Queen of Hearts

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Queen of Hearts Page 5

by Jami Denise

She took a sharp breath and continued. “I just left the lounge. I was hoping to run into you in case you needed me. But, Jayne, you can’t go in there. Meet me at the front doors, and we’ll go talk.”

  Well, I sure as hell didn’t like the sound of that. Something was up, and I wasn’t into being coddled and treated with kid gloves.

  “I’m going through with this, Pamela. I need to see him.”

  I could hear her breathing pick up and the sound of her shoes as her steps sped up. “You need to hear this. Wait!”

  I wasn’t waiting. I had no idea what was going on, but resolve rushed through me, and sheer determination pulled me through those doors. I’d be damned if I was going to let that bastard intimidate me.

  I needed answers, and most of all, closure. At least, that’s what I told myself as I stomped across the slick tiled floor onto the plush carpeting of the casino floor.

  The stench of smoke and desperation clogged my senses, and sadly, it gave me strength. All those people greedily pumping slot machines full of their hard-earned money were like a little army of my own. Those dreamers and suckers alike, duped by rich, arrogant, corrupt assholes eager to take every last drop of their blood, sweat, and tears.

  I could relate to those idiots. I’d lived my life looking and striving for everything that sat just out of reach. I’d done degrading and despicable things to gain the upper edge, I’d put my life on the line, my soul and my sanity suffering for it. But something inside of me had shifted, and now it just made me cringe.

  Being away and on my own for almost a year had given me a new perspective, shed new light on who I was and who I wanted to be. I’d started taking those baby steps long before my father disappeared, but deep down I knew that if he’d never ended up in the clutches of Doyle, I never would have left the life.

  The money was too easy, and I was too good at it. Call girls were always going to be in demand. Always. As long as men had dicks in their pants, they’d always want a place to stick it.

  As I travelled through the casino, a few familiar faces caught my eye, but I kept on walking. They were no one to me, just remnants of a time I wanted to forget. They reminded me too much of my father, and the more I thought of him, the angrier I became.

  I didn’t want to blame him for everything, but deep down, I did. It pissed me off. He fucked up everything he touched, including me. He’d used me my entire life, so I grew up thinking that using people was normal. My eyes burned, and the hurt was manifesting and feeding off the anxiety and anticipation that was building as I got closer and closer to facing Flynn. There was no time for emotions, so I shut them down and continued my path toward the nightclub.

  Over and over again, I reminded myself that I wasn’t there for revenge—not entirely. I wanted him to pay, definitely, but I wanted emancipation more. I wanted to be free of the choke hold he had on my life. Everything else I could blame on my father, but falling for a stupid son of a bitch was all on me. I wanted to be free, to live without the constant grudge and pain. I was getting that, punching him right where it hurt in order to get it.

  I approached the area where the new lounge was, and my steps faltered. At first, a crazy flutter rushed through me, and then unadulterated rage.

  The Scarlet Lounge.

  The vain part of me puffed out her chest and gave a satisfied nod. I wasn’t stupid enough to think that the name was a coincidence. Not with Flynn. Everything he did was calculated and planned, and that was definitely done with purpose.

  But what was his game? Did he think I’d rush back into his arms because he named a club after me, or at least my freaking alter ego? His little obsession with the younger me was insane. Childish. He didn’t know that girl, and if he had, he would’ve run in the other direction. I’d adapted and grown up since then, and I was glad I was smarter and slicker than that stupid girl. She’d been reckless and wicked. She thought she was unstoppable. She wanted power and money, and she’d gone to great lengths to get both. Not that I wasn’t that girl—in some ways, I was—but, I’d garnered quite a bit of experience over the years. That girl was green and dirty.

  I wasn’t flattered by the name; in fact, I was confused. I was also angry. What reason would he have for doing that, other than to woo me back into his bed? Was he pissed off and determined to get his way? The fucker confounded me.

  I didn’t like being taken off guard. It felt like I was walking into a trap, so I turned to get the hell out of there before something I didn’t want to go down went down.

  I needed to be in control, damn it.

  The place was on fire. People filled the room faster than I could blink. I could tell immediately that he’d spared no expense. The lighting was fantastic, the furniture was top of the line, and the music was fresh and live. This was nothing like the clubs in the other casinos. This was a masterpiece.

  Before I could stop myself, I smiled. I wanted to kill the bastard, but I had to admit, he knew what he was doing. It was out of the blue, though. The prior lounge was a top pick for the high rollers. It was quiet, elite, and elegant. This was classy, but with something else. It was much more appealing, I had to say.

  There was a line, of course, and a huge bouncer out front ticking off names and gathering what looked like invites. I cringed. If I couldn’t get in there, I was out of fucking luck, and I wasn’t sure my charms were going to cut it in a situation like that. I had a feeling that offering this bouncer a blow job would just get me kicked out.

  I retreated, heading toward one of the game tables instead. I needed to gather my bearings and figure out how to get in there. Just as I found a table I liked, I spotted Pamela across the way from me, looking around frantically.

  “Damn it,” I muttered.

  I sighed and headed her way. Something was going on, something I acknowledged that I didn’t want to deal with. I had a one-track mind, and I wasn’t interested in letting anything get in my way at that point. But, the look on her face told me it was important, and she looked freaked. I didn’t want to drag her down with me any further, but it looked like the girl wanted to hop on board, so I let her.

  “Pam!” I called out, waving my hand over my head.

  She looked relieved, like she’d just found her long-lost mother. I felt awful. This woman was too much.

  She marched over to me, her hair whipping around her face like a fan. My face fell when she finally came into focus, and my stomach roiled. Something was going down, and it was worse than I thought.

  “What’s wrong? I told you I was fine, Pamela.”

  She shook her head, grabbed my arm, and looked both ways before dragging me off. My legs were no match for the ten-foot poles of hers, so I had to catch myself several times as we made our way out the door.

  “Pamela!” I said. I snatched my arm out of her grip and glared. “What the fuck?”

  Her face still held worry, but softened as she reached over to grab my hand. “Jayne, you don’t want to go in there tonight. I don’t think you want to do this at all.”

  Okay, I was officially pissed. “Pam, I really appreciate you trying to protect me, and I value your friendship more than I can even express, but listen, and listen well. I am going to see him, no matter what. I’m going to get what he owes me, and then I am moving on. There is no way he can hurt me any more than he already has. Don’t you see that?”

  “You’re wrong. You are so wrong, and I think you need to put this off for a while. Think on it. Please, I am begging you to wait.”

  Shaking my head, I turned away from her and stared inside at the people milling around just beyond the door. “Was he with a woman? Is that what you’re trying to protect me from seeing? Because I don’t give a shit about that. In fact, I expected it. He’s a pig. The only two things he thinks about are pussy and power.”

  When I looked back at her, she was chewing on her bottom lip nervously and looking around like a paranoid dope fiend. “Pamela?”

  “Yeah, he was with a woman. I’m sorry, Jayne. I didn’t want
you to get upset. I’m so sorry. I was just looking out for you.”

  Even though I knew it, it pinched. Hard. I could feel the sting of tears hit my eyes and blinked them away rapidly. The heart was funny that way. Stupid and insecure. I didn’t want to care, but I did, and that just drove me harder toward my goal. Fuck him.

  “How did you get in there? It’s only VIP, right?”

  “Yeah, it is. I was seeing one of the waitresses a few months ago. She got me on the list, and  I managed to stay on the list afterward.”

  I smirked. “Do I even want to know how you managed that?”

  “I work for a very prominent law firm, Jayne. These fuckers need lawyers. They like having us around. Plus, they want eye candy, and I’m a woman.”

  “So, can you get me in?”

  She laughed. “Hell, no! I mean, if I could, I wouldn’t. You need to stop, Jayne. Just let it go.”

  I smiled, shaking my head. “Never going to happen, my friend. They will pay, and when they do, it’s going to be my pockets they fill.”

  “Come on,” she said, taking my hand. “There’s a great party at Tryst. Let’s get your mind off things for a while and have some fun. Drinks are on me.”

  I eyed her skeptically, but nodded. “It’s a good thing they are. I’m broke.”

  We turned to exit, and something to the left caught my eye. It was like slow motion; everything blurred and faded as I gawked at the man walking away from me. My whole body shuddered, and my knees felt like they were ready to give out. Then, another man—a familiar man, strode up beside him and escorted him to the elevators.

  I saw red.

  I couldn’t believe my eyes. My head spun. Finding out Vince was alive had been a shock, but seeing him stand behind Flynn like some sort of bodyguard threatened my very last strain of sanity.

  Before I could get my feet to cooperate, Pamela was beside me, seizing my arm. Her eyes were trained on the same two men I’d been watching, and the worry was rampant. She was freaking out as badly as I was.

  “Is that really happening? Am I seeing what I think I’m seeing?”

  “Come on,” she begged, digging her fingers into my arms harder. “Let’s get out of here.”

  I cocked my head and watched as Flynn and Vince disappeared. “What the hell is going on?”

  I spoke more to myself than anything, but she answered anyway. “I don’t know, but we’ll get to the bottom of it. Let’s get you out of here. I don’t feel like it’s safe.”

  “Oh, it’s safe. Just not for them.”


  Pamela wouldn’t let me out of her sight the rest of the evening. By morning, I felt like a caged animal. Her house was spacious and comfortable, but I couldn’t sit still. I was furious beyond belief. It was unbelievable to think that Vince would pull something like that on me. I didn’t deserve it, and I wanted to find out what the hell he was up to.

  I decided to find out. I couldn’t wait any longer. My car was still at the casino, so I called a cab and left a quick note for Pam. She was sure to be pissed, but I’d make it up to her.

  Once I got the car, I headed home to get showered and dressed. Nothing was making sense, and the more I thought about it, the worse the scenarios got. I was still thinking about the woman I’d seen in Vince’s house and wondered if he’d been there all along. I was most worried about his relationship with Flynn, and the more I thought about it, the more troubling it became. Puzzle pieces were clicking together, and for the first time in my life, I couldn’t trust Vince.

  The thought made me sick.

  It didn’t take me long to get to his office. When I pulled up and read the new sign, I wasn’t surprised. I’d expected things to change, knowing that Doyle wouldn’t waste any time taking what he wanted. I wasn’t going to let that intimidate me. I knew my way around that scene—and they knew me. I was banking on that to get some answers.

  I walked in and immediately recognized the receptionist, Tara. She’d been with Vince for years, had worked for my dad before that. Her eyes lit up when she saw me.

  “Jayne! How are you?”

  At one time, she’d been a very beautiful woman. Life had pretty much sucked that out of her, but she still had a heart of gold and the institution of a brute army. It surprised me that she was still working there, to be honest. I pegged her as being more loyal, but who was I to judge? She had bills to pay just like everyone else. In our line of work, you went where the green was. So she stayed put.

  “Tara, how are you?”

  I gave her a quick hug and tensed as she looked around nervously. “I assume Vince isn’t around?”

  She sighed, running her hands over my arms. “No, sugar. Maguire took over several months ago. I haven’t seen Vince in weeks.”

  “Shit,” I spat. “Do you know where I can find him?”

  She scowled. “The Maguire. He works for Flynn, the old man’s son.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked. I still couldn’t believe my ears.

  “Sure as shit. Look... I don’t know all the details, but that’s what I heard. I dropped a few girls off over there awhile back—at his request. I didn’t get to talk to him. You know how that goes.”

  I did know. Vince always took every possible precaution. He kept the girls safe and inconspicuous at all times.

  “Thanks, Tara. Is everything good? You okay?”

  She gave me a weak smile. “As far as it goes, I guess. Don’t be a stranger, girl. Take care of yourself.”

  I took that as my signal to get lost. No doubt Maguire was lurking in a corner somewhere, so I took her cue and left, but not before slipping her my phone number. She’d know what to do with it.

  I made little to no progress, so I decided to grab some food and go back to the hotel to relax. Running around in circles was getting old, and honestly, I felt a little crazy. Everything seemed dreamlike and unreal. The lies, the scheming... it was filthy, and it was playing with my psyche. I couldn’t keep up with anything. Going around half-cocked would only get me in trouble.

  The drive was short, and I’d managed to ignore my phone the entire time. I didn’t want to deal with anything else on an empty stomach or a restless mind. Something had to give.


  Walking into that casino again had every hair on my head standing on end. I had to see Vince. Plain and simple. There was an explanation for all the madness, and I needed to hear it from his lips, and his lips only. Not only that, I needed his help. He was living high on the damn hog while I slept on the lumpiest mattress on the planet. I was getting claustrophobic being closed up in those damn little hotel rooms. I missed my pretty house with the big sprawling deck and the giant fluffy mattress I used to sleep on. It was bullshit, and he was going to make things better for me.

  I almost choked on the smoke as I strutted across the gaming floor. How those people sat there all day was beyond me.

  As luck would have it, I found him easily, thankfully without his stupid sidekick in tow. I was going to confront Flynn, and sooner rather than later, but I wanted to have all the information before I did. I wasn’t walking in green on that conversation.

  I moved quickly toward him, the anger so thick in my veins that it hauled me across the room like a tank ready for battle. I was pretty sure there was fire shooting from my ears. Betrayal coated me from head to toe.

  The sound of my heels beating against the tiled floor caught his attention, and as he turned his head, I had to stifle a laugh. If the situation had been different, I would’ve laughed, but it was anything but funny.

  “Were you in on this all along?” I snapped. “Was it all a setup?”

  The strength in my voice was astonishing. It was shocking that I could even speak at all in that moment. At that point, nothing should’ve been surprising. My world had flipped over seventy-five times in a matter of a few days.

  He stared at me, obviously taken back. “Answer me!”

  Shaking his head, he took a few steps forward, as if to embrace me.
Fuck that. He was out of his mind if he thought I was there to make chummy.

  With a swift motion, I slapped him as hard as I could. The sound of skin on skin ricocheted off the walls of the hallway just beyond us, causing everyone within earshot to turn and stare.

  I watched as his eyes went dark, then narrowed. Grabbing my arm, he dragged me into the hallway and then pushed us into a room, slamming the door behind us.

  “What the hell is your problem?”

  Towering over me, he was intimidating, but I was beyond fear. I was livid. “What the hell is my problem? You come and disrupt my life, disappear, and then I find you here, all buddy-buddy with Flynn Maguire of all people? I should ask you what your fucking problem is, Vince! What’s going on?”

  “It’s not what you think. We need to talk, but not now. How did you find out I was working with Flynn anyway?”

  I let out a disbelieving laugh. “You’re kidding me right now. You have got to be kidding. That’s what you’re worried about? How I found out? I saw you, Vince. Last night, I saw you.”

  He turned away from me, cursing and running his hand through his cropped hair. I took a moment to get a better look at him, and frowned. Crisp, designer suit, freshly laundered white shirt, polished shoes, and clean-shaven face? Who the fuck was this guy?

  “Look, there’s a lot to talk about. I get it—you’re pissed. I don’t need you running around like a crazy bitch, Jayne.”

  “How dare you!” I yelled. “You ruined my life, Vince! I trusted you! You promised my father you’d protect me, and you threw me to the goddamned wolves! I hate you!”

  He spun around, grabbed my arm, pulled me against him, and leered down at me. “Listen up, little girl. I am not doing this with you. I’ll pick you up and throw you the fuck out of here if I have to. I’m asking you to calm down and be patient. Go back to wherever it is you’re staying and fucking stay put. I will take care of you. I always fucking have, and I always will. When you turn into a spoiled brat, you make me want to strangle you!”

  I pulled out of his grasp, a little shaken and a lot pissed. Straightening my blouse, I turned for the door. “I have my old phone. You can get ahold of me that way. Make sure you do, asshole.”


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