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Bite My Love Dark Creature

Page 19

by Fletcher, Penelope

  I hope to distract Daniel. He’s reacting to the noise like a spider in a bathtub, sort of slipping and sliding around on the spot in a frantic race for freedom – and getting absolutely nowhere for all that effort.

  “W–When a key is struck there is a chain reaction. The wippen rises. Um, it forces the jack against the knuckle, lifting the hammer lever. To which a, ah, hammer is attached.” He is scary pale – cadaver white. His eyes close briefly then fly open in panic. “It hits the wire and there is … resonation? When you let the key go the damper falls back on the strings to stop the wire vibrating. Oh. The damper went up with the wippen, you see? No wait. The soundboard moves air – converts energy to sound. I–” The bumble of words cuts off, his voice strangled by anxiety.

  Instead of laughing my ass off at the one time he shows vulnerability, I nod soberly, and rub my thumb over the back of his shaky hand.

  Releasing me, Daniel unbuttons his cuffs and rolls them up his forearms. Done with that, he runs both hands through his hair until his neat coif is charmingly tousled. His throat bobs, and his eyes bounce from his audience to the instrument he’s promised to play.

  I perch myself on the edge of the stool and gleefully start tapping the keys. It makes a God-awful racket, but the mish mash of notes makes Lee and I cackle madly. The others don’t seem to be sharing our joy. Whatever. My plan is working. They’re staring at the noisy Lycan rather than my panicking mate.

  Ben lifts the needle from the gramophone, cutting the music formerly entertaining everyone. He shoots me a look bordering pained, but full of understanding.

  I look to see if my mate is ready yet.

  Daniel stares at me like I’m wonderful, regaling them with a masterpiece rather than a few kooky notes. Refinement personified, he sits on the stool. His feet rest lightly on the tarnished pedals below, and his hands come down over mine in a final clamour of keys.

  “Think you can do better, huh?”

  “Sweetling.” He kisses me to soften his critique. “Your sonata was inspiring, but move away from the piano before my ears bleed. Ja?”

  He laughs as I flounce up feigning outrage. I keep my eyes on him and drift back.

  The Vampires float forward in anticipation. Their curiosity peaked at the new side to the ill-tempered creature they’ve known for so long.

  Genius is not needed to know after nine hundred years of practice Daniel must be a pianist beyond measure. I’m tingling with expectation. What piece he will select from his extensive repertoire?

  Slightly confused, he watches me move behind everyone else.

  With a coy smile, I slip the straps of my gown off my shoulders, and let the dress float to the ground. Gloriously naked, I revel in the moonlight bathing my skin, and snigger when Daniel’s eyes bug out of his head.

  The power within gathers, and my chest starts to rise and fall steeply. I feel like a necromancer, communing with the ghost of Mother Nature, allowing my wolf spirit to overwhelm my hold on the physical world and transform me a bundle of crackling energy.

  How I long for this. How many times have I grasped my wolf these last few days only to have her yanked away from me, our earthy union denied? Never again.

  The quickening has me shaking with happiness. My eyes burn and glow. The pupils dilate then contract into slits. I’m not afraid. This new change is from the Vampire blood singing in my veins. I embrace its darkling melody, the cursed blood transforming into something new inside me. Tears of joy blur my vision as the familiar rush of heat races over my skin, scorching a trail of fire through my nerves.

  Golden hued, a nimbus of energy is sucked from the ground. It’s old magic that halos me. It sinks into my pores and sparks the change. Tightens. Like the strike of a match, that moment of conflagration when the fundamental composition of my body transforms on a cellular level is a hard jolt whipping my head back.

  I’m not sure if it’s from fear one of his family will turn to watch me, or if the tendrils of my power have given him a nudge, but suddenly, Daniel’s fingers fly over the piano keys. The fallen seraph shares his celestial melody, bestowing dark blessings upon us all. The music blends with the crashing waves and the weeping breeze. A wild composition that en spells my senses and sets my heart soaring. It’s primal and bold, a gothic tribute to us who are damned.

  The shift rolls over me smoothly. The discomfort is fleeting. My limbs shorten and sprout lush russet fur. Nose lengthening, my chin recedes. My new jaw is heavily muscled and filled with sharp white fangs, and my lolling tongue tastes the salt in the air. I crouch, wincing as my organs realign, and when my hands touch the ground they’re paws with silky pink pads. My spine lengthens until I can waggle my new limb.

  Blinking rapidly, adjusting to the dimensions of my new sight, I stretch languorously. My ears, now pointed and attuned to the slightest of sounds, perk up at the music.

  Daniel smiles jubilantly, the worry easing from his stormy eyes.

  I pad over to him, wanting to laugh at the gasps of surprise from the Vampires, but instead make a wolfish chuffing sound. I pause when I reach Lee, rubbing my flank along her hip. She curls her fingers into the hair below my ear and rubs sweetly.

  Ben places a hand on my head briefly, holding it there.

  Moving away from them with a happy bark, I run a circle around Adam – who laughs boomingly – and I bump my head into the back of Iain’s leg, nearly giving myself a concussion.

  My claws scratch the stone as I leap onto the wall behind my mate’s head. Standing proud, my head held high, I fix my eyes on the land I used to call home.

  The winds tug at the ruff of fur on the crown of my head.

  Throwing my head back, bursting with emotion, I howl with the force of feeling driven from the soul. The impassioned cry bursts into the night. It sets off the wolves in the forest, renewing their haunting calls tenfold.

  I need to run. Hunt. Tear my claws and fangs into something with a beating heart.

  The music stops.

  Daniel tugs his shirt over his head and toes off his shoes. Without a word, he rests a hand on the stonewall and vaults over.

  Whining, my muzzle dips as my eyes follow him down.

  He lands light as a feather on the grass below. Taking off, he’s halfway across the field, heading south, before stopping and turning back to face me.

  He laughs into my mind. ‘Will you not hunt with me?’

  With a gruff bark, I launch myself towards the door and race down the winding staircase. The thuds of my charging paws echo through Castle. I hurtle through the corridors, leaning into the corners when I have to turn, and accelerate when I dash across the landing. Shooting through the main hall, my paw clips something. Oops. Hope Ben and Lee weren’t fond of that vase. I hit the brakes. My front paws scramble as my butt drops. The front door blocks my way. Growling, I scratch its base in irritation. Too hyped to contemplate waiting for Daniel to realise I’m stuck here, I bark to get a Vampire down here.

  Panting, I drag my claws over the door with renewed vigour, excited to be so close to freedom.

  There’s a chilly gust of air as someone arrives at my side. My nose prickles at the scent of the familiar male. I tip my head back to stare at him imploringly, looking suitably abashed to be caught pawing at the antique door.

  “Seventeenth century doors. Craftsmanship which the world will never again see the like.” Ben groans as he yanks one side of the barrier ajar. “Sister-mine, I’ll never be able to buff those out.”

  I slip out, yapping my thanks.

  Ben’s warning is soft. “Be careful. Remember you are watched.”

  The cooler night air is refreshing. I sprint over the soft earth, parting the tall grass until I reach my goal.

  I speed up and throw myself at Daniel.

  The widest grin brightening his face, he evades the lunge, but drops to his knees and opens his arms.

  Seeing him so ready to accept me in my wolf form touches me. A new need engulfs the desire to hunt. I lower onto my belly
and crawl forward. A few paces away, I roll onto my back, limbs kicking playfully.

  It’s like exhaling, or releasing built up tension by shaking yourself all over. I release the wolf and suppress her instinct, allowing my Human self to resurface. The invigorating power thrumming over my skin dissipates. It sinks back into the earth to once again be absorbed by a mystic wonder I’ll never fully understand, but am thankful to be a part of.

  My wolf form melts until I’m left hot, achy, and indubitably Human.

  A cool hand grabs my wrist and pulls. Daniel rolls me onto him, and my knees straddle his lean hips. Hands resting on his chest, I rub the twin ridges of bone high on his chest. The body of my hair tumbles forward and forms a protective blanket around our heads.

  “Why were you scared when I turned wolf? Afraid I’d look like an ugly dog?”

  “Your wolf is magnificent. I was merely concerned for the health of my family. The shift won’t harm the babe?”

  Satisfied he’s not hiding disgust, I wiggle my hips, not wanting to talk anymore. “I won’t be able to shift soon. My body won’t allow it when it becomes a danger.”

  Daniel cups my face and stares into my eyes, searching for something as his thumbs rub my cheeks. “What are you thinking?”

  “That I’m yours.” I pause. My fingers dance over his stomach mischievously. “You can look inside my mind whenever you want, you know.”


  “Yours completely, so yeah, you can look.”

  The strangest of expressions passes over his face. I inhale sharply, and grab his shoulders when inky black slithers behind the vivid blue.

  Swallowing hard, I press my forehead to his, accepting.

  “Beloved angel,” he murmurs.

  He sweeps my hair over my shoulder, and tilts my head to bear my throat. Berry red lips press the softest of kisses to my jumping pulse. He sinks fang into my flesh, lips searing my skin, branding me as his.

  Lord, forgive the one fallen under the spell of this tormented man. Mother moon, please light our night, evermore.



  Thank you for reading this novel.

  Adam the Barbarian’s story, BLOOD BRIDE is coming 2013.



  Chaos Theory (Cosmic Lovely #1)

  Glamour (Rae Wilder #1)

  Compel (Rae Wilder #2)

  Enchant (Rae Wilder #3)

  Lunar Light (Beautiful Damned #1)

  Die, My Love (Dark Creature, #1)

  Smolder (Dragon Souls #1)



  Summon (Rae Wilder #4)

  Moon Burn (Beautiful Damned #2)

  Burn (Dragon Souls #2)

  Flux Equinox (Cosmic Lovely #2)




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