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To Protect the Heart of a Brazen Woman [Brazen Sisters 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 7

by Rita Sawyer

  She pulled the back the sides of the bag to get a better look inside. Lying in neat, folded piles under a stack of lingerie catalogs were her sexiest bras and panties. Under those were a bunch of T-shirts she was pretty sure she’d outgrown and her shortest shorts.

  She understood why her sisters had packed the catalogs, since they each had to pick two outfits for Georgie’s surprise bachelorette party. It was all Frankie’s idea. She’d decided since it was the only party they’d ever get to throw they were going to do it in grand style. Bobbie figured she was right because they all knew if they tried to do it to Frankie, they may not survive. All Frankie’s excitement and posturing made Bobbie think she was hiding, or up to something. Due to Bobbie’s current situation, she was going to have to wait to find out what it was for a little while longer.

  As for the clothes her sisters had chosen, it seemed her sisters were of a collective mind to flaunt her in front of Jake and see what happened. She’d like to find out, too, but Jake was under enough pressure. Even though she planned to use this time to find a way to make him admit that he wanted her, she wanted to do it her way. She was afraid going along with what her sisters planned would make the next few weeks almost unbearable. Especially if he thought it had been her plan. That just wouldn’t do. She walked back into the main room and found Jake at the small table in the kitchen area unloading boxes.

  “I need to go back to the house.”

  Jake didn’t even glance up from his task. “Bobbie, you agreed this was the best thing to do.”

  “I know, but—” Jake held up his hand and she stopped talking.

  “Look, we can’t go back. Not yet. Maybe in a few days we can sneak back for a quick visit.”

  He just didn’t understand the trouble he was asking for. “Jake, I need—”

  He growled as he lifted his head and looked at her. “Whatever you forgot obviously wasn’t that important. Besides, I’m sure I’ve got whatever it is.”

  “I don’t think so.” She gave a slight shake of her head, barely holding back a laugh.

  “I’m sure I do. See?” He started pulling things out of the box and lining them up on the table in front of her.

  He was right. He had everything. He had the shampoo she used, her favorite bodywash, a toothbrush, and her brand of toothpaste and mouthwash. He even brought a hair brush and hair bands, but it was the last thing he pulled out of the box that shocked her. The twelve-ounce tub of vanilla body lotion was the same brand she used after every shower. Only this one was much bigger and more expensive than she usually bought. All of the other stuff he would have been able to pick up at the store in town—one of the cashiers might have told him what brands to buy—but not that.

  She reached forward and picked up the lotion. This he could have only gotten online. No one around here carried it. The closest store that carried it was seven hundred fifty miles away. Not even her sisters knew where she got it. They’d asked her dozens of times, but Bobbie liked keeping it her little secret. Obviously, Jake had figured it out.

  “How long have you know about the threats?” She ran her finger across the fancy silver filigree label.

  He shrugged. “A few days. Why?”

  Why? Because that meant he would have had to order the lotion at least two weeks ago, since it took that long to get there. And the company didn’t rush delivery. She’d found that out firsthand a couple of months ago when she’d run out. After having to use regular moisturizing lotion for two weeks she had made sure that never happened again. So that meant Jake had to have already had the lotion on hand.

  She knew she should just come right out and ask Jake why he had it, but she was a little afraid to hear the answer. Somewhere in the back of her mind the thought that he may have bought it for someone else tried to work its way to the surface. His supposedly just-friends dinner with Kerri was still too fresh for her to ignore the possibility. Still, she had to wonder why he’d want another woman to smell and feel like her. Could he be thinking it would be that easy to find a substitute for her? She truly hoped not. There was a way for her to dig up the information, but it would mean calling in some favors.

  “Bobbie.” Hearing her name as a sigh on his lips broke her out of her negative musings. “Please don’t look at me like that.”

  Bobbie had no idea how she’d been looking, but he obviously didn’t like it. “Sorry.”

  “Look I’d rather you not be involved in this at all, but you are and there’s no changing that. Can’t we just try to make the best of it?” He sounded so sincere, and Bobbie really wanted to spend some time alone with him.

  She nodded, earning a smile from Jake before he went back to unpacking the supplies. With nothing left to do, she grabbed her backpack off the chair and walked over to the couch. She pulled out the romance novel she’d picked up earlier that day for Jessie. Her sister would be pissed when she remembered Bobbie hadn’t given it to her. Jessie had already waited two weeks for it, but now she’d have to wait a little longer.

  At least Bobbie would have a little entertainment while she was stuck here, but instead of focusing on the words, she thought back to the duffle bag lying on the only bed in the place. Whether he knew it or not, they’d be sharing that bed tonight, because there was no way he’d be comfortable on the lame excuse for a couch that was taking up most of the space in the main room. The only other option was the floor. Bobbie knew she’d never get any sleep knowing he was uncomfortable. Okay, more uncomfortable than her, because the bed didn’t actually look that comfy, either.

  She knew Jake wouldn’t give in easily with his noble sense of right and wrong. It would take some doing to make him see she was right, but Bobbie could be pretty persuasive when she wanted something bad enough. Her biggest weapon was going to be Jake himself. She’d just have to hold back on the tidbit that she’d be dressing scantily until after he agreed to share the bed with her. Then if he had any complaints she would just remind him that he said whatever it was she needed could wait.

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Jake wasn’t doing this for fun. It was part of his job to protect her, but he was right. They could at least try to enjoy their time together. And really, it wouldn’t hurt for her to have some time to relax and clear her head before school started next week. That was if they caught Patrice so she could get back to town and start her classes on time.

  * * * *

  Jake released a shuddering breath as he shoved cans of soup into the cabinet. Twenty minutes and she already wanted to go back. Not the best start, but at least she caved in pretty easily. Not that it was a good thing when it came to her. One thing he loved and hated about Bobbie was that she was always four or five steps ahead of everyone else.

  He’d seen it with her sisters. She always knew what was going on before they did. He didn’t know how she did it, and truthfully, didn’t want to. Jake loved the thrill he felt when he knew something she didn’t, but there was always retribution when she found out he didn’t tell her. He smiled, remembering how pissed she’d gotten at him for not telling her that he found out Joey’s husband had dabbled in information gathering for the government.

  First, she’d pouted for a few days. Then she had stopped in at the station with a dozen of her sister Sam’s fresh-made apple-cider donuts. That would have been fine, but the tiny little sundress that barely covered her ass had made him break out in a sweat. His three deputies had been falling all over themselves to do her bidding, while he’d hidden in his office.

  Eventually, she brought him a couple of donuts and mug of coffee, but not until she flirted shamelessly, teasing his men. Lucky for him, they all—along with most of the other guys in town—knew she was off-limits, otherwise he would have had to intervene. Instead, he’d done his best to keep his distance from her. But it hadn’t been enough because when she sat on his desk and swung those long tanned legs, his cock pulsed in tempo. Once she was sure she’d gotten him worked up so good he wouldn’t be able to leave his office for a while,
she left wearing a huge smile.

  Ever since that day, he’d decided to be careful not let her know when he’d kept something from her. Obviously, he’d fucked up with this Kerri situation. He glanced over his shoulder to where she sat on the sofa. Even from a distance, he could see the stiff way she held her shoulders. In order for this thing to totally work, he needed her to relax. He didn’t think that was going to happen until they cleared the air between them, which meant he had to come clean about how things had been when she’d left.

  He picked up the empty boxes off the table and put them next to the wood stacked by the fireplace. Bobbie laid the book she’d been reading in her lap as he approached her.

  “Listen, I know this isn’t the Four Seasons or anything, but I think we can be comfortable here.”

  “Sure.” She nodded, but he knew she didn’t really agree with him.

  “I’ve got a surprise for you, but first we need to talk.”

  “I thought men didn’t like to talk.”

  He shrugged off her put-down. “Real men don’t mind talking. It avoids complications.”

  “Oh, I get it.” She nodded and one corner of her mouth tipped up in a quirky grin. “You’re going to lay down the law. I’m sure you’ve got a dozen rules you expect me to follow.”

  “Actually, there’s just a few.”

  “Well, I’ll agree to your rules if you make one concession.”

  Jake had a choice to make. He was willing to give a little to get a lot, but with Bobbie it could turn out to be a huge mistake. He got the feeling he was about to make a deal with the devil. A devil he loved and desired, but a devil nonetheless. Yet once she got her way she’d go back to the sweet yet sassy girl everyone loved. He’d be taking a risk, a big risk. Still, it would be worth it if she promised to do what he asked.

  “We can discuss it, but first I think we need to clear the air about a couple of other things.”

  “You mean you and Kerri.” He nodded and she sighed. “Jake, you don’t owe me any explanations.”

  “Bobbie.” He wanted…needed to clear the air.

  She covered his mouth with his fingers. “I think we should sleep together.”

  He tugged her hand down, but didn’t let it go. “What?”

  “You and I should share the bed while we’re here.”

  Even that was too much of a temptation. “I plan to sleep on the couch.”

  “And you’ll wake up sore and tired if you get any sleep at all. Some protector you’ll be in that condition. You said you were going to be with me at all times. I learned on my trip that I have trouble sleeping in new places, so I think I’ll sleep better knowing you’re right there with me.”

  “Bobbie, I don’t think us sharing a bed is a good idea.” In fact, he was sure it wasn’t.

  “I’ve seen those TV shows where witnesses get whatever they want. I’m not asking for much, and in return I’ll follow your rules. If you can’t do this for me then you can take me home.” She got to her feet, but Jake tightened his grip on her hand and pulled her back down.

  Jake didn’t trust himself to just sleep with her. She must have some kind of plan rolling around in that devious mind of hers. Maybe she was just trying to test him? Could he be reading too much into her request? Bobbie was strong, but her wanting him there might be as simple as her being frightened or nervous. If she’d feel more comfortable with him beside her, it wouldn’t be right for him to tell her no because he was a coward. In truth, if their roles had been reversed he would have wanted her with him. Hell, he wanted her with him all the time.

  “Fine, we’ll share the bed. Now can we talk about what happened while you were gone?”

  “Actually, I have a few questions about how we’re supposed to survive up here.”

  “Generator for electricity, and wood for the stove. No phone, but as for the surprise I mentioned, there is a portable DVD player and stack of DVDs in the bedroom. There’s a radio and CDs on the counter. I even packed a few board games and a deck of cards.”

  “Okay, but I meant what do you plan on feeding me?”

  “Hungry.” She nodded and he laughed. “I know after living with Sam you’re used to having gourmet dinners, but our fare here will be less elegant.”

  “As long as we not going to be hunting for our dinner nightly I’m good.”

  Jake got up and went into the kitchen. He opened the cabinet and pulled out a loaf of bread. Out of the dorm-size fridge he got cheese, a pack of deli meats, and a small jar of mustard. It only took him a few minutes to whip them up a few sandwiches. He added a handful of salt-and-vinegar potato chips to each of their plates before carrying them to the couch. She smiled at him when he handed her a dish. He was relieved that some of the negative tension between them seemed to dissipate.

  “Oh my gosh.” She popped a few chips in her mouth and made a funny pucker. “I haven’t had any since I left.”

  “Did you have a good time?”

  She shrugged. “I learned a lot, but I couldn’t wait to come home.”

  “Come on, you were gone for six weeks. You must have found something to do. Knowing you I bet you made a dozen new friends.” He could just imagine the amount of guys who would have attempted to become friends with her.

  “Georgie’s friends Bethany and Frank were great. The B&B guests were all pretty old, like in their seventies, but they were a lively bunch. There was a couple on their honeymoon, but we barely saw them unless it was for food.” They both laughed and Jake leaned back against the cushions, letting her have complete control of the conversation.

  It was a perverse form of torture as he sat there and waited for her to tell him she’d met a guy who struck her fancy. The whole time she’d been away, he told himself if it happened he’d let her go and wish her all the happiness she could find. Now, sitting next to her, he knew he’d been lying to himself.

  He smiled as Bobbie told him about the hiking trips she’d gone on, all the while wishing he’d been with her. She swore nothing compared to the clean, fresh air they had right here. Of course, he agreed with her judgment that even the fanciest restaurant couldn’t compare to her sister Sam’s delicious cooking.

  Jake was surprised how quickly time passed. Soon Bobbie was yawning, and he realized he should let her get to bed. A bed they’d be sharing for the first time. He still wasn’t convinced it was a wise decision, but he’d already agreed, so he couldn’t back out now. Lucky for him, before he could turn in, he had a few things he needed to check on outside. If he stalled long enough, hopefully she would be sound asleep by the time he returned.

  Chapter Eight

  Jake had spent the entire next day trying to ignore the way he was drawn to Bobbie. He wanted to spend every minute by her side. Bobbie hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary. She’d just been her normal cheery self. Just being there with him was enough to drive him crazy, even though she didn’t mean to.

  She’d woken him up when she climbed from the bed. Not that he’d slept much. He hadn’t tossed and turned. No, instead he just lay there, staring at her for hours.

  Last night when he’d finally finished his tasks, he found Bobbie nestled under the cover sound asleep. Her light snoring made him smile. Not bothering to turn the light on and chance waking her, he ducked into the bathroom. He closed the door before flicking the light switch. Jake preferred to sleep in his boxers, but the thin cotton material wouldn’t provide much of a barrier, so he instantly ruled it out. As quietly as he could, he exchanged his jeans for a loose pair of sweatpants and tugged on a clean T-shirt.

  He shut the light off as he slipped back into the bedroom and just stood there staring at her. Jake didn’t dare test himself by joining her under the covers. Instead he lay on top of them and covered himself with one of the sleeping bags he’d brought. It was the tug of the blankets under him that woke him up.

  He opened his eyes in time to see Bobbie extend her arms over her head and stretch toward the ceiling. Jake couldn’t have closed his eyes
if someone had demanded it at gunpoint. Her loose lounge pants had been replaced with a pair of tiny pink shorts that clung to her curves. Her shirt wasn’t much better. It was so tight he could see she wasn’t wearing a bra. He thanked his lucky stars she had her back to him.

  She didn’t look back as she walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Jake had jumped from the bed and almost ran out of the room. He busied himself getting a fire going in the wood cookstove. After scrounging for a few minutes, he found the teapot he’d brought, filled it with water, and put it on the stove top. The second Bobbie walked into the room still wearing her skimpy outfit and flashed him a smile, he knew he was in for a rough day.

  Still, he hoped that he’d find a way to put a little distance between them. It was the best thing for both of them. He excused himself to go take a quick shower. When he came back he found her spreading an exercise mat on the floor.

  He’d told her this seclusion would change her schedule too much, so he couldn’t ask her to stop, even though he could barely breathe. Jake knew she worked out with her sisters doing yoga or Pilates or whatever the hell it was, but watching her do it was different from knowing it. He told himself he didn’t have to watch her bend, stretch, and twist. Yet at the same time he couldn’t tear his gaze off her.

  She stood with her feet together and bent at the waist and hugged her legs. Her shorts stretched over her ass, putting her curves on display. With each move his cock got stiffer. He’d had no idea how flexible she was. Now that he did, his fantasies would be fueled for months to come.

  Things had gotten a little better when she headed in the other room to shower, but the bloodcurdling scream had him racing in. He found her wrapped in a towel, standing in the middle of the bed all because there was a spider in the shower. He did his best not to laugh too hard as he got rid of her unwanted visitor.


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