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IGINS: Elementum Novel

Page 3

by A. M Martin

  They snap to attention when Quinn clears his throat. Their eyes keep bouncing to the massive cat attached to my wrist, to me, and back to Quinn.

  "We're heading back to camp. This is a protection detail gentlemen. The one in the cloak is the protect-ie. Let's head out."

  My snort turns into a gasp as the guards surround me in seconds. Dang, they're fast.

  I look behind me back to the cave. Not really wanting to leave what's familiar to me, but not wanting to stay either. My eyes widen as I take in the cave, which really is a hollowed-out mountain. It's the only thing other than us in the clearing.

  The guards. And why do I need guards anyways? They start to move forcing me to move as well.

  Peeking in between the gaps of their bodies, I see trees and more trees. Huge leafy giants, bigger than a house back home. Their branches are so thick, leaves so big when we move under them, I can no longer see the deep blue sky or feel the sun's warm rays. It's dim and gives off a creepy feel with the breeze shaking the emerald green leaves about.

  We take a packed dirt path following through the forest that is so different than the one I was running in before.

  "Hey." I jump at the whispered voice coming from my right.

  It's Quinn.

  "Hi," I reply with caution in my tone.

  He gives me a cheeky smile, " When we get back to camp, you'll go to my tent."

  He wiggles his eye brows up and down. I frown. Tent? His Tent. What? No. I don’t think so. He could like be my older brother. My very older brother. I say he’s reaching twenty-eight or more.

  He chuckles, "I need to find Rylan. So, Amy will keep you company. Get you anything you might need and answers any questions you might have." He pauses and takes a deep breath, "Just don't tell her anything personal. Like where you came from. K."

  I give a nod and watch him disappear back up front of our little human convoy. Oh Gods, Are they even human?

  I don't want to think about it. Or of them. And why I need to be careful around this Amy person. I need a plan. That's what I need to think of. And clothes. I don't think my shorts and tank will pass as clothes for around here.

  A deep purr vibrates in my hand. I glance down and realize I've been petting the cat the whole time. Huh.

  I smile as he bumps my hand. He's not so scary after all.


  He looks at me with those intelligent ember eyes. I get a feeling of joy, pride, and love. That must be the bond Quinn mentioned. They're the cat's feels, and he's happy with his name. I smile watching our surroundings still running my hands through Prince's soft fur.

  I don't know how long we've traveled for. It feels like hours to me, and my feet are starting to hurt, sweat slips down my face and along my back. Brushing my hair away from my face for the millionth time, I'm jerked right up against Prince by his strong tail.

  "Why'd ya do that for?" I give him a dirty look.

  My frown slowly falls off my face as a protected feeling shoots through our bond.

  Prince lets out a menacing growl causing my heart to jack hammer inside my chest. Who knew a cat’s growl could be scary?

  The guards freeze and move in closer and start scanning the surrounding area. And me, I plaster myself against the 900-pound deathly cat. I follow the direction of his head with my eyes. A wolf. Smaller than Prince is but much bigger than a normal wolf. It has a grayish coat with freaky yellow eyes. He's standing beside the house sized tree trunk its eyes staying looked onto Prince. The wolf wouldn't be so scary if it wasn't for that ragged scar running across his left eye.

  Uh-Oh, this can't be good.

  I hear Quinn’s chuckle as he steps up beside my shaking frame. "That’s Wer. He's my souls heart."

  He chuckles a lot, just like the Gate Keeper.

  "Wer?" A funny look takes up my face as I look at, well Wer the wolf.

  "Yeah, Like werewolf."

  "Quite the imagination you have there," I say dully as we start to move again.

  "I do try." He gives me a cheeky smile and lets out a whistle.

  The wolf leaps in front of us moving faster than a walk but not really running and Quinn takes after him.

  "Weird pair," I mumble to Prince who just starts purring again.

  I drag my feet not really moving and twirl my now colorful ring around my thumb.

  I need information about this place if I'm going to survive. Alone time, some much needed alone time too. I can break down and be crazy for a little bit about everything that has happened to me so far without anyone watching on.

  A happy sigh comes from my lips when one of the guards call for a break. We're in some type of clearing the path runs straight down the middle of it. I look across the grass to the other end of the path and notice that it forks in different directions.

  The clearing its self is quite huge that everyone spaces out with plenty of room and I can actually see the sky again since the trees don't come into our resting place. I blink my eyes a couple of times knowing I'm tired and must be imaging things. Nope still there.

  The sky has a purple color to it, and I see two moons. Two, not one. One is what I would call normal as it looks like the moon on Earth and the other is a bright green. So not normal. I shake my head and look around for a place to rest. Seeing a log as a makeshift seat, I move towards it. Prince on my heels.

  This world is weird. Everything is weird, and I just want to go home.

  I plop down on the ground as graceful as I can, meaning I fall. I'm tired. My mind. My body. Everything. I really just want to go to sleep.

  I smile as Prince lays down beside me, flicking his tail back and forth, eyeing everyone up like a guard. A souls heart. It's weird saying it. Feeling the bond. It's cool too. I've always wanted a pet. Mom would never let me have one. A pet that is. Said we didn’t have enough time for one.

  I slide my hand across my forehead again. I'm sweating like a sav in this wool cloak. I leave it on even though I just want to burn the dang thing. Quinn covered me up for a reason. I'll need to flag him down and see if I can discard it.

  Looking around I see the guards, taking off their bags and rummage through them. Some look to be pulling out food while others have some type of sack tipping them up into their mouths. Water maybe?

  I lick my dry lips just thinking about water.

  When one of the leather clad guards starts heading my way, I sit up straight- feeling my heart skip a beat. Prince raises his head. I guess since he isn't growling I'm safe. But the fear is still there. I'm in a strange fantasy world come real, around people I don't know. I'll always have that fear.

  The guard, he's maybe my age with brown hair and bright hazel eyes. He kind of looks like Quinn. He bends down in front of me, an arm’s length a way.

  I lock my muscles up to keep from flinching. Mum said 'Never show fear even if you can feel it.' That's what I'm gonna do. Show no fear even if it is wreaking havoc on my tired body.

  "So." His slim eyebrows go up, " You thirsty?"

  I nod and eye the sack in his hand.

  "It's water." He flashes me a smile with dimples as he hands over the sack thing.

  He's cute.

  I uncorked it and gulped down the luk warm water. Gods, I was thirsty.

  I hand it back while I mumble, "Thanks."

  "Yeah, No problem. I'm Leon, and you would be?" He flashes that dimpled smile again.

  I find myself smiling in return. Those dimples. Dang. Too cute.


  He gives a little chuckle, "Nice to meet you, Basil." He turns his head up to the sky and closes those twinkling eyes.

  My cheeks burn red as I look him over more.

  He's muscular with a swimmers body. He has the same leather vest and pants as the others just without the mystery lines. My eyes roam down his tan arm. No mystery lines there either.

  Curiosity winning out, "What's up with those swirls?"

  "Swirls?" Confusion is written on his boyish face.

  "Yeah, swirls. Th
ose twisty lines on some of the others." I nod in the others direction.

  "Oh. Those are Runes." He's back to the tipped head, eyes closed.

  Runes. Like I know what that is. And why are some red and others are bluish-purple?

  "And runes would be...?" A slight irritation rides my voice.

  He frowns, "They signify your power level and your Gen."

  I give him my famous what the carp look. I don't know what any of that means. It's not like I'm from this place. When I find Quinn, I'll ask for a book or something to help me understand all this bizarre crap. Power level? Does that mean these people have power.? Ahh. I'm so freakin lost.

  Colors. Maybe he can explain what the colors mean. I'm about to ask when Prince springs up scaring the piss out of me and making it worse as he starts a low growl deep in his throat, looking at the forked paths.

  I scurry up to stand beside Prince. Well, not beside him it's more like behind him.

  Whatever he's growling at I rather have the nine hundred some pound cat between it and me.

  Leon stands a little in front of me and off to the side. It's not long before Quinn pops up on my right with Wer adding his own growls and the rest of the guards surrounding us.

  I tug a hold of Quinn's hand. I may not completely trust him but considering he's been a constant thing since the caves it's all I have.

  "What's happening?" I whisper out not letting the fear ride my voice but failing.

  Something's coming, and no one thinks it's a good thing.

  Giving me an understanding look Quinn replies, " Your safe. I won't let anything happen to you."

  Yeah ok. Obviously, he hears the fear in my voice. Sees it in my eyes and still didn't answer my question. What's with these people and never answering questions. It's starting to bite at me.

  I’m about to voice my question when I feel a vibe go through the group and see the guys tense up.

  Uh. Oh.

  Turing my head to the path, I start to see figures coming around the bend.

  I squint my eyes. A group of five guys decked out in slate grey vests and pants. What's with the leather clothes? They also have a lighter grey shirt under the vests. All the clothes from their boots to their shirts are in various shades of grey. Maybe its some kind of club.

  "What ya hiding there Quinny?" Comes a smooth voice with a dark edge to it. My knees go weak. That's not good.

  I stand up on my tip-toes and whisper, "Quinny." I can't help it. It's funny.

  I peer in between Quinn and Leon and zone onto the devilish looking man in the middle.

  He has almost white hair falling into his silver eyes. He has a strong, smooth jaw, and he is chiseled. His tight vest is showing of the contours of his chest and abs quite well. He's not the tallest of the group, but I'd say my head would reach his chin. He's what people would call a pretty boy. He could use a haircut though.

  Quinn moves to the side blocking my view of the gorgeous guy.

  "Not your concern Derrick." Quinn snaps.

  "Now now. That's no way to talk to your friend. Is it?" Derrick says softly, to softly. I don't think he's using the term friend the way it means.

  "We're hired, guards. Now if you will, move along."

  I drill my eyes into the back of Quinn's head. Hired guards my ass. I didn't hire them. This is all Quinn, and he doesn't want this Derrick to know me or why I have guards. Too bad Quinn won't tell him because I would also like to know.

  I hear the soft tread of feet growing louder. They're moving closer making me nervously bounce on my feet. Wer lets out a growl. But oddly enough Prince doesn't make a sound.

  I don't know what happened. I was surrounded then a strong gust of wind blows through knocking all the men around me on their bums except for Quinn, who lets a growl rip from his throat.

  What the crap? I look up and around. What is with this wind? First at the house in the woods and now here.

  "I'm not going to hurt whoever you are hiding. I just want to see." Derrick has a child lit to his otherwise cool voice.

  Quinn seems to consider it. He steps aside leaving this stranger and me Derrick face to face. I think we might be a foot or two a part. I don't really know. I have never been a good judge of distance. One of the many things that got on Mum's nerves.

  He can't see me very good from the thick cloak covering up my head and face, but I notice him more. And I was right about the pretty boy Greek God look.

  I'm in trouble. I don't even know this guy, and yet I want to get close to him. Touch his pale skin. Which scares the crap out of me. I've never had the urge to know or even get close to the opposite sex before. He's a different story. Is it just attraction or something more?

  His Runes- thank you, Leon for that tad bit of info-start to glow. The light silver brightens and turns darker, and with a flick of his wrist, a small gust of wind blows straight to my face bringing the scent of fresh rain with it.

  The wind causes the hood of the cloak to flip backwards letting my face show and my raven black hair as it tumbles down around my neck.

  His molten silver eyes lock onto my face and this adoring look comes over him with confusion mixed in. It scares me. Hell, he scares me.

  He takes a step towards in my direction, "Who are you?" It's like he breathed the words from deep within him. It sends these shivers clear down to my bones.

  Before I even think of answering, Prince moves up to stand in front of me. I know it's not out of danger. Not physically anyways. I get this weird feeling or intuition that this man, Derrick wouldn't hurt me physically, now emotionally is a different story. Prince moved in front of me from the un-comfortable feeling Derrick brings out in me. Of the unknown.

  Anger flashes across Derricks eyes, turning them hard.


  "Call off the cat Quinn. I'm not going to hurt her." Derrick snarls, looking at Quinn.

  A slow smirk forms on Quinn's face, " I can't." He says happily.

  Why would that make Quinn happy? And what makes Derrick think Quinn can control my Prince. That just makes me a teensy bit mad.

  "Why?" Derrick tries to say calmly but fails. He is clearly ticked off.

  "The cat is her souls heart." Quinn smiles great big like.

  With that Derrick snaps his gaze back onto me. I get a tingle going up my spine as he stares at me.

  What's his deal?

  Fear and shock show up on his face, "She can't be an Eligere. She's just a girl and a tiny one at that."

  I roll my eyes. Everyone always focuses on my small size. I don't know what this Eligere means, but why does it matter to him if I'm one or not.

  I square my shoulders a little bit. Trying to take on this I'm a badass look. "I'm Basil. What do you want?" I snap out clearly pissed about this, about everything really.

  I fall back a couple of steps as one of the brutes with Derrick moves forward, "Why you little... "

  So much for me being a badass.

  Derricks muscular arm slams up, stopping the man in his tracts. It looks could kill, then that man would be dead.

  "You will not speak to her that way." Every word is grounded out between clenched teeth.

  Oh my god. This place is so messing with my head. I look to Quinn not understanding what is going on or why Derrick would care how I'm spoken to. Quinn gives me an 'I have no clue shrug.' My middle finger comes up, not very lady like but Quinn is always so helpful, he needed a reward.

  "Just to know you, Amor," Derrick says to me, moving closer.

  I tense as the little hairs on my body stick up. What the. It takes a while for me to register he's just answering my question. Then I freeze. Uh. Why would he want to know me and furthermore what in the world does Amor mean?

  Quinn knows. He comes to my side as soon as Amor, left Derrick smooth lips, pulling me behind him.

  Derrick shoots Quinn that same death stare he did the brute.

  I just want all of this to be a dream. I'm going crazy not knowing anything.

here is so weird. This whole world is so weird and new.

  "It’s time for you to move along Derrick," Quinn states calmly.

  Derrick opens his mouth, but no words come out, as one of his men come to his side and whispers in his ear. The anger leaves Derricks face and is replaced with steel resolve.

  He looks at Quinn, jaw clinched and bits out, "I can't." His eyes soften as they look at me peeking around Quinn's board back, then flickers back to Quinn, " She is my Electus." He spits out the word like it's something nasty.


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