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To Protect the Heart of a Brazen Woman [Brazen Sisters 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 15

by Rita Sawyer

  She’d waited so long to hear him say those words. “I love you, too.”

  “So I take it you know this guy?” Adam asked.

  Bobbie laughed and made the introductions. The guys hit it off right away. Within a few minutes she would have thought they’d forgotten she was there if not for the way Jake kept her tucked up against his side.

  Chapter Seventeen

  When Bobbie found out it had been Cameron and Joey who brought Jake down to her, she wondered why when they could’ve just given him the address. She knew Cameron had family about an hour or so away, and he said it was the perfect excuse to visit with them. Bobbie figured it was more than that. Her sisters probably wanted a firsthand account of what happened.

  Jake normally shied away from Bobbie when in public or if there was a chance they’d be seen, so she hadn’t expected that Joey would have much to report. An hour after his arrival, she realized she was wrong. Jake held her hand, put his arm around her shoulders, and kissed her in front of everyone. Joey and Cameron had announced that they’d decided to stay at the B&B for a few nights, which Frank refused to let them pay for, since Joey offered to help out while they were there. That night, Bobbie had moved from the room she shared with Molly into one with Jake.

  With Joey there helping out, Bobbie was able to steal away some time with Jake, too. She wanted to talk about why he’d come and what the future held for them, but at the same time, she wanted to just enjoy the moment. He’d said he loved her, he found reasons or ways to touch her if they were in the same room, and when they were alone he was all over her. They explored the area around the B&B, taking time to share some passionate kisses in the little apple tree grove. They’d even had a picnic one afternoon. Bobbie didn’t shirk her duties, though.

  She had the place running almost as smoothly as Beth did. Molly was coming around, too. She’d quickly picked up the light cleaning schedule and reservations system, but when it came to cooking the meals it seemed like she hit a brick wall. Most things she made came out burned or raw. One night, after she managed to burn Sam’s premade macaroni and cheese—which only needed to be defrosted and then baked for forty-five minutes—Bobbie decided to make her an offer no sane person would refuse.

  “You know, I think you should come up to the lodge for a visit and let Sam teach you to cook.”

  “If I wasn’t here I wouldn’t have to cook,” she groused as she scraped the hard pasta into the trash and set the pan in the sink.

  “You can’t eat out forever.” Molly had grudgingly confessed that she lived mostly on takeout.

  “Hey.” Molly pointed a soap-suds-covered finger in Bobbie’s direction. “I keep my fridge stocked with salad stuff and fresh veggies, so I’m not at risk of starving.”

  “And if you’re in the mood for pasta or steak?”

  “I hit a restaurant, or get takeout. It’s no big deal.”

  Bobbie decided since they were alone it was the perfect time to stealthily switch the subject to Adam. “Well, since you know how to shop you’re making the next run to the store.”

  “Why? You and Jake could go together and spend some time alone.” Molly raised her eyebrows a couple times.

  “I’d rather take him for a moonlit walk in the garden. Besides, last time I got pulled over.” Bobbie watched Molly’s expression, but didn’t see any distress or concern.

  “The way you tore out of here that’s not surprising, but with your experience with law enforcement I’m sure you could have talked your way out of a ticket.” Molly was probably right about that.

  “Probably, and it wouldn’t have been hard, but this guy was so hot I might have resorted to trying to flirt my way out of it.” Molly looked up from the sink. “But it didn’t come to that, because I wasn’t speeding.”

  “Then why did you get pulled over?”

  “Because he thought I might be someone else.” Bobbie walked over and leaned against the counter beside Molly. “In fact, he thought I might be you.”


  “Not the reaction you’d expect to get from a girl when a really hot guy is pulling over strangers hoping it’s her just so he can say hi.”

  “Adam wants more than to say hi.” Molly grabbed the hand towel hanging on the cabinet door and in rough, agitated movements dried her hands before tossing it onto the counter. “He was supposed to be out of town.”

  “Would you have turned Frank down if you’d known he was back?”

  “No. Beth is my sister and I’d do anything for her. I just would have kept it quieter about me being back.”

  “Adam seemed like a smart guy to me—”

  “Smart-ass is more like it.”

  Bobbie smiled at the jibe. “I think he would have eventually come to the conclusion that you might come home to help your sister.”

  “Yeah, well, Adam’s not a typical guy.”

  “You got me there. Want to talk about what’s going on between you two?”

  “There’s nothing going on.” Molly’s rigid stance and stiff shoulders were a clear sign she was lying.

  “Maybe not now, but something happened. I’m an impartial stranger. Maybe telling me what it was will give you a fresh perspective.”

  Molly shook her head. “It’s a long story that doesn’t matter anymore.”

  “Give it a try.”

  “Fine.” Bobbie sat there silently and waited for her to say more. “Adam and I used to flirt, a lot. I never thought anyone noticed. Then one day at school his girlfriend, Macy, and some of her followers cornered me in the bathroom. She said she just wanted me to know that Adam only liked me because I was a virgin, and that once he took care of that little problem for me he’d go right back to her.”

  “What a bitch.”

  “Yes, she was, probably still is. Anyway, when my sister came home from school she found me in my room crying. I told her what had happened, and she was furious. Before she let her fury loose on Adam’s girlfriend, she went after Adam. He swore that he was sorry it happened and that he wasn’t playing with me. That he really liked me. So the two of them concocted a plan to get back at Macy.”

  “I hope it involved abject humiliation.”

  “It did, but more for me than her. Their plan, while devised for my benefit, backfired.” Molly walked over and sat down at the table.

  Bobbie followed. “I’ve got to hear this.”

  “What I didn’t know was that Adam had recently dumped Macy. They’d argued over going to the prom, which was over a month away and he told her to find someone else to take her. Macy had laughed and said she would and that he’d stay home alone since no one was going to go with him. She was probably right because no one would have wanted to be on her bad side.”

  “I’ve known a few girls like that.” Bobbie thought about Carla.

  “So anyway, Beth and Adam decided he would show Macy she was wrong by taking me to the prom as his date. That wasn’t enough, though. I...we had to pretend we were dating until then. A few days after the prom, I was supposed to dump him in some big display during lunch.

  “For the next month, Adam drove me to and from school. He held my hand, and most of the time he had his arm slung around my shoulders. He’d flirt with me and carry my books as he walked me to as many classes as he could. He was always around, and I have to admit, it felt good having him pay attention to me.”

  “I’ve seen him, so I can totally understand.” Bobbie waved her hand in front of her face.

  Molly laughed. “Adam really wanted to sell our act, so we went bowling, to the movies, and to a few parties where we’d be sure to be seen. And there had to be kisses to prove we were a real couple.”

  “Of course.” Bobbie had a pretty good idea where this was heading.

  “Things started off innocently enough, but there were a few times that thing almost got out of hand. To tell the truth, if was as if we’d both fallen for our own sham. One afternoon about a week before the prom, it was raining and Adam picked me up at the library. W
e got a flat. Instead of changing the tire, we decided to wait for the rain to let up little. We sat there listening to the radio and talking, which led to kissing. Even though we were alone with no chance that anyone would see us. It was something we both enjoyed.” Molly sighed and her lips curved up into a sad smile. “A lot.”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Well, this time things quickly got out of control. Adam tried to call a stop to it, but I knew it was something we both wanted to happen. So I kind of took the lead. Like most women, I can be pretty persuasive if I really want something bad enough.”

  “So was Macy right?”

  “No. Turns out Adam was a virgin, too. We were each other’s first. Hell first, second, and tenth. It was like we’d opened floodgates. The more I got of him the more I wanted. We were both cautious, and kept the fact that we were having sex just between us.”

  “I don’t see a problem with that.”

  “You will. The night of the prom was magical. After a few hours of dancing, Beth and I left Adam and her date for a few minutes while we went to the bathroom. When we came back out, Macy and Adam were standing a few feet away. She spotted me and threw herself at him. I realize now that Adam was an eighteen-year-old guy and a really hot girl was rubbing herself against him, so it should have been no surprise that he didn’t push her away. It still pisses me off, but not as much as it did that night. I marched up to them and said, ‘At least we both will always know I was his first.’”

  “Good for you!” Bobbie wondered for second if she would have had the guts to do something like that, and smiled knowing she would have.

  “Yeah, except the music had died down and the entire junior and senior classes heard me. I was mortified. I spent the rest of the night avoiding Adam, which was practically impossible. So I hid in the bathroom.”

  “Wow. That really, really sucks.”

  “When Beth and I got home, we both pretended nothing was wrong so my parents wouldn’t get upset. My mother was telling us about our aunt who was very pregnant and just put on bed rest. Her and her husband didn’t know how they were going to handle it with an active six-year-old and no family or close friends nearby. Beth instantly volunteered to go stay with them, but she had graduation coming up and my parents refused to let her miss it. Though they didn’t know it, for me, the timing was awesome. I left the next morning. I spent the entire summer there, and by the time I came home Adam had gone off to college.”

  “So you’ve been avoiding him for how long?” Bobbie asked.

  “About five years. There were two times he managed to sneak up on me, but neither of them went well for either of us. The first was at Beth’s wedding. We both had way too much to drink. Adam dragged me into a closet where, after trying to get me to talk to him, he kissed me. I kissed him back and we would have done more, heck we were damn close, when someone walked in on us. I ran and just kept going.”


  “The second time was at his sister’s college graduation party. I was told he wasn’t going to be able to make it, so I came home. He was there with a gorgeous, long-legged blonde on his arm. I figured I was safe, but I guessed wrong. He followed me into one of the back bedrooms where I’d gone to use the phone. We argued, and this time when he kissed me, there was no holding back. I’m guessing the blonde was his girlfriend, because when she found us having sex on the floor she screamed and stormed out. Adam didn’t follow her, but I got the hell out of there before anyone else could come along. I think he likes proving he can make me want him beyond reason.”

  “Maybe it’s more than that. You always leave first.” Now Bobbie understood why Adam thought he might need the handcuffs.

  “And I go as far as I can get.”

  “Some guys are turned-on by the thrill of the chase.” Bobbie didn’t think Adam was that kind of guy, but it seemed like neither of them could move on until they got some closure. “Maybe you could try something else?”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “Stick around. Don’t run, or hide. In fact, spend some time with him, but whatever you do, don’t have sex with him. Prove to him that you’re stronger than the desire he makes you feel.”

  “Bobbie, you don’t understand. What if I’m not?”

  “You are. But until you see that for yourself you’ll have me here to remind you and maybe run a little interference, too.”

  * * * *

  Jake wasn’t sure what Bobbie was up to. At first, with all the whispering with Molly about Adam, he thought it was simple matchmaking—which happened to be one of her specialties—but now he was damn sure there was more to it than that. When he found out that Adam had been invited to dinner tonight, Jake figured he was about to find out what Bobbie and Molly were up to.

  Jake met Adam on the porch. “You look like you’re ready to puke.”

  “I just might.” Adam chuckled.

  Jake motioned to the chair beside his. “The women are busy in the kitchen, and I don’t think they’re ready for us just yet.”

  “Good. I could use a few minutes.” Adam sat down and looked out over the yard. “So have you and Bobbie been together long?”

  Jake smiled and nodded. “Sometimes it feels like forever.”

  “I know that feeling. What’s worse is to have that person run from you almost as long.” Adam’s remark struck too close to home.

  Jake didn’t know how to respond. For a second, Jake thought Adam was talking about him, until he glanced toward the screen door. There was no reason he’d know that Jake had done everything he could to keep a certain distance from Bobbie. In the long run, it had been a useless endeavor. Of course, everyone knew it and had told him so, but Jake was stubborn and had to find it out for himself. All of his reasons that seemed so altruistic to him, and yet lame to his friends and family, didn’t matter anymore.

  He hoped Molly and Adam didn’t waste as much time as he did avoiding the truth. Jake smiled, wondering if that was Bobbie’s plan. Was she trying to find a way to help them see what a mistake it would be? Maybe he could help Bobbie, without her knowing.

  * * * *

  Jake spent the next three days watching Bobbie maneuver Adam and Molly as deftly as a chess master moved his pieces around the board. She let them flirt, but never let Adam get too close. Strangely, Adam seemed to be okay with it. Jake kept his eye on Bobbie, but he stayed busy, too. He helped Frank move some furniture around to make it easier for Beth to get around.

  Joey and Cameron had gone to visit Cameron’s family one last time. They’d be leaving in the morning right after Frank returned from the hospital with his wife. Bobbie hadn’t asked Jake if he was leaving with them, but she had a sadness about her that she tried yet failed to hide. Jake knew it was well past time for the two of them to sit down and talk. He found her sitting on the porch watching the birds flit from feeder to feeder in the yard. There had to about twenty of them, feeders not birds. The birds were much fewer, about six or seven.

  “They’re a bit fat, don’t you think?” He took a seat beside her and picked up her hand in his.

  She shrugged in response, but didn’t try to take her hand away. “Your sister and Cameron are leaving tomorrow.”

  “I know.” Her shoulders rose and fell, though her sigh was almost inaudible.

  “I’m guessing you’ll probably be here for a little while longer.”

  She nodded. “At least another three or four days. Molly and Frank are almost ready to run things on their own, but I want to make sure Beth is comfortable before I leave.”

  Jake wasn’t going to draw this out, but selfishly, he wanted to hear her say she wanted him to stay. “Should I plan on going with them?”

  “I suppose you’re needed back home.” She turned her head so he couldn’t see her face.

  “I am,” he admitted, but Clint could hold down the fort a little bit longer.

  “Then I guess you’re going.” Her resounding tone irked him.

  Jake let go of her hand as he got t
o his feet and moved in front of her. “Bobbie, just tell me you want me to stay, and I will.”

  She looked up at him, her eyes filled with unshed tears. “I want you to stay.”

  Jake pulled his fancy new phone from his pocket. He pressed a few buttons. Clint answered almost immediately.

  “Hey, boss, how are things going?” he asked.

  “Fine. Everything okay there?”

  “We’ve had a few issues, but nothing we couldn’t control.”

  “Good. I’m staying through the end of the week, but don’t expect me in the office until Monday.”

  “Yes, sir.” Clint didn’t have much of choice, but Jake was sure he would have said something if he didn’t want and didn’t think he could handle the added responsibility.

  Jake hung up and tucked his phone into his pocket. He held out his hand and Bobbie placed hers in it. She let him tug her to her feet and into his arms. Jake had two goals. The first was to put Bobbie first from now on. And the second was to make sure she knew every day that he loved her.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Bobbie had packed her bag the night before so they would be ready to leave right after she helped Molly make breakfast. They’d become good friends in such a short time, and she was going to miss her a lot. She hoped things worked out between her and Adam. They were talking a lot, and that was a good start. Bobbie had invited them both to come up to the lodge for a visit any time they wanted, together or alone. Jake had even promised to take Adam fishing with the guys.

  Jake—there was another dilemma for her. Bobbie was still getting over the surprise that he came after her. Hearing him say he loved her had been something she wanted for years. She loved being wrapped in his arms as she fell asleep, but one thing still hung over them like a little black rain cloud ready to drench them both. They hadn’t discussed what things were going to be like when they got home. Neither of them even brought it up.

  Bobbie knew one thing for sure. With Jake’s position as sheriff, things would be different. Most people wouldn’t be shocked to see them hold hands or share a kiss or two, but Jake believed in setting a good example, and having her sleep in his bed without some kind of commitment wasn’t something she could see him doing.


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