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by Philipp Blom

  Butler Act, 156–157

  Butters, Private Harry, 28

  Byron, Robert, 224


  Cabiria, 44

  Caldwell, Erskine, 341

  Caldwell, Francis, 73

  California, 338–341

  Cambridge, 29

  Camelots du Roi (King’s Hucksters), 209–210

  Canetti, Elias, 195–197, 204–206

  cannibalism, 293

  Capa, Robert, 389–390

  capitalism, 202–203, 365

  Capone, Alphonse, 64–65, 270

  Carbonia, 280

  Carlson, Avis, 336

  carpet bombing, 386–387

  cars, 66–67, 217

  Carter, John F., 66

  Caruso, Enrico, 2

  Casablanca, 350–351

  Casares, Maria, 378

  case studies, 32

  Catalonia, 373, 377–378, 380–382

  Cather, Willa, 112

  Catholic Church

  in Austria, 212–214

  in France, 209–210

  in Italy, 276–279

  Prohibition and, 61

  in Spain, 375–376, 378

  cattle, 336

  Cendrars, Blaise, 181–182

  cenotaphs, 36

  Central Institute of Work, 185–188

  Cepheid, 113, 116–117

  Chamberlain, Neville, 324

  Les Champs Magnétiques (The Magnetic Fields), 134–135

  Chanel, Coco, 221–222

  Chaplin, Charlie

  Modern Times, 10, 184

  in Roaring Twenties, 218–219

  Charleston, 67, 220

  Chattanooga Times, 151

  Cheka, 81–82, 86–87

  Chevalier, Maurice, 72

  Chicago, 64–65

  Chicago Tribune, 380

  Chicago World’s Fair (1933), 166

  child labor, 271

  Chocolate Dandies, 109

  Christian Democratic Party, 205–207

  Christian fundamentalism

  birth of, 155–156

  Darwinism and, 157–161

  Chrysler Building, 270

  Churchill, Winston, 245, 301

  Ciano, Count, 383

  City Without Jews (Stadt ohne Juden), 203

  civil rights activists, 158

  Civilization and Its Discontents (1930), 190–194

  Clair, René, 140

  The Clansman, 52

  Classical Symphony, 371

  Classicism, 370–371

  cleanliness, 367–368

  coal mines, 91–94, 319–320

  Cocteau, Jean, 371

  Cohen, Max, 322–323

  Cole, George Douglas, 326

  The Collaboration (2013), 310

  The Collection (Die Sammlung), 347

  collective farms, 287–288

  Comanys, Lluis, 381

  Comedian Harmonists, 228–229, 254

  The Coming Struggle for Power, 325

  Comité d’Assistance aux Refugiés, 345


  Breton on, 142–143

  fear of, 56–57

  in Russia, 80–82

  Communist International, 387

  Communist Party. See also Bolsheviks

  in England, 108

  in France, 142–143, 208, 211

  in Germany, 74

  Kronstadt rebellion and, 79–86

  Lenin in. See Lenin, Vladimir

  March Action by, 90–91

  persecution of peasantry by, 86–88

  in Russia. See Soviet Union

  Stalin in. See Stalin, Joseph

  in Vienna, 197

  compulsory coordination (Gleichschaltung), 302–305, 312

  concrete utopias, 190–194

  Conquest, Robert, 291, 295

  conscientious objection, 24

  Conservative government, 318, 323–324

  conservative revolution. See also conservatives

  d’Annunzio in, 44, 48, 57–58

  race and. See racial discrimination

  Spengler and, 45–48

  Stoddard and, 55–56


  in Austria, 205–207

  in France, 208

  in Vienna, 201–202

  World War I and, 153–155

  Constitution, 60

  Contemporary City, 192

  Coolidge, President, 217

  Córdoba, 379

  Corn Belt. See Dust Bowl

  Cossacks, 81

  Cotton Club, 105–106

  country of poets and thinkers (Land der Dichter und Denker), 299

  Coward, Noël, 224

  Cowley, Malcolm, 148

  Cozy Corner, 256

  Craiglockhart Hospital, 23

  “Crazy Blues,” 1–2

  Crimean War, 29–30

  The Crisis, 98, 100–102

  Crisis of the Mind, 39

  Croce, Benedetto, 308–310

  Croix-de-Feu (Fiery Cross), 210–211, 345

  “Cross of Gold” speech, 153

  Crowds and Power (Masse und Macht), 197, 204

  Crusade in Spain, 373

  Csmarits, Matthias, 206

  Cullen, Countee, 102

  cultural tourism, 242–244

  culture wars, 60–62, 66–68, 73–78

  Cunard shipping line, 319

  Curtis Candy Company, 218

  Curtiz, Michael, 350

  cyborgs, 184

  Czechoslovakia, 198



  Breton and, 133–135

  introduction to, 131–132

  in Paris, 135–142

  psychoanalysis and, 147–148

  spreading fame of, 143–146

  surrealism and, 142–143

  Tzara and, 135–142

  “Dada Manifesto 1918,” 132

  Daedalus, or Science and the Future (1923), 127–129

  Dahl, Roald, 19

  Daily Express, 225

  Daily Mail, 223

  Daily Mirror, 325

  Daladier, Édouard, 211

  Dalí, Salvador, 140, 375

  Die Dämonen (The Demons), 205

  “Dances of Vice, Horror, and Ecstasy,” 255

  dancing, 66–67

  Dangerfield, George, 327

  d’Annunzio, Gabriele, 276, 281, 309

  as coup leader, 39–44

  as “fallen archangel,” 57–58

  rhetoric of, 44–45

  Spengler and, 45–48

  Darrow, Clarence, 157–161, 167–168

  Darwin, Charles. See also evolution

  Bible vs., 155

  influence of, 162–168

  scientific racism and, 363

  Darwinism, social, 162–167

  Davis, Edward Everett, 340

  Dayton, Tennessee, 151. See also Scopes trial

  de Ambris, Alceste, 42

  Decline of the West, 45–48, 123

  Defense of the Realm Act, 24


  in Austria, 212–214

  Spengler on, 47

  Wilson on, 49

  The Demons (Die Dämonen), 205

  Dempsey, Jack, 179

  deportations, 57

  Deschanel, President Paul, 14, 265

  Deuteronomy 28:24, 336

  Deutsche Leibeszucht (German Body Culture), 367

  Deutsche Physik (1936), 122

  Deutschland, Erwache! (Germany, awaken!), 266

  Dewey, John, 10

  Die Sehnsucht nach dem Dritten Reich in Deutscher Sage und Dichtung (1934), 267

  Dietrich, Marlene

  in The Blue Angel, 250–251, 255

  exile of, 310

  leaving Germany, 265–266

  right-wing social criticism of, 262

  Dilthey, Wilhelm, 124

  Dix, Otto

  Berber portrait by, 254–255

  in Berlin, 259

  grotesque war etchings of, 20, 36, 146

  ugliness in work of, 371

  Dixon, Jr., Thomas, 52

  Doderer, Heimito von, 197, 204–205

  Doetsch, Gustav, 124–125

  Dollfuss, Engelbert, 212

  Dolot, Miron, 283, 286–293, 296

  donkeys vs. lions, 329

  Dos Passos, John, 68, 70, 301

  Douglas, Aaron, 103

  Dow Jones stock index, 240

  Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 180–182

  Dreiser, Theodore, 243–244

  Dresden, 368

  Dreyfus affair, 345

  Drieu La Rochelle, Pierre

  conservative revolution of, 48

  socialist fascism of, 210, 242–243

  wartime experiences of, 35

  drought, 334–335

  Du Bois, W. E. B., 100–105

  Duchamp, Marcel, 144

  Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori, 24–26

  Duranty, Walter, 294–295

  Dust Bowl

  devastating storms in, 333–338

  empathy for plight of, 341–343

  exodus from, 338–341


  economic crises

  of 2008, 407–408

  after World War I, 33–35

  in Berlin, 252–253

  Eden, Sir Anthony, 385

  Edward VIII, 325

  Eighteenth Amendment, 60, 62, 65

  Einstein, Albert

  exodus from Germany of, 349–350

  on intellectual freedom, 304

  on Newtonian physics, 120–121

  theory of relativity, 118, 127

  Elbe, Lili, 258

  Eliot, T. S., 48, 97, 223

  Ellington, Duke, 106

  Éluard, Paul, 140

  emigration. See also immigration; migrations

  during Great Depression, 343–347

  from Nazi Germany, 343, 349–352

  from United States, 343–347

  Emil and the Detectives, 305

  The Emperor Jones, 112

  Empire State Building, 270

  end of hope for peace. See interwar years

  energia, and D’Annunzio, 42

  The Engines of the Human Body, 182

  England. See Great Britain

  English Journey, 320–323

  Enlightenment, 406

  Enlightenment rationality, 7

  Entr’acte, 140

  Epstein, Jacob, 304

  Ernst, Max, 139–140

  Eternal City. See Rome

  The Eternal Jew (1940), 311

  ethyl alcohol, and Prohibition, 62

  Eton, 29

  eugenics, 164–167, 368

  Europe, James Reese, 51

  evangelical churches, 60–61

  Everling, Germaine, 135–136

  evolution. See also Darwin, Charles

  Bible and, 154–157

  eugenics and, 164–167

  introduction to, 151–154

  Levy and, 168–172

  New Man and, 363

  Scopes trial and. See Scopes trial

  Exhibition of the Fascist Revolution, 278–279

  existential choices, 303–308

  expatriate writers, 69–71


  Fabian, Walter, 215

  Façades (1923), 110

  Fairmont Coal Company, 92

  famine. See Ukraine

  Fantel, Hans, 397–400

  Farm Security Administration, 342


  d’Annunzio and. See d’Annunzio, Gabriele

  in France, 210

  in Great Britain, 323–327

  Levy on, 171

  Mussolini and. See Mussolini, Benito

  New Man in, 364–365

  Faust, 46

  FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 56

  Federation of Progressive Societies and Individuals, 326–327

  Feldberg, Wilhelm, 303–304

  feminism, 27. See also women’s roles

  Ferdinand, Archduke Franz, 9

  Feuchtwanger, Lion, 350

  Fiery Cross (Croix-de-Feu), 210–211, 345

  films. See movies

  Finzi, Aldo, 57

  Fire!! 102–103

  First World War. See World War I (1914–1918)

  Fitter Families for Future Firesides, 167

  Fitzgerald, Ella, 106

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 56, 68–71

  Fitzgerald, Zelda, 68–71, 217

  Fiume, 39–41

  Five-Year Plan, 285–286

  Flaming Youth, 215

  Flanner, Janet, 227

  flappers, 216–218, 220–221

  flirting, in 1928, 217

  Floyd, J. T., 50

  Ford, Francis, 126

  Ford, Henry, 186

  Forman, Paul, 125

  Foro Mussolini, 281

  Förster-Nietzsche, Elisabeth, 163

  Foucault, Michel, 406

  The Foundation Pit, 247

  Fountain (1917), 144

  Frahm, Herbert, 389


  after World War I, 207

  Communist Party in, 142–143

  exodus from Germany to, 344–345

  Harlem Hellfighters in, 51

  postwar experiences in, 34–36

  Spanish Civil War and, 384

  Franck, James, 303

  Franco, Francisco, 375–377, 382–383

  Franco-Prussian War, 27

  Frank, Anne, 346–347

  Frank, Semen, 45

  Frankenstein, 180

  Free Body Culture (Freikörperkultur), 366–367

  Free German University (Freie Deutsche Universität), 346

  free market economics, 408–411

  Freud, Sigmund

  American life and, 147–148

  Breton and, 133–134, 137

  burning books of, 301

  on prosthetic organs, 173

  on transcendence, 363

  in Vienna, 203

  wearing Trachten, 202

  Freudenheim, Fritz, 351

  Freudenheim, Hans, 348

  Friedmann, Endre Ernö, 390

  The Fundamentals: A Testament to the Truth, 155

  Fürstner, Wolfgang, 355–359

  Furtwängler, Wilhelm, 260, 306, 383


  Gabriel over the White House (1933), 311

  Galton, Francis, 369

  Galton Institute, 164

  Gargoyle Club, 224

  Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 42

  Garvey, Marcus, 105

  Gary, Indiana, 235

  Gastev, Alexei, 184–188

  Gaudí, Antoni, 375

  Gemeindebauten (municipal buildings), 200–201

  gender roles

  homosexuality and. See homosexuality

  Prohibition and, 67

  of women. See women’s roles

  before World War I, 26–27

  World War I and, 5–6

  General Federation of Women’s Clubs, 66

  General Motors, 270

  generational change, 66–67

  Gentile, Giovanni, 48, 309

  George, Prime Minister David Lloyd, 293

  George, Stefan, 48, 168

  George V, 324–325

  German Body Culture (Deutsche Leibeszucht), 367

  German Hygiene Museum, 368

  German-speaking people, 199


  Bauhaus in, 190–194

  beer of, 61

  Berlin in. See Berlin

  biblical scholarship in, 154

  economic crises in, 252–253, 264

  Hitler in. See Hitler, Adolf

  jazz in, 73, 77

  March Action in, 89–91

  Metropolis made in, 173–177

  Nazis in. See Nazi Germany

  physics discoveries in, 117–125

  pogrom of the intellect in. See pogrom of the intellect

  postwar experiences in, 34

  Professor Unrath influencing, 249–252

  propaganda in, 280

  Spanish Civil War a
nd, 385–387

  surrealism in, 143, 145–146

  Weimar Republic in. See Weimar Republic

  after World War I, 73–78

  Germany, Awaken! (Deutschland, Erwache!), 266

  Gershwin, George, 105–106, 109–110, 221

  Gesetz und Freiheit (Law and Freedom), 367

  Gide, André, 245, 257

  Giral, Prime Minister José, 384

  Gish, Lillian, 52

  Gleichschaltung (compulsory coordination), 302–305, 312

  Gloeden, Wilhelm von, 257

  Glyn, Elinor, 220

  Gobineau, Arthur de, 170

  The God That Failed, 293

  Goebbels, Joseph

  burning books and, 298

  fueling National Socialist movement, 262–263

  Olympic Games and, 356

  propaganda of, 280

  Strauss and, 306

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 45–46, 75

  “golden twenties” (die goldenen zwanziger Jahre), 228

  Goldwyn, Samuel, 147

  Good Boy, 215

  Gorky, Maxim, 89, 301, 312–315

  Gottlieb, Gerda, 258

  Goya, Francisco, 146

  The Grapes of Wrath, 340–341

  grasshoppers, 337

  Great Britain

  casualties from, 29–31

  fascism in, 323–327

  industrial slums in, 320–323

  jazz in, 72–73

  postwar economy in, 318–320

  race in, 72–73

  Spanish Civil War and, 384–385

  Thank you, Jeeves in, 317–318

  Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in, 36–37

  working class attitudes in, 327–331

  Great Depression

  class attitudes and, 331

  Dust Bowl exodus during, 339

  emigration during, 343–347

  in Great Britain, 318–323

  immigration during, 270–273, 343–347

  stock market crash and, 240–241

  The Great Gatsby, 56, 68

  Great Plains. See Dust Bowl

  Great Purge, 392–393

  Greek people, 344

  Greenfield, George, 337

  Greenwood, Walter, 326

  Griffith, D. W., 52

  Gropius, Walter, 190–192

  Grosz, Georges

  in Berlin, 259

  on Germany after WWI, 74–78

  surrealism and, 146

  ugliness in work of, 371

  war experiences of, 36

  Guernica, 386, 396

  Guernica, Spain, 386–387

  Guinness, Bryan, 223

  gum-chewing supermen, 371–372

  Gumilev, Nikolay, 87

  Gurney, Jason, 373

  Gyssling, George, 311


  Habsburg Empire, 197–199

  Haeckel, Ernst, 45

  Haldane, J. S., 126–128, 304

  Haldane, Richard Burton, 126–127

  Hale, George Ellery, 114

  Halle, Germany, 90

  Hamidiye Brigade, 343–344

  Hammerstein, Oscar, 215

  Handbook of Marxism, 327

  The Hands of Orlac (Orlacs Hände), 179–180

  Harbou, Thea von, 174–177, 258

  Harding, President Warren, 94–95

  Harlem Hellfighters, 50–51

  Harlem Renaissance

  Afro-American Realty Company in, 98–100

  after World War I, 12


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