an energy ball blew up her aunt’s favorite rocking’ chair. “Oooohhh! You are in so much trouble. When Aunt Viola sees what you’ve done to her chair, there will be hell to pay. Mark my words.”

  “Not if I blame it on the real culprit,” Nicolai disputed.

  “She’d never believe you over me,” Zoe refuted as she came out of hiding behind the sofa and aimed five iridescent energy balls in succession that successfully hit Nicolai in his right leg, left shoulder, right side and sexy butt when he bent over to rub his leg. The last energy ball went wide, but she had made her point.

  Caught up in the moment, Zoe zapped Nicolai in the butt one more time for good measure. When he yelped out in pain, her Cheshire cat grin turned to worry as she watched him collapse on the stairs.

  “Oh my Goddess, Nicolai! I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” Zoe asked, voice full of concern.

  “I think you might have broken my rib, Red.”

  “What do I do?” Zoe asked, tears running down her cheeks.

  “Don’t cry, sweetheart. It was an accident. I shouldn’t have underestimated your abilities. I won’t make that mistake again.”

  “What in Hades is going on here?” Fabio yelled as he popped into the living room. Startled by his sudden appearance, Zoe immediately began zinging energy balls in his direction in an effort to protect Nicolai and herself.

  “Zoe, it’s me. Your father,” Fabio exclaimed, turning just in time to watch Viola’s china cabinet explode.

  In an attempt to prevent Zoe from zapping her father to Hades, Nicolai used what little strength he had left and teleported them to his bedroom.

  “Why did you do that? I had him on the run.”

  “Zoe. Look at me. You were trying to hurt your father, not Alaric. I need you to refocus your energy and use it to heal me. But before you do, I need to shift.”

  “Why do you need to shift?”

  “Because it’s the only way you’ll be able to heal me completely. Understand?”

  Although Zoe nodded, Nicolai was skeptical about how much she really understood at the moment. However, he vowed to explain it all to her in detail once things calmed down and he was back to the status quo.

  Shifting turned out to be more painful than he had imagined, but it was done. Using their connection, he walked Zoe through the steps of healing him. When she emitted a light purple glow from her hand over his ribs, they both
screamed out in agony. It killed him to witness her suffering, but it had to be done. When Zoe had finished healing him, she collapsed on top of him in a protective position that warmed his heart to its core.

  Nicolai shifted again, lifted his unconscious woman and laid her on the bed. Once he had her settled, he took a shower and got dressed. It had already been a long day and it was barely 8:00 AM. Exhausted and still somewhat sore from their little battle, Nicolai decided to cuddle up next to Zoe and join her in a nap.

  * * * * * *

  “Hey, Snow White! It’s about time you woke up,” Nicolai said.

  “If I’m Snow White then which dwarf are you? Dopey or Grumpy because you’ve never been Bashful a day in your life.

  “I’m the Prince, who plans on saving you from the evil warlock.”

  “Do I at least get a kiss before you take off to fight evil?”

  “As you wish, milady,” Nicolai said as he took her mouth in a scorching kiss that left them panting and hungry for more.

  “If you two are finished playing out your little fairy tale, join us downstairs for lunch so we can come up with a plan to defeat the evil warlock,” Stefano smirked.

  “Oh no! Did I sleep through breakfast?”

  “Actually, you’ve slept through breakfast, lunch and dinner for two days, sweetheart. Healing me really took it out of you. Initially, I freaked out when you didn’t wake up until your Aunt Hildy explained that it was a pesky little side effect of your healing powers.”

  “Oh Goddess! I remember now. Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Even better now that you’re awake.”

  “Are you sure?” Zoe asked as her eyes filled with tears.

  “Shhh! Don’t cry, sweetheart. I’m fine. In fact, I’ve never felt better.” Nicolai professed, wiping away her tears and kissing her on the forehead.

  “It was my fault you were hurt to begin with.”

  “No, it was mine. Instead of keeping my guard up while we were training, I chose to horse around and paid the price. You were doing what comes natural and I would never fault you for that… ever. I’m sorry that I gave you a scare, but I promise, I’m fine. Now, let’s go downstairs and have some lunch. Everyone’s anxious to see you.”

  “Okay, but let me shower and change into some fresh clothes first.”

  “Fine, if you insist. But for the record, I don’t think you’ve ever looked more beautiful than you do right now.”

  “Aren’t you the charmer?”

  “I am and don’t you forget it,” Nicolai said with a wink as he left the room to join the others.

  * * * * * *

  Forty-five minutes later, Zoe descended the stairs, feeling more rested than she had in years. “Hey sweetheart. Glad to see you finally joined the land of the living,” her dad said as he gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  “Hey! Sorry for trying to blow you up.”

  “No worries, your sister has done much worse.”

  “Seriously?” she asked in awe.

  “Seriously! Come and sit down. I’ve whipped up some chicken salad, fresh croissants from Paris, an assortment of fruit, sweet potato fries, tea and lemonade. We also have water, if you’d prefer.”

  “Tea is fine.”

  “Good, then sit down and I’ll make you a plate.”

  “Fabio, one day you’re going to make Babalicious a wonderful wife. Now stop fawning all over the poor girl. She’s tougher than you think. Besides, she’s a healer and unfortunately, this won’t be the last time she takes a nap for a few days after healing a magical being. Sorry sweetheart, but it’s the nature of the business,” Hildy said.

  “Zip it, mummy dearest before I go all no wire hangers on your iridescent ass. She’s my daughter and I’ll fawn all over if I want to. Got it?”

  “Oh, don’t get your jock strap in a wad. I’m just pointing out the obvious, so chill Daddy-O.”

  “I swear if you weren’t already dead, I’d murder you myself.”

  “Enough you two. Let’s just eat lunch like civilized people instead of the dysfunctional family we are,” Zoe yelled, blowing up the centerpiece filled with flowers in the process. “Now look what you’ve made me do.”

  In order to prevent the situation from escalating, Nicolai squeezed Zoe’s hand and said, “Let’s go out on our first date tonight. How does that sound?”

  “Is it safe to go out on a date? What about Alaric?”

  “It’ll be fine, sweetheart. Besides, you need a break and we need some alone time. I’m sure everyone else has their own plans tonight. Right guys?” Nicolai demanded in a voice that brokered no argument.

  “I think that’s a great idea. Chuck and I could use some alone time ourselves,” Hildy replied.

  “Well, now that you mentioned it, I do need to check in on Zelda again.”

  “I thought I’d check in with mom,” Stefano chimed in.

  “What about Aunt Viola? We can’t leave her alone without her powers. What if Alaric shows up while we’re all gone?”

  “I’ll be fine, dear. Alaric is probably running for the hills with his tail tucked between his legs like the coward he truly is. Don’t worry about me. Go and enjoy some alone time with your young man,” Viola wrote on her notepad and then handed it to Zoe.

  “Are you sure? I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if anything happened to you.”

  “I’m positive, child. Now, let’s come up with a plan to get my powers back and kick Alaric’s smug ass to Hades or at least the pokey,” Viola quickly scribbled.

  * * * * * *

  It was an hour and a half later, and they weren’t any further in developing a plan on how to defeat Alaric than when they had originally started. The suggestion to use Zoe as bait was quickly struck down by Nicolai and Fabio for obvious reasons. When Viola offered to be the distraction, Zoe nixed the idea before it even left Stefano’s mouth. She was determined to protect her aunt at all costs.

  “Since we don’t know when this ass-hat is going to show up, let’s keep it simple,” Stefano suggested.

  “How do you mean?” Nicolai asked.

  “Well, it’s a given that he knows Zoe has obtained her powers. However, what he doesn’t know is that she has the ability to split herself.”

  “You mean astral project?” Nicolai interjected.

  “Astral project. Split herself. You say potatoes and I say pa-ta-toes. The outcomes the same no matter how you pronounce it.”

  “Point taken.” Fabio asked, interrupting the brothers before they started World War III.

  “What I was trying to say before I was so rudely interrupted is that we should use this as our secret weapon. If we could keep him distracted long enough for Zoe to grab the syringe without being blasted with blue mist, then we should be able to get Viola’s powers back. Once we don’t, all bets are off.”

  “That might just work,” Fabio said.

  “But if it doesn’t?” Nicolai asked, skeptically.

  “Then I’ll freeze his smarmy ass,” Hildy said. “Mainly, because it’s time a woman took that ass-wipe down a notch or two. Besides, if doing so will prevent me from having to listen to you all jabber like a bunch of ninnies and allow me and the Big Guy to finally start our next ‘great adventure’, then I’m all for it.”

  “What if he doesn’t come alone?” Viola asked.

  “She’s got a good point.” Nicolai said. “After our last encounter, he’s sure to bring back up. Stefano, tell mom and dad not only will we need their help, but we’ll also need them to rally up some of the Shifters and meet us back here at 10:00 o’clock tonight.”

  “Will do. I’ll also have her scry for Alaric to see if we can pinpoint his location.”

  “What is scrying?”

  “Scrying is a witch’s supernatural lo-jack. While it’s a handy weapon to have in your arsenal, it takes years of practice and not every witch can do it,” Nicolai said.

  “Oh!” Zoe replied, making a mental note to ask her aunt later on.

Now that we’re all finally on the same page, let’s get to it,” Fabio said, anxiously. Not only was he ready for this to be over with days ago, but he was also tired of his daughters being in danger. He couldn’t… no wouldn’t, lose them now. Especially, since he’d just found them. Gathering his resolve, Fabio made a vow to do whatever it took to keep them safe. He hugged Zoe one last time and kissed her on the cheek before teleporting to check in on Zelda.


  After everyone left and Zoe went upstairs to get dressed for their date, Nicolai took the opportunity to chat with Viola. Well, as much as he could without her having to write a book.

  “Viola, I know we just met, but I hope you believe that I love Zoe with all my heart. Not only would I do anything for her and I do mean anything, but I’d die for her and not because she’s my mate, but because you’ve raised an amazing woman who’s kind, caring, and beautiful on the inside as well as the outside.”

  “Thank you, Nicolai.”

  “No, thank you. It’s obvious you mean the world to her, which is the reason I want to give you this whistle. If anything happens before we get back, just blow it. My family and I will hear you and be on our way. Don’t be alarmed when it doesn’t make a sound. Just have faith and comfort in knowing that help is on the way.”

  “You are a good man, Nicolai. My Zoe is a lucky woman.”

  “I’m the lucky one. Besides, you’re family now and I protect what’s mine.”

  * * * * * *

  When Zoe walked down the stairs in a sleeveless, V-neck crocheted lace cocktail dress an hour later, Nicolai’s jaw dropped. “You look stunning,” he said.

  The scalloped v-neckline accentuated her cleavage while the sleeveless, moderate shoulder showed off her sleek, toned arms. The A-line silhouette hugged her curves and reminded him of how good she felt in his arms. The above the knee length scalloped hem made his mouth water as he admired her long, sexy legs and the four-and-a-half inch, Christian Louboutin strappy, crisscross metallic sandals she was wearing.


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