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The Shifter's Past

Page 4

by R. A. Boyd

“Before or after you touched him?”

  “After. I mean before. That’s why I did it.” Oh no. What if Bastian made a complaint about her getting a little up close and slappy? She really liked this job. “I think I scared him, and that’s why he asked me out. Perhaps he thought I was coming on to him. But I wasn’t.” Defeated, Nev’s shoulders dropped as she looked down at the floor. “Am I in trouble for molesting him? He has to be twenty years younger than me—”

  “He’s not.”

  “—and he may have felt it was his duty to ask the old lady out on a date if she was bold enough to touch him without his permission—”

  “I can assure you that is not what happened.”

  “—and I probably made him very uncomfortable.”

  Wow. Nev couldn’t remember the last time she let out a string of words that long in one breath. She usually did it when she was nervous.

  “Nev. Darling. It’s okay. I was just curious. He’s a good boy. Well, grown-ass man. He’s Audra’s brother, so you can trust in the fact that you are not older than him. Unless you’re holding some supernatural secret I don’t know about.”

  Nev fought the urge to glance over at her mother. “No. No supernatural secrets. Just plain old me.” Wait. He was Audra’s brother? “So he’s a Ghost shifter? Are they really fallen angels?”

  Melinda cut into her pancakes and nodded. “Yes. Indeed he is. And that’s to both of your questions. He’s a nice person. You should definitely go out with him.”

  “Hallelujah!” Nev’s mom yelled. “Someone agrees with me. Go out with him. He’s a freaking angel of God.”

  Wow. That brought on an entire list of questions. And a whole list of why they shouldn’t get involved.

  Shrugging up one shoulder, Nev backed to the door and said, “I’ll think about it. I moved here for the ease of this place. Not to find a boyfriend.”

  Chapter 3

  Call me. Now.

  Bastian looked down at the message on his phone and shook his head. He’d have to meet with Remus eventually. Having him show up in New Rose would end the pleasant life Bastian was starting to build for himself here. He enjoyed spending time with the rest of the Ghost clan. But if Remus came here and opened his fucking mouth, he’d have to leave, and Bastian had the feeling that no place on this planet would be safe if the others found out what he’d done. Damn. He needed to fix this and fix it soon.

  Fuck off, he replied.

  He’d deal with Remus later. He had more important things on his mind.

  Nevada. She was fucking irresistible. And she was his mate.

  Bastian lifted his beer to his lips and breathed in the intense aroma of hops. Dark beers were his favorite. He’d been waiting for Nev to get off work so he could follow her home. He and his brother Simon sat at a bar down the street from Melinda’s Pub. Bastian hoped to high hell he would catch her before she made it to her car. He needed to make sure she got home safely.

  He’d gotten her sweet scent of honey and lavender when she’d smacked him in the face, lying when she said he looked like he had a fever. Something had scared the shit out of her, and he had a feeling it was her dead mother. He’d heard them talking. Nev must be a medium, and they usually had a trace of nature buried in the scent. Nev’s was rain touched leaves. From now on, he would probably get a hard-on every time it rained.

  And she got so wet for him. She was slick before he even had a chance to touch her. He couldn’t wait to sink his cock deep inside her tight pussy.

  “You keep looking out that window like you’re waiting for someone. Is this a stalking mission?” his brother Simon asked. “Because I’m all for it. Just keep your hormones away from me. And you didn’t have to lure me out with the promise of beer.” He took a long pull from his bottle, and then looked up at Bastian with surprise. “Did you find your mate? Is somebody fucking with her? Does she need protection and we need to kill someone?”

  Simon was usually a crazy bastard, but his mate Charlie had calmed his ass right down. She was feisty, and even though she was in her twenties or thirties, she had a head full of gray hair that made her look like an ice queen. Charlie was sweet as pie and able to quiet the storm that always seemed to rage inside of Simon. And his brother loved the hell out of her.

  Bastian’s attention turned to Nev as he thought of the bonds his brethren had with their mates. Would he and Nev have the same connection? To him, they already did, but she was human. It would take time for her to get to know him. Bastian was patient. He anticipated learning everything about Nev that he could soak up.

  Nev was a sexy ass hourglass. Big tits he wanted to feast on, wide hips he could sink his fingers into while he fucked her every way he could, soft-looking mocha complexion that reminded him of the way he liked his coffee, and chestnut brown eyes that were now his favorite color. She had a small mole on the right side of her round chin, and her cheekbones were high and softly cut. After she’d cracked her hand across his head, the slight caress of her fingers over his cheek and jaw swelled his cock faster than his favorite porn flick. His dick had been hard as a granite since they’d touched.

  He wouldn’t rush her, though. Yeah, Nev had let him bring her off in the bathroom, but he could tell that had taken more courage than she was probably willing to admit to herself.

  Bastian took another sip of his beer and nodded. “Yep. I found her. I’m pretty sure no one is trying to hurt her.” He’d have to ask. Was that a standard first date question? “She works at Melinda and Audra’s place.”

  “Tread carefully.” Simon ran his hand through his red hair and made a clicking sound in the back of his throat. “Audra is protective of her staff. If she told you to fuck off and you’re still stalking her, Audra will gut you with a smile on her face. And I refuse to be a part of that shit. Did she turn you down?” Simon had already started to stand up from his bar stool.

  “No. She said she’d go out with me. But then the pub got really busy, and I didn’t want to hover and make her uncomfortable.” He would keep their private time in the bathroom to himself.

  Simon lowered himself back into his seat and picked up his bottle. Pussy.

  If he didn’t think it would freak her out, Bastian would have spent her entire shift watching her work. He and Simon may toy with the word ‘stalk,’ but none of them would do that to someone they liked. Well, maybe his brethren back in Salvatore would, but the New Rose Ghost shifters were saner than them. Mostly.

  “Holy shit.” The dumbass grin on Simon’s face was weird. His mate really had changed him. “You just thought of somebody else before you thought of yourself.” As he brought his beer bottle closer to his face, he sang, “You’ve got a girlfriend. You’re still a douche bag. You’ve got a girlfriend.”

  Slamming his hand on his thigh, Bastian pointed at Simon and gave him the finger. “You can go the fuck back home, Simon. I didn’t bring you here to give me shit.”

  “I still like to offer it, though. So, you’re welcome.”

  “No, thanks, asshole.” Bastian ran his hand down his face, trying to figure out how to make Nev like him. “I brought you here because you were crazy like me before you met Charlie, and I need to know what to do. I haven’t been in a relationship for over two-hundred years. All I do is fuck women and leave them alone until both of us are ready to fuck again. That’s it. I’ve been with the Salvatore Ghosts for so long, I don’t think I even know how to maintain a constant conversation with someone without insulting them or picking a fight. She’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life, and I want to… I want to hold her hand.”

  Simon’s face scrunched up as he scratched the red scruff of a beard on his stupid chin. “That’s disgusting. But I get it. This is going to sound ridiculous, but just be yourself. Charlie and I hooked up before I got my soul back.”

  What the hell? “Simon, when the hell didn’t you have a soul?”

  Simon blew a raspberry and swiped his hand as if telling Bastian to shut up. “That’s a long story, a
nd I don’t like talking about it in public. Like I was staying before you were completely and totally fucking rude, Charlie accepted me for who I was when I was at my worst. She saw me and still wanted me. She warmed something on my insides and made me want to be better. So, just be yourself. Pretend to be someone you’re not, and she will pick up on it. And then she won’t give you a chance.” Simon smacked his lips together a few times and held his hand up to catch the bartender’s attention. “That was appalling. I need to get the gross taste of emotional talk out of my mouth, or I’ll throw up. I’m getting a shot of whiskey. Want one?” He chuckled and shook his head. “Of course, you do. That woman you barely know got into your head, and you don’t know what to do about it. Two shots of whiskey,” he said, holding up two fingers to the bartender.

  Yeah, she’d gotten into his head. He’d noticed her more than a few times once she started working at Melinda and Audra’s place, but just as Simon said, Bastian knew not to mess around with the employees. He wanted to be able to sleep at night without the worry of waking up to his sister standing over him with whatever weapon she’d chosen to use on him. It happened a few centuries ago, and Bastian vowed back then that it wouldn’t happen again.

  Bastian knew there was something special about Nev before he learned she was his mate. He wanted to chalk it up to her being nice to him, but he hadn’t felt a pull toward a single one of the other waitresses at the pub. Except for Nev. Looking back, he realized that his need to get to know her started the moment her beautiful brown eyes met his. That curvy figure. Her sweet personality that put people at ease around her. And her smile was breath-taking. But he knew he had to be the good guy.

  Hell, he’d been on his best behavior since he moved back to New Rose. He managed to focus his attention on making sure the Triad was safe. He owed them that much and so much more. It would probably be better if he was honest about how epically he’d fucked up, but Bastian would take that shit to his grave if he could. They’d suffered enough. Especially Cass. She was the third in the Alpha Triad and didn’t deserve the added sting of his betrayal.

  She was human once, and now she toted one of the baddest, most vicious saber-tooth cats in their entire clan. Cass had slowly been losing her mind, but a showdown a few months ago had brought her a bit of peace.

  Not enough, though.

  Cass saw a therapist to help her deal with the memories of being murdered and brought back from the dead, but she still relied on a magical pill to help her control her Changes. She didn’t need the medicine on most days. She was Alpha enough to know when her shit was slipping. A crazed saber-tooth cat on the loose would never have a happy outcome for anyone involved.

  And it was his fucking fault. He should have learned a long time ago that Remus could never be trusted.

  “Drink this,” Simon said as he passed him a shot of whiskey. “What time does your girl get off work? Bev? Deb? Claire?”

  Bastian rolled his eyes and shot back the whiskey. It burned his throat on its way down and settled in his gut like a warm sip of soup. “Nevada. Her name is Nevada, but she likes to be called Nev.” He looked down at his watch and stood up. “Five minutes ago. Do I look okay?”

  “What the fuck does that even mean? You look like you. An asshole.” Simon shrugged up one shoulder. “You’re fine if she likes assholes.”

  Reaching for his wallet, Bastian said, “That’s all I’m asking.” He chuckled and laid down enough money to cover both of their tabs. “Thanks for talking with me. I feel a little better.”

  “Say another nice thing, and I’ll stab you in the thigh.”

  Fair enough.

  He and Simon may give each other grief, but since he’d moved back to New Rose, Simon was the one he could talk to about everything. Well, not everything. But any time he needed to talk, Simon was the one for the job. And it always ended just like this: insults and brotherly love.

  Chapter 4

  Nev twisted the key to start the car and looked up just in time to see her mother appear in the passenger seat. She sat quietly, looking straight ahead as Nev studied her.

  Mom’s shoulders hunched as she shook her head slowly, back and forth as if Nev had disappointed her. Her round bald head tilted slightly to the left, and she looked up at the ceiling. They’d played this game before. Anytime Nev didn’t take her advice, Mom took it personally. Dramatic much?

  It didn’t bother Nev. If she put on the right song or the right movie once they got home, Mom’s mood would lighten, and all would be forgotten. Or until Nev put her foot down to remind her mother yet again that she wasn’t a social butterfly. That very aspect of Nev’s personality seemed to upset her more and more lately.

  Nope. They wouldn’t do this right now. She’d been waiting to talk to her mother since that weird moment with Bastian. She had said something that Nev couldn’t get out of her head. The more she thought of it, the crappier she felt.

  Nev put on her seatbelt and said, “Mom, what did you mean earlier when you said you won’t be here forever? Am I keeping you here? You don’t have to wait for me to be okay. I already am. Not that I don’t love seeing you every day, but you don’t belong here.” She put the car in reverse and backed out the parking spot. “We both know that. I will miss you more than anything, but you deserve to see what’s next.” She would feel like grit if that’s why her mother hadn’t moved on.

  Still staring through the front window, her mother shook her head and silently sat back in the seat. There were no sounds of rustling clothes or the rub of fabric against fabric as she moved. Just silence.

  “Nevada. You are all by yourself. I can’t leave you.”

  Nev snorted and pulled the car into the street. “Mom, I’ve always been a loner. Dad and Indi are the ones who crave company. Not me.” Tears burned in her eyes as she thought of her mother moving on. It killed her on the inside, but she would never guilt her mom into staying. She deserved better than that. Mom deserved Heaven. “You taught me to rely on myself.”

  “Maybe a little too much. We all need people, Nevada. You should go to the pub over there,” she said, pointing to a bar down the street from where she worked. “Bastian is in there, and he likes you very much. More than very much.” She sighed and let go of a soft giggle. “I was right about the way you both gleam and vibrate the same. It’s been ordained.”

  Ordained? That was strange. She dismissed the statement, trying her best not to glance in the direction she pointed. Mom didn’t need the encouragement.

  Keeping her eyes glued on the road, Nev shifted in her seat and pulled to a stop at the red light. “Nope. I’m tired. I will see him later.”

  “What did it feel like when you touched him, Nevada? I saw how you reacted. Hell, I saw how Bastian reacted. You both felt something. Spill.”

  The question took Nev’s breath away. How could she even put it into words? Touching Bastian was something that meant more than the silly words that popped into her head.

  “It was electric but soft as butterfly kisses. And heat.” She left out the parts about being turned on enough to set the room on fire. “I haven’t dated anyone since Derrick. It was just lust.”

  Derrick was a good guy and had been a great husband. They’d been best friends since junior high school. Their twelve-year marriage had been a good one, but when it all came down to it, they both knew they were better off as just friends. A few months before their divorce, Nev knew he’d found someone he was genuinely interested in but was too loyal to ever be unfaithful. So, she did what best friends do. She let him go and gave them her blessing. He and his wife had two kids now, and they were really happy together.

  Mom puffed out a humorless breath and scoffed. “Lust? It was more than that, Nev. Lust has nothing to do with gleaming, and you two shined brighter than a star going nova. He likes you.”

  That actually sounded pretty amazing. But what if their gleam was the bad kind? What if he would be her downfall and not the beautiful relationship her mother hoped they would be?
  “Were you eavesdropping on him? What did he say?”

  Disregarding the question, Mom shook her head and made a clicking sound with her tongue. “Nev. I can’t stay forever. But I can’t leave if you’re all alone.”

  Nev chewed her bottom lip and closed her eyes just before the light turned green. “Momma. I love you. So much. But I’m not going to jump into a relationship just to please you. You don’t want that for me, do you?”

  “Trust me, daughter. I see it in your face when you look at him. You want him, too. It’s not a faze. It’s not lust.” She snickered and leaned forward. “Well, it’s not just lust. That man is all kinds of sexy.”

  “Please stop.”

  “Now you know he’s not too young for you. He’s a billion years old!”

  Seriously? That did not make it any better. Thinking of him being that old squicked her out. But looking at him certainly had the opposite effect. That man was super sexy.

  “Nevada. Pull over.”

  “Mom. No.”

  “Do it now. You can’t go any further than this. It looks… dark and spotted.”

  Nev’s left eyebrow shot up as she glanced at her mother. “What does that mean?” She squinted and looked at the area in front of the car. She didn’t see anything. “Maybe it’s a reflection from—”

  “Stop the car!” Mom roared, turning fully in her seat to look at Nev.

  Shocked at hearing her mom scream frantically at the top of her lungs like a freaking lunatic, Nev glanced at her and slammed on the breaks. Gone was the vibrant beauty Nev was used to when she looked at her mother. In her place was a vision of Mom in her last moments of life. Gaunt and drawn in from the cancerous masses that ate away at her intestines, stomach, and every other organ in her abdomen the malignant cells could reach. Darkened eyes that sunk into her lovely face that seemed to lose all life as she underwent radiation and chemotherapy for the third go-round. It was how she looked mere moments before she took her last breath.


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