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by Philipp Blom

  Shrine of Martyrs and, 278–279

  Spanish Civil War and, 383

  Mutiny on the Bounty (1935), 311

  muzhiks, 286

  My Life, 186

  The Mysterious Universe (1930), 126


  NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), 98, 100–101

  Nash, Paul, 22

  The Nation, 239

  National Association of Peasant Women, 275

  National Bureau of Literature (Reichsschrifttumskammer), 314

  national greatness narratives, 273–276

  national greatness projects, 279–282

  National Prohibition Act, 59

  National Socialist Party, 171, 262–264, 366–367

  Nationalist troops. See Spanish Civil War

  Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund, 299–300

  Nazi Germany

  class attitudes in, 330

  exodus from, 343–344, 349–352

  New Man and, 365

  Olympic Games and. See Olympic Games (1936)

  overview of rise of, 401

  Spengler and, 48

  in Vienna. See Vienna

  Neanderthal Valley, 156

  “The Negro Speaks of Rivers,” 98

  Negroes in America, 53

  neo-liberal school of economics, 407–408

  Netley Hospital, 22

  Neue Sachlichkeit (new objectivity), 259

  Neues Wiener Tagblatt, 228

  neurasthenia, 27

  névrosés de la guerre, 31

  New Deal, 339, 342

  New Man

  industrialized nations and, 372–373

  nightmarish aspects of, 363–371

  physical fitness and, 361–363

  physical ideals and, 361–363

  vision of, 171–172

  new objectivity (Neue Sachlichkeit), 259

  New York Evening Post, 294

  New York Stock Exchange, 240

  New York Times

  on dust storms, 337

  on famine in Ukraine, 294

  Fantel at, 400

  on The Grapes of Wrath, 341–342

  on Metropolis, 173

  on Scopes trial, 160

  New Yorker, 227

  Newfoundland Regiment, 28

  Newton, Sir Isaac, 119–120

  Nietzsche, Friedrich

  influence of, 162–168

  Levy on, 168–172

  Spengler influenced by, 45, 123

  superman of, 362–363

  Nigger Heaven, 103–104

  Night After Night, 67–68

  Nikolaev, Leonid, 392–393

  Nin, Anaïs, 70

  Nivelle, Robert, 377

  NKVD, 313–314, 391–394

  Noir et Blanc photograph, 145

  Nordic stock, 55–56

  Norfolk, Virginia, 59

  nostalgia, 37–38

  Not Under Forty, 112

  Nouveau Siècle, 193

  Nude Descending a Staircase (1913), 144

  nudism, 366

  Nugent, Richard Bruce, 102


  O’Banion, Dean, 65

  Occupy movements, 409

  October Revolution, 80

  “The Oil in the Machine” (1923), 173

  O’Keefe, Georgia, 149

  OKeh Phonograph Company, 1–2

  Okies, 339–341

  Olympic Games (1936)

  Fürstner and, 356–369

  physical ideals and, 359–360

  Popular Olympiad vs., 380

  O’Neill, Eugene, 112

  The Open Society and Its Enemies, 352

  Operation Fiery Magic (Unternehmen Feuerzauber), 382–387

  Opportunity, 101–102

  Origin of Species, 155

  Orlacs Hände (The Hands of Orlac), 179–180

  Orlov, Alexander Mikhailovich, 390, 395–396

  Ortega y Gasset, José, 375

  Orwell, George

  on Aldous Huxley, 194

  in International Brigades, 388

  Soviet Union and, 248

  on Spanish Civil War, 374, 390

  Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 165

  Ossietzky, Carl von, 262

  Ottoman Empire, 30

  Our Hope, 154

  Our Sex Life (Unser Geschlechtsleben), 183

  Overy, Richard, 126

  Oviedo, 377

  Owen, Wilfred, 23–24

  Owens, Jesse, 359–361

  Oxford, 29


  Palace of Justice, 195–199, 203

  Palais-Bourbon, 211–212

  Palestine, 352–354

  Palmer, Attorney General A. Mitchell, 91

  Pan-African Congress, 105

  “Parallel Campaign,” 14–15


  Dada in, 135–142

  expatriate writers in, 69–72

  Le Corbusier on, 192

  Little Germany in, 344–346, 348–349

  Ray in, 144–145

  summer of 1,000

  parties in, 112

  Universal Exhibition in, 396

  Pariser Tagblatt, 346

  Pasadena, California, 113

  Pasternak, Boris, 312, 314

  Patriots’ League (Ligue des Patriotes), 210–211

  Pavlov, Ivan, 218

  Payton, Philip, 99

  Penney, J. C., 218

  Pérez, Andreu Nin i, 391

  Pershing, General John, 51

  Petersen, Julius, 267

  Petrograd, 82–85. See also St. Petersburg

  petting, 218

  Philharmonie, 260

  philosophers on physics, 123–124


  of Dust Bowl, 342–343

  of Spanish Civil War, 389

  surrealism and, 150

  physical fitness, 361–363

  physical ideals

  Aryan archetype of, 361–363

  Fürstner and, 355–359

  New Man and, 361–363

  nightmarish aspects of, 363–371

  Olympic Games and, 359–360

  superman and, 361–363


  anti-Semitism and, 121–123

  discoveries in, 114–117

  in Germany, 124–125

  philosophers on, 123–124

  popular culture and, 125–130

  between world wars, generally, 117–121

  Picabia, Francis, 135–137, 139

  Picasso, Pablo, 370, 386, 396

  Pickford, Mary, 66–67

  Piggly Wiggly supermarkets, 218

  Pinkerton detective agency, 92–93

  Pipes, Richard, 81

  Pirandello, Luigi, 309

  Pitt-Rivers, George Lane-Fox, 170

  Place de la Concorde, 211

  Plan, 327

  Plan Voisin, 192

  Planck, Max, 118–121, 304

  Plato, 46

  Platonov, Andrei, 247

  The Plow That Broke the Plains, 342

  poet’s coup. See d’Annunzio, Gabriele

  pogrom of the intellect

  burning books in, 297–303

  Croce and, 308–310

  existential choices in, 303–308

  Hollywood and, 310–312

  homosexuality in, 302–303

  introduction to, 297–302

  musicians in, 305–307

  philosophers in, 307–310

  scientists in, 303–305, 307–308

  society in lock step and, 302–303

  in Soviet Union, 312–315

  writers in, 312–315

  Polizzotti, Mark, 136

  Pollard, Harry, 126

  Ponsonby, Elisabeth, 223, 226

  Pontine Marshes, 280–281

  Pope Pius XII, 278

  Popper, Karl, 351–352

  popular culture and physics, 125–130

  Popular Olympiad, 380

  Porgy and Bess (1935), 110

  post-traumatic stress d
isorder, 31. See also shell shock

  Potemkin, 80–82

  Potemkin villages, 243

  POUM (Workers’ Party of Marxist Unification), 390–391

  Pound, Ezra, 48

  Pound, Reginald, 25

  The Power God (1925), 126

  Prague, 198

  Prévost, Jean, 35–36

  Price, George McCready, 156

  Priestley, J. B., 320–323, 327, 329–330

  Primo de Rivera, General Miguel, 376

  Princip, Gavrilo, 9

  private debt, 409

  Professor Unrath, 249–252, 262–263

  Prohibition era

  Act creating, 59

  civil war and, 73–78

  culture war in, 60–62, 66–68, 73–78

  early optimism of, 62–64

  expatriate writers during, 69–71

  immigration during, 272

  Mafia and, 64–66

  Mob rule during, 64–68

  Montmartre rag and, 71–73

  Sunday on, 155–156

  writers on, 68–69

  Prokofiev, Sergey, 370–371

  Protazanov, Yakov, 189–190

  Protestants, 61

  The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 170, 311

  Proust, Marcel, 97–98

  psychoanalysis, 147–148. See also Freud, Sigmund

  public housing, 200–201

  Public Order Act, 326

  Pulitzer Prize, 294

  Punch, 225

  Punin, Lev, 314

  Punin, Nikolay, 314


  Qualtinger, Helmut, 195

  quantum physics, 118–121

  Querido, Emanuel, 347


  Raat, Immanuel, 249–252

  Race Laws (1935), 343–348, 359

  racial discrimination

  black soldiers/veterans and, 50–51

  conservative revolution and, 48–49, 56–57

  in Great Britain, 72–73

  Jewish people and. See anti-Semitism

  Ku Klux Klan and, 52–53

  labor pool and, 53–54

  riots provoked by, 54–55

  Spengler on, 46–48

  Stoddard on, 55–56

  urban life and, 44–45

  racketeering, 64

  Radek, Karl, 90

  rambling students, 366

  Rappleyea, George, 152

  Raskob, John Jacob, 270

  Rastus, 178

  rationality vs. intuition, 121–130, 131

  Ravel, Maurice, 110

  Ray, Man, 144–145

  Red Army, 80–82

  Red Scare, 56–57

  Red Summer, 54

  Red Vienna, 199–203

  Reichsschrifttumskammer (National Bureau of Literature), 314

  The Reign of Relativity (1921), 126–127

  Reinhardt, Max, 259–260

  Remarque, Erich Maria, 261

  remembrance observances, 36–38

  Renard, Maurice, 179–180

  Republic, 46

  Republican Protection League (Republikanischer Schutzbund), 206–207, 212–213

  Republican troops. See Spanish Civil War

  Requiem, 79

  Rhapsody in Blue (1924), 105, 110

  Richthofen, Manfred von, 359

  Richthofen, Wolfram von, 386

  Rieber, Torkild, 385

  Riefenstahl, Leni, 371


  in Austria, 213

  in Paris, 211

  race, 54–55

  in Schattendorf, 206

  in Vienna, 195–197

  The Rising Tide of Color Against White Supremacy (1920), 55–56, 165

  Roaring Twenties

  Betty Boop in, 215–216

  Bright Young Things in, 222–230

  Charlie Chaplin in, 218–219

  Clara Bow in, 219–220

  Coco Chanel in, 221–222

  cultural change and in, 216–219

  Elinor Glyn in, 220

  flappers in, 216–218, 220–221

  Josephine Baker in, 227–228

  Nadia Boulanger in, 221

  Tallulah Bankhead in, 224

  Virginia Woolf in, 222–223

  Zelda Fitzgerald in, 217

  Robeson, Paul, 109, 111–112

  robots, 177–179

  Rockefeller, John D., 240

  Rodgers, Edith, 348

  Rolland, Romain, 301

  Roman, R., 233

  Roman Catholics. See Catholic Church

  Roman Empire, 276

  Rome, 277–278, 281

  Roosevelt, President Franklin, 339, 360

  Rosenberg, James N., 148–149

  Rosenstock, Samy, 132

  Rothstein, Arthur, 342

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 361

  Route 66, 339

  R.U.R., 177–178

  rural life

  Dust Bowl and, 333–338

  Prohibition and, 60–61

  in Ukraine, 284–286

  Russell, Bertrand, 24, 126, 245

  Russia. See also Soviet Union

  Bolsheviks in. See Bolsheviks

  civil war in, 80–82

  exodus of White Russians, 344

  Kronstadt rebellion in, 79–86, 88

  Lenin in. See Lenin, Vladimir

  Magnetic City in. See Magnitogorsk (Magnetic City)

  March Action in, 89–91

  revolution in, 79–86, 88–91

  Seventh Army of, 79–80

  as Soviet Union. See Soviet Union

  Stalin in. See Stalin, Joseph

  Ukraine and, 284–285

  Rutherford, Sir Ernest, 304

  Ryder (1928), 71


  Sacre du Printemps, 371

  Sakal, S. Z., 351

  Salas, Eusebi Rodriguez, 374

  Die Sammlung (The Collection), 347

  San Antonio Light, 178

  Sanders, August, 260

  Sardinia, 280

  Sassoon, Siegfried, 23–24

  Satie, Eric, 140

  Savoy Ballroom, 106

  Sayre, Zelda, 69

  Schattendorf, 206

  Schiller, Friedrich, 75

  Schirru, Michele “Michael,” 267–269, 273, 343

  Schlemmer, Oskar, 191

  Schnitzler, Arthur, 203

  Scholem, Gershom, 354

  Schrödinger, Erwin, 125

  science fiction

  concrete utopias in, 190–194

  humans as machines in, 184–190

  medical mutations in, 179–183

  Metropolis, 173–177

  robots in, 177–179

  scientific discoveries

  anti-Semitism and, 121–123

  in astronomy, 114–117

  introduction to, 113–114

  philosophers on, 123–124

  in physics, 117–121, 124–125

  popular culture and, 125–130

  scientific racism, 363. See also eugenics

  Scopes, Johnny, 151–152. See also Scopes trial

  Scopes trial

  international ramifications of, 162–167

  Nietzsche’s superman in, 167–168

  preparations for, 158–162

  reasons for, 157–158

  Scott, John, 238–239, 245–246

  Second International Congress of Eugenics, 165

  Seipel, Ignaz, 196, 201

  Sélavy, Rrose, 144

  Serbia, 30

  serial killers, 258–259

  Sevastopol, 82

  Seventh Russian Army, 79–80

  Seville, 379

  sexual jealousy, 73

  sexual openness, 255–258

  sexual reassignment surgery, 258

  Shanghai, 352

  Shapley, Harlow, 113–114, 116

  Shaw, George Bernard, 193, 244–245, 294

  shell shock

  Breton and, 133

  descriptions of, 21–24

  Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori an
d, 24–26

  emergence of, 19–21

  killing fields and, 26–29

  lost generation and, 25, 29–31

  prevalence of, 21–24

  remembrance observances and, 36–38

  sense of social shock and, 33–36

  trauma in, 31–33

  Shelley, Mary, 180

  Sherbon, Florence Brown, 167

  Shmidt, Iakov, 238

  Sholokhov, Mikhail, 312

  Shostakovich, Dimitri, 395

  Shrine of Martyrs, 278–279

  Shuffle Along, 109–110, 112

  Sicard de Pauzole, Just, 164–165

  Sicily, 271

  Siegfried, 383

  Simmons, William J., 52

  Simont, José, 14

  Sinclair, Andrew, 65

  Sinclair, Upton, 68, 97

  Sissle, Noble, 109

  Sitwell, Osbert, 41–43, 223

  Sitwell, Sacheverall, 41–42, 223

  Smith, Mamie, 1–2, 12

  Smith, Senator Ellison DuRant, 272–273

  Snowden, Philip, 324

  Snyder, Timothy, 295

  The Social Contract, 361

  social Darwinism, 162–167


  in Austria, 197–203, 206–207, 212–213

  Bauhaus movement and, 191

  fascism vs., 49, 126

  in France, 208–209

  in Germany. See Weimar Republic

  in Great Britian, 324–325

  in Italy, 126

  in Russia, 184

  as “un-American,” 52, 56

  in Vienna, 199–201

  Society of Contemporary Architects, 187

  Solidaridad Obrera. See Spanish Civil War

  Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 393

  Sotelo, José Calvo, 377

  The Souls of Black Folk, 100

  Soupault, Philippe, 134–135

  Souplanov, Pavel, 391

  South America, 351

  Southard, Elmer Ernest, 31–32

  Southern Syncopated Orchestra, 73

  Soviet Union. See also Russia

  artwork from, 242

  Austria and, 199

  cultural tourism in, 242–244

  deportation to, 57

  France and, 208

  industrialized society and, 9

  Lenin in. See Lenin, Vladimir

  Magnetic City in. See Magnitogorsk (Magnetic City)

  mechanization in, 184–188, 234

  New Man in, 364

  oppression of intellectuals in, 312–315

  Robeson visiting, 112

  Russell on, 245

  Shaw on, 244

  Spanish Civil War and, 387, 390–391

  Stalin in. See Stalin, Joseph

  Ukraine and. See Ukraine

  Soviet Writers’ Union, 314–315

  Spanish Civil War

  Barcelona skirmish in, 373–374

  Franco in, 376–377, 382–383

  full-scale war in, 378–382

  Operation Fiery Magic and, 382–387

  origins of, 375–376

  political purges and, 391–396

  Stalin intervening in, 387–389

  writings about, 389–391

  Spanish flu, 33

  Spartanburg, South Carolina, 50

  speakeasies, 63–64, 67–68

  “The Spectral Attitudes” (1926), 131

  Speer, Albert, 361

  Spender, Stephen, 242, 266, 389

  Spengler, Oswald


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