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Stay: Odd Jobs #1

Page 3

by Alexander, AJ

  “Before you go planning our wedding and how many children we are going to have, first I need to be able to at least hold a conversation with him.” I can’t help but laugh at the look on Heather’s face. She looks like she’s having another one of her ideas, I really do hate when she has those.

  “Just a long case of foreplay. When you finally do the deed, it’ll be mind-blowing. I may even let you tell me about.” Heather smiles before turning to head god knows where. If I didn’t love her so much, I’d probably disown her.

  The thought of Cole coming anywhere near me has me all hot and bothered but turns my stomach at the same time. Is it possible to hate someone that much? I honestly have no idea, but he seems to bring that side out of me.

  I have never been a very emotional girl. Always doing what my parents wanted, dated who they wanted, went to school where they wanted. The only thing I really rebelled on was my major, that’s until everything happened with Preston. Suddenly, I found my backbone, I left my parents and moved halfway across the country to escape the embarrassment.

  Tears begin to prickle my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. Cole had affected me in a way that no one has before. He can push all my buttons to the point that I can’t help but fire back with a snarky retort. It seems that he brings out the worst in me. Heather has decided to call it passion, but me, I call it nothing but trouble.



  Cole has come and gone almost every day for the last few weeks. Even though I’ve tried, I can’t seem to avoid him. It seems that pissing me off has become his favorite past time. I don’t know whether I want to push him up against the wall and fuck him, or knocking him out.

  Heather keeps talking about this epic game of foreplay we are playing with each other, but in all honesty, he strikes a nerve. To make matters worse, my father has gotten wind of the fact that Preston and I have broken up and is calling non-stop. Preston probably spun some lies about me getting cold feet or something, god forbid he actually admit to being a cheating asshole.

  As if on cue the doorbell rings, and I take a deep breath before going to answer it. “Speak of the Devil and he shall appear. What are you doing here so early anyway?” I ask, expecting to see Cole, but instead, I’m met by my second least favorite person, Preston.

  “Hello, Addison.” I see Preston standing there, with the same look he has always had, calculating and distant. I’m surprised that I didn’t notice it sooner. I guess my desire to be loved overrode my common sense.

  “What do you want, Preston?” I cross my arms over my chest and send up a silent prayer that Heather will miraculously appear.

  “I came to bring you home. Your father and I want you to cease this nonsense.” He steps toward me, reaching out to grab my hand.

  “Nonsense? Escaping the embarrassment of telling our friends and my family that you’re a cheating asshole is nonsense? I doubt you even told my father about your indiscretions or how you used me.” My voice is slowly beginning to rise in volume.

  “Stop making a scene, Addison. These things happen, no need to be all sensitive about it. Your father wants you to marry a respectable man from a good family. I want to be the next Head of Surgery at Massachusetts General. Now be a good little girl and do what you’re told.”

  He reaches out for me again, this time grabbing my arm in the process. “Let me go!” I shout hoping that someone will hear me. I’m not afraid of Preston, but I damn sure am not going to go with him without a fight.

  “I think I liked it better when you just did what you were told. Women with backbones are best for fucking, they aren’t meant to be wives.”

  “Good thing I have no intention of being your wife then.” I snarl in his face before jabbing him twice directly in the nose. I hear the crunch of his nose right before he begins to howl in pain, releasing my wrist immediately.

  “Now, turn around and go tell my father that I have a life here, and that I have no intention of coming home. I also have no intention of marrying you. I suggest you find another way to get into my father’s good graces.”

  With that, I turn on my heels and head inside, slamming the door behind me.

  “Wasn’t that a show?” I look up to see Heather sitting on the stairs. Obviously, she’d been sitting there the whole time.

  “Sorry for all the racket.” A blush immediately covers my skin.

  “Don’t sweat it, cuz. I was two seconds from coming out there and decking him myself. You did good kid.” She makes her way down the stairs before pulling me in for a hug. I wrap my arms around her, giving her a big squeeze.

  This is probably the first time I have ever openly defied my father. Damn, it felt good.

  “Alright enough of this, time to get the day started. Mani-pedis all around,” she shouts before pulling me back up the stairs. Before we make it to the top, I turn and look toward the front door. I’m slightly disappointed I won’t be home to have my daily sparring match with Cole, but I think one bloody nose is enough for today.



  There’s more pep in my step than usual as I make my way back to Delilah’s house this afternoon. I made sure to drop the other dogs off before coming here, surprised at my own excitement. My daily sparring match with Addison has become the highlight of my day. Watching that fire ignite in her eyes as we trade insults back and forth has become my own personal brand of foreplay.

  No matter how many times I have tried, I haven’t been able to satisfy my raging libido. Walking around constantly on edge needing to cum because of Addison. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve gone bar hopping and even considered calling Vickie for a quick round, but nothing interests me. I only need to get into her pants one time, to say that I did it, and everything will go back to normal.

  I continue my trek up the path and ring the doorbell, hoping Addison answers the door. She has been avoiding me the last couple of days. Heather said something about an ex popping up out of nowhere. It doesn’t seem like there’s anything for me to worry about on that front, but it still has me feeling uneasy.

  “If it isn’t the devil incarnate,” Addison’s voice interrupts my thoughts. My eyes instantly begin to devour her figure. I map her body from head to toe.

  “Hello, Addison.”

  “No witty comeback or snarky retort today? Are you losing your touch?” she asks with a raised eyebrow. I can only smirk in return, I’m trying desperately not to shove my way through the door. Her breathing starts to pick up as the tension thickens between us.

  “You can feel it, don’t you?” I growl, stepping closer to her. I drop Delilah’s leash and wrap my arm around Addison’s waist pulling her closer to my body. Luckily Delilah goes directly into the house.

  “Get your hands off me,” Addison whimpers.

  “You want me, don’t you?” I whisper into her ear, running my nose down the curve of her neck. She moans in response. Pushing my way through the door, I kick it shut with my foot. I spin both of us around, pinning Addison to the door.

  “I’m going to fuck you now.” There’s no mistake about it. I can’t wait any longer, my cock is rock hard and ready to take her.

  “I hate you,” she says, the fire in her eyes makes me want her even more.

  “I hate you too, but that’s beside the point. I’m still going to fuck you.” I lean down and devour her mouth, nipping at her lips until she grants me entry. We both moan in pleasure when out tongues connect, battling for dominance. I reach up with my hand and wrap it in her hair, gently pulling to give myself better access, plunging my tongue further into her mouth. We break apart, both desperate for air.

  “I hate you,” she repeats again, skin flushed a delicious shade of pink.

  “I’m going to fuck you.”

  “I’m going to let you.”

  There are no other words needed as she leans in again and captures my lips, finally putting an end to the longest game of foreplay I have ever participated in.

  * * *

  An overw
helming feeling of loss has been following me around since this morning. I’d be lying to myself if I said it had nothing to do with Addison. I thought if I finally was able to get into her pants, it would solve all my problems, but it seems to have made things worse. Now my yearning for her has intensified. Don’t get me wrong, I want to fuck her senseless again, but there’s something more there. An ache in my chest that wasn’t there before.

  “Fuck this shit, I’m not some pussy whipped asshole. I need to find someone to fuck again, and I’ll be fine,” I mumble into the darkness as I climb into my car. I start the engine and sit there, staring out the front window. “Fuck me,” I growl throwing my head back and laying it onto the seat. Images of Ms. Priss and her green eyes piercing into my soul flash behind my eyelids. It’s time that I face facts, this damn woman has gotten under my skin, I have no choice but to accept it.

  Putting the car into drive, a plan starts to form in my mind. It isn’t going to be easy to show her I’m not a complete asshole, well at least not all the time. I can be charming, witty, and all those things Heather says chicks like. If I dig deep enough, I can find that guy I used to be that wanted the white picket fence, a dog, and a bunch of kids. However, I don’t want to be that guy anymore. He wasn’t good enough for Vickie, so there’s no way in hell he’s going to be good enough for a woman like Addison.

  She needs someone to lean on, she carries the world on her shoulder by the looks of it. She’s going to want someone to carry that burden for her. I can be that man, I just need to convince her I’m worthy.

  As I continue my drive home, I pick up the phone and call the only person I know that could help in a situation like this. The phone rings a few times before she picks up. “Heather, I need your help.”

  I explain to her the jumble of emotions going on in my head right now but leave out the part of fucking Addison against the entryway wall in her house. I'm not too sure she would appreciate me sharing that information with her nosey cousin, but I’m sure my best friend can tell something went down.

  “Let me get this straight, you’re willing to change your manwhore ways suddenly? And to top it all off, you want moi to help you get with my cousin who is more like a sister to me?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying,” I growl into the phone as I park the car. I pinch the bridge of my nose in an effort to calm down. Flying off the handle at her isn’t going to help matters in the slightest.

  “Cole, I’m not a miracle worker here. Addy hates you. Honestly, I don’t think hate is a strong enough word for how she feels about you. That’s unless there’s something going on that you aren’t telling me?” There’s my nosey best friend. Always fishing for information. I wouldn’t be surprised if she already knows, I’m sure those girls tell each other everything.

  “There’s nothing to tell. She can’t hate me that much because she continues to speak to me. I’m sure if we are in the same place at the same time, and I stop trying to piss her off, I could get her to at least have a decent conversation with me.”

  I’m met with nothing but silence on the other end of the phone. I’m not sure what Heather is thinking, but when it involves silence, it can’t be good. Before I have a chance to open my mouth again, she responds, “Okay, so first stop purposely pushing her buttons

  .After a while, I’ll suggest we all go out together and hang out. Maybe if I get her drunk enough, she’ll let you make a move or something. That’s the best I can do for you.”

  To be honest, I was hoping for something a little better, but I’ll take what I can get. “Thanks. Operation don’t piss off Ms. Priss, is in effect.”

  “Start off by not calling her Ms. Priss,” she grumbles into the phone before hanging up. Damn, this is going to be a lot harder than I thought.



  The sun is shining brightly through my bedroom window once again, waking me up at this ungodly hour. I really need to remember to do something about the curtains in this room. Blinking rapidly to wake up, I suddenly hear the doorbell ring. With a groan I roll over, pulling the pillow over my head.

  Now, most people would’ve the opposite reaction to someone being at the door. However, I have entered the twilight zone. After I mistakenly slept with Cole a few weeks ago, he suddenly had a personality swap. Gone is the complete asshole that loved to push my buttons. Don’t get me wrong he still pushes my buttons, but now he doesn’t do it on purpose, which in turn pisses me off. He’s suddenly making it that much harder for me to continue to hate him.

  To make matter worse, Heather has become his number one cheerleader and has continued to sing his praises, but with more vigor this time around. I don’t know what either of them is up to, but it can’t be good. No matter how hard he tries, I won’t be fooled. The first time was an honest mistake. A weakness I can’t afford to let happen again. Although the sex was mind-blowing, I will not fall into the same trap I did with Preston.

  I came to San Diego for a fresh start, falling into bed with Cole doesn’t even come close to that. Lifting the pillow, I listen to ensure Heather isn’t coming to ‘retrieve’ me for Cole. Sensing that the coast is clear, I head to the bathroom to start my day. If I’m lucky, I can get dressed and out the door before either of them knows I’m missing.

  “Hooker, I know you’re awake!” Heather shouts as she comes barging into my room.

  Damn, I guess today is not my lucky day.

  “What do you want, cousin of mine? It’s too early in the morning for this BS. I haven’t even had coffee yet. Cut to the chase, so I can tell you no and be done with it.”

  “Is that any way to talk to your favorite cousin who just chased Preston away.”

  Fuck, not again. I seriously thought that he’d gotten the hint, but of course, he’s still hanging around. It has been weeks since he showed up here to bring me home. I assumed he’d gone home already.

  “You don’t seem surprised? I figured that he’d been here for a while, especially since he wanted to know who the man was you’ve been with.” I finish getting dressed and head back into my room. I find Heather laying across the end of my bed, feet crossed with her chin resting in her hands. She looks all sweet and innocent right now, but I’m sure she’s waiting for me to slip up, so she can crucify me.

  “What do you want me to say? He came here a while ago to bring me home at my father’s request. I sent him packing, end of story. I thought he would’ve gone back home, but I guess he’s more persistent than I thought.”

  “What the hell did you see in that dick anyway?” Heather ask before sitting up and getting off the bed.

  “Honestly, he was charming and made my parents happy. I never wanted to rock the boat. Never had a backbone, that’s until I found out how everyone around me wanted to use me for their own personal gain.” Gripping my hands tightly into the sheets to hold back the tears.

  The only person to ever love me for me is Heather. We’ve been thick as thieves since the day we were born, even the distance between us hasn’t been able to change that. I’d have been lost after everything that went down with Preston if it wasn’t for her. Now with her help, I’m slowly finding the strong independent woman I want to be.

  Spinning around on her heels, Heather charged toward me. Placing her hands on my shoulders. “We’re going out to celebrate.”

  “What are we celebrating exactly?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

  Knowing Heather is going to make something up that works. She’s never one to back down from a party. As I look in her eyes, I can see the wheels turning to come up with a plan of attack. “Your graduation! And don’t give me lip it was months ago. I don’t care, we never celebrated it, and we are going to celebrate it now. That’s final.”

  I can’t help but smile, a night on the town doesn’t seem like a bad idea considering everything that has been going on recently.

  “We are going to get you completely wasted. I’ll call Cole and get the gang together. Maybe I can even get you laid! I’m
sure there’ll be someone to strike your fancy.”

  “Damn it, you make it sound like we are going to a stud farm or something.”

  “What? Guys do this shit all the time. They make plans on who gets what chick and who takes the friend. We are taking back the power for females everywhere.”

  Heather and her warped sense of logic aren’t wrong. A night out would be nice. Between finals and graduation, as well as this shit with my parents, it’s been a long time since I’ve gone out. Getting trashed and hanging out would be fun, if I get laid in the process, I call that a bonus.


  Addison and I have been dancing around each other ever since we went at it in the foyer of the house. I can’t get her out of my mind. I’ve tried everything to get her to open up to me with no success. Heather has become my pimp, singing my praises, but Addison isn’t budging. I wonder what it’s going to take to get her to change her mind about me.

  I have never had to work this hard in my life for a girl, but deep down I know that having Addy in my life will be worth it in the end. Delilah’s low growl pulls me from my thoughts. Looking up I see a man coming down the path from Heather and Addison’s place. He looks completely out of place in his business suit with slicked back blonde hair.He should probably be auditioning for a mafia movie or something, not coming to visit the girls

  His presence is of no consequence to me, so I continue down the path with every intention of passing him, but he has other plans. He reaches out and grips my arm, tightly squeezing to get my attention.

  “Listen here, dog boy. I have worked entirely too hard and too long to let all of my dreams slip through my fingers because the princess wants to slum it for a little while. Do us both a favor, fuck her, and be done with her.” He immediately releases my arm and continues down the path.


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