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Darcy's Adventures

Page 15

by Zoë Burton

  “I can assure you,” interjected Lord Winthrop, “there is none. Elizabeth is far more like her father than her mother, and even then she is far less harsh and sarcastic.”

  Darcy nodded. “I admit I am relieved to hear it. I would not want such a woman raising my children.”

  “Nor would I, though I do feel that I must clarify that it is only Elizabeth to whom Mrs. Bennet displays such behavior. The eldest and youngest daughters are her favorites, and the other two are largely ignored and left to their own devices.”

  “I know you said that I do not have to meet Mr. Bennet, but I feel honor bound to do so. If she is, as you indicate, his favorite child, then he will resent me should I simply spirit her away. I do not understand, however, why he does not manage his family better and rein in his wife and youngest daughters.”

  “While it is true that Bennet is my dearest friend, I am not blind to his faults. He is at best an indifferent husband and father. He cannot take the trouble to check his household, and further, he hides in his book room or out on the estate to avoid the chaos. He has left the education of his daughters to his wife and to whatever masters the girls have asked to have, for the most part. I wish it were not so, as I feel that he has done them all a great disservice, but it is what it is. If you truly feel you must meet him, I will write to him and tell him we are coming. When we meet to discuss the settlement, we can arrange a date to visit.”

  “Very well. I thank you for the insight into the family and Mr. Bennet’s frame of mind. I will come to your home two days hence? That will give me some time to consider what I wish to put into the settlement.”

  “Her dowry from her family is, as I mentioned earlier, a small one; however, I have set aside an amount to add to it. We can discuss numbers when you attend me, and know that it is not an amount equal to what your sister is rumored to have, but it is respectable.”

  “Thank you, sir. That knowledge will help me as I make plans.”

  “Excellent!” Lord Matlock exclaimed. “I am glad the matter was settled easily. “If you wish, Nephew, I will accompany you to Hertfordshire. Just let me know what you decide. In the meantime, what say we join the ladies in the drawing room?”

  The gentlemen all agreed. As they filed out of the room, Richard, who had remained silent while his cousin and Lord Winthrop discussed Miss Bennet, pulled Darcy aside.

  “You are certain of this decision, then? You like her?”

  “I do. As I said to your father and Lord Winthrop, I am attracted to her liveliness and conversation. I can assure you that I am pleased.”

  “Good, good. I know that you must marry, but I would rather you be happy and have to find another method of keeping guardianship of your sister than have you tied to someone you disliked.”

  “Thank you, Cousin. I appreciate your concern and am glad of it. I have relied on you for good advice for a long time.” Darcy grasped his cousin’s shoulder and squeezed, communicating without words his approbation.

  Richard sighed in relief. “Well, someone must keep you in line.” He laughed with his cousin as they followed the rest of the gentlemen out and within minutes they were seated once more with the ladies.


  Elizabeth had been disappointed to have to leave Darcy in the dining room. She had greatly enjoyed his conversation and felt her heart softening toward the idea of marrying him the longer they spoke. As a matter of fact, her heart felt far more than she was perhaps willing to admit, even to herself. She pushed the thought of love out of her mind. She had only known the man an hour, after all. One excellent conversation did not mean he was right for her. However, he had proven himself enough that she knew he was not ridiculous, and so when her hostess asked her what she thought of him, she felt free to admit that if he asked for her hand, she would grant it.

  “Excellent! You will not regret this decision, Miss Bennet. He will be a faithful and attentive husband and father.”

  “Thank you; I appreciate the reassurance.” She paused, not sure how to ask the next question, but it was important to her to have an answer, and so she gathered her courage and asked as politely as she could. “It is my understanding that Mr. Darcy must marry, and do it very soon. May I ask what is the reason for the urgency of his situation?”

  Lady Matlock blushed. As delicately as she could, she explained. “Darcy’s sister is the reason. She is more than a decade younger than he, and is under his guardianship and that of my son, Richard. She is just turned five and ten and was recently removed from school. She has a very serene countenance and is always well-behaved in our presence; however, she is known to participate in…” She paused as she thought of how to say what she wished to. “…activities that are below one of her station.”

  Elizabeth was confused, and it showed. “What do you mean, ‘below her station’?”

  Lady Matlock sighed. This was awkward for her, but she must soldier on. “Georgiana has been caught, more than once, sneaking out of school and meeting officers and other men, often along with friends from school. She is one who easily falls into the plans of others and does not take the time to contemplate all the possible consequences of her actions. We have tried again and again to teach her to think before she acts and to consider her own reputation and that of her family, to no avail. She seems to think we are keeping her from enjoying herself.” She looked up from her hands where her fingers gently grasped her tea cup to see the wide eyes of her guests and quickly moved to reassure them. “She was never completely compromised, I assure you. She was caught before she could do more than kiss the man, and usually it never got even that far.

  “Meeting men is not all she has done, of course, though that is, I think, the worst. She was caught in her room at least once with a decanter of brandy. That her head ached the following day was obvious. She could barely hold it up.” Lady Matlock smiled at Elizabeth’s low chuckle. “Indeed, the first time it was difficult to maintain a stern demeanor for us all. However, I believe it has happened more often than the once, and she has invited friends to drink with her, and has gotten a couple maids drunk, as well.

  ”Then there was the time she left Darcy House to walk in Hyde Park, wearing breeches. She made no attempt whatsoever to conceal who she was.”

  “The servants did not try to stop her?” Lady Winthrop, while amused, was also a bit scandalized.

  “Oh, they did, I assure you. She threatened to have them dismissed. Mrs. Bishop, who is Darcy’s housekeeper, told me that Georgiana declared she would lie to her brother about seeing servants stealing so that he would remove them from their positions if they tried to stop her or told him what she was doing. The entire staff lived in fear of her. Eventually, though, Darcy’s valet had heard enough and began dropping hints to his master about it. Rumors were beginning to spread amongst the servants in the neighboring houses, and we feared it would soon reach our peers. Darcy feels that he has put a stop to any more gossip leaving his home. He has made it clear that he pays them well just so that they will keep things to themselves, and that anyone gossiping about the family will be dismissed. That will not stop those outside of Darcy House from speaking of it, though.

  “The result of all this bad behavior is that my husband’s sister, Lady Catherine, has heard of it and has threatened to take him to court to remove him and Richard as guardians and have custody given to her. There is a clause in Darcy’s father’s will that we fear will allow it. His marriage will prevent her from even trying, however.”

  “Might not Lady Catherine be a better choice for guardian?”

  Lady Matlock laughed out loud at this. “Indeed not. My husband’s sister is a domineering woman, and she has browbeaten her own daughter, Anne, to the point that she is just a shadow. Darcy and Georgiana only have each other in their immediate family, and his father did not want Catherine to have charge of either of them.

  “Catherine’s goal is to have Darcy marry Anne, who is Darcy’s age. He has told her repeatedly he would not. They do not love eac
h other, and Anne is not strong. Nor is she educated. She meets none of his requirements for a wife, and we support him in this decision. Unfortunately, Catherine refuses to take ‘no’ for an answer, and this threat to his guardianship is her way of getting what she wants.

  “The only way to stop her is for Darcy to marry someone else. We have pushed him this season, hoping he would find someone. I cannot tell you how happy I am that you will have him.”

  “How awful for her to be so deceitful and overbearing! You imply that Mr. Darcy having a wife would settle his sister?”

  “We hope for that outcome. We hope that having a good female example with good sense and authority over her would help to turn Georgiana from her wild ways.”

  Elizabeth nodded. “I have a sister the same age as Miss Darcy and who is just as unchecked, though without the calm demeanor. I believe I know just how to make her see the light.”

  Chapter 4

  The ladies turned then to greet the gentlemen, rising from their seats. Darcy made his way to stand in front of Elizabeth, asking for a moment of her time.

  “May I have a private audience with you, Miss Bennet?”

  “Oh.” Elizabeth was startled and suddenly nervous once again, as was evidenced by the twisting of her hands in front of her. “You may.” She looked to her godfather, who smiled and nodded his encouragement, then followed Darcy to a far corner of the room. Her suitor did not waste time coming to the point.

  “As you know, I must marry. I am aware that you must, as well.”

  “Yes, this is true.”

  “My aunt has explained to you my reasons?” At her nod, he continued. “Lord Winthrop has explained yours, as well. I am sorry that your family has not treated you as they should.”

  “Thank you,” Elizabeth murmured, staring at her hands. Those reasons remained hurtful to her, though she did appreciate his thoughtfulness.

  “I entered this room this evening uncertain of what kind of lady I was to meet. I am relieved to find you intelligent and good humored. I greatly enjoyed our conversation, and I believe we are compatible and would do very well together.” He paused again. “I have never done this before, so please excuse me if it is not romantic, but…I know that we are not in love, we don’t love each other, but…I believe we could have a good marriage, and I would like to ask you….would you marry me, Miss Bennet?”

  Elizabeth found his stuttered proposal rather charming. He was trying so hard to be honest and at the same time make it memorable for her. “Yes, Mr. Darcy, I will marry you. I agree that we will likely get on well. Thank you, sir, for the honor of your proposal.”

  Darcy released a breath he had not realized he was holding. “Thank you, Miss Bennet. I promise to honor you in all things and provide a good home for you and our children.”

  Elizabeth giggled at the expression on his face when he sighed, and blushed at his mention of children. “Thank you, sir.”

  Seeing her redden, Darcy was suddenly struck by how pretty she really was. He gave in to a sudden impulse and reached for her hand. Again, the moment he touched her, he felt a jolt and could readily see that she was similarly affected. His gaze intensified at the sight and his voice deepened as he said, “I believe, Miss Bennet, that, in moments such as these, it is the expected course to share a kiss.”

  “Mr. Darcy!” She gasped, blushing even deeper. But, she could see the sense, and the feeling that had hit her heart when he touched her made her long for more than just his hand on hers. “Very well, sir, I will consent.”

  Darcy leaned down to her and with the briefest of touches, kissed her mouth. He wondered as he pulled away if her lips tingled as his did. Glancing quickly back to the other occupants of the room and seeing that no one was looking at them, he leaned in for a second kiss, this time pressing his lips more firmly to hers, though still for just a brief moment. He breathed in deeply, both enjoying the feeling and doing his utmost to contain his excitement.

  “Thank you. We should share our news, I think?”

  “Yes, we should.” She took his arm and allowed him to escort her to a seat in the midst of the rest of the party.

  Once he had her seated, he turned and addressed the rest the others. “Uncle, Aunt, Lord and Lady Winthrop, Cousin, I am happy to tell you that I have asked Miss Bennet to be my wife, and she has accepted me.”

  The entire room breathed a sigh of relief at his news, for even though Elizabeth had told the ladies she would accept him, they had not been certain she would when the time came for action, and the gentlemen knew nothing of her feelings to begin with. Lord Matlock was the first to offer his congratulations.

  “Excellent news!” Shaking his nephew’s hand, he squeezed Darcy’s arm with his free hand, and then turned to his niece-to-be. In a softer tone, he offered, “Congratulations, Miss Bennet, and welcome to the family. Darcy is, as I told you before, a true gentleman and an excellent man. He will do well by you.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Elizabeth dipped her head in thanks and then looked to her hands with a small smile.

  “I am so happy for you!” Lady Winthrop moved to the seat beside Elizabeth, grasping her hands to cradle in her own. “You have made an excellent decision, you know. All will be well,” she whispered. “Your godfather is diligent in all that he does, and your settlement will be the best he can make it. Of greater importance, I know, is that Darcy is a good man. He will make an excellent husband.”

  Elizabeth nodded her acceptance of the words, her throat unexpectedly tight with tears. Not sure where the emotion had suddenly come from, cast her eyes to their clasped hands and swallowed hard in an effort to get herself under control. Finally, she whispered back. “Thank you, Lady Winthrop. Your support means the world to me.” She smiled tremulously.

  “Let us drink a toast to the new couple!” Winthrop boomed his suggestion to his friend. His satisfaction was great. He had always known Elizabeth as a practical girl with a good head on her shoulders; she had proved it to him once again.

  “Hear, hear!” Richard chimed in, stepping to the sideboard to pour out for everyone.

  Not long after, the Winthrops and Elizabeth made their farewells. Darcy escorted his betrothed to the carriage, kissing her fingers and promising to call on her in two days before he assisted her into the carriage.


  As their equipage moved away from Matlock House, Lord Winthrop once again congratulated his goddaughter. “You have made the right decision, my dear. You will be a wealthy woman and will never have to fear for your future. I will make sure of that.”

  “Robert!” His wife admonished him. “You know very well that Elizabeth is not concerned with money! Honestly, sometimes I wonder where your head is; you should be reassuring her that she has done the right thing and that Mr. Darcy is a good man. That is her concern, and you well know it!” She bestowed a final look of disgust, that he could not see in the dim carriage, at her husband’s lack of perception before she turned to Elizabeth. “I am so sorry, Darling. I have tried and tried to teach him to think like we do, but I fear he is hopeless. He still insists on seeing everything through manly eyes.” Elizabeth could hear the tinkle of earbobs as her friend shook her head and sighed. “If I did not love him so much, I would throw him back and try again, but the poor man really cannot help himself, and he has learned so well in other areas.”

  Lady Winthrop’s dry tone elicited a chuckle from both her husband and Elizabeth.

  “Point taken, Beloved. I apologize, Elizabeth, for forgetting my place.” He paused as his wife snorted and giggled. When he continued, the good humor she always inspired in him was evident in his voice. “My dearest wife is correct. Darcy does appear to be a very good man, and it seemed as though the pair of you got on very well. That bodes well for a good marriage. I am proud of you for taking this chance.”

  “Thank you, sir. We did get along well, and I have high hopes that we will have a happy life. What I saw of him tonight made me like him very well.”

��Wonderful!” Her godfather chuckled again as he felt his wife lean into him. Throw me back, indeed!


  After the guests had gone, Lady Matlock retired to her chambers while her husband, son, and nephew adjourned to the library to discuss the events of the evening.

  “So you have agreed to be leg-shackled, eh, Darcy?” Richard began his ribbing as soon as they entered the room. He nudged Darcy with his elbow as his cousin walked past. “When she first arrived, you barely allowed her to be pretty, yet within the space of two hours you are agreeing to the marriage and kissing her! Did you think no one had seen that little flaunt of propriety?”

  Settling himself into a chair, Darcy defended himself. “Indeed, from across the room, she appeared to be nothing special; however, once I saw her up close and spoke to her, I realized how wrong I had been. Have you seen her eyes? A man could drown in eyes like hers!”

  His relatives laughed. Never had they seen Darcy so enamored of anyone before this.

  He continued, “She has well thought out opinions. Did you hear her? She intelligently discussed the news from France and the Continent, then debated philosophy with me! I do not believe I will ever be bored with conversation such as that. Besides, as I said to her, it is almost required that an accepted proposal be rewarded with a kiss.”

  Richard and his father laughed again. They teased Darcy, but deep down, they were happy that he seemed so pleased with the match.

  “Your other aunt will have to be told, you know. She will not be pleased.”

  “She will not, Uncle; however, she has no choice in the matter. I will not marry Anne.”

  “I know, I know. I would not have allowed it had you chosen her. I will deal with Catherine. She will come to town muttering and cursing under her breath and try to browbeat you into changing your mind, but I am still the head of the Fitzwilliam family and she will obey me.”

  “Thank you. I will write to her myself, though, and give her the news. I will not have it said that I did not do the honorable thing by my mother’s sister.”


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