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by Philipp Blom

entertainment in, 105–107

  Harlem Shadows in, 107–109

  introduction to, 97–98

  journal publications in, 100–103

  legacy of, 405

  Nigger Heaven and, 103–104

  world-wide influence of, 109–112

  Harlem Shadows, 107–109

  Harvard College Observatory, 114–115

  harvest quotas, of Stalin, 289–290

  Hatfield, Sid, 93

  hatred of patriots, post-war France, 207–210

  Hausmann, Baron, 192

  Hayek, Friedrich von, 408

  Hays, Will, 311

  Hebrew, 354

  Hegel, Friedrich Wilhelm, 361–362

  Heidegger, Martin, 48, 124, 307–308

  Heimwehr (Home Defense), 205–207

  Heine, Heinrich, 301

  Heisenberg, Werner, 118–122, 124–125, 304–305

  Helm, Brigitte, 175

  Hemingway, Ernest, 68–72, 301, 389

  Henderson, Caroline, 333

  Henry Freyn and Co., 234–236

  heredity, Lamarck’s theory of, 164

  Hernried, Paul von, 350–351

  Der Herr Karl, 195

  Herriott, Édouard, 294

  Hicks, Sue K., 152

  Hindenburg, Paul von, 261

  Hirschfeld, Magnus, 257–258, 302–303

  Hitler, Adolf

  on Breker’s sculpture, 370

  exodus from Germany and, 343–344

  Mein Kampf by, 170

  Mussolini and, 273–274

  New Man and, 367

  Nietzsche and, 163

  Olympic Games. See Olympic Games (1936)

  propaganda of, 280

  Spanish Civil War and, 382–383

  Spengler and, 47–48

  HMS Valiant, 324

  Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 305


  Dietrich in, 265

  exodus from Germany to, 350–351

  pogrom of the intellect and, 310–312

  in Roaring Twenties, 218–219

  holodomor, 293. See also Ukraine

  home brewing, 62–63

  Home Defense (Heimwehr), 205–207

  Homo sovieticus, 364


  in Berlin, 256–258

  of McKay, 109

  Nazi repression of, 302–303

  Nugent on, 102

  Hooker telescope, 115–117

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 56, 91

  hope for peace. See interwar years

  Hopper, Edward, 149

  The Horrors of War, 146

  Horthy, Admiral Miklós, 48, 241

  The House of Rothschild, 311

  Houston, Texas, 50–51

  Howard, Sidney, 311

  Hubble, Edwin, 113–117, 130

  Hughes, Langston

  on black dancing, 106–107

  “I, Too” by, 97

  “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” by, 98

  on race, 103

  on Shuffle Along, 109

  in Spanish Civil War, 389

  as talented tenth, 101–102

  humans as machines, 184–190

  hunger artist, 129–130

  Hungry England, 326

  Hurston, Zora Neale, 102–103

  Husserl, Edmund, 124

  Huxley, Aldous, 194, 327

  Huxley, Julian, 327

  Huxley, Thomas, 155


  “I, Too,” 97

  I Am Everywhere (Je Suis Partout), 210

  I Have Killed (“J’ai Tué”), 181–182

  “I Wanna Be Loved by You,” 215

  Ibáñez, Major Bruno, 379

  Ibárruri, Dolores, 377–378

  iconostase, 286. See also Stalin, Joseph

  “If We Must Die,” 54

  Il Duce. See Mussolini, Benito

  immigration. See also emigration; migrations

  during Great Depression, 343–347

  from Italy, 268–273

  during Prohibition, 272

  to United States, 343–347

  Immigration Act (1918), 57

  Immigration Act (1924), 272, 343, 347–348

  industrial slums, 320–323

  industrialized nations, 372–373

  influenza, 33

  injured veterans, 33–36

  Innizer, Cardinal, 295

  Institute for Sexual Science (Institut für Sexualwissenschaft), 257, 302–303

  intellectuals, persecution of. See pogrom of the intellect

  An Intelligent Man’s Guide Through World Chaos, 326

  International Anti-Fascist Archive, 346

  International Brigades, 387–390

  International Congress for the Determination and Defense of the Modern Spirit, 137–138

  International Olympic Committee (IOC), 356

  interwar years

  Battle of Blair Mountain in, 91–94

  conclusions about, 94–95

  death in the forest in, 86–88

  Harlem Renaissance in. See Harlem Renaissance

  Kronstadt rebellion in, 79–86

  Lenin in, 79–86

  March Action in, 88–91

  overview of, 401–402

  present time and, 407–411

  science in. See scientific discoveries

  Stalin in, 88–90

  intuition vs. rationality, 121–130

  The Invisible Man (1981), 181

  The Invisible Ray (1920), 126

  IOC (International Olympic Committee), 356

  iron friends, 186

  “Is Man Doomed by the Machine Age?,” 179

  Isherwood, Christopher, 256–258

  Israel, 352

  Istanbul, 351

  It Can’t Happen Here, 311

  It Girls, Hollywood, 219–220


  assassination attempts in, 267–269, 276–278

  Catholic Church and, 276–279

  d’Annunzio in, 39–44

  immigrants to U.S. from, 268–273

  Mussolini in. See Mussolini, Benito

  national greatness narratives in, 273–276

  national greatness projects in, 279–282

  Shrine of Martyrs and, 278–279

  Izvestia, 314


  Jack and Jill, 330

  jackrabbits, 337

  “J’ai Tué” (I Have Killed), 181–182

  James, William, 100

  Jannings, Emil, 250, 265

  Jarrow, 322

  Jazz Age

  emergence of, 11–12

  in Germany, 73, 77

  in Great Britain, 72–73

  Harlem Hellfighters and, 51

  Harlem Renaissance and, 105–107

  introduction to, 2–3

  legacy of, 405

  in Paris, 71–72

  Prohibition and, 68–70

  after World War I, 11

  Jazz Kings, 72

  Je m’en fous [I don’t give a damn], 77

  Je Suis Partout (I Am Everywhere), 210

  Jean, James, 126

  Jerusalem, 353

  Jewish people

  discrimination against. See anti-Semitism

  Levy on, 168–172

  migrations of, 347–349

  physicists among, 121–123

  Prohibition and, 61

  Race Laws against, 343–348, 359

  in Vienna, 202–205

  Jill and Jack, 330

  John Barleycorn: Alcoholic Memoirs, 59

  Johnny Spielt Auf, 227–228

  Johnson, Charles S., 101

  Johnson, James Weldon, 101

  Johny spielt auf (1927), 110

  Jolson, Al, 2

  Jones, Gareth, 293–294

  journal publications, 100–103

  Journey’s End, 180

  Joyce, James, 68–71, 97–98, 131

  Jünger, Ernst, 9, 48


  Kafka, Franz, 128–129

  Kaganovich, Lazar, 286

; Kahn, Fritz, 182–183

  Kahn, Simone, 137–138

  Kalinin, Mikhail Ivanovich, 83

  Kamenev, Lev, 393–394

  Kane, Helen, 215–216

  Kansas, 334–338

  Kant, Immanuel, 406

  Karajan, Herbert von, 305–306

  Karl-Marx-Hof, 200, 213

  Karloff, Boris, 180

  Kästner, Erich, 298, 305

  Keilson, Hans, 302

  Keith, Arthur, 182

  Kenealy, Arabella, 223

  Kennan, George, 372

  Kentucky Baptist State Board of Missions, 156

  Kessler, Count Harry Graf, 110, 220–221, 346

  Keynes, John Maynard, 265, 369

  Kiev, 284–285

  killing fields, 26–29

  King, Norman, 384

  King’s Hucksters (Camelots du Roi), 209–210

  Kintner, Samuel Montgomery, 178

  Kirov, Sergei, 392–393

  Klemperer, Victor, 358

  Koestler, Arthur, 241, 293, 389

  kolkhoz, 287–288, 296

  Komsomol, 387

  Kraft durch Freude (Strength Through Joy), 368

  Krasin, Leonid, 89

  Kraus, Karl, 197, 203

  “The Kremlin Highlander,” 313–314

  Krenek, Ernst, 110, 227–228

  Der Krieg (The War), 146

  Kriegsbriefe deutscher Studenten, 6

  Kriegszitterer (war shiverers), 31

  Kristallnacht, 352

  Krokodil v Magnitogorske, 233

  Kronstadt rebellion, 79–86, 88

  Krupp, Alfred, 257

  Ku Klux Klan, 51, 52–53, 56

  Kubiyovych, Volodymyr, 295

  Kuh, Anton, 201

  kulaks, 237, 286–290, 296

  Kürten, Peter, 258–259

  Kuzmin, Nikolai Nikolayevich, 83–84


  La création du monde, 110

  La Revue Nègre, 110

  labor pool, 53–54

  Labour government, 318, 323

  Labour Leader, 23

  L’Action Française, 208–211

  Lady Macbeth of Mzhensk, 395

  Laemmle, Carl, Sr., 311

  Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 164–167

  Lamb, William F., 270

  The Lancet, 33–34

  Land der Dichter und Denker (country of poets and thinkers), 299

  Lang, Fritz, 10, 174–175, 258, 310–311, 365–366

  Lange, Dorothea, 341–342

  Langenmarck myth, 402–403

  Lateran Treaty (1929), 277–278

  Law and Freedom (Gesetz und Freiheit), 367

  Law for the Reestablishment of the Status of Civil Servants, 303

  LBD (little black dress), 222

  Le Corbusier, 190, 192–193

  Leavitt, Henrietta Swan, 115–116

  Das Leben Geht Weiter (Life Goes On), 302

  Lebensborn (Spring of Life) organization, 369

  Lebensphilosophie, 123

  Léger, Fernand, 28–29, 140–142

  Legion Condor, 385–387

  Leistritz, Hans Karl, 299–300

  Lemaître, Georges, 117

  Lenard, Phillip, 122

  Lenin, Vladimir

  demise of, 88–89

  Kronstadt and, 80

  Kronstadt rebellion and, 81–86

  on literature, 312

  mechanization and, 185–186

  Russell on, 245

  Leopold, Nathan, 157–158, 167–168

  lesbians, 256

  Levy, Oscar, 168–172

  Lewis, Sinclair, 311

  The Liberator, 108

  Life Goes On (Das Leben Geht Weiter), 302

  Ligue des Jeunesses Patriotes (Young Patriots’ League), 210–211

  Ligue des Patriotes (Patriots’ League), 210–211

  Lili Elbe, 258

  Lindberg, Charles, 106

  Lindy Hop, 67, 106–107

  lions vs. donkeys, 329

  Lissitzky, El, 364


  on Dust Bowl catastrophe, 340–342

  pogrom of the intellect and, 312–315

  Prohibition and, 68–69

  on Spanish Civil War, 389–391

  Littérature, 137–138

  little black dress (LBD), 222

  “Little Father Stalin,” 279. See also Stalin, Joseph

  Little Russia, 284. See also Ukraine

  Little Vienna, 352

  Littoria, 281

  Liverpool, 321

  The Lives of a Bengal Lancer (1935), 311

  lock step society, 302–303

  Locke, Alain, 105

  Loeb, Albert, 157–158, 167–168

  Logan, 93–94

  Lola, 258

  London, England, 323, 349

  London, Jack, 59, 68, 301

  The Longing for the Third Reich (1934), 269

  Lorca, Federico García, 375, 379

  Lorre, Peter, 180, 259, 351

  lost generation

  in Great Britain, 328

  as myth, 30–31

  shell shock and, 25, 29–31

  Stein on, 70–71

  Love on the Dole, 326

  love’s anatomy. See Italy

  Loy, Mina, 173

  Ludendorff, Erich von, 25

  Lueger, Karl, 203

  Lunacharsky, Anatoly, 89, 312

  Luther, Martin, 299


  M31 (Andromeda), 113, 116

  MacDonald, Ramsay, 318, 323

  Machinery, the New Messiah, 186

  machines, humans as, 184–190

  MacLeish, Archibald, 337

  The Mad Dog of Europe, 311

  Mad Love, 180

  Madden, Owney, 105–106

  Madonna of the Dust Bowl, 342–343

  Madrid, 377–378, 388–389

  Mafia, 64–66

  Maginot Line, 349

  Magnetic City (Magnitogorsk). See Magnitogorsk (Magnetic City)

  The Magnetic Fields (Les Champs Magnétiques), 134–135

  Magnitogorsk (Magnetic City)

  Ballets Russes in, 242–245

  Five-Year Plan for, 234–237

  introduction to, 233–234

  life in, 245–248

  stock market crash and, 239–241

  symphony of sirens in, 237–239

  Mahagonny (1927), 110

  Mahler, Alma, 190

  Mahler, Gustav, 398

  Málaga, 380

  Malaparte, Curzio, 309

  Mamoulian, Rouben O, 180

  Man and Sun, the Aryan-Olympian Spirit (Mensch und Sonne—arisch-olympischer Geist), 367

  The Man Without Qualities, 14–15

  Mandelstam, Osip, 313–314

  “Manifesto of Fascist Intellectuals,” 309

  Mann, Heinrich

  burning books of, 301

  exodus from Germany of, 349–350

  Professor Unrath novella of, 250–253, 262

  Mann, Klaus, 255, 315

  Mann, Thomas, 168, 301–302

  Mantrap, 219–220

  manufacturing boom, 217–218

  March Action, 88–91

  Marinetti, Filippo, 273, 281–282, 309

  Martin, Campbell Willie, 19–21, 38

  Marx, Karl, 241, 301, 363

  Marx Brothers, 67

  masculinity, 26–27

  Mason, Charlotte Osgood, 103

  Masse und Macht (Crowds and Power), 197, 204

  The Master and Margarita, 312

  Matteotti, Giacomo, 309

  Mauriac, François, 384

  Maurras, Charles, 48, 208–210

  Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 312, 364

  Mayer, Helene, 358

  Mayer, Louis B., 311

  May, Harry, 178–179

  Mayreder, Rosa, 5, 26

  McKay, Charles, 53–54

  McKay, Claude, 107–109

  The Means-Test Man, 327

  mechanical golems, 177–179

he Mechanical Man (L’Uomo Meccanico), 126

  mechanically enhanced humans, 182–184

  media coverage

  of Roaring Twenties, 225–226

  of Scopes trial, 158

  of Spanish Civil War, 389–391

  medical mutations, 179–183

  medical uses of alcohol, 62

  Meek, Private, 22

  Mein Kampf, 170, 402

  Meitner, Lise, 121

  Mellon, Andrew, 339

  Mencken, H. L., 152, 159–161, 340

  Mendel, Gregor, 164

  Mendelssohn, Felix, 305

  Mensch und Sonne—arisch-olympischer Geist (Man and Sun, the Aryan-Olympian Spirit), 367

  Metcalfe, Ralph, 360


  New Man in, 365–366

  overview of, 173–177

  pogrom of the intellect and, 310–311

  World War I and, 10

  MGM studio, 311

  Midlands, 321–323

  midwestern United States. See Dust Bowl

  Mielke, Erich, 388

  Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 74, 190, 261

  migrations. See also emigration; immigration

  from Dust Bowl, 338–343

  during Great Depression, 343–347

  of Jewish people, 347–349

  to Palestine, 352–354

  Milhaud, Darius, 110

  Milky Way, 113–117

  Miller, Henry, 70

  Milne, John, 28

  Mimesis, 351

  miner’s rights, U.S., 91–94

  Ministry of Labour, 328

  Mises, Ludwig von, 408

  Mistinguett, 72

  Mitford sisters, 223, 226

  Mob rule, 64–68

  mock funerals, 59–60

  Model T Fords, 217

  Modern Mechanics and Inventions, 179

  Modern Times, 10, 184–185

  modernity, 6–10, 405–406

  Mohawk Indians, 270

  Mola, Emilio, 377

  monkey trial. See Scopes trial

  Montmartre rag, 71–73

  Montparnasse, Kiki de, 145

  moonshine nation. See Prohibition era

  moral change

  in Berlin, 253–255

  flappers and, 216–221

  Prohibition and, 60–68

  Mosley, Oswald, 48, 212

  Mosley, Sir Oswald, 324–325

  Mount Wilson Observatory, 113, 115–117


  anti-Semitism and, 261–262, 310–312

  of Olympic Games, 371

  Prohibition and, 66–67

  on science fiction, 126

  surrealist, 140–142

  Mozart, Wolfgang, 306

  Muhkina, Vera, 365, 396

  Mumford, Lewis, 150

  municipal buildings (Gemeindebauten), 200–201

  Murray-Leslie, Dr. R., 223


  “Abide by Me,” 398

  in Italy, 42–43

  jazz. See Jazz Age

  Musil, Robert, 14–15

  Mussolini, Benito

  assassination attempts on, 267–269, 276–278

  Catholic Church and, 276–279

  d’Annunzio and, 43, 48, 57–58

  Hitler and, 273–274

  Levy and, 171

  national greatness narratives of, 273–276

  national greatness projects of, 279–282

  sexuality of, 274–275


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