Charmed (23 Strokes Series Book 1)
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“Listen,” she starts, “I know what I must seem like to you, running down the street bloody and desperate. But I had an epiphany when I heard you sing and I knew my life was going to change forever. So I tracked you down and stayed put. Now, if that bothers you, then you can take your little sarcastic laugh and shove it where the sun don’t shine because when I’m all in, I’m all in, and I won’t be apologizing to you for it.”
I open my mouth to respond but she holds up a hand to my face and continues, “Now, since I don’t want to get riled up on our first date, I’m going to excuse myself to the restroom and you are going to wait here for me. When I get back, we are going to have a conversation about our happily ever after.” She begins to stand but stops and smiles that wide all-teeth smile directly at me, sending a lightning bolt right to my chest and causing my dick to twitch. “Oh, I guess I’ll need to know your name at some point but for now I’ll call you Prince.” And with that she walks away, tossing her flaming hair over her shoulder and swinging those hips like she was born to do it.
I watch her catwalk, mouth open, until she disappears into the restroom. I’m speechless and admittedly a little freaked out. But more than anything, I can feel a building of something inside my soul that is threatening to suck the life right out of me. If I didn’t know myself better, I’d think I just fell in love.
Chapter 6
Present Day
That went better than I could have ever expected and maybe this will be easier than I thought. I don’t know why I was so worried in the first place. I mean, I am the Evan Stone, right? Front man and guitarist for 23 Strokes. Voted America’s Sexiest Person two years in a row. Fuck yeah, I am!
Wildfire could barely keep all that crazy contained and I could barely resist claiming her right there in front of Tim. Some men might shy away from a woman once they found out she was... and I mean no disrespect…fucking crazy. But I am not that man because I see it as strong and fearless. She isn’t afraid to be who she is and it’s amazing. It’s true I don’t understand a lot of what sets her off, but the more she yells and screams, the more I have to have her. I used to try to piss her off just so she would get out of control. Guess I’m fucking crazy too.
But right now, I’m damn near skipping down the streets, unable to deny any longer that she is all that matters in my world. I almost flinched when I saw her fisted hand heading my way, ready to strike. Almost. It’s always better to stand your ground when in battle and to not show fear. But thanks to Tim, she seemed to think better of it.
And thanks to Layla and Wildfire’s own running mouth, I know she still wants me. The look she gave Layla when she started rubbing my leg told me everything I needed to know. Oh, she’s 100% dick-hardening pissed, but I can still read her body as if I never walked away. She wanted me to do exactly what I’d said. Give her everything I know she’s been missing and I intend to do just that.
I glance at my phone as I walk back to the hotel. It was blowing up at the bar, but our little scene was too good to be interrupted. Quickly scrolling through messages, it seems that Alex and Drew have figured out where I took off to. There are a few from Steve but I just delete them. Someone else needs to deal with him and his attitude. I’ve been avoiding all of them for the last two days but I guess I need to at least talk to Drew or Alex since they know where I am.
I dial Drew because I don’t really want to deal with Asshole Alex either and I did punch him without making it right. “Yo, yo, yo,” he answers.
“Hey, the 80’s are calling. They want their slang back,” I reply, shaking my head at this dumbass. I hear him laughing, “Listen…”
“No worries, man, I allowed it because I know you are hurting.” He chuckles. “So, you are actually going through with it? Going to find and tame the Wildfire.”
“Oh, I’m not going to tame it. I’m already setting it ablaze and holding on for the ride. She’s still here at The Lucky Charm.” My mind starts thinking of every single way I’m going to enjoy that ride. On the bar, on the stage…
“No shit?”
“No shit. I couldn’t believe it myself. I’m heading to get my guitar now to take a trip back to my glory days. She won’t be able to resist.” I bet it’ll only take one song before I have her back in my arms again.
“Hell yeah, I wouldn’t mind taking that trip too. I know Asshole will be in. After you left though, James took off for parts unknown but that’s no big shock considering the situation. But hey, Steve’s been asking for you and he’s getting a little manic. I haven’t told him where you are, but you need to call him.”
“You handle Steve. I can’t deal with him right now,” I grunt out as I walk into my hotel room, stopping to give myself a one-gun salute in the mirror before grabbing my guitar case.
“Fine, I’ll call him,” Drew concedes after a long silence, “but you are going to have to deal with it sooner or later. I’ll text James the update. Maybe he’ll pull his head out of his ass and come jam with us.”
“Fuck both of them. They’ve been giving me shit since I said I wanted to find her.”
“Yeah, I get it, man. Not sure why Steve is being such a douche other than it’s who he is. James just doesn’t want to see you go down a bad road again. Hell, none of us do. We were all there for that shit and I, for one, am too old to go through it again.”
“You’re twenty-seven, asshole. Anyway, no chance of that happening, because I’m not leaving here unless she is with me. She is my forever.” I groan after I realize what I just said.
“Oh, Evan. Your forever ever?” he sings in a girly voice and I can just see him batting his eyes. I hang up on him, laughing to myself because I did sound like a damn pansy. I get a text shortly after, saying, see you tomorrow.
I hate that James took off but it wouldn’t be the first time for him either. He had some pretty bad shit happen to him when he was younger and although he acts like it didn’t affect him, we all know it did. He tends to want to be alone more than anything else and usually takes off for a bit when he feels he’s losing control of a situation.
And I’m sure me being here is setting off that loss of control inside him. I went off the deep end for a few years after leaving Wildfire behind and James had to save my life more than once. So I’m sure he thinks if she blows me off I’ll do it again. But I’m not that man anymore and besides, I’m not letting her blow me off.
As I walk back into the bar, things are in full swing. Again, I am finding comfort in the sameness of everything, but something is definitely missing here. Maybe it’s not seeing Bill and Nancy. Which reminds me, I need to find out why her parents sold and why she is still working here. I never would have thought they’d leave. The only thing they loved more than this bar was Wildfire.
Last thing I knew, Wildfire was going to finish business school and see the world. She must have decided to stay on with the new owners but that seems strange. I never understood why she’d put up with all that school when she’d be taking over the bar for her parents, but she said she needed to do it for herself and her mind was made up. And no one could stop her once her mind was set. I know that better than anyone.
I eye the bar, just to make sure she is still here. She’s pouring a drink, laughing with some older man. I think I might recognize him, but I can’t quite seem to get the memory to come forward. This happens sometimes. Effects from all the booze and drugs, I think.
I’m unable to tear my eyes away until another familiar face moves in front of her. This day is slowly turning into one of the best of my life. Tall Girl has grown into a gorgeous woman as well. It’s going to get good when Drew gets here. I almost shoot him a text letting him know, but decide against it. He’ll enjoy the surprise of seeing her as much as I enjoyed seeing Wildfire.
Drew and Tall Girl were hooking up the same time Wildfire and I were together. Wildfire didn’t seem to know and I figured if Tall Girl wanted her to, she would have said something herself, so I kept my mouth shut. Drew lef
t Tall Girl here too, but I think that was a mutual thing. Unlike me leaving Wildfire.
They both have their arms above their heads shaking drinks and I get lost in the motion for a few seconds, and then a few seconds more. Maybe one more. I’m surprised this place has any women in it with those two beauties working the bar. Every man in town should be here to witness this scene. I’m sure once they did they’d never leave.
I walk over to the little stage where a microphone and a small amp have been set up. Another thing that hasn’t changed. You either worked with this or brought your own gear.
The place is packed but no one seems to pay attention to me as I pull a chair up on stage and sit down. Without an introduction, I jump right in to ‘Waiting on the Bus’ by Violent Femmes. I look up to see Wildfire’s crazy eyes boring into me and Tall Girl fumbling with the shaker. I tilt my head back in a laugh and keep on singing.
Chapter 7
George and I are having a laugh at some poor sucker in the PBS sitcom he likes while I work the bar. Talking to him has me relaxed and feeling more like myself again.
George has been coming here since my parents opened. He only drinks one beer, but stays all night humming to the music and flirting with the staff. He says the college crowd keeps him young. Glad it works for him, because they make me feel like an old maid with 57 cats.
After Evan left, we filled up fast and I’ve had no time to tell Penny about the bastard that showed his face again today. I still can’t believe Evan Stone waltzed in and sat there acting like nothing happened.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get a blaze of fire in my chest watching him sitting there like sex on a stool, trying to get a rise out of me. God, and the way I was dressed, no make-up...I hit my palm on my head. The one time I don’t look cute and the man of my dreams, no, scratch that, man of my nightmares walks in. Oh, who am I kidding, I never try to look cute these days, nightmare man or not.
Oh well, he’s gone and that’s that. I mean, he probably got his fill and hit the road out of town. I’m sure that’s what happened. No way would he come back here. He probably went directly to the bus stop and high tailed it right out of Mills Point. No reason he’d stay here at all. Yep. He’s long gone, I’m sure.
I decided to take Penny’s advice and at least changed into a cute tank with the bar logo on it so I could do more advertising and match the rest of the staff for no other reason than I’m a team player like that. What? I am.
There’s finally a moment when Penny and I are standing together shaking up drinks, so I announce, “He’s back.” She responds, “Who? The Terminator? I thought we killed his sorry ass.”
I shake my head. “You know that made no sense, right?” She laughs to herself, moving away to fill the row of shots she has lined up.
Then, without any warning, the voice of my heavenly visions floats across the room, sucking all the air from around me. I hear Evan singing, “We got the mother and her kids, we got the guy and his date. We all get mad. We all get laid. Looks like somebody forgot about us, standin’ on the corner, waitin’ on the bus” and it’s like a time machine just transported me back in time, sitting on an old green couch watching him play. If I had a dollar for every time I heard him sing this song, I’d be a millionaire. Him and those damn buses!
I can’t help but smile and shake my head, remembering all the day trips we’d taken. We’d ride around Mills Point talking and laughing, no destination in mind. Eventually one of us would say stop and we’d get off and check out where we’d landed. It was a fun way to see the town and the people watching was unparalleled.
Penny loses her grasp of the shaker, as shocked as I am, and almost spills the shots she mixed up. She turns to me, mouthing, “What the fuck?”
I can’t even respond because, like a deer in the headlights, I can only stare into those green eyes on that stage and feel the all too familiar tug of destiny. He winks as he continues to play straight to me. Half of me wants to hurl myself into his arms while the other half wants to slap the living shit out of him. I’m not sure which side is going to win out this time.
“Oh, no you don’t,” Penny warns, shaking me out of my stupor. “I’m guessing this is who’s back and no way in hell am I letting him anywhere near you.”
“Too late, he was here earlier asking about my parents. Then he said he was here for me,” I giggle, humming along with Evan.
“What!” she screams, earning her a few stares from the group sitting at the bar. “We’ve been here a whole hour and you never felt the need to share this information!”
“It got busy and I was talking with George…anyway, he was here and then he left and now I guess he’s back.” I’m smiling like the cat who ate the canary and it feels good. I’m mad. I’m angry. I say these things in my mind as I find myself singing along with him, trying desperately to concentrate on the orders coming in from the floor. I shift my eyes to Penny and she has an incredulous look on her face and it’s not doing her any favors.
“Go help your customers, Penny. You’re creeping me out staring at me like that.”
She goes back to her end of the bar, but I am still failing at getting drinks for anyone. Evan knows exactly what he is doing and I can’t help but fall right into his trap. He’s playing Kings of Leon’s ‘Use Somebody’ and I continue singing and humming along but stop what I’m doing as I hear the words he sings out louder than the rest, “I hope it’s going to make you notice, someone like me” and I know I’m about to do something I’m going to regret. Like jump in his lap and suck his mouth with everything I have. Wait, regret may be too harsh. Ashamed? Yes, I’ll be ashamed of myself. I can live with that, right? I start my walk of shame.
Sensing what is about to happen, Penny cuts me off and stares at me dead on, grabbing my shoulders. “Now, Kimber, I know the man has a pull on you, and I can’t lie, he looks like a piece of hot man candy up on that stage, but I’m telling you to think about this. It took you over a year to finally get out from under that pain he left you with. Are you really going to walk down this road again?”
I tap my finger on my lips twice, thinking. Yes. “Yes, Penny. I am most definitely going to walk down this road again.” She lets go of me and I scoot around her.
I pull off my apron and begin to make my way to the stage. Evan is drawing a crowd as people are starting to figure out it’s not a local up there jamming out. I elbow a few painted up, short-skirted girls out of the way and continue the trek to my pied piper.
I grab Kara from the floor as I pass and tell her to go help Penny behind the bar, right before I walk directly up to the stage and stare at my Evan. I lock my eyes with his and the tingles start all over my body again, creating a hope that I thought was dead. I don’t move as he stands from the chair and walks to the edge of the stage. He jumps off, singing straight to me now. I can’t look away. It’s like all the stars have aligned and my Prince has come for me.
My Prince, I think again, grinning from ear to ear. But my grin slowly starts to fade and I feel my fists beginning to draw tight, remembering my Prince is nothing but a lying bastard. What the bloody hell am I doing? I need to get away from here. Like, right now!
Evan knows something is happening because he stops singing, only strumming the tune on his guitar. I turn on my heels and storm to the office, locking the door behind me, breathing in and out loudly, trying to calm my rage. In and out.
A few minutes later, I hear a knock, but I can’t make myself unlock it just yet. I may strangle whoever is on the other side.
“Kimber, honey. It’s Penny. Please open the door.” She knocks again and jiggles the handle. “Kimber, open the freaking door.”
I unlock it and she rushes in, a worried look on her face. “Oh God. Are you ok? What happened?”
“Evan Fucking Stone is what happened,” I scream. I continue screaming and man does it feel good. Penny starts screaming with me and when we are both out of breath we start laughing so hard tears are strea
ming down our faces. Whew! I mean, sometimes that shit just needs to happen.
“Good God, girl, I thought I had lost you to the lands of music and sex there for a minute,” Penny wheezes out, wiping the wetness from under her eyelashes.
She takes her thumbs and does the same to me. “No, I’m not lost. It’s that asshole rock star that is lost. He needs to walk away and find his way back home because there is nothing left for him here.” My head is back on straight and I can resist anything that bastard throws my way. Bring it on, Evan Stone. You’ll be the one left broken this time.
Chapter 8
I watch Tall Girl rush towards the hallway with a worried look on her face. I set my guitar back on the stage and follow her, staying out of sight like the creepy stalker I am. I don’t know what happened. One minute, I had my Wildfire looking at me with those crazy blue eyes I crave and the next, I’m being crushed from the inside by Kimber’s hate-filled glare.
Oh yes, I said Kimber. I have my Wildfire and then I have Kimber. There are two souls in that tight little body and the transformation between them stole the words right out of my mouth. I’ve only encountered this transformation a few times and I’m the only one that can draw it from her. It’s like some sick super human power I have: the ability to make a nice happy girl turn into a beast straight from hell.
It might sound dramatic, but once, during a heated argument, I told Wildfire to be careful because her inner Kimber was coming out. I received a knee to the balls so violent, I writhed on the ground for half an hour, sure the goods were damaged forever. She looked down at me as I cradled myself on the concrete and said, “Oh dear, guess she got out.” No shit she got out. I had an ice pack on my junk for three days and every time Wildfire saw me like that she shrugged and kept walking.
The guys always wondered why I would put up with this ball kicking, sassy mouthed, fairy tale telling girl when we’d be having chicks putting out everywhere we went. The answer? I have no fucking clue, other than I needed her as much as she needed me. She had my balls with the first bit of crazy she threw at me and now they are hers to do with as she pleases. Although, I do prefer her mouth to her knee. Not always, but usually.