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Bred by the King

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  After all he’d done for the men and women under his care, if pissed him off that they’d turn on him for the promise of wealth. Greed, it seemed, was stronger than loyalty for some. When he discovered who’d been plotting against him, Draven would make an example, one that would never be forgotten. He’d make his message ruthlessly clear: mess with his woman, and die a slow, painful death. There could be no exceptions.

  “Where’s Ashley?”

  The annoying friend ambushed him just inside the kitchen doors. He exhaled.

  “She’s in my room.” He moved around her, preparing a tray of food to bring with him. Fresh grapes, slices of fresh cheese, crackers, and cherry pie.

  “But it’s two o’clock. She always spends time with me now,” said Luanna.

  He ground his teeth together. The only reason he tolerated this woman was for Ashley’s sake. She grated on his nerves. If it were up to him, he’d have sent her packing weeks ago. “Not today.”

  She kept following him, trailing along like a bratty child. “Why not?”

  “That’s my concern. When things are safe, she’ll be free to resume your daily visits.”


  He’d said too much already. There was nothing to explain, and his information was sensitive. Draven wasn’t sure who he could trust, but he hoped the traitors weren’t any of his close men. He ignored her, filling his tray with things he knew Ashley loved. Her happiness did something to him, chipping away at all the hardened bitterness that had built up over the years.

  “Did someone try to hurt her? Is she okay?”

  He left the kitchen, heading to the stairs. When she wouldn’t stop questioning him, he nodded to Luke, who’d been standing guard near the gates. He promptly escorted Luanna away, despite her protests.

  Little natural light illuminated the stone stairwell. It was only the afternoon, but a storm was just on the horizon, blackening the sky, making it feel more like twilight. They’d been prepping for the monster storm all day, protecting the gardens, and securing everything that the wind could potentially damage. It wasn’t far off now. He could smell it in the air, the promise of rain bringing back memories from the battlefields. Did he have any good memories left? The older he got, the more everything in his life blurred into one sick nightmare he wanted to forget.

  He opened the heavy wooden door, the hinges creaking, and entered his room. The glass patio doors were open wide, the brisk breeze fluttering the white sheers.

  “Ashley?” Draven set down the tray of food on one of the dressers and approached the Juliet balcony. Ashley leaned over the iron railing, staring off into the distance.

  She turned when he touched her shoulder. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you.”

  “It’s a good storm.” He nodded to the skies and heavy clouds rolling in. “We could lose power.”

  “Is that why I’m not allowed downstairs?” She looked up at him with those big blue eyes, full of innocence and trust. He could crush her so easily, but all he wanted to do was protect her.

  “Partly.” He strode back into the room, not wanting to lie to her, but also not ready to terrify her with the possibilities. He wanted to be her protector.

  “Draven?” She kept up pace behind him. Even though his room was huge, he couldn’t escape her. He stopped and turned, holding her shoulders.

  “When you came here, you knew the world was a dangerous place for a woman like you. For a fertile.”

  “Until I came here. Until I found you.”

  He stifled a groan, briefly closing his eyes. She had no idea how much pleasure her words carried. He didn’t want to let her down. And he wouldn’t.

  He’d been given a herculean challenge, one almost impossible to accomplish. But he’d managed to behave, even though his patience had been tested since her arrival.

  Sleeping in the same bed. Listening to her giggle as she’d read. The way she licked her lips when she played shy.

  The curvy little virgin with the fertile band was driving him close to insanity. He swore she knew what affected him, how to make his cock hard with just a look. Her innocence was morphing, and her flirting was becoming incessant. The time for playing the gentleman was quickly growing old.

  He’d already claimed her as his, and very soon he’d make that official. Fill her with his seed. Know every inch of her lush body.

  “I won’t let anyone hurt you,” he said.

  “No, something’s wrong.”

  He shook his head. “I’m just being cautious. I’ve heard some talk, so I’d rather keep you with me for a while. The only person a man can trust is himself. I’ve learned that the hard way many times. Never again.”

  “What kind of talk?”

  “Men planning to take what’s mine.”

  Her mouth parted slightly. “I thought this was a safe haven.”

  “It is … or it will be once I find out who’s plotting against me.” He ran his hands from her shoulders, down her arms until he could interlock their fingers together. “They have no idea what they’re up against.”

  “And if they win?”

  He chuckled. “They can try to take you from me, but I’ll never allow it. I won’t be threatened by any man, Ashley. And I’m not afraid of getting my hands dirty.”

  Not only was he ready to take on any threat, he knew things about the group of traitors, and their next moves. He’d use the information to his advantage and slowly root them out. It wouldn’t be long until he knew exactly who’d infected his perfect little world.

  “I keep wondering why I’m still here. I mean, shouldn’t I be afraid of you, too? Don’t you want the same thing as other men? Money, power, legacy?”

  “The government is broken, Ashley. It’s struggling to gain any foothold in this shitfest, so it’ll promise the world for a woman like you. You represent hope, a future—both things lacking in the world. They’ll use you like a pawn.” He took a breath. “Look around you. What good is money anymore? What can it buy? I don’t need money or power … legacy, that’s something else.”

  She gasped when he stepped forward.

  “Do you think men want me for money or for my body?”


  “Not you, though.” She reached up and fiddled with the button at his collar. “You just like to have me around like some kind of collectible toy. I think you like having something that everyone else wants.”

  He smirked, unfastening a few buttons on his shirt. “You’re intuitive.”

  Ashley shrugged.

  “But don’t mistake my obsession. I do want something more from you.”

  She dragged one finger along the bare skin where his shirt had parted. A crackle of thunder echoed in the distance. “Tell me what you want from me.”

  Draven groaned. “I want the legacy. You can give me that.”

  “So, you want my body.”

  “Yes, I fucking want your body, but unlike other men, I want the woman, too.”

  “Really?” She narrowed her eyes in disbelief. “There’s nothing special about me beyond this band. I’m not unlike other women.” She held up her wrist. He leaned over and kissed it, making her breath catch in her throat.

  “You’re wrong, little Ashley. You’re very unlike other women. And I’ve been using more self-control the past many weeks than you can imagine.”

  “Why not just take what you want? You’re the king of this castle, after all.”

  “You’re right. I could have already filled you with my seed. My progeny would be growing inside your womb.”

  “You’ve barely touched me.”

  “I told you I can be a patient man. The world may be a cold place now, but I still hold out hope that one day you can love me.”



  She didn’t expect a man like Draven to consider anything beyond power and desire. And she never expected to experience what she read about in the romance novels. It seemed the notion of love disappeared once survival took over people’s basic values
. It was a black and white world, void of color. There was no room for love and devotion when thoughts were focused on meeting their basic needs. The world was a scary place, and now Draven had changed everything with those few words.

  Ashley realized she hadn’t said a thing. Her thoughts were scattered, so many possibilities filling her head. Could she love Draven? Could she not?

  For all her complaining, she savored being sheltered and coddled. It felt like a weight off her shoulders to be able to forget about foraging and safety, and enjoy the simple things. Draven made all that possible.

  He’d made her fertility band a blessing rather than a curse.

  And she was tired of him holding back. How could a grown man sleep with her every night and keep so much self-control? She was starting to get a complex. Ashley had convinced herself he was using her for her womb, and one day he’d force himself on her. To hear talk of love and commitment tossed her expectations out the window.

  Was he attracted to her? Or did her extra pounds turn him off?

  Draven was hard and chiseled. She’d seen him working his body, the sweat glistening on his back as he did pull-ups in the archway every morning before he showered. Every day she spent with him made her more desperate for his attention. Yes, he talked to her, fed her, and spent time with her around the property, but she needed more.

  She wanted him to look at her like a man full of hunger.

  She wanted him to take without asking.

  To claim her.

  To fuck her.

  You’re such a freak, Ashley. You’ve been alone too long.

  Luanna would be ashamed of her. Her friend refused to rely on a man and continually tried to convince her to leave the compound. Recently, Luanna had been pushing the idea more, saying they’d overstayed their welcome and it was no longer safe.

  Ashley didn’t listen because she didn’t want to leave. What awaited her beyond the walls? Rape, starvation, harsh elements, and certain death before long. Why survive when they could live in Draven’s kingdom? Being a fertile without protection meant she’d always have a target on her back, always be hunted by the worst of the worst looking to cash out or use her for their own sick pleasure.

  “Have you ever loved a woman?” she finally asked.

  He stared at her, his eyes turning black as the light was slowly snuffed from the room. The clouds blocked out the remnants of the sun, creating a foreboding atmosphere. All she could feel was lust.

  “I never had time for it before the virus. After things changed, it never entered my mind. I’ve lived here, building and protecting, only focused on keeping out the worst and trying to hold onto the little humanity I had left.”

  “Love and survival aren’t a very good mix,” she said.

  “No, you’re wrong. These times put love to the test. It’s finding it that’s difficult.”

  She swallowed hard.

  “With you, little one, I can see myself losing my head … and my heart.” He cupped her cheek with one rough hand, and she instinctively closed her eyes and rested against this touch.

  “I’m afraid to believe you.”

  “I could have taken everything from you, stripped you of your virginity without consent, or never opened my gates to you and your friend. But I’ve housed and cared for you for weeks in hopes you’d see my sincerity.”

  The last thing she wanted to do was push him away or appear ungrateful. He was right. Things could have gone so differently in other circumstances.

  “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. You have no idea. Before I came here, I’d lost all hope. Every day was a like a waking nightmare, and I kept praying the virus had been a figment of my imagination.”

  “You’re appreciative.” His words were clipped. “But you’re not interested in a relationship with me.”

  “I never said that. Trust isn’t something I’ve learned to hand over easily. And I may not have experience with men, but I’m here because I want to be.”

  He appeared to mull her words over in his mind. “You need more time.”

  She shook her head. “I need you to take control.”

  He wet his lips, and her stomach did a little flip. She’d seen how he behaved with the other people in the complex. He was strict and didn’t put up with any bullshit. His softer side seemed reserved for her alone, and although she was grateful for the fact, she craved him to command her, to take her, to claim what he wanted.

  “Like you’ve said, I’m the king. I’m always in control.”

  “Then tell me what you want. I’ll do whatever you ask of me.”

  “Out of appreciation?”

  “Because I want to be yours.” It was hard to blurt out those words because she feared rejection from him. Feared everything. But for the past month, she’d been happy, and that was a lot more than she could say about her life before finding Draven.

  “I like the sound of that.” He walked around her. She stayed rooted in place. “I’ve never wanted anything more.”

  “Do you always get everything you want?”

  “It seems so.” Once directly behind her, he brushed her hair over one shoulder and kissed the back of her neck. The kiss sparked something inside her, something wanton and desperate. He knew exactly how to touch her, how to arouse her effortlessly.

  His breath on her skin.

  The scent of his cologne.

  The heat of his presence.

  She closed her eyes and let go, knowing she had to trust this man if anything was to develop between them. Without hope, what was the point of life? She had to believe something magical was possible.

  More thunder boomed in the distance. Closer now. A flash of lightning briefly lit the inside of the darkened room, shadows flashing along the walls.

  “Take off my shirt,” he said, coming back to stand in front of her.

  She undid the rest of the buttons, slowly, one by one. A dark trail of hair led lower into his pants. His abs were hard and cut, and she craved to run her nails along his skin. Instead, she pushed the material over his broad shoulders until it fluttered to the floor. There was a tattoo on his upper arm, and she let her fingers linger over the ink.

  “Where did you get this?”

  “In the Marines. Long time ago.” He set his hand over hers, refusing to lose focus. The look in his eyes was what she wanted to see—hunger claiming his beast.

  She removed her own shirt, leaving her in just her bra. The lacy cups barely contained her cleavage. Draven’s jaw clenched as he stared. His need only made her hotter.

  “I’ll need you to teach me everything,” she whispered. His restraint was admirable, but her body was screaming at her. She was ready for him, no more doubts and fears stopping her from moving forward. This was a risk she was willing to take.

  “So you’ll be a good girl for me? Do as you’re told?”

  God, that was exactly what she craved. The stress of survival, running for her life … it made her appreciate this little paradise. She wanted to let go and give Draven the reins.


  He made a sound that reminded her of an animal, a savage beast ready to take down its prey. Draven peeled one cup of her bra down, her tit spilling out. The moment he covered her areola with his hot, wet mouth, she cried out. The intimacy and rush of heat took her off guard. His hands slid down to cup her ass, his fingers squeezing tight.

  Draven feasted on her tits, peeling the second bra cup out of his way and alternating between both. He kissed his way up her neck, teasing the sensitive erogenous zones around her ear. She closed her eyes and savored all the new sensations. Ashley felt as if she was floating, her inhibitions sailing away.

  “Such a sweet little virgin. All for me.” He backed her up until she hit the dresser, then tugged her hair to one side, hard enough to make her squint. The evidence of his arousal pressed hard against her stomach. “Do you feel that?”

  She nodded.

  “I could have been with a lot of different women,” he said. �
��But none of them did this to me. None of them made my cock hard and heavy.”

  “Are there other women?”

  This new world was a mystery, a crazy place of injustice and lawlessness. She never knew what to expect. The last thing she wanted was to be another piece to a king’s harem.

  “I don’t want any woman but you, Ashley. The day you walked through my gates, I knew it had to be you.”

  “Because of the fertility band?”

  “Because of you.”

  His mouth came down over hers, a deep, sensual kiss that made her toes curl. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back with all the passion that had been growing inside her.

  He reached down, his hand slipping into the front of her pants. She felt every movement, her body hypersensitive to his forbidden touch. He cupped her pussy, and she worried that he’d feel the wetness between her folds. Every touch, every kiss, made her pussy pulse stronger. Could he feel the heartbeat between her legs?

  She dropped her weight a bit, and the feel of his bare hand against her pussy felt dirty and addictive. She wanted more.

  “You’re nice and wet for me. Your little virgin cunt is hungry for my cock.”


  Any fears she had of losing her virginity were a thing of the past. She needed this man, this king, to make her a woman.

  Chapter Five

  The fertility band was getting on his last nerve. Draven saw how insecure Ashley felt, and yes, at the start, his need for her had started because of the band. What man wouldn’t be turned on by the prospect of having a woman who was fertile? Who’d be able to take care of his children, to nurse them?

  The virus had been sent out to destroy, and in the process, it had brought out the baser urges of the male sex. He wanted to mate her, to fill her with his seed and watch her body swell with his baby.

  She let out a moan, and he loved hearing her sounds as he stroked her sweet pussy. Tonight, he didn’t have to worry about any of his men attacking and trying to take his woman from him. With the storm about to rage, they had been sensible.


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