by Philipp Blom
2.Ibid., 28.
3.Ibid., 67.
4.Ibid., 103.
5.Ibid., 197.
6.Ibid., 218.
7.Ibid., 224–229.
8.Ibid., 242.
9.Ibid., 259.
10.Ibid., 272.
11.Max Cohen, I Was One of the Unemployed (London: Gollancz, 1945), 11–12.
12.Quoted in Juliet Gardiner, The Thirties (New York: HarperPress, 2010), 168.
13.Quoted in Piers Brendon, Dark Valley: A Panorama of the 1930s (New York: Knopf, 2000), 169.
14.Cited in the Times, May 23, 2006, Law Supplement, 7.
15.John Strachey, The Coming Struggle for Power (London: Gollancz, 1932), 245.
16.Martin Stannard, Evelyn Waugh (London: Dent, 1986), 1:348.
17.Beatrice Webb, The Diary of Beatrice Webb, ed. Norman and Jeanne MacKenzie (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 2009), 232.
18.P. G. Wodehouse, Thank You, Jeeves (London: H. Jenkins, 1934), 62.
19.Priestley, English Journey, 323.
1935: Route 66
1.Margaret Bourke-White, quoted in Donald Worster, Dust Bowl: The Southern Plains in the 1930s (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004), 23.
2.Kansas City Star, June 7, 1936.
3.Quoted in Worster, Dust Bowl, 23.
4.Ibid., 31.
5.Archibald MacLeish, Land of the Free (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1938), 49.
6.Herbert Hoover, The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover: The Great Depression, 1929–1941 (New York: Macmillan, 1952), 30.
7.Quoted in James N. Gregory, American Exodus: The Dust Bowl Migration and Okie Culture in California (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), 19.
8.Ibid., 100–101.
9.Ibid., 101.
10.Ibid., 107.
11.John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath (New York: Viking, 1939), ch. 18.
12.Ibid., 149.
13.Peter Monro Jack, New York Times, April 16, 1939.
14.Joseph Roth, Briefe 1911–1939 (Köln: Kiepenhauer & Witsch, 1970), 249.
15.Quoted in Roger Daniels, Coming to America: A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life (New York: HarperCollins, 1990), 299.
16.Relayed to the author in personal conversation by Herbert Freudenheim.
17.M. E. Yapp, The Making of the Modern Near East 1792–1923 (Harlow, UK: Longman, 1987), 290.
1936: Beautiful Bodies
1.Heinrich Mann, speech at Konferenz zur Verteidigung der Olympischen Idee, Paris, June 6–7, 1936. Translation by author.
2.Victor Klemperer, quoted in Guy Walters, Berlin Games: How the Nazis Stole the Olympic Dream (New York: HarperCollins, 2009), 240.
3.Quoted in Walters, Berlin Games, 1.
4.Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Le contrat social, in Oeuvres complètes, ed. Bernard Gagnebin and Marcel Raymond (Paris: Pléiades, 1964), 3:381–382. Translation by author.
5.Evgeny Zamyatin, We, trans. Clarence Brown (New York: Penguin, 1993), 81.
6.Virginia Woolf, The Diary of Virginia Woolf, Vol. 1, 1915–1919 (London: Penguin, 1979), 13.
7.William Butler Yeats, quoted in Donald J. Childs, Modernism and Eugenics: Woolf, Eliot, Yeats, and the Culture of Degeneration (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), 17.
8.George F. Kennan, Memoirs, 1925–1950 (Boston: Little, Brown, 1967), 77.
1937: War Within a War
1.Quoted in Anthony Beevor, The Battle for Spain (London: Penguin 2006), 294.
2.George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia (London: Secker and Warburg, 1938), 171.
3.Piers Brendon, The Dark Valley: A Panorama of the 1930s (New York: Knopf, 2000), 308.
4.Ibid., 308.
5.Ibid., 317.
6.Quoted in Beevor, The Battle for Spain, 94.
7.Ibid., 103.
8.The accounts and numbers of the victims follow Beevor, The Battle for Spain, 94ff.
9.Beevor, The Battle for Spain, 101.
10.Quoted in Paul Preston, The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge (New York: W. W. Norton, 2007), 121.
11.Piers Brendon, The Dark Valley, 320
12.Quoted in Beevor, The Battle for Spain, 147.
13.Ibid., 140.
14.Geoffrey Cox, quoted in Preston, The Spanish Civil War, 175–176.
15.Orwell, Homage to Catalonia, 155.
16.Quoted in Karl Schlögel, Terror und Traum (Munich: Hanser, 2008), 151. Translation by author.
17.Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago (New York: Harper & Row, 1973), 1:378.
18.Quoted in Karl Schlögel, Terror und Traum.
1938: Epilogue: Abide by Me
1.Hans Fantel, “Poignance Measured in Digits,” New York Times, July 16, 1989.
2.Bruno Walter, Theme and Variations: An Autobiography (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947), 323–324.
291 (gallery), 149
369th Infantry Regiment, 51
1900–1914 (vertigo years), 403–404
1914–1918 (World War I). See World War I (1914–1918)
Balfour Declaration in, 352
Fountain in, 144
Harlem Hellfighters in, 352
Dada Manifesto in, 132
d’Annunzio in, 40
Decline of the West in, 45–46
Immigration Act of, 57
shell shock in. See shell shock
World War I ending in, 10–14
Liverpool riots in, 73
poet’s coup in. See conservative revolution
racial relations in, 49
strikes of U.S. workers in, 91
Unknown Soldier in, 36–37
The Invisible Ray in, 126
moonshine nation in. See Prohibition era
The Rising Tide of Color Against White Supremacy in, 55–56, 165
banning teaching of evolution in, 156
end of hope in. See interwar years
eugenics in, 165
The Reign of Relativity in, 126–127
western Hungary annexed to Austria in, 199
d’Annunzio’s fall in, 57
Decline of the West in, 45–46
Harlem Renaissance in. See Harlem Renaissance
Smyrna Massacre in, 344
beyond the Milky Way in. See scientific discoveries
Daedalus, or Science and the Future in, 127–129
Façades in, 110
“The Oil in the Machine” in, 173
Aelita, Queen of Mars in, 126, 189–190
Immigration Act of, 272, 343, 347–348
Rhapsody in Blue in, 110
Clara Bow in, 219
Coolidge in, 217
Josephine Baker in, 228
Manifesto of Fascist Intellectuals in, 309
monkey business in. See evolution
The Power God in, 126
Stalin in, 234
Decline of the West in, 45–46
science fiction in. See science fiction
“The Spectral Attitudes” in, 148–150
The Sun Also Rises in, 71
Johny spielt auf in, 110
Mahagonny in, 110
Palace in flames in. See Vienna
boop-boop-a-doop in. See Roaring Twenties
Hurston on race in, 102
robots in, 178
Ryder in, 71
Lateran Treaty in, 277–278
Magnetic City in. See Magnitogorsk (Magnetic City)
The Universe Around Us in, 126
Berlin in. See Berlin
The Blue Angel in, 250–255, 262–265
Civilization and Its Discontents in, 190–194
Lili Elbe in, 258
The Mysterious Universe in, 126
The Thre
epenny Opera in, 110, 229–230
anatomy of love in. See Italy
Heisenberg in, 118
“Is Man Doomed by the Machine Age?” in, 179
swing in, 106
holodomor in. See Ukraine
Night After Night in, 67
Schrödinger in, 125
Chicago World’s Fair in, 166
Gabriel over the White House in, 311
persecution of intellectuals in. See pogrom of the intellect
eugenics in, 166–167
Le Corbusier in, 193
The Longing for the Third Reich in, 267
Thank you, Jeeves in. See Great Britain
Vienna in, 212–213
The Lives of a Bengal Lancer in, 311
Mad Love in, 180
Magnitogorsk in, 247
Mutiny on the Bounty in, 311
Porgy and Bess in, 110
Race Laws of, 343–348, 359
Route 66 in. See migrations
beautiful bodies in. See physical ideals
Deutsche Physik in, 122
Olympic Games in. See Olympic Games (1936)
Carbonia in, 280
Heisenberg in, 122
Magnitogorsk in, 247
Our Sex Life in, 183
war within a war in. See Spanish Civil War
1900–1914 (vertigo years), 403–404
“Abide by Me” in, 398
aftermath of WWI and, 400–405
Enlightenment and, 406
Foucault, Michel, 406
free market economics and, 407–411
Kant, Immanuel, 406
Langenmarck myth and, 402–403
modernity and, 405–406
Nazi annexation of Austria in, 397–400
Nazi conquest of Austria in, 397–400
vertigo years and, 403–404
“Abide by Me,” 398
Academic Assistance Council, 304
ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), 151, 158
“Action Against the Un-German Spirit,” 298–299
Acton, Harold, 223
Aelita, Queen of Mars (1924), 126, 189–190
African Americans
black cool of, 405
discrimination against. See racial discrimination
Harlem Hellfighters, 50–51
Harlem Renaissance. See Harlem Renaissance
musicians, 67–68, 72
Olympic Games with, 359–360
soldiers/veterans, 50–51
Afro-American Realty Company, 98–100
Akhmatova, Anna
husband of, 391
introduction to, 79
oppression of, 87, 312–314
Alfonso XIII, 376
alienation, 26
All Quiet on the Western Front (movie), 261–262, 311
Allen, Frederick Lewis, 65–66
Allen, Jay, 380
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 151, 158
American civil war, 73–78
An American in Paris, 221
Americanization, 186, 331
Amerikanka, 248
Amsterdam, 346, 399
anatomy of love. See Italy
Anderson, Sherwood, 70
Andrews, General Lincoln C., 63
Andromeda (M31), 113, 116
Animal Farm, 248
Anti-Defamation League (American Jewish organization), 311
All Quiet on the Western Front and, 261–262
burning books and, 299–302
Law for the Reestablishment of the Status of Civil Servants, 303
of Levy, 169–172
in Metropolis, 176–177
in Olympic Games, 357–358
physics and, 121–123
in Vienna, 202–205
anxieties, 4–6
ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps), 28
“Apples in No-Man’s-Land,” 32
Aragon, Louis, 136, 242
Archangel Gabriel, 57
architects, 187–188, 190–193
Arendt, Hannah, 308
Arensberg, Walter and Louise, 144
Arland, Marcel, 35
Arlington Cemetery, 37
Armory Show of 1913, 144
Arp, Hans, 132, 134
art. See also literature; movies; music; photography
in Berlin, 254
Dada and, 132–135
in Harlem Renaissance, 102
neoclassicism in, 270–371
in Paris, 69–72, 344
politics and, 77
in Soviet Union, 242
surrealism and, 140–142, 144–150
artificial famine. See Ukraine
Arts and Crafts movement, 191
Aryan ideals, 122, 361–363
assassination attempts
on Lenin, 88
on Mussolini, 267–269, 276–278
Associated Farmers of California, 341
Astor, Lady Nancy, 244–245
Atlantic Monthly, 66
Auden, Wystan, 256
Auerbach, Erich, 351
“August experience,” 5–6
Aurora, 80
Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC), 28
demise of democracy in, 212–214
identity in, 202–203
Nazi conquest of, 397
Austrian First Republic, 198–199
Auto da Fé, 197
automatic writing, 134–135
awakenings, 10–12
Azaña, Manuel, 375–377
Babbitt, 97
Babel, Isaac, 312
Badajozin, 379–380
Baker, Josephine, 109–111, 227–228
Balbo, Italo, 281–282
Baldwin, Stanley, 318
Balfour Declaration (1917), 352
Ball, Hugo, 3–4, 132
Ballet Mécanique, 140–142, 145
Baltimore Afro-American, 389
Bankhead, Tallulah, 224
Barbusse, Henri, 244
Barcelona, 373–374, 380–382, 388, 390–391
Barleycorn, John, 59
Barnes, Djuna, 70–71
Basie, Count, 106
Battle of Blair Mountain, 91–94
Battle of the Somme
casualties of, 28, 30
introduction to, 7–8
and shell shock, 21
Battle of Verdun, 377
Bauhaus, 190–194
Beaton, Cecil, 224
Bechet, Sidney, 72–73
Beevor, Antony, 380
Behind the Urals, 238–239
Behrens, Peter, 190
Beimler, Hans, 388, 390
Benjamin, Walter, 17
Berber, Anita, 254–255
Berdiaev, Nikolai, 45
Bergman, Ingrid, 350
Bergmann, Hugo, 354
Bergson, Henri, 124
Berlin. See also Germany
burning books in, 300
cultural creativity in, 259–262
economic crises in, 252–253, 264
golden twenties in, 228–229
homosexuality in, 256–258
lack of propaganda in, 280
moral change in, 253–255
opposing forces in, 262–266
Professor Unrath influencing, 249–252
sexual openness in, 255–258
violence in, 258–259
Bernhard, Georg, 346
Betjeman, John, 224
Bettauer, Hugo, 203
Beveridge, Sir William, 304
Bible, 146
Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 155
Big Bang, 117
bird of passage (Wandervogel) movement, 366
Birkenhead, Lord, 325
Birth of Venus, 148
bsp; black Americans. See African Americans
black blizzards, 335–338
Black Sunday, 333
Black Zionism, 105
Blackpool, 321
Blackshirts, 212, 325
Blake, Eubie, 109
“Blast Furnace by the Deadline!,” 237
Der blaue Engel (The Blue Angel), 250–255, 262–265
Bloch, Admiral Claude, 348
Bloch, Ivan, 94
blood lines, 46–49. See also eugenics
The Blue Angel (Der blaue Engel), 250–255, 262–265
Blum, Léon, 208–209, 345, 384–385
Bogart, Humphrey, 350–351
Bohr, Neils, 305
Bolsheviks. See also Communist Party
authoritarianism of, 244
fear of African-Americans as, 51
Five-Year Plan of, 234–238
Kronstadt rebellion and, 79–86
Levy on, 171
mechanization and, 363–365
in Russia. See Russia
sexuality and, 367
Ukraine and, 285–286, 290
boop-boop-a-doop, 215–216
bootlegging, 63
Borchmeyer, Erich, 359
Born, Max, 118, 121, 303
Boulanger, Nadia, 221
Bourke-White, Margaret, 336
Bow, Clara, 219–220
Boy (Dahl), 19
Bradford, Perry, 1
Brandt, Willy, 389
Brasillach, Robert, 210
Brave New World, 194
bread lines, 270
Bread Procurement Commission, 287
Brecht, Bertolt, 229, 260, 301–302
Bredel, Willi, 315
Breker, Arnold, 370
Brendon, Piers, 375, 381
Breton, André
automatic writing by, 134–135
Freud and, 137
La Révolution Surréaliste of, 139
as medical student, 133–134
Paris cultural scene and, 137–142
political activities of, 142–143
political engagement of, 371
“The Spectral Attitudes” by, 131
Surrealist Manifesto by, 138–139
Tzara and, 135–137
Breuer, Marcel, 191
The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even, 144
Brierley, Walter, 327
Bright Young Things, 222–230
Britain. See Great Britain
British Mandate area, 353
British Union of Fascists, 325
Brittian, Edward, 30
Brittian, Vera, 25–26, 30, 327
Brockway, Fenner, 326
Bryan, William Jennings
on anti-evolution laws, 156
conservatism of, 153–155
in Scopes trial, 157–161
surrealism and, 151
Buber, Martin, 354
Buford, 57
Bukharin, Nikolai, 314
Bulgakov, Mikhail, 312
burning books, 297–301
Butler, George Washington, 152, 156