Bred by the King

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Bred by the King Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “Whoa, whoa,” one of the women said.

  The other one remained quiet. Her wide blue eyes stared at the gun in his hand.

  “We don’t take in just any strays. You’re alone?” Draven asked.

  “I want to make sure this is Draven’s Kingdom.”

  “What?” He didn’t have a name for his place, but hearing that, it was weird.

  “Ashley and I, we’re looking for Draven.”

  He assumed the sexy blonde was Ashley.

  “You’re looking at him.”


  “Yes. Now, what the fuck do you want?”

  “I’m Luanna. This is Ashley. We need a place to stay. We can earn our keep. I promise you. We’ve been traveling all week, and look, she’s a fertile.”

  Before Ashley could stop her, Luanna had grabbed her wrist and showed them the status marking.

  The men took a step closer, but Draven saw the fear in Ashley’s eyes. She jerked away from her friend, her loose bun coming undone. Damn, she sparked something inside of him.

  Luanna had no right exposing her friend, but he also couldn’t allow the two women to leave his premises now.

  “Open the gate,” he said, giving the order.

  Like always, the gate was only opened a short distance, just in case someone decided to try to sneak in or to ram it open.

  He pushed his way through the men and went straight to Ashley, who kept backing up until the closed gate stopped her.

  “Please don’t hurt me,” she said.

  He reached down, grabbing her wrist and inspecting the band that declared her as fertile.

  “Welcome,” he said.

  Chapter Two

  Draven never gave much thought to the fertile women the government claimed were running loose, a huge bounty on their heads. He considered them more a tall tale, a story people shared to give them a bit of hope.

  He’d never seen one in the flesh. If the virus didn’t kill them, it rendered most women infertile. The moment he saw that tattoo on Ashley’s wrist, something came alive in him. The prospect of continuing life, of creating a new world excited him. It was more than that. The girl with the long blonde hair had an air of innocence that pulled him in.

  She’d be his.

  This was his kingdom, and even though most of the women within the walls hoped he’d choose them as a mate, he’d had no interest in any woman—until today.

  He tucked his gun into the back of his jeans and held out his arm so the women would feel welcome to enter the main yard of the property. They moved tentatively, easily jumpy. He wondered what they had been through.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked. They both turned to him at once. Luanna nodded eagerly, but Ashley just stared at him. He approached her, tilting her chin up with a curled finger. “I asked you a question.”

  She swallowed hard, but kept quiet. Feisty or terrified, he wasn’t sure. Either way, just being near Ashley made his cock hard. It had been over a year since he’d fucked a woman, and right now that fact was making itself painfully clear. Somehow, even being starved, she’d managed to keep her lush curves. Her jacket barely concealed the fact she had huge, sloppy tits. So many of the women who came through these gates were emaciated, not unlike Luanna.

  “Yes, she’s hungry, too,” Luanna answered for her.

  He brushed the hair from Ashley’s forehead. Even with all the dust and smears of mud, she was still the most breathtaking thing he’d ever seen. The loneliness that had plagued him the past year suddenly felt irrelevant. His focus shifted.

  Draven wasn’t sure how long he’d been standing there, staring at Ashley, but Luke cleared his throat to snap him out of it.


  “Right.” He took a step back, taking a cleansing breath. “Bring them to the kitchen, feed them well, then get them cleaned up. New clothes, too,” said Draven.

  “Are they going to be staying on?” asked Luke. They often aided travelers, then sent them on their way. They couldn’t house every person passing through or they’d be overrun and their supplies would be devastated. It was a hard world, and they had to make tough choices.

  “Luanna can sleep in the women’s dorm for now. Bring the fertile one to me after.”

  There was silence, and a couple gasps, but no one dared to challenge him. It was unlike him to show any interest in a woman. He stood rooted in place as the men ushered the newcomers forward to the kitchen. Ashley kept looking back over her shoulder at him. She was young and ripe, maybe early twenties, half his age. It didn’t matter to him. For the first time in a long time, he cared about something beyond survival.

  Draven’s Kingdom. He played with the words in his head. He’d never really thought about his role in this world he’d created. Maybe king was an appropriate title. He licked his lips as he watched the jiggle in Ashley’s ass. Fuck, she turned him on without even trying. He could already envision her naked, and all the filthy things he wanted to do to her body.

  It didn’t matter how long it took, she’d be bred by the king.

  Benjamin came and stood beside him. “I thought you said no man living here could take without consent. Does that not include you?”

  He clenched his jaw to contain his irritation. “I make the rules here, not you. Just worry about abiding by them, eh?”

  “Yes, Boss.”

  “And don’t worry about Ashley. When I take from her, she’ll be more than willing. I can guarantee you that much,” said Draven. “Make sure no one goes near her but me. I want her untouched.”

  Benjamin nodded, then joined the others.

  Draven retired to his bedroom on the upper level, the largest master suite in the mansion. It overlooked the front courtyards and had its own grand bathroom done in the finest marbles. Back when he’d been serving in the military, he’d never had much in the way of material possessions. He traveled a lot, lived in different places, never really settling down.

  This place, this kingdom, was growing on him. He savored the power, but he wasn’t foolish enough to abuse it. This place was going to be different, and he’d fight to keep it that way. No corruption, no rapes, no murder. Whoever broke the rules, paid the ultimate price. It was just the way it had to be.

  He’d seen what desperation, fear, hunger, and the thirst for power could do to a man—most men—since the virus was released. Draven could play their ruthless game. He wasn’t afraid of what roamed outside his walls. In fact, he dared anyone to try to take his land. He’d developed a reputation for a reason. Any man who fucked with him would be made an example of.

  Draven lay down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. Yes, he craved Ashley in the most carnal ways, but it was more than the desire to fuck her. He wanted a partner, a queen. And the little fertile was the key to his future, their future. He could see it now, her stomach round with his child, his legacy.

  A reason to live.

  His protective instincts soared. No man would go near his prize. He sat up in the bed, anxiety creeping in. He didn’t feel safe with such a treasure as Ashley out of his sight. Even his most loyal man could be tempted to steal a marked fertile away for the bounty promised by the government. Or to fill her with their own seed.

  He was about to rush downstairs, when someone knocked on his door.


  The door opened, and Luke had his hand firmly around Ashley’s upper arm. He gave her a shove into the room as she protested being restrained, brushing off her jacket once away from him. Her little scowl reminded him of an angry kitten.

  “You wanted this one?” asked Luke.

  Ashley wore new clothes, a slightly fitted blouse and long, flowing skirt. Her face was clear of grime, a cute spattering of freckles on her cheeks. That beautiful blonde hair was brushed smooth, falling around her like a shawl.

  “She’s a fertile. Why would I want the other one?”

  He motioned for Luke to leave them alone. The other man closed the heavy wooden door behind him. Ashley turned
and stared at the closed door. She stayed frozen in place, refusing to face him.

  “Have you eaten?”

  She tentatively turned around, as if being forced to face a monster. Maybe she saw all men in a negative light. He’d have to change that with time.

  “Cat got your tongue?”

  She nodded. “I’ve eaten.” Her voice was a soft, little whisper, pure sweetness and femininity. His claim on her grew tenfold. He noticed she kept rubbing her wrist, trying to conceal her mark with the other hand.

  He got up and paced, his hands clasped behind his back. “How long have you been out there on the run?”

  She shrugged. “I can’t really remember. The days seem to blend into one another.”

  “Survival will do that to a person,” he said. “That’s over now. You’re safe here. I’ll protect you.”

  Ashley looked him in the eyes. “Why?”

  He smirked. “I can’t be a nice guy?”

  “There’s no such thing. Not anymore.”

  Draven tried to imagine the horrors she’d faced before showing up at his gates. He didn’t even want to think of another man’s hands on her, hurting her, taking when she didn’t give freely. The world had hardened her, like so many others, and it would be a challenge to prove he wasn’t a complete asshole.

  “You’ve been through a lot. Tell me, Ashley, have you been violated by men while you were out there?”

  She tensed, her body visibly stiffening. She shook her head.

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Luanna has. A lot of women have. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones.”

  “Lucky for me.”


  Ashley wasn’t sure what to feel, what to think. Her mind told her not to trust any man. Her body, on the other hand, wanted to give in. When Luanna had mentioned Draven and his kingdom, it had intrigued her. She never imagined such a place existed, and she certainly didn’t imagine a king with tousled dark hair brushing his collar and eyes as dark as night. His size intimidated her, tall and thick with muscle. He carried himself with pride and confidence, maybe a bit of arrogance … and damn it turned her on.

  He’d taken care of her, fed her, offered her safety and everything that had been taken from her. But it was all lies. He only wanted her because she was fertile, a rare commodity. Even though he was nice to look at, he only wanted her to become a baby-making factory, not unlike the remaining government sector she’d escaped from.

  She wasn’t an animal, a vessel to be bred.

  What she wanted no longer existed. Love and family were things of the past, something for future history books. If only his narrowed gaze, the one perusing every inch of her body, saw something more than a fertile. If Ashley had to choose a man to love her, she wouldn’t hesitate to select Draven. He was perfect—rugged and fearless, powerful, hypnotizing.

  He came closer, and she instinctually backed away.

  “Relax, little one. I said I won’t hurt you.”

  There was a scar across his cheek, his thick stubble not growing along the seam. It only added to his appeal and intrigue. She caught his scent as he walked back and forth in front of her, a spicy sandalwood that she breathed in deeply.

  “Sit down.” He pointed to a loveseat near his bed. She complied, cautiously sitting on the floral print cushion. “Tell me about yourself. Before the virus. What did you do for a living?”

  She cocked her head, confused by his question.

  “People don’t talk anymore. The art of conversation died with most of humanity, it seems. Tell me something. A memory. Anything.”

  Ashley swallowed hard. This was strange, almost dreamlike, but it took her focus away from basic instincts and allowed her to think back to when life had been normal. Sane.

  “I was a nursing student. My last year.” Her own voice sounded odd to her. “I had a dog. His name was—” Tears filled her eyes because she couldn’t even remember. So much of her past had been blocked out, maybe for her own sanity.

  “It’s okay, baby.” Draven squatted down in front of her, one hand on her knee. “It’ll take time. Don’t worry about it.”

  She took a deep breath, not wanting to appear weak in front of a man.

  “Do you remember any of your hobbies?”

  “Reading. I loved to read, but most of the books have been burned for heat,” she said.

  He smiled. “I have a library downstairs. Fully stocked. I’ll show it to you later, if you like.”

  She couldn’t help but smile back. Ashley wondered if her face would crack. It had been so long since she had something to smile about.

  “It’s good to keep the mind active. Sometimes an escape is vital these days, don’t you agree?”

  She nodded, trying not to stare at the broadness of his shoulders or the way the material of his shirt tightened around his biceps.

  “Me, I was a Marine. Good one, too. Fought for freedom, or so they told me. Maybe I was a pawn for the government, an assassin for their greed. Who knows? Now, there’s nothing worth fighting for.” He wet his lips. “No, that’s not true. Not anymore.” His hand was still on her knee, and she could feel his heat and every twitch of his fingers. Her core coiled tight, her reaction to this man unnerving her. “Do you have any fears, Ashley?”

  She loved the way he said her name, like it was a dessert he was savoring.

  “Men. Being a victim.” Why was she opening up to this stranger? This had to be all an act. But somehow, he made her feel safe, her hard layers falling away. “I never asked to be a fertile, but it’s a curse, not a blessing.”

  “Don’t say that. It’s a beautiful thing. A gift.” His hand slid slightly higher, resting on the fleshy part of her thigh. Could he hear her heart pounding in her chest? It sounded deafening in her ears.

  “That’s because you’re a man. You probably don’t have any fears.”

  He scoffed. “I’m afraid of a lot of things. Some I never even realized until you showed up at my gates. Most of all, I’d say the biggest one is death.”

  This caught her interest. “Everyone has to die.”

  “The way the world is now, the next day is never a guarantee. I’ve seen so much death, even before the virus. I want no part of it.”

  “So you’ll stay alive forever?”

  He chuckled. “Maybe I will. What about you? Care to join me?”

  She shrugged, playing along. This fairy tale was better than her reality for now.

  “We can forget the rest of the world, stay here, and live forever. Just you and me.” Something changed in his demeanor, a darkness passing over his features. Hunger. She wasn’t afraid. If anything, she didn’t trust her own instincts when it came to Draven.

  Instead of giving in, of embracing his clear seduction, she forced herself to smarten up. He only wanted what her body could give him. If she didn’t have the fertile band, she wouldn’t be sitting in front of him right now. “But then the story ends, and we wake up. There’s no hiding from the truth.”

  He stood up, and part of her was disappointed he didn’t try harder.

  She watched as he walked over to his dresser, a finely crafted wooden piece of furniture with intricate carvings. Something that belonged to royalty. He picked up a book, and her heart leapt.

  Draven walked around the massive room, occasionally peering out a window, holding the book to his chest. What was he thinking? Planning? A man like him was intelligent, carefully crafting every word before he spoke it.

  When he finally returned to her, she held her breath in anticipation.

  He sat beside her on the small loveseat this time, the cushions sinking slightly from his weight. His presence was pure masculinity. Draven held the book out to her, but when she attempted to take it, he pulled it away. She looked at him, confused, but saw the teasing quality in his eyes.

  “Would you like to have a look at this book?”

  She nodded, not sure what game he was playing.

  “Okay, I’ll trade you. One kiss
and I’ll let you read some of it.”

  It was a tempting offer, one she couldn’t refuse on either count. But he should know what he was dealing with. Despite the state of the world, Ashley was a virgin. Inexperienced and terrified of losing her innocence to any man. She’d witnessed women being raped, and had to listen to Luanna’s horrific recounts during their travels together.

  “Just a kiss. I have nothing more to offer.”

  This appeared to pique his curiosity. “You have so much to give. We both do.”

  She shook her head. “If you’re looking for someone to breed, you should keep looking. I didn’t break free from the government’s program just to be an experiment for you.”

  He leaned back slightly. “You’ve insulted me,” he said.

  Her heart raced, this time with a hint of fear. Had she crossed a line? Was he going to force her out of his protected little world?

  “I didn’t mean to.”

  “I’ve only taken care of you since you arrived, have I not? Have I hurt you? Threatened you in any way?”

  “No,” she whispered. “I’m sorry.”

  He paused. “Apology accepted. But I’m wondering. Are you not attracted to me?”

  Her stupid body heated again, because he was so close and smelled so damn good. “Probably every woman is.”

  “I didn’t ask you that, Ashley. I don’t care about other women or their opinions. You’re the one in my room. You’re the one I’ve chosen for myself.”

  Did he really just say that?

  Should she feel flattered or threatened? Being chosen made her feel wanted in a world out to destroy itself. Even before the virus, men often looked the other way because of her constant weight issues and often awkward shyness. It felt empowering for such a desirable man, a king no less, to choose her out of so many women.

  “I’m a virgin,” she blurted, half out of breath.

  He tilted his head, a comical look twisting his features for a second. “You’re very jumpy. You need to relax.” He brushed her hair behind her shoulder and ran the backs of his fingers over her cheek. She didn’t dare move or breathe. “And don’t worry about being a virgin. I’m a patient man, and I’m not against giving you lessons. Now, how about that kiss?”


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