Bred by the King

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Bred by the King Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Chapter Three

  Draven watched as Ashley stared down at the book. Clearly, she wanted to read it, but she was also too nervous to trust him. He liked seeing her nervous, watching as she bit her lip and her cheeks blushed.

  Her innocence shocked him to be honest. In this world of kill or be killed, the fact she’d remained a virgin was a miracle in itself.

  “What do you mean, you’ve chosen me for yourself? You don’t even know me.”

  “You’re trying to avoid the kiss.”

  “I’m trying to stay alive.” She held up her wrist. “This doesn’t give any man a claim over me, regardless of attraction or not. I’m not some pawn to be used for your own amusement.” She got to her feet, but he caught her wrist. His fingers banded around the ink that marked her as fertile.

  Every single fertile woman had gotten this band. It marked them from all the other women. He could be with anyone else, and there were plenty of women in his kingdom that wanted him.

  “You’re safe here.”

  He put the book down but made no move for her to take it.

  She snorted. “I’m safe? I’m here, and Luanna is not. I don’t like this. I don’t like any of this.”

  “Sit down.” He made sure his voice didn’t give her a chance to argue. She lowered herself into her seat. He released her hand, and she pulled her legs up around her, hugging them to her body.

  “Now, you’re safe here. The men follow me. You’re a fertile woman, Ashley, and that means you’re going to come with a certain want.”

  She shook her head. He couldn’t deny it. He wanted her, to spread those thighs and to have a taste of her virgin pussy. To tear through that virgin wall, make her his, and fill her with his child.

  This world wasn’t going to repair itself any time soon. They all had to make the most of what they wanted.

  “Out there you will be nothing more than a vessel. A place for a guy to fuck and breed.”

  “That’s what you want,” she said, the accusation clear in her voice.

  He got to his feet, trapping her in the chair she sat in as he hovered over her. There was nowhere for her to go. Compared to his sheer size she was nothing more than a slip of a woman. His training also put him ahead of most men.

  She gritted her teeth, and he saw her taking deep breaths. Fear flashed in her eyes, but she quickly disguised it.

  “I will protect and care for you, Ashley. All I ask is for a mere kiss so you can read the book. Is that so bad? Others would ask for far more.”

  She stared where he’d placed the book. So harmless.

  All it would take was a kiss.

  Men had never given her a reason to trust them, but maybe she was wrong this time. Could Draven be different? Was she judging him unfairly? It was hard to trust anyone anymore, let alone men. At least he hadn’t attacked them.

  “I won’t hurt you. I’ll take care of you.” He stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers and hated how she flinched away. “I see we’re going to have to work on that.”

  He took his seat again. Picking up the book, he held it in his hand. “I guess I’ll have to prove to you that I mean you no harm. Once I’ve done that and you’ve given me the kiss I want, I’ll let you read it.”

  With that, he didn’t say another word. He walked to the door, left the room, and flicked the lock into place.

  “What are you doing? Let me out.” She slammed her hands against the door, and he smiled. Not a chance.

  He’d seen the hungry look in the other men’s eyes when they caught sight of her. Being the strongest, the king, he got what he wanted, not his men.

  Whistling to himself, he made his way back down to the main room. At the foot of the stairs sat Luanna, the woman that had been with Ashley.

  She stood up the moment she caught sight of him. She was a pretty thing but nothing compared to Ashley.

  “Why have you taken her?” Luanna asked.

  “I’m going to keep her safe.”

  “I heard this place was a safe haven for women. That you protected us and yet, you take her and don’t care about her own needs. I want her returned. We’ll leave here and be out of your hair.”

  “That’s not going to happen. You can leave by all means but not her.”

  “How dare you? You’re not her father. You’re nothing to her. She’s not yours. She’s her own person, not an animal.”

  “You want to take her out of this place. You think that’s wise? You know what it’s like to have your choice taken from you. To be raped. You want that same kind of life for her?”

  “What are you doing to her now? You want her, and rather than give her time, you’re going to rape her.”

  “I don’t rape women.”

  “Then let me see her.”


  “You’re a horrible man. Horrible, horrible man.”

  She stood in his way, and he found himself growing ever more bored with this conversation. “You done?”

  “I don’t know how anyone would want to follow such a vile person. Give me back Ashley.”

  She charged toward him. He gripped her around the throat and pinned her against the wall. She started fighting him, but he simply squeezed, shocking her into silence.

  “Listen to me closely. This is a safe haven for women. No one is to force themselves on you. The men and women here freely explore each other. I have never forced myself onto a woman, and I never will. Ashley is mine. She’s a fertile, which makes her life more valuable than yours. You think she’ll be safe with my men here? Not all of them will be able to control themselves knowing there’s a woman with a fertile future. I will never harm her. I will never force her. I’m the best chance she has in this world, and I will take her.”

  “Do you even hear yourself?” she asked.

  He’d released her neck long enough for her to speak.

  “I hear myself loud and clear. This world is a fucked-up mess, and I’m doing the best I can with what I’ve got, and believe me, take a look around you—it’s not a lot. This is what we call home. Now stay, or fucking leave, but don’t ever call me a rapist again.” He threw her aside and walked back toward the library.

  She clearly didn’t understand how valuable Ashley was in the grand scheme of things. This was his world. His rules.

  As he closed the library doors, the scent of musty old books filled the air, comforting him.

  Ever since the virus had been released in the air, he’d only been surviving, moving from place to place until he found this mansion. Along the way he picked up a few strays, and they’d formed a sort of pack.

  He took a seat in the worn leather armchair and stared out across the entire land of books. There were so many, and that was one of the reasons he loved this place. Of course, the security was tight.

  The person who’d been here before had died. Their body had been in the hallway, and it looked like they were reaching out, trying to escape the death that wanted to claim them. He’d dug a grave and laid the body to rest far from the house before claiming the place. Washing every square inch of the building, he’d made it theirs.

  Now there was a woman in his room.

  A woman he wanted.

  The sight of her alone had his dick hard. He couldn’t recall a time he’d reacted this way to a woman.

  Getting to his feet, he found the romance section and wondered if that would appeal to her sweet side. Picking up two romance books, he made his way back through the house, going toward his bedroom.

  He entered his room and paused as he found her on the floor, curled up in a ball. She looked absolutely exhausted, and he saw the wet lines down her face from where she’d been crying.

  Making her cry hadn’t been his intention.

  Locking the door, he put the books down on the small table and moved toward her. Compared to him she was incredibly small, fragile, vulnerable. Everything he loved in a woman.

  He scooped her up in his arms and carried her over to his bed. She didn’t wake,
and he could only imagine the exhaustion she must be feeling. The world out there wasn’t fit for most men, let alone women.

  She’d come a long way, and he would do everything in his power to win her trust. There’s no way he’d ever allow another man to claim her, to touch her. She wouldn’t feel fear.

  Putting the blanket over her body, he teased back a few strands of hair. “You will always be taken care of. You have my vow on that, sweetheart.”

  He wasn’t a bad man, not really. He only wanted her.

  Pressing a kiss to her temple, he sat back and watched her sleep. If she had any nightmares, he’d chase them away. For now, his woman had to sleep soundly.


  Ashley lost count of how long she’d been there. The days turned to nights, and nights turned to days. That first night, she’d gone to bed alone, but every single night since then, Draven had joined her. His arm banded around her waist, pulling her against him, demanding so much without a single word.

  She felt the evidence of his erection constantly pressing against her back. He wanted her, and each night she expected him to rape her. Every time he came to the room, he always had a book with him. His demands were always the same. A kiss for the book or at least to read some of the book.

  It surprised her every time he brought her food. She expected him to want some other form of payment for the pleasure to eat.

  Standing at his window, she looked down at the grounds. She saw people, his people, milling around. Some were carrying firewood, and others were working the land. She’d noticed a small patch of earth that had been overturned where they were trying to grow fruit and vegetables.

  There was a time she loved to have fresh strawberries dipped in rich, sweet cream.

  “Morning,” Draven said, entering his quarters.

  She turned to him as he put the tray filled with food down. The two romance books he brought every single morning were still within his grasp. She had yet to read a single page.

  Was it selfish of her to just want to sit and read without making any payment? Would it be so bad to give him what he wanted?

  Glancing from the book to the owner, she averted her gaze as he watched her. She wrapped her fingers around the ink that claimed her fertile. Whenever he was in the room, it always made her nervous. The ink was what made him choose her, she was sure of it, and she hated it.

  This ink didn’t make her any different from Luanna or any other woman.

  “Did you sleep well?” he asked.


  “Good. I don’t like you having nightmares.”

  Since sleeping in his bed, the nightmares had been chased away, but she didn’t tell him that. The last thing she wanted was for him to believe he had some kind of power here.

  “I should be downstairs helping everyone,” she said, pointing out of the window.

  “Everyone has a job to do, and you’d be bored.”

  She turned back to the window. “I’m a hard worker. I was before I got this stupid thing.” She lifted her wrist to see. “I can be useful here. Please, I don’t want to spend my entire life living in this room. I want to help. To do my part.”

  “You do enough.”

  Slamming her hand against the wall, she whirled around to look at him. “I’m doing nothing. You don’t want me to do anything. Do you really think I’m happy with this? The only thing I’m good for is my fucking womb.”

  Rage filled her body. It took her by surprise, but it didn’t stop her as she started to strip the clothes away until she stood before him naked. There was no point wearing a bra and panties. If all he wanted was her body, then fine. She would just have to give herself to the beast and hoped that once it was gone, she would survive it somehow.

  “There. This is what you want, right? I’m right here, ready to do my duty.” She stormed toward him. Grabbing the book from his hand, she threw it across the room.

  Her hands shook, and tears filled her eyes. She wasn’t ready for this. With her hands on her hips, she waited, daring him.

  There was no point in being afraid, and all she could think to do was get this over with.

  He stared up from her feet. His gaze went over every inch of her body until he landed on her face. He stood up, and she watched as he adjusted his cock.

  Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to stand still. To stare into his eyes. For him to know that she wasn’t going to be ignored.

  The moment he was right in front of her, she was completely taken back by how big he actually was. He wasn’t small by any means.

  She flinched as he reached out to touch her. Clenching her teeth together, she waited for him to hurt her.

  He tucked her hair behind her ear, and down he stroked until his finger was beneath her chin and he tilted her head back.

  Keeping her eyes open, even as tears fell down her cheeks, she stared at him, waiting for the pain. A touch she never asked for.

  He lowered his head, and still she didn’t pull away. Her stubbornness stopped her from doing anything but staying still.

  When his lips touched hers, she didn’t respond.

  Draven didn’t rush. He explored her lips, taking his time, and against her own wishes, she started to find herself responding to his kiss. Wanting him. The hit of pleasure took her by surprise as her nipples started to harden.

  Her stomach clenched, and she reached out, shocked by how strongly she felt this tug to touch him. He didn’t move her to the bed. His finger stayed on her chin, keeping her head lifted even as she kissed him back.

  This was the first ever kiss she’d been given.

  Running her hands up his body, she wrapped them around his neck and moaned as she opened her mouth and he plundered inside her. It felt so amazing, so hard, and so everything she wanted.

  Pressing her body against his, she gripped his shoulders, and still he didn’t touch her. He didn’t spread her legs and fuck her.

  Instead, he pulled away.

  She watched, amazed, as he licked his lips, and there was a glint in his eye. Something she couldn’t read.

  “I think for that kiss, you can read the entire book.” He stepped away from her, and she saw the evidence of his arousal pressing against the front of his pants.

  Why hadn’t he taken her?

  He picked up the book she’d thrown aside, and he put it on the tray.

  Next, he picked up her clothes and knelt before her. He held her panties out, and seeing no reason to fight him, she stepped into the panties, and he slid them up her body, putting them into place.

  She expected him to leave it at that, but he wouldn’t. He helped her into her bra, trousers, and shirt. The socks she wore were the only things she’d not kicked off for him.

  Once the shirt was in place, he held the bottom of the material between his fingers.

  “I know you don’t think highly of me right now. I’m being selfish with you, and I know that it scares you. I’m not going to hurt you, nor am I going to rush you. When you’re ready, I’ll take you. Show you what you want, and give you everything your heart desires. It’s not safe for you to be with others.”

  Tears filled her eyes as he spoke. His voice was so soothing, so gentle. Hypnotizing.

  “Why can’t Luanna be here then?”

  “She hasn’t got this.” He held her wrist up, his fingers stroking over the delicate ink.

  “I hate this.”

  “I know. Something happens to men who see it. I don’t know why or even how it happens, I just know it drives them crazy. They want what they can’t have. My men are good people, and to make sure I don’t have to kill them, and to keep you safe, it’s why you’re here.”

  “It’s also why you’ve claimed me?”

  “Yes, I have claimed you. You’re mine, Ashley.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Thank you so much for kissing me.”

  He helped her into her seat and then walked out of the room.

  She watched as he shut the door, and seconds later, he locked it.
br />   This time, hearing the sound didn’t fill her with a rage like it normally did. Maybe she really was safer on this side of the door. Ashley knew there was a bounty on her head, not to mention she was apparently a rare commodity to men.

  Picking up the book, she stared at the cover. It looked like an old-fashioned historical romance. Running her fingers across the picture, she studied the man and woman in some elaborate pose. She giggled.

  Would it really be so bad to give herself to Draven? To let him take her?

  Her lips still tingled from the kiss, but he hadn’t grabbed her, or thrown her to the bed and fucked her as any other man would try to do.

  All Draven had done was explore her mouth. He’d been more than thorough. That kiss had been … everything.

  Putting her fingers to her lips, she closed her eyes, thinking about how sweet, how beautiful that kiss had been.

  It was her first real kiss. And she couldn’t imagine any other man giving her a better experience.

  When she’d been captured by the government, the doctors and nurses had all treated her like an object. Not a woman, not a person. Just a fertile thing to be used and exploited.

  The ink sickened her.

  She’d expected to feel that way about Draven’s touch, but now, she wondered exactly how it would feel.

  Chapter Four

  There’d been talk.

  No one dared say anything to his face, or make a move against him, but he knew. Draven always knew. If he wasn’t at least one step ahead of everyone else, he wouldn’t be where he was now. Weak men didn’t survive in the new world.

  A rogue group within his walls planned to make a play for Ashley. He’d heard the whispers, the rumors, and felt the tension. They’d sell her to the floundering government for the promised bounty. Maybe even fill her with their seed before handing her over.

  The shed where they kept preserves had a stash of weapons being concealed in the back under heavy black tarps. They were planning something soon. He feigned being oblivious, but he’d be ready for them.

  Over the past several weeks, he’d allowed Ashley more freedom around the complex. Daily walks, visits with Luanna in the gardens, and private time in the library. He always ensured he was close by, keeping a careful eye on her and everyone nearby. Now he had to rethink her liberties. Until he found out exactly who he could trust, she wasn’t safe.


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