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Stay: Odd Jobs #1

Page 11

by Alexander, AJ

  Luckily Heather is out with a client, so I don’t have to worry about her getting to the door first. I stomp down the stairs letting my anger fester even further before unlocking the door and flinging it open.

  “I have had just about enough of you and your bullshit,” I shout before realizing that instead of Cole standing in front of me, it’s my father and Preston.

  “I can see that your uncivilized cousin is beginning to rub off on you. Another reason why you need to come home immediately,” my father states matter-of-factly as if it’s already a done deal. I’m beyond livid at this point, but for an entirely different reason.

  “I thought I made it perfectly clear that I didn’t wish to speak to you unless you were prepared to apologize for your behavior.” I try to keep my anger in check, balling my hands into a tight fist by my sides. My nails dig into my hands to the point that I’m sure they will start bleeding at any moment.

  “Apologize? There is nothing to apologize for. Preston told me about the people you have chosen to surround yourself with, and that is unacceptable. You are to go upstairs and get your things, we are leaving immediately.”

  Turning my attention to Preston, I see nothing of the man I fell in love with. All I see now is a manipulative asshole that will do anything to get what he wants. “You brought my father all the way here just to get me to go home with you?”

  “Did you not get the pictures? Your father and I have been having you followed for your protection. That dog walker you are so attached to is using you. We both want to protect you.” Preston reaches out to grab my hand, but I snatch it back before he can touch me. Without a second thought, I pull my arm back and send it flying. A loud smack rings out across the lawn.

  “I don’t know who the hell either of you think you are, but I’m an adult. If I’m making a mistake, it’s MY MISTAKE TO MAKE. I don’t need either of you trying to run my life. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have somewhere to be that isn’t here.”

  “Addison Montgomery! You will not speak to me in that tone of voice. Go and get your things, we are going home this instant,” my father shouts to gain my attention.

  “No, Father. The one leaving now is you.” I turn to head back into the house, but before I can take a step, Preston reaches out and grips my wrist. His large hands begin to squeeze tightly, I’m sure I’ll have a bruise.

  “Look here, little girl, I did not waste almost two years of my life with you to lose out on what I want now. You can either go and get your things willingly, or I can drag you, your choice.”

  I look over at my father and see nothing in his eyes. He’s going to let Preston treat me like this as if I’m a thing to be bartered for. I have had enough! I’m no longer going to be anyone’s doormat, not my father’s, not Preston’s, not anyone’s. As I open my mouth to give Preston a piece of my mind, I hear something. Turning my head slightly, I see Cole charging toward Preston.

  Holy hell, this is the last thing I need right now. Another chauvinistic male wanting to stack his claim on me.


  After our cluster fuck of a date on Friday night, I’ve been trying to do everything but think of Addison. I even contemplated sending my new assistant to pick up Delilah for her walk every morning, but if there’s even a slight chance that I could get a glimpse of her I have to take it.

  I stop on the way at Starbucks to grab the girls some coffee and scones, maybe if I come bearing gifts, I won’t get chewed out when I ring the doorbell. Once I arrive, I take a deep breath before exiting the car. “It’s now or never. No big deal, just your future is all.” After my very depressing pep talk, I hear shouting as I make my way toward the door. When the door comes into view, I see Addison having a screaming match with two men. One is the sleazeball from a few weeks ago, and the other one is a few inches shorter than me and looks just like Addison. If I had to guess that must be her father.

  Not wanting to interrupt whatever is going on, I turn to head in through the back entrance, but when I see business suit grab Addison by the wrist I react. Dropping the Starbucks on the ground, I immediately rush toward him and connect my right hand with his jaw. He quickly let’s go of Addison, reaching for his jaw.

  “Are you fucking kidding me! This is the last thing I need right now?” Addy growls at me, I lift her wrist to examine it for bruises before turning toward her assailant.

  “I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but don’t you dare put your hand on what’s mine. The next time you try, you’ll be leaving here in a body bag,” I say through clenched teeth.

  “Do you see how uncivilized he is? Not only that, he treats you like one of those animals he spends all his time with. He uses his fist to settle an argument instead of his intellect,” Addy’s father says from a few steps away.

  “I can’t believe that you’re letting someone manhandle Addison like that in your presence. Where I come from, putting your hands on a woman is a big no-no.” I turn to address Addison again. “Where the hell is Heather anyway? Why don’t you go inside and turn on the alarm? I’ll make sure to take out the trash.” I lean in to place a gentle kiss on her forehead when I’m met with a slap across the face.

  “That’s enough! Enough from all of you!” Addison shouts, her chest rises as if she’s out of breath. Pointing at the sleazy businessman, she says, “Get the hell out of my sight. I don’t want to have to tell your cheating ass again, I want nothing to do with you anymore. You’re going to have to find another way to become chief of surgery at my father’s hospital. How about working for it? There’s a thought?”

  I can’t help but smile with pride as Addy tells these assholes off for the things, they have done wrong to her.

  “Father, I’m not coming home. I’m here because I want to be. Not because of a man or feeling the need to rebel. I have a great job at a great school that I know I’m going to love. Respect that or get the hell out of my life. I don’t need you or your money, but I would love to have a father in my life.” Tears begin to build up in her eyes, she reaches up and quickly swipes them away. I take a step toward her, but she retreats.

  “And you! I belong to no one! I’m so sick of everyone trying to tell me what to do and what’s best for me. The only person that can decide what’s best for me, is me! So, you take your man-whore ass and find another way to get your dick wet because I’m closed for business.”

  With that, she turns and heads for the door, but before closing it, she has one more thing to say. “I give you all two minutes to get off this property before I call the police, and have you arrested for trespassing.”

  I don’t even bother to bring up the fact that I’m there to get Delilah for her walk, I turn on my heels and head toward my car. I have no idea what the fuck just happened, but I’m going to find out.

  Once safely enclosed in my car, I dial Heather. If anyone is going to know what the hell happened, it’s her. It rings several times before going directly to voicemail. Damn it, what a great time to decide to not answer your phone. Hanging up, I drop my phone in the passenger seat and head to my next client’s house. Hopefully Heather gives me a call back to let me know what the hell is going on.

  * * *

  As I’m driving home for the day my phone chimes with an incoming text. Rushing inside, I lock up and take a seat on, the couch before opening the message. Finally, Heather has decided to respond.

  Me: Way to answer your damn phone. I’m coming over I need to speak to Addison.

  Heather: Oh, you are?

  Me: There were two guys at your house earlier when I came to pick up Delilah. One was manhandling Addy. When I stepped in, she chewed my damn head off.

  Heather: Stay put. Don’t come here, all will work its self out in good time.

  Heather: Trust me, Cole.

  Me: Last time I trusted you, I got slapped in the face.

  Heather: You deserved it.

  Me: Seriously?

  Heather: Calm your tits, princess.

  I drop my phone on the couch
and lean back. Do I listen to her or do I head over there to talk some sense into Addy? As I sit back and contemplate my next move, I hear a knock at my door; I hoist myself up off the couch to answer it.

  “You look like you could use a drink or several?” Wyatt barrels through the door carrying a six pack and bottle of Jack Daniels.

  Without a word, I unlock and hand him my phone so he can read the text conversation between Heather and me. After a few moments, he plops down on the couch with a sigh. “What are you going to do?”

  “You don’t think I should still try to go talk to her?”

  “I don’t know about you, but if Heather says to be patient, I’d wait. I wouldn’t take the chance of having to deal with her anger.” Wyatt shudders. Heather is the sweetest person until you cross her, you better run for your life.

  “It’s settled , pour me some shots.” I walk over and grab my phone to order some take-out. I plan on drowning my sorrows in all this alcohol Wyatt brought for me tonight.

  “How long do you think she’ll make you wait?” Wyatt asks as he hands me a shot.

  “I have no idea, but it better not be too long, we both know I’m not known for my patience.” I don’t know what Heather is plotting, but it better end with Addy in my arms and soon.



  I slam the door in all of their faces and storm into the kitchen. I can already feel my wrist swelling from where Preston gripped it. Reaching into the freezer, I grab a package of frozen peas and lay it down on my heated skin, hissing as it makes contact. All the events of this morning begin to play out in my mind as I make my way back up to my room.

  It felt good to finally stand up for myself, to have a say in what my future would hold. Although it saddens me to know that I probably will no longer have a relationship with either of my parents, at least I’m free of their tight hold on me. I have a great job I’m starting in a few short weeks, and I have Heather here to support me, what else could I ask for.

  A sharp pain shoots through my chest as soon as I notice the pictures on my bed again. I wanted to believe that Cole was different, that he truly wanted me for me but again that was all a lie. I can’t say that I’m surprised. Although his motivations were different then Preston’s, he wanted something, and he got it. Once the chase was done, he really didn’t need me anymore.

  What I can’t wrap my mind around is why he kept chasing me? We had sex, and he still wanted to continue to pursue me. Even after we spent the night together, he continued to go out of his way to get me to notice him or to get me to smile. The whole situation baffles me, but what’s done is done. Men try to say that women are confusing, I think men are a whole different animal when it comes to understanding their minds.

  “I can’t fucking believe this shit!” I scream as Heather comes running into my room.

  “Where’s the fire, sweet cheeks?”

  “I don’t even know where to start! First, Preston and my father showed up on the doorstep this morning. Apparently, they have been having us followed, as if I’m a child or something.” I pace my bedroom like a caged animal. “To make matters worse, Cole shows up and goes all alpha male. He punches Preston in the jaw and starts in on my father. Fuck, I have had enough of all of them. I told them all to get the hell out of here and leave me alone.”

  “It’s about damn time! I have been waiting for you to give your dad a piece of your mind. He has been running your life for far too long, it is time for you to be your own woman.” Heather’s shit-eating grin helps me begin to calm down slightly, but she inches closer to the bed. Finally noticing the pictures. “Holy shit, we knew that man was off his rocker, but I didn’t think he would go this far.” She pushes the pictures around, stopping on the ones of her and I. “Well, at least we look fierce in all of these.”

  “This isn’t the time for jokes! Look at them, at those pictures. He’s such a fucking liar.” I grab the picture of Cole and the bimbo and shove it under her nose, barely missing her face. “Look at these! That motherfucking piece of shit!”

  She takes the pictures from my hand and examines them for a few moments before she begins to laugh.

  “I don’t see anything remotely funny about those pictures, Heather. I was played for a fool. If I didn’t already give him a piece of my mind, I’d do it again.”

  Tears begin to roll down her cheeks as she grips her sides to contain her laughter, gasping for air.

  “I hope you choke.” I’ve had enough of this. I’m sick of being the butt of everyone’s jokes. Before I can leave the room, Heather reaches out and grabs my wrist.

  “You… You… *giggle*… You… *giggle* are so oblivious sometimes. I… *giggle* … *giggle* tried to tell you.”

  “Did I stutter? I hope I don’t have an STD or something. God knows how many people he slept with before me.” My response triggers another round of laughter. “I’m really starting to lose my patience with you, so get to the point or leave me the fuck alone.”

  Gasping for air, Heather attempts to calm down again. “I told you before that you should hear him out. It isn’t what you think at all. Just take a minute and think about what you see in these pictures.” A bright smile spreads across Heather’s face.

  “What, are you on his side now? I know what I saw! You can’t mistake a blonde bimbo sucking face with a man. That’s not something that someone can accidentally do. What’s his excuse, ‘Sorry Addy, she tripped, and I caught her with my lips?’” I shout.

  “Bitch, if you would shut up for a minute and use your brain, it’ll all make sense to you,” Heather shouts right back at me.

  “Well, I’m not the one sitting here laughing like a lunatic at someone else’s pain. I mean, damn, not only is my father a fucking maniac, the guy I thought I was going to marry never loved me and, my ‘relationship’ ended before it even started because he couldn’t keep his tongue to himself. A little sympathy please.”

  “Save the dramatics for the theater, Addy.” Heather throws the pictures back on the bed and stands. “You were just looking for something to be wrong with Cole, so you could run,” she shouts directly back into my face. “And don’t try to pretend for one minute that you haven’t been fucking around with him for a lot longer. It would’ve been nice if I could have heard about it from you.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I try to fain innocence, but she raises her bitch brow at me, “Okay, fine! It was just that one time. Besides, I was following your advice and cleaning out the cobwebs. You were the one ‘all woe is me’ in the bathroom because Wyatt brought you to the same restaurant he works at. Too blind to see that he’s head-over-heels crazy for you.” Not to be the one to back down, I give it right back to her.

  By this point the two of us are shouting back and forth at each other, I don’t even know why we are fighting in the first place. “What the hell are we even fighting for?” I yell at her before hitting her over the head with my pillow.

  “Your dumbass jumping to conclusions!” Heather takes as good as she can give and smacks me right back with a pillow.

  “I’m not jumping to anything! The bitch in all those pictures with Cole is the same one that he was sucking face with at Noble that night. How is that jumping to a conclusion?”

  I swing and hit her with the pillow one more time, knocking her off balance and on to the bed. Not to be bested, Heather drops her pillow and tackles me to the floor.

  “That was Vickie, you ass! That’s what Cole was trying to tell you in the first place, but you were too stubborn to listen,” Heather shouts into my face.

  Pinned to the floor, it takes a moment for what Heather said to register in my mind. “Oh, shit,” I whisper.

  “Oh, shit is right.” She climbs off me, and we both sit on the floor in silence. Well isn’t this great. Heather is right. I was so ready for something to be wrong with Cole that the first indiscretion I was running for the hills. I need to think of something to do in order to apologize, or maybe he really is done wi
th all the drama. I can’t say I blame him after that display this morning.

  Suddenly her phone begins to chime. “Shit, Cole wants to come over and explain about what happened this morning,” Heather says showing me a message from Cole.

  “What should I do? I can’t talk to him right now! I’m a mess, I need to sort all of this shit out. I can only deal with one issue at a time.” I begin to panic. Having Cole in my general vicinity right now gives me hives just thinking about it.

  “Don’t you worry, buttercup, I’ll take care of it.” Heather goes back to texting. After a few moments, she seems to be done. “Now that that is taken care of, what are you going to do to get your man back?”

  I give her a quizzical look. “What do you mean my man?”

  “Don’t give me that! You don’t have a full-blown fight with me, a panic attack, and whatever else you call what happened over some random dude. Cole is yours, the sooner you accept that, the better. So, are you in or not?” She raises her eyebrow waiting for a response.

  The only thing to do is give in, no matter how hard I fight it, I was Cole’s the moment we met.

  “So, what’s the plan?” Heather asks.

  “I have no idea, but the first thing I need to do is figure out my own issues. Nothing is going to go right with Cole and I if I keep harboring these feelings of doubt and insecurities,” I mumble. Suddenly imagining having a relationship with anyone, especially Cole is going to be impossible.

  “Don’t you worry your pretty little head. I’ll be with you every step of the way, and if Cole is the man for you, he’ll be there waiting when you figure it out.”

  Heather and I continue to sit on the floor and talk, I mean really talk, about everything that has been going on in my head for the past few months. About my relationship with my Father, how I felt about Preston, and the embarrassment I felt when I discovered he never had feelings for me. The more we talked, the lighter I felt. I’m not saying that this is going to solve all my problems, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’m hoping that Cole is there waiting for me when I get there.


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