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Salvadore's Luck

Page 12

by Odessa Lynne

  Chapter 16

  Wolf took Salvadore to a bedroom after their meal. He didn’t turn on any of the lamps or the ceiling or wall fixtures, but with the windows and glass doors across the room, Salvadore didn’t need the extra illumination. A balcony stretched the length of the room and he could just see a set of stairs that led to the lower levels of the house. Just thinking about how the house stretched up the side of the mountain made his stomach lurch.

  Salvadore shook off those thoughts and stared at the bed in the corner, a double, piled high with pillows and covered with a red and blue quilt that could have given Salvadore’s truck serious competition for the most old fashioned item Salvadore had ever seen. Why the wolves had covered one of their beds with it escaped him, but it was obvious all around that the wolves had traded for many of the furnishings. So far the most alien thing Salvadore had seen were the bandages Wolf had put on Salvadore’s feet.

  Salvadore moved across the room and traced one of the white stars in the quilt with the tip of his finger. “Time to fuck, I guess.”

  Wolf’s hands landed on Salvadore’s shoulders, startling him. He hadn’t even heard Wolf cross the room behind him.

  Wolf nuzzled his face against the side of Salvadore’s neck and turned Salvadore to face him. “Your scent has me enthralled, and I can’t imagine waiting another moment to mate you.”

  Salvadore didn’t speak, just reached down between them and unbuttoned his pants. No point being shy about it now. He was doing this again and he might as well make an effort to enjoy it at least as much as he’d enjoyed it the first time, because there was also no point lying to himself about that; he’d definitely enjoyed it when Wolf had fucked him.

  He shucked his pants, remembered too late that he didn’t have underwear on, and then hopped on one foot when the snug denim got stuck at his ankle. “Dammit.”

  Wolf’s hand on Salvadore’s shoulder was the only reason he didn’t fall on his naked ass.

  Salvadore finally tugged his pants free. He straightened and dropped them to the floor where they crumpled into a heap. Then he looked up and caught Wolf’s blazing hot eyes staring a hole through him. “What?”

  “You aren’t afraid.”

  Salvadore opened his mouth, hesitated, and then exhaled in a rough sigh. “Maybe not. Not like before.”

  “I’m glad.” Wolf’s hands moved to the bottom hem of Salvadore’s threadbare t-shirt. “It’s time for you to submit.”

  Salvadore thought about the heat season safety training he’d had more than six years ago, but the words didn’t come easy, despite their bargain. “I, uh … do. I submit.”

  Was that the first time he’d actually said it? He’d been told the phrase was an important part of the whole submission thing and that it had special meaning—the translation anyway, but since most humans couldn’t recreate some of the sounds necessary to say the original words in the wolves’ language, the human version had to do.

  Wolf tugged Salvadore’s shirt up and Salvadore raised his arms and let Wolf peel the shirt over his head. Wolf tossed the shirt to the floor and lowered his head to Salvadore’s chest.

  Salvadore stood there while Wolf sniffed a trail through Salvadore’s hair toward his underarm and then—

  “No you don’t, fucker, not this time.” Salvadore grabbed Wolf by the shirt and yanked. The shirt tore, the sound of rending fabric stopping as abruptly as it had started when Salvadore thumped flat against the mattress and Wolf landed on top of him, squishing every last breath out of Salvadore’s body.

  “Shit,” Salvadore groaned out. “Didn’t think that through. You’re a heavy motherfucker.”

  Wolf reared up on his knees, straddling Salvadore’s hips. “Submit!”

  “You’re not sticking your goddamn nose under my arm!” Salvadore yelled back. “I’m ticklish!”

  Wolf dropped forward, caging Salvadore against the bed, his breath tussling the hair at Salvadore’s forehead.

  “Submit,” Wolf said, his claws digging into the quilt beside Salvadore’s head.

  A strange sense of knowing washed over Salvadore, much like it had when he’d been sure Egan was about to lie to him. Wolf needed him to submit. Every moment that Salvadore hesitated was a moment closer to the edge of Wolf’s control.

  “I submit,” Salvadore said. “But if I start laughing while you’re trying to fuck me, you’ve got no one to blame but yourself.”

  “I…” Wolf stared down at Salvadore a moment longer than seemed necessary, sweat shiny on his face. Then he shook his head, as if trying to shake off the effects of a drug. “My heat’s starting to overwhelm me. We have to fuck now. If I wait, I’ll hurt you when I push my cock into you. I don’t want that. Neither of us do.”

  “No,” Salvadore said. “No, we don’t.”

  “Take the lubricant out of my pocket and prepare yourself as quickly as you can.”

  Salvadore reached between them and quickly dug the jar of lube out of Wolf’s pocket. Salvadore didn’t waste any time screwing the lid off. Wolf had already started rutting against Salvadore’s cock and Salvadore couldn’t hold back a soft gasp at the pressure on his dick.

  Wolf reared up on his knees again and ripped apart the waistband of his pants, the sudden tear flinging the button across the room to crack against the solar glass of one of the windows.

  Salvadore jerked at the loud pop and dropped the lube, then immediately scrambled to grab it up again. He could either panic or … or he could get his shit together and lube up and ride this out to the end, and despite the crazy beating of his heart, he knew which one was the smarter move and by God, he was going to do the right thing here because he wasn’t dying at the end of Wolf’s claws.

  Wolf fell forward onto one hand, his breath coming faster than before. “I’ve never had to be so careful when I fuck. It’s… difficult.”

  “Just…just keep trying.” Salvadore had two fingers coated with lube and he pushed them against his hole. The tension in his body made it an uncomfortable stretch but his asshole finally gave way to the smooth glide of the body-warmed lube. He watched Wolf staring at him fingering himself and he didn’t know if it was exciting Wolf or calming him, but he kept sliding the tips of his fingers in and out until Wolf pushed his hand aside and lined up his cock.

  Wolf’s penis breached Salvadore’s anus with shocking suddenness, stretching his asshole wide. Salvadore gasped and clutched at Wolf’s shoulders and dug his foot into the bed and pushed his ass up to meet the thrust.

  A growling rumble rose from Wolf’s chest. The rumble vibrated through Salvadore’s palms, sparking along his nerves like short little jolts of electricity and raising every hair on his body.

  Without giving Salvadore time to catch his breath, Wolf started moving inside him. Salvadore fought the pleasure, worrying that if he and Wolf fucked for too long afterward, he might be too sensitive to enjoy most of it if he’d already come.

  Wolf’s rutting became erratic and his weight crushed Salvadore to the bed. Hot liquid splashed deep into Salvadore’s ass, but Wolf never slowed. He continued to fuck Salvadore long after that and several other quick orgasms, his thrusting hard and powerful enough to scoot Salvadore across the bed until his head bumped up against the wood headboard.

  Wolf’s hand moved to the wood above Salvadore’s head and with his other he dragged Salvadore upward by the arm until Salvadore was cornered against the wood at his back and he was half-sitting on Wolf’s cock, knees spread wide around Wolf’s hips. Wolf wrapped one arm around Salvadore’s back and used the other as leverage on the headboard, and he pounded into Salvadore until Salvadore went from gasping at the pleasure of every thrust gliding across his prostate to yelling through clenched teeth and digging his nails into Wolf’s t-shirt covered shoulders, afraid to grab at Wolf’s back because of the blood he’d seen there earlier.

  He reached down and pulled up Wolf’s shirt so the sensitive head of his cock wouldn’t keep rubbing against the sweat-soaked fabric. But maybe that
wasn’t such a good idea, because with every one of Wolf’s jolting thrusts into Salvadore’s ass, Salvadore’s dick slid against Wolf’s slick, hot, sweaty skin.

  “Oh fuck. I can’t—Oh my God, fuck.”

  Salvadore’s orgasm came on him hard.

  He smacked his head back against the headboard hard enough to reverberate into his teeth.

  Wolf growled and grabbed the back of Salvadore’s head, pulling Salvadore in tight to his shoulder, refusing to let Salvadore bang his head against the headboard again, even though that was exactly what Salvadore wanted to do. Hot pleasure swept through him and his semen splattered onto the hem of Wolf’s shirt and dripped into the gaping fly of Wolf’s pants around the thick root of his cock.

  Salvadore kissed the side of Wolf’s neck and Wolf’s teeth scraped along Salvadore’s collarbone, sending a shiver racing over Salvadore’s skin. Then Wolf whined low in his throat and came in Salvadore’s ass again.

  Salvadore didn’t want to let go, so he threaded his fingers in Wolf’s hair and rode Wolf in that position until Wolf finally dragged him down on the bed again, so lost in the haze of lust that Salvadore could have recited the Pledge of Allegiance and Wolf wouldn’t have noticed.

  Salvadore didn’t mind so much. He clung to Wolf, tired but satisfied, and tried to imagine what his life would have been like if he’d been born one of them instead of human, how it would feel to have every ounce of control stripped from him because of nothing more than the scent of another species.

  He dropped his head to Wolf’s neck and rested there, breathing deeply of the musky sweat soaking Wolf’s t-shirt. He didn’t envy the wolves their heat.

  Chapter 17

  Salvadore woke up to find Wolf staring down at him and he blinked, his eyes watering at the soft glow of light filtering down from a panel in the ceiling over the bed.

  Night had come, but he didn’t remember falling asleep. Or… wait. Maybe he did. He remembered going to the bathroom to clean up. He…

  Ah, shit.

  He’d fallen asleep on the toilet. He remembered that because he remembered Wolf shaking him awake and him sliding off the edge, his hand slapping the short wall next to him and yeah, he’d feel better if he didn’t have to revisit that memory any time soon…

  Salvadore sat up on the bed and shoved the quilt away, trying to push away the fuzzy headed feeling left behind by a too hard, too short sleep. “Damn, I feel rough.”

  He scrubbed his hand over his face, and then did it again, because—

  “You shaved me?” His outrage made his voice rise as he looked over his shoulder at Wolf, resting there on his elbow and watching Salvadore.

  Wolf blinked, his heavy eyebrows pulling together over his straight nose. “I didn’t realize you wouldn’t want your beard removed.”

  “I have a baby face. I always make sure to leave at least a little bit of a shadow behind.” He hated being clean shaven. The dark shadow he usually wore suited him a hell of a lot better than the baby smooth skin he felt under his hands now. “I’m going to look like a fucking teenager for the next week. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Salvadore looked askance at Wolf. Either his sarcasm hadn’t been apparent—not likely—or Wolf was fucking with him.

  “I thought humans preferred a youthful look,” Wolf said, and showed his teeth, and if that wasn’t the same as a smile, Salvadore would eat his boots.

  “Well, I don’t. The kind of guys I get to look at me when I go around looking like this are usually creeps. The rest think I’m too young.”

  Wolf pushed up on his arm with startling haste. “You’re not still a juvenile, are you? You don’t smell like one.” Wolf leaned in and sniffed at Salvadore’s armpit as if to double check, but his eyebrows had pulled tight again when he dragged himself away and his eyes scoured Salvadore’s naked body as if looking for additional clues that Salvadore was indeed an adult human.

  Salvadore was tempted to lie, just to fuck with him.

  “I’m old enough,” Salvadore said. “If you were worried about me being legal, you should’ve thought about that before you decided you wanted to mate with me.”


  “Legal to fuck. We have laws you know. Can’t fuck with minors, things like that.”

  “Minors… you mean juveniles.”

  “Yep. Or kids.”

  “Humans need laws to discourage them from having sex with children?” Outrage made Wolf’s voice rough and deep.

  “Well, most people aren’t that kind, but there’s always one or two around. Dad had a friend once—”

  Wolf growled.

  “Hey, it’s no big deal. The man had a lab accident and ended up suffocating on some gas he’d made. He never did anything to me, just looked at me weird and tried to convince me to let him touch my dick once. I told on the old bastard and that was the last I ever saw of the man.”

  The lab accident had occurred soon after, and as an adult, knowing the kind of man his father had been, Salvadore had his suspicions about that accident.

  He thought sometimes he was a lot like his father, even if he hadn’t thought so as a kid.

  “I’m twenty,” he said. “Plenty old enough for sex.” He was also old enough to have to worry about the wolves and their heat season, even though the mid-twenties was actually the most dangerous age for a man because of the particular combination of hormones, pheromones, and body odor—or so he’d been told during the safety training.

  He eyed Wolf’s smooth cheeks and narrow eyes but couldn’t find anything that gave him a clue to Wolf’s age. “How old are you?”

  Wolf sat up beside him. “I’m not sure.” He was quiet for a moment. “Somewhere around twenty-three Earth years, I believe.”

  Salvadore twisted around on the bed to face Wolf. “Wait a minute. Twenty-three? That’s all?” He was going to have to do some serious adjustments to his thinking. He’d thought Wolf was older than that—a lot older, in fact. But instead, he barely had three years on Salvadore, maybe less depending exactly when he’d been born. Salvadore had about six months to go before his twenty-first birthday, not that it mattered. He’d felt like an adult since the day his father died.

  He stared at Wolf and couldn’t believe how much less intimidating Wolf suddenly seemed.

  “Many of us are relatively young,” Wolf said. “Significant numbers of our eldest chose to perish so that those of us left wouldn’t have to fight the heat while we were searching for a new home. I was one of the first born on the ships.”

  Salvadore did the math. The wolves had never been clear about how long they’d traveled before finding Earth, not that he’d heard. If Wolf had been one of the first born, that meant—

  “Shit,” Salvadore breathed. “You spent at least thirteen years on those ships.”

  “The ships were my home.”

  “How old is Egan?”

  Wolf put his hand on Salvadore’s chest. “He is older, but not as old as Alpha. Alpha is eight by our measure of age.”

  “Eight?” Salvadore said curiously. “How do you measure age?”

  “By the number of heats.”

  “Oh.” But then he did more math and said, “That’s twenty-four, twenty-five—”

  “Our first heat signals our coming of age.”

  “So how many years?”

  Wolf looked at Salvadore curiously. “Is this important to you?”

  Salvadore shrugged. “I’m curious, that’s all.”

  Wolf’s breath came out in a short huff and he moved to the side of the bed. “Most of us have our first heat during our fifteenth Earth year, although it happens to a very few of us during our eighteenth. I believe the First Alpha had a late heat. Several of his line have—it’s considered a mark of a higher status because those with a late heat can usually continue to breed for much longer than the rest of us. We mate during our first heat but we don’t breed unless we’ve been chosen. Now that the birth limit has been eliminated, those of us w
ho are allowed to breed, breed with every heat.”

  “Unbelievable. You’re still kids when you—”

  Wolf’s gaze caught Salvadore’s. “No,” he interrupted. “We aren’t children when our first heat arrives.”

  “That’s what you say, but how do I—”

  Wolf caught Salvadore’s chin in his hand. “You shouldn’t confuse your biology and ours.” Wolf said something Salvadore didn’t understand, likely a name. “—is in his first heat. His didn’t come late, so he’s probably just over fifteen Earth years. Did he seem like a child to you?”

  “I don’t—” Salvadore sucked in his breath. “You mean that wolf you wanted to kill? He’s only fifteen? That’s crazy.”

  “It’s not crazy, it’s our biology. We’re expecting Alpha soon. That’s why I woke you.”

  The change of subject shattered Salvadore’s ease. “Oh. Yeah. Okay.”

  Salvadore pushed off the side of the bed, then groaned as he stood, a yawn coming before he could stop it. He stretched. He wasn’t really sore, but he felt… off. His muscles had a tightness to them he wasn’t used to and his ass…well, he’d definitely been fucked and fucked hard, but he wasn’t in pain and he didn’t think all that fucking had hurt anything.

  Salvadore enjoyed being fucked in the ass but he wasn’t unaware of the risks. It was probably even riskier to have a wolf in heat fucking him so rough, but if it was, he wasn’t feeling the effects of it right now.

  “I want to feed you before we’re picked up so you don’t have to go too long without food again.” Wolf’s hand landed on Salvadore’s shoulder from behind, and with little effort, Wolf pulled Salvadore back down to the bed. Salvadore bounced as his ass hit the mattress. “You’re going to stay here until I return.”

  “I’ll get dressed.” Salvadore rubbed his face and looked toward the dresser against the wall to one side of the windows. “Are there clean clothes here?”

  “Stay,” Wolf said again. “I’ll dress you.”

  At that, Salvadore dropped his hand to the bed, leaned back, and stared at Wolf. “You’ll dress me.”


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