Book Read Free

My Best Friend and My Man

Page 22

by Cydney Rax

  Seaphes ignores Demetria’s stare and pulls me against his chest. “We were going to pop in some DVDs when you showed up. You’re welcome to sit and watch movies with us for a minute. You still look very troubled.”

  “Oh, thank you, Seaphes,” she says with a grateful look piercing her eyes. “Hey, I gotta get something out of the car.”

  The second that she leaves, Seaphes rushes to the kitchen before I get a chance to talk to him. I hear cabinets slamming open and shut and dishes rattling. “Hey, why don’t you pull out some good movies while I clean up, okay, babe?” he yells out.

  “I, uh, shoot, alright.” I drop down to my knees and scour the case that holds his vast collection of films. Déjà Vu, Fantastic Four, Antwone Fisher, several Gabrielle Union movies…

  “What did you find?”

  “Lots of stuff. What you wanna look at?”

  He sees what I’m holding. “How about something with Gabrielle? I love how she acts, and besides, she’s an immensely beautiful woman.”

  “Well, thanks for the compliment,” Demetria says, walking back into the living room with a bottle of Grey Goose swinging in her hand. I notice she left the jacket she was wearing in the car.

  I clear my throat and glance at Seaphes. “Let Demetria get her plate of lasagna so we can settle in and watch our movie.”

  “Oh, that sounds good. I love lasagna. You got a bottle of hot sauce, too? I like it hot.” She makes her way to the kitchen and calls out, “Seaphes, can you fix my plate? And get us some glasses so I can pour our drinks. I’ll fix up your Goose just the way you like it.”

  My shoulders cave in, and I can feel Seaphes staring at me. I turn around and look up at him and see his eyes pleading as if to say, Just don’t make a fuss over nothing.

  “Remember, I invited you over here, not her,” he whispers to me before heading to the kitchen. And I try to reason with myself. He’s right; I’m the one who got the invite.

  I figure out how to turn on the DVD player and reluctantly slide in Two Can Play That Game. The movie is nothing to jump up over, but there are several funny moments in it, and I can use a good laugh.

  “Hey, babe, come join us,” Seaphes yells out.

  When I return to the kitchen, Demetria is complimenting him on his cooking. “Seaphes, this is delicious. I didn’t know you had these kinds of skills.”

  “Yeah, Miss Lady, I am very skilled in all kinds of things.”

  “Tell me more,” she says, giggling.

  “Demetria,” I cut in, a little too sharply. “Have you tried calling Thaddeus again?”

  Looking baffled, she sputters, “Hey, if he wanted to talk to me he’d call. Besides, after the way he’s acting I might fire his ass and be single for real,” she says in a distraught voice, taking a huge gulp of her vodka.

  “Ha.” I laugh out loud. “We don’t have to worry about anything like that.”

  “What do you mean, Vee? You don’t think I can get another man? Do you think another man would want me, Seaphes?”

  I cast Seaphes a look so sharp he has no other choice than to close his mouth.

  “What I meant to say, Demetria, is that you are the queen of playing the dating game. I’m sure you’ll have another guy like Thaddeus Wakely in no time at all. I mean, whoever fits his profile would be perfect for you. Wealthy, older, sophisticated, sexy…and taken,” I say, unable to help myself.

  “Damn, what’s gotten into you, Vee, huh? I’m the victim here. Why you putting me on blast?”

  She casts Seaphes a distraught look, and he pipes up. “Hey, you two ladies. You look so sexy when you argue, but you don’t have to argue to look sexy. Let’s play nice, okay? Y’all need anything else? Veron, you okay? Want some more broccoli?”

  “No, I want Demetria to tell us more about what happened. I mean, this is a first, Seaphes, you just don’t know. Demetria is used to men skipping funerals to be with her. She ain’t ever been on the dumpee side of things.”

  “What you say? He hasn’t dumped me, girl.”

  “Not yet,” I snap.

  “Hey,” Demetria whines. “I know you think that I don’t have a heart, but, Vee, I can get hurt. I do get down in the dumps. You just don’t know. Sometimes I lay alone in my bed at night crying my eyes out.”

  “Why?” I ask incredulously.

  “Because…you don’t know everything I’ve gone through, everything I still go through. I work hard for everything I have, and it’s not always a hundred percent perfect, as if I’m some fairy tale princess, like, like I’m, uh, some damned Jada Pinkett Smith or something.”

  I giggle, unable to help myself. “You read magazines, Demetria. I’m sure you’ve heard her say that her relationship with Will Smith is not perfect. They’re just normal people. I think I read that they’re even into swinging.”

  “Hmmm, that’s interesting, but I’m still not her,” she says, her voice slurry. She places her hand on her stomach and rubs it. “This here is some good-ass spaghetti.”

  “That’s lasagna, my dear,” Seaphes jumps in.

  “No, it’s not,” she says in a whiny childlike voice.

  Seaphes and I exchange baffled looks.

  “Demetria, maybe you need to drink some water,” I say, sliding my untouched glass of water toward her. “I can’t believe how horribly you hold your liquor. And, Seaphes, you need to not drink so much, either,” I warn him.

  “Ugh,” she sniffs. “I don’t want that. You know what I want?” she asks. “White chocolate martinis. Seaphes, will you be a sweetheart and go to the grocery store real quick? I am desperately thirsty for something…something sweet and rich,” she says, her voice husky. She opens her purse and talks out loud while scribbling down the items she needs to make the drinks.

  “Hey, it’s raining out there, right?” Seaphes asks.

  “You gonna let some rain stop you? Please, Seaphes, I really want this, okay?” Without waiting for him to reply she says, “Here’s a fifty,” and places the single bill in his hand.

  Finally he shakes his head. “Okay, I’ll go, but you don’t have to buy anything.” He hands her the fifty. “I’ll be right back. That okay, Veron?” he asks. He doesn’t make another move until I reluctantly nod my head.

  I look through the window to watch him drive off, then slowly turn around to face Demetria with my arms folded underneath my breasts.

  “What the hell is going on, Demetria?”

  “Damn, Vee, don’t take that tone with me. Thad is tripping big-time, and I’ll confess, I don’t know how to deal with it. It’s never happened like this before.”

  “Break it down, Demetria. I’m tired of all your vague descriptions. What exactly went on?”

  “He and I were supposed to hook up tonight at seven. I had some business to take care of and was running slightly late. And when I got there, like I said before, homegirl’s Benz was sitting up in the driveway,” she sputters angrily. “And when my man doesn’t answer my calls I figure something stank is going down.” Her voice catches. “Uh, and then a minute ago I noticed that Thad sent me a text. Here, you wanna read it?”

  She finds the message on her BlackBerry and then thrusts the phone at me.

  I’ve had you under surveillance a couple of times. I love you with all I have, but don’t trust you. And where there’s no trust…

  “Damn, Demetria,” I say.

  She stands up and starts pacing. “He’s tripping. I mean, what does the man expect? I can’t be by myself for months while he flies across the world. And he’s still legally attached, so I never had to be with his ass at all, did I?”

  “You can be with whoever you choose to be with, Demetria. So I assume you wanted to be with him.”

  “I sure as hell did. And I still want to be with him. He’s my number one boo, he really is. I–I just wish he hadn’t reacted so swiftly. I just don’t understand,” she says. A loud heart-wrenching sob bursts through her lips. I frown but jump up to hug her. “It’ll be alright. Thad’s just upset righ
t now. If he loves you he’ll forgive you.”

  “You think so, Vee? I hope he realizes the mistake he’s making. We’re really good together. He’s my ultimate type; you know how hard that is to find? He treats me so good. I mean, I gotta get with other guys just to make that comparison, just to know for myself that a man like Thad is so rare.”

  “Well, don’t worry yourself right now. Chill out with us for the night, okay?”

  “Oh, Veron, you’re too good to me. A pure Mother Teresa. I know why Seaphes is in love with you. I would be too if I was a man.”

  “Whoa. That’s alright. Calm down, Demetria. Everything is going to line up for you.”

  I hear a key being inserted in the front door, and Seaphes walks in wearing a wide grin. “Hey, ladies, how’s it going? You miss me?”

  “We never noticed you were gone, playa.” Demetria smirks. “But thanks for getting the stuff. Why don’t you two lovebirds have a seat and let me mix the drinks? I wanna do that as my token of appreciation for letting me bust up in here nine-one-one.” She giggles to herself and snatches the grocery bags from Seaphes, heading out to the bar in the living room.

  He and I look at each other and just shake our heads. I start to load the dishwasher, but Seaphes hugs me from behind, kissing me on the side of my neck and getting me roused up. “Oh, mmm, stop it. No, don’t stop, keep going,” I tease. He presses his body against my behind. My knees feel ready to buckle. It’s been so long, and I thought I was ready to be loved tonight. But it doesn’t look like I’ll be getting any with Demetria here.

  Seaphes grabs me by both shoulders and turns me around to face him. He bends down and kisses me, thrusting his tongue in my mouth and using one of his hands to squeeze my butt cheek.

  When we come up for air, I gasp. “Aw, man, how much longer does she have to stay here?” He simply laughs and gives me a wink so sexy that I could get lost in his piercing eyes for the rest of the night.

  Demetria calls out that the drinks are ready. I grab Seaphes’s hand and lead him to the sofa, so we can finally take a much-needed seat. I am so exhausted that it feels good to do nothing. I know I won’t be seriously looking at the movie, either. I just want to sit next to my guy and finally enjoy his presence.



  It feels good to be sitting next to Veron on the couch. It feels even better to be holding her hand. But she’s squeezing my hand really tight, and it makes me wonder. Is she afraid I’m going to run away? Does she think I’m going to run off with Demetria? Not likely. Women like Demetria are complicated but easy—not right for me. I just wish that her attention-seeking wasn’t prohibiting all three of us from having a good time.

  Demetria struts into the living room juggling tall chocolate martinis in both hands. “Here, Seaphes,” she says and hands me my drink. She takes a sip from the other glass. “Vee, I know how you are,” she explains. “I didn’t think you’d want one, so I just made me and Seaphes some. I know he’ll feel this. It is sooo tasty.”

  “Hmmm,” Veron says, with hurt sewn through her voice. “I’m cool. I can finish sipping on that beer.”

  “You were drinking beer? Since when?”

  Veron just ignores her question.

  “Anyway,” Demetria says, “you can turn on the movie now. Hey, I wanna sit on the other side of Seaphes. We can make a Seaphes sandwich, okay?” She giggles. “I’m so silly. But this feels good. I sure don’t want to be somewhere by myself crying and boo-hooing over Thad while he’s behind closed doors with Marilyn. Mmm, mmm, no. This here is much better.”

  Veron presses the play button, and the previews begin showing. I lower my face toward hers and kiss her on the lips. She blushes and shifts uncomfortably in her seat. We’re quiet for a minute, dreamily staring into each other’s eyes.

  Demetria leans across me to get to Veron. “Hey, Vee, you spending the night here? It’s still raining and thundering outside like crazy. I’m getting kind of worried, because it usually floods in my neighborhood and sometimes streets are impassable.”

  “I haven’t thought about all that,” Veron remarks without looking directly at her friend.

  “Okay. Hey, Seaphes, how’s your drink? Did I do a good job? I hope you like it.”

  “Mmm, yes, Demetria, it’s delicious.” I nod and sip on the drink again.

  It’s silent for ten seconds before she scoots forward from sitting on the sofa so she has a clearer view of Veron. “Let’s toast. Damn, Vee, go get your beer so we can all do this together.”

  “Okay,” Veron says.

  She starts to stand up, but I beat her to it. “I’ll get your drink for you,” I say.

  Demetria rolls her eyes and opens her mouth, poking one finger inside like she’s gagging.

  “Ha,” Veron laughs. “Need a bucket?”

  “Need three or four. Y’all are quite sickening.”

  When I return with Veron’s can of beer, Demetria raises her glass and clears her throat.

  “To love, friendship, happiness, great sex, and getting whatever the hell we want out of life.”

  “Here, here,” I say, tapping their drinks. I take a sip and notice that Demetria is really sucking her martini down quickly. It is good, though. I press my glass against Veron’s lips. She opens wide and swallows a mouthful of the rich chocolate concoction.

  “Mmm,” she grins, looking up at me. Her grin falls when she notices a sullen look on Demetria’s face.

  We all settle back in our seats, and I wrap one arm around Veron’s shoulder as she scoots closer so that her thigh touches mine. The movie opens up, and we’re all quiet for a few minutes. But then I start hearing this irritating sniffing noise every few seconds. When turn my head and look at Demetria, she’s holding her head in her hands.

  I glance at Veron. She just shrugs, sits back in her seat, picks up the remote, and increases the volume. I wasn’t expecting that, and I have to hide a grin.

  We attempt to watch the movie for a couple of minutes, but then Demetria leans across me and shouts at Veron, “Can I get that, please?” She leans across me even farther and holds out her hand, nodding at the remote. I move back so that Demetria isn’t touching me.

  Veron firmly shakes her head no.

  Demetria stands up.

  Veron pauses the movie. “What now, Demetria?”

  “Damn, I just want to turn the TV down! I like talking and discussing the scenes. Hell, it’s not like we’re at Tinsel-town where they want your ass to keep quiet. What the hell, Veron? What the…I just…what the hell?” She sounds very drunk, and with her scarf wrapped crookedly around her head and her pouty lips poking out, she looks uncharacteristically distressed.

  “Oh, God, here we go,” Veron says. But then she relents, looking at Demetria with softer eyes. “It’s gonna be okay, sweetie,” Veron assures her, giving in like a good friend should. And with that, Demetria breaks down completely, crying and wailing. I feel like this is something I probably shouldn’t be watching, but I can’t tear my eyes away.

  “Do you love him?” Veron asks, getting up to stand next to Demetria. She tenderly moves strands of hair away from Demetria’s face. Demetria just keeps sobbing and moaning. “Shhh,” she whispers. She keeps soothing her but locks eyes with me.

  Finally, Demetria yawns. “I’m sleepy,” she slurs. “Maybe I can take a little nap. This liquor is really making a sister feel tired, plus all the other mess—”

  “Okay, okay, let’s go. C’mon, Seaphes, okay?”

  I nod, and Veron grabs Demetria by the hand and follows me down the main hallway.

  “Why you acting like a stranger?” Demetria asks Veron. “You act like you haven’t been back here before.”

  “I haven’t.”

  “Really?” She’s talking real loud. “Don’t tell me I’m the first woman to know where his bedroom is.”

  “What?” Veron squeals, stopping in front of my bedroom. I fold my arms and stare at Demetria, who looks a mess.

mean tonight, dummy. When I was trying to find the bathroom, my nosy self looked around. I found his bedroom, and two other rooms. One I think is a study, and the other looks like his nephew’s room since there are toys and a crib in there. I guess only his room is available for me to take a nap.”

  “Demetria, now wait one minute.”

  “What, Vee?”

  “What, Vee nothing. Why on earth would you think I would allow you to sleep in his bed? Why would you think he’d allow it? How do you think that looks?”

  “Ga-iirl, please,” Demetria whines.

  “Girl nothing. What exactly are you trying, Demetria?”

  I’m looking at Demetria sternly, and I know that beside me, Veron is, too.

  “You’re just being silly as usual, Vee,” she says, laughing nervously. “Just chill, girl. You read into things too much. It’s storming out there; about to turn into Hurricane Katrina Part Two and all you can think about is how it looks. Well, screw it. I’m going to try my best to get home then. I don’t need this.”

  “Oh, Demetria,” Veron says.

  “Oh, Demetria nothing,” she snaps. “Why don’t you feel sorry for me? After all I’ve done for you. I’ll tell you why. You feel secure now that Seaphes is finally paying attention to you, and once you got your man, you happily kicked my ass to the curb. Some kind of best friend you are.”

  She moves down the hallway past Veron and me like she’s returning to the living room, but then she swings back around and walks into my room. Veron follows her in.

  “No, screw this,” I hear her say. “Seaphes is my friend, too. You don’t own this house. I don’t think he’d mind if I lie down for an hour.” She’s talking as if I’m not just outside the room. “If he has a problem with that, then tell him to come in here and see me.”

  “Oh, hell no,” Veron says and runs back out in the hallway.

  “Seaphes, it’s time you put her in check. Demetria has lost her mind.”

  I stand still for a moment. I don’t want to react impulsively and make the situation worse.

  “Seaphes, did you hear what I said? Tell that girl she cannot sleep in your bed. She doesn’t have to go home, but she’s gotta get the hell outta there.”


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