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My Best Friend and My Man

Page 28

by Cydney Rax

  “I’m glad, baby girl. But let’s get the hell outta here before they both come back and catch us.”

  “Okay,” I say, trembling. I’m not thinking quite clearly yet, but I know what I told Mike was true. I can’t believe Demetria would even take a chance on messing up her good thing. I thought she’d learned her lesson. But it looks like I’m the one who needs to learn something.

  Mike and I get out of there without anyone seeing us. And after I get in my car, I call him on his cell phone so we can talk.

  “Mike, I am sorry. I feel crazy, like I’m not myself.”

  “Well, I feel bad, too.”

  “Whatever happened to you and Francine?”

  “We’re history. She got sick of me, found another guy, and left.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say. I can’t say I’m surprised, when I think of how different those two were.

  “Hey, Veron. I want you to know that I figured something out tonight, too. I’m through with the game playing. When Demetria set this up, something told me no, stay away from it. But sometimes men get caught up. That’s probably what happened to your boy, Seaphes, and it’s obviously what happened to you tonight. I mean, think about it. If Thad had come home and sexed you, would you really feel any better? Would you have told Demetria? Would you really want your friendship to end over this silly, juvenile payback stuff?”

  “Well, Mike, I guess I won’t ever know. I’m definitely never doing anything like that again.”

  We talk until I arrive home, vowing never to speak a word about what happened. But I sob and toss and turn in bed all night. I feel like I need help in the worst way. I don’t want to let anyone else define who I am as a person. I hate that I’ve listened to the bitch book, to Demetria, to Seaphes, to Ursula…and the fact was that I was tuned in to everyone except myself. I decide that from now on, I am only going to do what I believe in my heart is best for me.

  Now I just have to figure out what that is. One thing I know for sure. Lying here in the dark, I’m only thinking about one man.

  “As odd as it sounds, I am glad for Demetria,” I tell Ursula, who has come to my office to gossip and backstab coworkers.

  “So the whore is finally getting married to a rich psychotic punk. But let me tell you, girl, an expensive wedding doesn’t mean she’s going to keep her legs closed. You watch out for that one and get her before she gets you.”

  “I know what you’re trying to say, Ursula. But I have to learn to trust people. She’s made mistakes in the past, and I know she’s not perfect, but she loves me.”

  Ursula looks at me with venom. “I’m disappointed in you, Veron,” she says. “Oh well, not my problem. But if I were you—”

  “Right, Ursula, you aren’t me. And maybe you should be paying less attention to my life and more attention to the mess you’ve created with your own.”

  “What did you say, trick?”

  “My name’s not Trick. It’s Veron Darcey. And don’t you forget it.”

  “Humph,” she spits. “I’m outta here. Your mind is twisting up something bad right now, and I don’t want to have any regrets in the event that you say the wrong thing…and cross my line.”

  “For once you’ve given sound advice. I think you oughta leave, too. Good-bye, Ursula.”

  The next morning, I find Seaphes waiting at my office door. He is holding a single white rose.

  “Hey there,” I say warily, and invite him to join me in my office. As I close the door, he says, “I won’t take too much of your time.”

  He comes in and sits down, and just stares at me for a minute. He hands me the rose. I shift uncomfortably. “Okay,” he says. “Thank you for listening to me. All I ask is that you just let me finish, you just hear me out and think about what I have to say, okay?”

  I nod. Considering what I’ve done, I owe him that.

  “Okay,” he starts. “Veron, I am so sorry for all the stupid mistakes I’ve made. There were misunderstandings and all kinds of weirdness, but I think that I know who the real you is, and I’m sorry I didn’t recognize it sooner. And I want you to know that you’re the one for me. I know you are. You possess all the qualities that I admire in a woman. You’re supportive and you don’t expect me to call every five minutes. You trust me when I do right, and you calmly question me when I mess up. You’re not blind to my faults, but you believe in me…but won’t let me get away with anything that’s disrespectful. You are the most truly beautiful woman I think I’ve ever met, and your whole personality has a sparkle, and an innocence, that I want to protect and love forever.”

  I’m astounded, feeling a mixture of emotions. “That’s how you truly see me?”

  “That and much more. Veron, I know that once you release yourself from the bullshit advice from coworkers, books, magazines, and best friends, you’re the most wonderful woman around. You don’t need all that. You are an angel just as you are, and one who doesn’t realize how wonderful she is until someone tells her. And I will tell you every day forever, if only you’d have me. I just want you to know that, Veron. I’ll go back—”

  I think about what he says, and it confirms everything I feel inside.

  “Of course I’d have you. Seaphes…you know I want you. I always have.”

  His eyes are glistening, and mine are, too. We seal our new commitment with a tender kiss.

  And I know that this time our shared feelings are lined up, our future together is more certain, more sincere, more solid.

  Have you ever taken a first glance at someone and immediately decided you could never have anything in common with that person? That was me and Demetria. The Odd Couple of women, we were. It doesn’t make sense that we grew to be friends, but somehow we are complementary. It’s always just worked.

  I am at home sitting at my desk, clicking through old text messages on my phone. Demetria’s texts are so funny and supportive. I’m also looking through some greeting cards she’s written me, thoughtful messages she jotted down for Christmas, my birthday, Valentine’s Day. For the life of me I can’t pretend to fully understand why she acts the way she does. I know I can’t change her, and I certainly can’t be her. But I can be myself. I can be a forgiving person and a loyal friend.

  I pick up the phone and call her on her cell. “Hey there,” I say, making sure enthusiasm fills my voice. “How’s it going?”

  “Oh, girl, I’m so glad you called.” she says energetically. “You won’t believe what’s happened. Funny how things change.”

  “You got that right,” I say, debating if I should tell her about me and Seaphes. “What’s happening with you?”

  “I got two proposals, Vee, two. And the man that proposed to me last gave me an ultimatum. Can you believe it?”

  “Nooo,” I tell her. “Who was that?”

  “My baby Darren Foster.”

  “You’re joking.”

  “No, girl. Darren is a good man, a good lover, and finally he has a good job,” she says excitedly and describes the management program he entered with the City of Houston Aviation Department.

  “And so it’s strange, but when I took the time to think about it and weighed the two, I had no choice but to pick Darren. He’s the man who’s always been there for me no matter what. There’s something deeper with us, and he always makes sure my needs are met…not just financially, but emotionally. How can I reject a love like that? Plus, let’s face it, any man who threatens physical violence, who places eavesdropping devices in my home…that’s just not the man for me. So I broke up with Thad, actually gave the dude his ring back, and I haven’t heard from him since. Can you believe that?”

  “Yep,” I reply. I’m smiling to myself and wanting to scream with happiness and relief for both myself and my friend. “When it comes to love and matters of the heart, I can believe just about anything…especially when it comes to bitches like you.”



  1. What did you think of Demetria and Veron’s
relationship? Is their’s the kind of friendship you would want to have?

  2. Do any of the characters remind you of people whom you know in real life?

  3. Seaphes believes there are ten different types of women. Do you agree? Did you recognize yourself in any of the descriptions?

  4. How could Demetria have been a better friend to Veron?

  5. If you were Veron, would you follow the advice of a book, or would you do something different? If so, what would you do to achieve the results that Veron wanted?

  6. What did you think of Ursula Phillips? Do you feel she had Veron’s best interests at heart?

  7. Do you think any man could keep Demetria happy? If so, what kind of man would he be?

  8. What is the most memorable scene in the book and why?

  9. Who is your favorite character and why? Who is your least favorite character?

  10. Which of the characters seems the most believable, and why do you feel that way?

  11. Could you personally relate to any of the scenarios in the book?

  12. Should women automatically know better than to try to hook up with their best friend’s man? Are there any circumstances where it would be forgivable?

  13. Do you trust your best girlfriend to be alone with your man?

  14. Were you satisfied with the conclusion? Why or why not? What would you have liked to see happen?

  15. What, if anything, did you learn from this book?


  Fast-paced, provocative, and sexy, My Husband’s Girlfriend is an eye-opening novel about morality, monogamy, and the complexity of modern love.

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  My Daughter’s Boyfriend is the spicy tale of an impossibly tricky love triangle, full of sharp, lively observations about mothers and daughters, black men and women, and the truth about love and lust.

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  Praise for My Best Friend and My Man

  “My Best Friend and My Man glows with sexuality, warmth, and drama! Cydney Rax has done it again!”

  —T. Styles, Essence bestselling author of A Hustler’s Son and Black and Ugly

  “I really enjoyed My Best Friend and My Man. There are some parts where Cydney has you laughing out loud and others where you want to reach in and throttle the characters. Cydney has another hit on her hands!”

  —Desiree Day, author of Crazy Love and One G-String Short of Crazy

  “Smart, sexy, and wickedly funny! Once again, Cydney Rax displays her keen ability to weave a story of romance and mayhem with characters that you'll both love…and love to hate.”

  —Nancey Flowers, Essence bestselling author of No Strings Attached

  “Cydney Rax is phenomenal with her pen game. My Best Friend and My Man pulls you in from the very first page and doesn’t let you go until the last word. This blueprint on how to win in the game of love is sure to be a bestseller.”

  —Joy King, author of Hooker to Housewife and Superstar

  “My Best Friend and My Man is truly a satisfying read that pulled me in from page one…I couldn't put it down.”

  —Cheryl Robinson, author of Sweet Georgia Brown

  “Cydney Rax has consistently provided her fans with literary sundaes, and My Best Friend and My Man is no exception…a sinfully delicious hot caramel treat!”

  —Philana Marie Boles, author of Blame It on Eve and In the Paint

  Praise for My Husband’s Girlfriend

  “The book we can’t put down…the scandalous new novel…you’ll find yourself drawn to Rax’s juicy tale of out-of-order buppies in love and lust.”




  “A twisted tale of infidelity.”

  —Today’s Black Woman

  “One of the most provocative, entrancing, and insatiable naughty novels of the year has arrived. Cydney Rax is on her way to being a serial bestseller.”

  —DisilgoldSoul Magazine

  Praise for My Daughter’s Boyfriend

  “Best guilty-pleasure read.”


  “Emotionally charged…scandalous in nature, though tastefully written…Rax’s novel forces deep reflection.”

  —Romantic Times

  “One of the hottest and heaviest secret and lustful relationships to debut in a novel…Get ready to hold your breath. My Daughter’s Boyfriend is a heated and sexy page turner…Cydney Rax is a powerful and masterful storyteller.”


  “A fascinating, witty, and thought-provoking novel full of memorable characters…the perfect summer read.”


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2008 by Cydney Rax

  Reader’s Group Guide copyright © 2008 by Three Rivers Press, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.

  All rights reserved.

  Published in the United States by Three Rivers Press, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.

  Three Rivers Press and the Tugboat design are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Rax, Cydney.

  My best friend and my man: a novel/Cydney Rax. — 1st ed.

  p. cm.

  1. African American women—Fiction. 2. Mate selection—Fiction. I. Title.

  PS3618.A98M88 2008

  813'.6—dc22 2007048324

  eISBN: 978-0-307-40997-3





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