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Red Satin Lips, Book One (The Surrender Series)

Page 21

by Неизвестный

  Herick stepped up to her and smiled as he brushed the end of the flogger across her wet pussy lips. “And Tamara, by the time we get through with them, the beast will be upon them both and they can’t take you anywhere. You must be taken here where everyone will watch.”

  He stepped to her side, to his wife. “Don’t think you are getting away. Gage will fight my battles for now since I must watch and make sure you are safe, but don’t worry, baby, the beast can’t wait to bury our cock inside you when this is over.” Herick reached up and twisted her nipple. “Mine!” Stepping back Herick nodded. “Line up and let the punishment begin.”

  Touches, to every part of her body, the only place they were not allowed to touch was inside her pussy and ass. Tears rolled down her face. She had already been flogged by Herick twice. She guessed the little tremors counted as coming, the big jerk.

  Her body burned with need, Tamara lifted her head to look at Lars and noticed a woman on her knees in front of him. “What the hell!” She yelled and tried to get lose as the woman took him into her mouth once.

  “Oh, did I forget to tell you when a woman participates, she also gets to torment your men?” Just then a woman dropped in front of him and took him into her mouth.

  Next to her Ana screamed and tried to get lose. “I’ll kill you, Amy,” she screamed as the woman got up and ran, giggling.

  But that wasn’t what sent her blood cold. Behind Ana a man stood, oh he was wolf, but he was something else too. He lifted his head up and grinned as he slid a finger down Ana’s back before his hand turned to a claw. “No!” Every ounce of magic or power she had flew out of her.

  The handcuffs snapped and so did her ankle brackets as she rushed to place her body in front of Ana’s. Her magic threw her one of her brothers backwards into the wall where he was stuck.

  His growls and snarls filled the air as he turned into the full beast demon he was. “I should have taken my turn at touching you, little sister…” was all he got out before Herick stepped up to him and ripped his head off his body with his bare hands.

  Blood squirted everywhere, covering her and anyone around them. His body slid down the wall to lie in a heap on the floor. She turned to check on Ana. “Did he hurt you?” Tamara reached out to check her over, but Lars and Gage pulled her back into their arms.

  Kisses and snarls, they couldn’t decide which to do as they touched every inch of her. “Are you okay?” Orlando came over and handed Lars the key to the cuffs. His was face swollen, but he was okay.

  “I’m fine, Gage, Lars. He didn’t touch me, he was going for Ana.” She ran her hands over each of them.

  “Tamara.” She turned to see Herick on his knees before her. He pulled her into a fierce hug, his head rested on her stomach. “You saved my wife. I can’t thank you enough. I don’t know how that man got in here, but I assure you before we leave I will find out.” He kissed her belly and stood, bringing Ana to his side.

  “Orlando, Salem, bring the two tubs and start filling them.” He looked down at Ana. “God if anything happened to you.” He hugged her tight and she patted his chest, reassuring him.

  “Thank you, Tamara I will never forget this.” She reached over and hugged her. Their breasts smashed together and they both giggled as they released each other.

  “So are we going to finish this, because I am so in need?” Tamara reached down and wrapped her hands around Lars and Gage’s cocks.

  “Come, your bath awaits you,” Lars said taking her hand off his cock and grabbed onto the leash that was still dangling behind her.

  Both of her men stepped in front of her leading her back up onto the stage. But now there were two claw footed tubs there being filled with hot water. When she looked around only a select few were watching them.

  Some of them were cleaning up the mess left behind from her brother’s death and others were too busy fucking to notice Gage lift her up and place her in the tub. “Stand, spread your legs and hold onto the side of the tub while we wash you.” Lars took the sponge that Orlando handed him and started to wash her body while Gage poured water over her hair and started to wash it, not carrying that water was getting everywhere.


  Lars watched as the blood slid off Tamara’s body. When he had looked up and seen her standing in front of Ana’s body he had never had he been so proud and terrified. He and Gage knew she was running on fumes now, but there was one more thing to do before they could take her back to the house and let her sleep.

  With all the blood washed from her body, they helped her out of the tub and dried her. She reached up to run her hand through her hair, but Gage took her hand and kissed it. “No baby, you are beautiful just as you are.”

  They followed Gage’s brother up to another platform where the three of them knelt before Herick and Ana. The room grew quiet and Lars knew all eyes were on them now.

  “Tonight, I not only give control of this pack to my brother, Lars and Tamara, but I thank them personally for protecting my wife. Gage, Lars protect your woman well. She is not only a Princess, she is now Queen of this pack.” Power shifted through him.

  Tamara gasped and grabbed onto him and Lars, as the mantle of leadership went to her first. She shivered. “Thank you and I give my vow to protect the pack to the best of my ability,” she said with her head still down.

  “Gage and Lars, the two of you will share the responsibility of this pack. They will guard you with their lives and stand beside you. Join your woman and rise now, Alphas of this pack.

  Next to him Gage sucked in his breath as the weight of the pack descended on him. He could feel each wolf’s their joy at what was taking place. He stood and smiled as Herick hugged him hard. “No matter where I am, call me and we’ll come home. You have the support of our new pack always.”

  Turning, Herick looked at him. “At first I resented you for taking my younger brother, but here we stand a full circle. Thank you Lars, for taking such good care of my brother and bringing him back home. Welcome to the family.” He yanked Gage to him, hugging him hard.

  “Remember, that goes both ways, Herick. You ever need anything, call us, we’ll be there for you in minute.” Lars said as Herick stepped back and nodded.

  He looked at his wife and she nodded. Before he or Gage knew what he was going to do, Herrick reached out and picked up Tamara, kissing her full on the lips.

  His roar and Gage’s filled the hall. Howls and shouts rang around them as both he and Gage pulled Tamara out of his arms. Gage swung and missed his brother’s head. “Take her now.” Herick ordered one last command as he scooped Ana up and left the stage.

  With the beast close to the surface, Lars turned Tamara to him. The sexual tension rode him hard. “Are you wet, Princess?” he slid his hand between her legs, cupping her mound, which was soaked and ready for him.

  “Wrap your legs around me, Tamara,” he ordered. He picked her up and slid his cock into her. She was tight as always, her nails dug into his shoulder. Behind them Gage lubed his cock.

  “Move please,” she said and tried to slide up and down, but he held her still and slapped the side of her thigh. ‘Don’t move. Gage, let’s go, she’s squeezing me so tight,” he gritted out.

  “I’m here, baby, lean forward.” Gage inched his cock into her while he held her open for him.

  “Damn it, Tamara hold still or I’m going to spank your ass,” Lars growled, but she only laughed.

  “Can’t, it hurt’s, but feels so good.” She lifted her head and looked into his face. “Change for me, let him go Lars, Gage you know you want to.” She growled, her eyes took on a yellow appearance.

  In a matter of seconds, Tamara grinned and shocked them both. A force of pure sexual energy traveled up his body squeezing and soaking into every pore of his skin. Both of them moaned.

  The beast inside him seemed to purr “Relax I will not hurt our woman. I realize what she is doing. We work together.”

  His eyes met Gage’s and they both stopped moving. “You
can speak? Why haven’t you before?” Lars asked.

  “Do we really want to discuss this now? Our woman is becoming impatient?” Two hard smacks landed on her butt cheek.

  “More!” she cried.

  “You are right.” Together Lars and the demon inside him worked, while Gage joined them. Lars, the beast and Gage clamped down on her powers, holding her still while they slowly gave Tamara what she needed.

  There was no one else around them as far as Lars was concerned, just them. With Gage full inside her, their movements were slow, but coordinated perfectly. He and Gage alternated the smacks to her ass, driving her sexual heat higher.

  “May I?” Orlando asked as he reached between them, pulling her nipple. Below someone sucked one of his balls into their mouth. Hands and mouths touched them, edging them on. Before Lars lost total control, he looked around the room. The pact was into a full-fledged orgy. He even spotted Herrick in the middle of a pack of males as they touched and sucked on Ana.

  His gaze met Henrick’s and he winked. “Welcome to the pack.” He mouthed, but before Lars could respond, Gage wrapped his hand around the back of his head and brought his mouth down on his, growling.

  All thought left his head as he and Gage fought for dominance, but in the end it didn’t matter. Tamara’s tears drew them apart and they both knew she was just hanging there. needing to be sent over.

  “Are you ready to fly, Princess?” Gage asked. Both of them picked up their speed in and out of her. Her cries of passion were muffled around his skin as she nipped his neck. “Please.”

  There was no holding back, her teeth sank into his skin and he snarled, reaching down between their bodies and pinching her clit. Wave after wave of sexual passion poured into him sending his seed into her.

  Being connected as they were, Lars knew Tamara was still in the middle of her orgasm as was Gage. His knee shook, Lars moaned. “Knees.” Both men dropped carefully to the ground, their precious bundle still in their arms.

  She kissed the spot where her fangs had been and looked around. “Umm, wow.” Tamara lifted her hand and then looked at him. “We’re going to need a shower.”

  He laughed and so did Gage. The three of them were covered in semen and it wasn’t theirs. It seemed the pack was marking them as theirs. “What the hell did you do, woman?” Herick asked, coming up the stairs carrying Ana.

  “It was like someone grabbed hold of my cock and squeezed every ounce of my seed out of me, and if I’m not mistaken, it was every one here.” he looked around and people were groaning as they stood and stretched. “I’ve never seen anything like it or felt anything like it.”

  Her cheeks turned pink and Tamara buried her face against his neck. “Uggg, now he tells me,” she mumbled.

  “What, Tamara?” Gage pulled her back onto his lap as he sat down. “What happened?”

  “Dad just informed me that around others, well seems that... I’m kind of got a sexual gift.” She sent to them both.

  Gage looked at him and they both burst out laughing. “It would seem our Princess is still learning about herself. Her father has left her with a sexual gift that we will have to explore more later.” Lars stood and stretched before reaching down to scoop Tamara up in his arms.

  “We’re taking her back to the house. She needs to rest, but we’ll speak to you two tomorrow?” Lars asked and Herick nodded.

  “We don’t leave till next week, plus it will give me time to find out how her brother got in here. Someone was lax in their duties and I am bound to find out what happened. It was my job to make sure everyone was safe.”

  At once Tamara reached over and squeezed his shoulder. “Brother, you have to remember my siblings can hide well. There are some that are shifters and you wouldn’t know who they are. I’m just glad I could stop him before he hurt Ana.”

  Leaning over, Herick kissed her cheek. “Thank you sister, but that does not forgive the person who allowed him onto our property and pack without informing me. All new people must come through the Alpha first and he didn’t. Now go and get some sleep.”

  He didn’t wait for any other goodbyes, Lars used his magic to transport them right back to their room where he lowered Tamara’s feet to the ground. “Come, that warm bubble bath awaits you and if I’m not mistaken, Gage’s mother has a platter of food waiting for us too in there.” Lars laced her hand with his as Gage took the other.

  “Please wait. I have something for the both of you.” Tamara said and smiled before getting down on her knees before them.

  “I realized something today and I’m sorry it took so long to figure it out. Thank you for your patience. I give you the gift of my love and my trust. I am only truly a submissive in your presence. Will there be times I test the waters, hell yes.” She cocked her head to the side and smiled before bowing her head again.

  “I won’t hide who I am anymore. I’m not ashamed. I finally realized in trusting you I feel whole. Allow me the strength to know both of your needs, the tenderness to comfort you, the wisdom to be an asset to you both. I give myself to you both, not just my body, but my soul and my heart. I love you and trust only you.” She weaved patterns in the air with her hands and Lars jerked.

  A burning sensation had him looking down to see a miniature mark like she had on her breast, but with his mark instead of lightning bolts were hearts. “The heart to the right is for my soul, the one in the circle is eternity. You are mine as I am yours. Three lives born separate, but now bound till death and beyond. Happy Valentine’s Day Lars, Gage. I love you.”

  The Forgotten One: The Surrender Series



  Lydia Harper-Townsend strolled down the street taking in all the familiar surroundings. She was home. The full moon giving enough light for anyone to see. New Orleans always did seem to bring a peace to her that no other place did, but it also happened to be where her mom was.

  She smiled and waved to Mr. Sayles, the owner of the small coffee shop. Oh it wasn’t the like the big ones up on Bourbon Street. No it was better because it came with personality and magic. “How are you doing, Willow? Your momma will be happy to know you are home.”

  Yes, her birth name was Willow Lydia Harper. She had thrown on the Townsend to throw anyone off. “I’m doing well.” She hugged the man as she stepped in front of his store. “Can I get two of your coffees and a bag of beignets to go?”

  “Go on in, the wife will get you what you need, plus she was just talking about you. Saying you were coming for a visit,” he winked at her and went about sweeping the sidewalk. Down the street, Marco played with his small band on the street. His voice always did have a soothing effect on her.

  “I see you son still has the gift.” She nodded to Marco and Mr. Sayles smiled, very proud.

  “Yes he does,. Go, your mom is waiting for you.” He pushed her into the shop and Willow took a deep breath.

  “God, it’ good to be home,” she whispered.

  “Yes, but how long before your men finally find you and come to get you?: Mrs. Sayles said, hugging her.

  “Let’s hope they don’t, shall we, because I’d hate to hurt them.” She took the coffee and bag, thanking the lady as she turned to leave.

  “One day you are going to have to accept that you to deserve to be happy, Willow. You and your mother have been in hiding so long you have forgotten how to live.”

  “That may be true, Mrs. Sayles, but being forgotten once was bad enough. Twice just hurts too much.” With those words, she slid out of the shop and made her way down Bienville Street towards home.

  It was one thing for your father to not acknowledge you, but for your own blood mate not to even recognize you?. Even living in his house for close to four months on and off, Alton had paid her no mind whatsoever. One of the reasons, Willow made sure to stay away from him was that it just hurt too much. Add to the fact that Maxim was also her mate and she had no choice, but to disappear again. Now that her best friend and sister was safe, Willow could r
elax for a little while.


  Alton paced back and forth in front of his granddaughter. It had been a week since the Valentine’s Ball and no one had heard anything from Lydia his, no, their woman. He looked at Maxim and even he was ready to blow up.

  “You have to know something, Tamara. She’s your best friend. Didn’t she tell you at all where she goes?” he asked sitting once more beside her at the kitchen table as she peeled potatoes.

  “No. I told you both, Lydia always kept to herself, reveling nothing to anyone.” She shrugged. “Maybe that is why she was so good at her job.”

  “You know Lydia did lie to us once,” Lars said coming up behind Tamara and kissing her cheek. “We were looking for places for the team’s trip south. We’d narrowed it down to three possibilities, New Orleans, California and Florida. Gage and I were leaning toward New Orleans when she told us that a lot of the hotels were booked for a romance writer’s convention, but it turns out it wasn’t till this month. From what I hear though there will be over five thousand people flooding New Orleans.”

  Maxim looked at him and he nodded. “Well it’s the only lead we have, might as well go.”

  “Oh can we go? There are a few authors I’d love to meet, Maya Banks, Heather Graham, and so many more, but one of my favorite has to be Cherise Sinclair. Her series Shadowlands, wow hot.” Tamara fanned herself and looked up at his grandson, Lars then to Gage who leaned against the counter.

  “We were just made head of the pack here, baby. It’s a little soon to be leaving,” Gage said.

  “It’s not till the end of the month and it’s only a weekend, please? You know once I start to get big I’m not going to be able to go anywhere and I always did want to walk down Bourbon Street after dark. You know Sherrilyn Kenyon’s books were centered on it. She’s another great author.”


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