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The Awakening: Aidan

Page 9

by Niles, Abby

  She closed her eyes, realizing she’d already split the money with Pam. She couldn’t take that back from her, not when she knew how badly her friend needed it. Jaylin would repay it, out of her own pocket. Somehow.

  “Don’t worry about the money. Let’s just call it an investment in my future. Besides, I’d have never made my fortune if I caved every time someone threw an obstacle in my way.” Aidan leaned forward. “Let me be extremely clear, no previous takeover will have given me the wealth this one will. Failure is not an option.”

  His words hit her right in the chest, squeezing her heart. He was so dead serious, she worried he might actually be able to change her mind, make her forget everything she’d witnessed. Make her believe she could be happy—until he died, and she was left with nothing.

  She couldn’t chance it. She’d have to find a way to leave. He might believe he’d closed every avenue of escape, but no one was that good. There had to be a loophole somewhere. If there was, she was going to find it.


  He was that good.

  Six hours later, Jaylin watched the helicopter take off from the private tarmac, leaving her stranded. She sighed. They weren’t in Cancun. She didn’t even know where “here” was. It was tropical. A small island. With one luxurious thatched-roof house sitting before a sandy white beach and turquoise waters. She’d be in awe, if she weren’t so pissed off. She grabbed her bag and stalked toward a gravel path that led to the house from the tarmac. Her heels clicked on the asphalt.

  Even when they’d switched to the helicopter, she hadn’t been able to escape. As her hair whipped around from the spinning blades, Aidan had gripped her upper arm and ushered her across the tarmac straight into the aircraft. The transition had lasted one minute max. She’d felt like some important person under CIA protection.

  Aidan hadn’t said a word to her since they’d taken off, seemingly indifferent to her anger, which only made her angrier. As she wobbled down the path, her heels sinking awkwardly into the loose rock, she dragged her bag behind her. He didn’t offer to help like the old Aidan might have, and she refused to ask. When she reached the clearing, she climbed a long, stone staircase that led to a wraparound sundeck made of the same light stone. Then she hurried to the door and grabbed the handle, wanting to get as far away from him as possible. Of course, the damn thing was locked.

  Why? There wasn’t another blasted soul on the godforsaken island to rob it.

  Aidan dug in his pocket and withdrew a set of keys. Without a word, he unlocked the door. She shoved past him and into the house. She blinked, then set her face to not show any reaction. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he’d impressed her. But, damn it, she was impressed. The door led into a huge gourmet kitchen with cherry cabinets and granite countertops. The walls were painted a calming beige—which did absolutely nothing to calm her shredded nerves.

  Keep walking. Don’t stop to gawk.

  She opened the first door she encountered, not giving two wits if it was a closet. She slammed the door behind her, then gasped.

  It wasn’t a closet.

  A king-size bed with a white plush bedspread surrounded by the same-colored mosquito netting sat in the middle of the room against the far wall to the left. Red pillows placed on top of the mattress and on the chairs brought color into the room. Two wall-size shutters across from the bed had been folded back, opening the room to the salty air and revealing a small deck with two lounge chairs positioned to face the ocean with a petite wood table between them. The suitcase handle slipped from her hand and the bag clattered to the floor.

  She’d never seen anything so breathtaking. She stepped farther into the room, noting that the wall beside the bed was made completely of thick glass and looked out onto a private outdoor terrace—complete with an outside Jacuzzi, shower, and sink—all surrounded by high, smooth stone walls. A generator hummed in the background.

  She could live in here forever—which was a huge possibility considering she had to keep Aidan at a distance. But, boy, the man knew how to go all-out. She hurried around the room taking in everything. A door led to a private indoor bathroom. She glanced down. A business suit was certainly not the attire for the setting.

  After grabbing a pale yellow tube-top sundress from her suitcase and quickly changing, she hurried over to the fully stocked bar stationed in one corner. She quickly opened a bottle, poured herself a glass of wine and gulped it down, enjoying the little tingles that erupted in her belly. She refilled her glass, then walked around the room. She didn’t know if Aidan meant for this room to be hers, but it officially was. He could have the couch for all she cared. She had everything she needed, including a lock on the door.

  A grumble came from her belly.

  She frowned. Well, except food.

  She hadn’t eaten since early this morning. And she so wasn’t venturing out in search of a meal. She’d just power through until she figured out what she was going to do. And she needed to figure it out quickly. This house screamed romance. A couple. Love. And she’d only seen the freaking kitchen and bedroom. God only knew what the rest of the place looked like.

  She figured Aidan had planned it that way. Take her off guard. Spoil her. Show her what she’d be missing. The thing was, all the money in the world didn’t get rid of the major problem between them.

  He was a shifter. In Drall.

  She stepped out on the deck. Tilting her head up toward the sun, she soaked in its warmth and inhaled that special salty smell only the ocean created. Her stomach growled again.

  Sighing, she opened her eyes. Why did one need food to survive? Couldn’t wine and a gorgeous setting be enough? If only.

  A flash of movement caught her attention by a thicket of palm trees down on the beach. The greenery moved and shimmied before a cougar burst out of the foliage and raced down the white sand.

  Her breath caught tight.

  Muscles bunched and expanded along its furred back as it sprinted down the beach, its paws hitting the lapping water, the spray glistening off its pelt. The animal didn’t slow as it reached the other end and tore into the tropical trees on that side. She listened to the rustling of the foliage before it charged back out. It made it about halfway across the sand before it stopped suddenly, sensing something. Its feline head turned toward her and stared.

  Even from a distance, she felt the human staring at her from inside, felt the raw determination, and her heart pounded against her breast.

  Aidan’s beast was a cougar—gorgeous, all slick lines and strong muscle that moved with a deadly grace. He was breathtaking in animal form.

  Aidan then turned his back on her and continued his run.

  Something about his rejection hurt. Why was that? Wasn’t getting him to let her go what she wanted? Swallowing, she went back inside as her belly protested again. She might as well get something to eat while she had the chance. If he was running, he’d be at it for a while.

  She slipped from the room into the kitchen. Opening the fridge, she saw that they were well stocked up on food. She grabbed the roast beef and mayo. As she closed the door, a man walked into the kitchen. She screamed, which made him scream.

  Throwing the meat at him, she took off for the door and was outside within seconds. Aidan’s cougar was already up the stairs running toward her, but he shifted to human form without missing a step as he neared. She stumbled to a halt, her fear vanishing as he sprinted to her across the deck…naked.

  She couldn’t breathe, swallow, do anything but gawk.

  She’d seen naked men before, but when the Dea had created Aidan she’d had perfection in mind. His body came together with powerful muscles that flexed with each movement. His sculpted abdomen and well-defined pecs appeared carved from stone. He had shoulders that screamed dominator. And his arms? Bulging, veiny, and lethal.

  Her gaze dipped down and she almost lost the ability to stand. Even hanging flaccid among manscaped ginger hair, he was large.

  When he reache
d her, he didn’t hesitate to thrust her behind him. “What’s the matter?”

  She was reminded of why she ran out here in the first place. “There was a man in the kitchen.”

  The growl vibrating from his body comforted her, but she wasn’t afraid anymore. Hadn’t been since she saw him. She was beginning to wonder if it was from the shock of seeing him naked for the first time or simply because he hadn’t hesitated to come to her rescue the moment he’d heard her scream. Probably a little of both, actually.

  She felt safe. Protected.

  With all her fear gone, she was conscious of only Aidan. How close he stood to her, his woodsy scent driving her mad. Steps came from inside the house. Growling again, Aidan shifted his body back toward her, bringing an arm behind him to shield her, eyes never leaving the door, and she felt the overwhelming need to lean in to his body, touch him. She really needed to step away, break this hold he had on her, but she couldn’t.

  His back rubbed against her breasts, making her nipple tighten. The tense muscles between his shoulder blades begged to be kissed. Lust rushed through her, pooling low in her belly. Aidan stiffened and glanced over his shoulder, questions in his eyes.

  The man poked his head out of the door. “I’m sorry, Mr. O’Connell. I didn’t mean to frighten the lady.”

  Aidan relaxed and chuckled. The sound sent a shiver through her, and she realized how much she actually loved that sound, how much it was so Aidan.

  He turned and pulled her in front of him. “Jaylin, I’d like you to met Rafael. He’ll be our personal chief slash housekeeper for the next few days.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry, you scared me.” On second glance, he shouldn’t have. He was older, maybe fifties with graying brown hair. Muscular, but nothing menacing about him.

  “You scared me too. I was finishing up some last-minute preparations for your arrival and had my earbuds in.” He held up an iPod, a contrite grimace on his face. “I hadn’t realized you were already here.”

  She caught the scent in the air. “You’re a shifter.”

  The man nodded.

  She quirked a brow at Aidan. “How did you ensure getting a shifter?”

  “I have my ways.”

  She frowned. That cocky edge was back on his face, reminding her of how she got here in the first place, reminding her she had to keep her distance from him, because this Aidan was capable of anything. “I’m going back to my room.”

  “You will not spend our time here hiding in your room, Jaylin. If need be, every lock in this house will be removed. Do you understand?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Asshole doesn’t suit you, Aidan.”

  He stepped closer to her. She tilted her head back, refusing to move away as his naked chest brushed her forearms. “Coward doesn’t suit you.”

  That did make her step back. “I’m not being a coward!”

  “Really? Go on, then. Hide in your room and then tell me you’re not being one.”

  “You’re misinterpreting rejection for cowardice.”

  His jaw tightened; blue flashed in his eyes. “Rafael. The locks will be removed on the master suite. The other bedrooms will be bolted shut,” he said while never taking his gaze off her.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And Rafael?” He paused, a twitch going to town in his cheek. “Move my luggage to Dr. Avgar’s room.”

  “You wouldn’t!”

  “Oh yes, my love, I would.”

  With that, he turned away and walked back into the house.

  Jaylin stood gaping after him. The shock of his audacity was nothing compared to his last words.

  My love.

  Even more shocking was the shiver of pleasure that phrase induced. Escaping Aidan was going to be hard enough, but how was she supposed to escape herself?

  Chapter Six

  Aidan shoved his legs into a pair of khaki cargo shorts and buttoned them. He decided against a shirt, which would piss Jaylin off, but he really didn’t care. He planned to spend the next few days as shirtless as possible as a constant reminder of what she wanted and could easily have—if she’d just accept that she was stuck here and might as well enjoy herself.

  Until she did, he had to keep as detached as possible, and bringing Aidan O’Connell out of retirement had been the only way he could think of to create that distance. He’d left that man behind a year ago when he looked in the mirror and no longer liked who he saw reflected back. He still didn’t like him, but the indifference helped keep the Drall under wraps.

  The last few days while he’d planned and waited had been excruciating. At times, he’d felt as if he might crawl out of his skin from the need to be with her. The only thing that calmed him was focusing on his goal to win Jaylin over as he would during a hostile takeover—with no emotion.

  Not that he hadn’t had his “claim” moments. He had. Laying eyes on her for the first time in days had almost made him lose complete control, especially when that peaceful smile had graced her lips after she’d boarded the plane. But that peace had evaporated the moment she’d seen him, replaced with anger and disbelief—a painful reminder that he wasn’t allowed to touch her, that she wasn’t his, no matter how much he wanted her to be.

  Calling forth the cold mogul had been the only way he’d stopped himself from reaching for her and folding her in his arms. And he’d been shocked at how successfully he was able to suppress the instinct with his former self.

  Her scent attacked him from behind, and he stiffened as his beast stirred, a possessive growl rumbling in his chest. A current of need charged his body, making him clench his fists against the urge to charge her, to take what was his. He’d have to be careful of her sneaking up on him or risk allowing the Drall to dictate his actions—just as Jaylin assumed it would. With all her experience and book knowledge, she believed she was one step ahead of him at all times. Could anticipate his every move.


  He needed her off-balance. That meant doing exactly the opposite of what she expected of him, even if it killed him. He forced himself not to acknowledge her, not one fleeting glance, as he started to move his clothes from his suitcase to the six-drawer mahogany dresser.

  “You can’t stay in here, Aidan.”

  Her quiet voice caused the Drall to spike again.

  Mine. Take. Now.

  He shut the drawer with a little more force than necessary. He breathed again. Calm. Distant. Control. The need lessened. When he faced her, Aidan O’Connell was firmly in place. “I paid for it. I’ll sleep wherever I want.”

  Just to make his point, he stretched out on the bed and laced his fingers behind his head, satisfied as her gaze belied her steely expression and traveled over his chest before jerking to his face. Giving a relaxed sigh, he settled back against the pillow and closed his eyes. While he hoped he came across as indifferent, his true reason for blocking her out was fear that his eyes would betray him just as hers had. He didn’t need for her to see how much he wanted her to climb up on this bed and lie beside him—to just let him hold her.

  “What has gotten into you?” she asked.

  Survival mode, that’s what. “I’m enjoying my vacation. That doesn’t include sleeping on the couch or in any of the other mediocre rooms. I paid top dollar for this island, and I’ll enjoy every amenity it has to offer, which means you’re not going to monopolize the master suite for the duration of our stay.”

  “Fine, you can have it. Now open up one of the mediocre rooms you so ogreishly had closed, so I can use it.”

  “To hide, you mean?” He popped an eye open and studied her, not surprised to see she had her arms crossed tightly beneath her breasts in typical defensive Jaylin fashion. “That’s not happening.”

  “I’ll sleep on the couch then.”

  He shrugged, though it pained him she’d rather sleep on a cramped sofa than on this huge comfortable bed beside him. “Suit yourself.”

  Her frustrated “Oh!” caused a smile to tug on his lips. He quickly pre
ssed them together. He definitely had her where he wanted her—flustered, completely unprepared for what he’d say or do next.

  “How long am I going to have to endure your ass-hattery?”

  Another smile tried to emerge, but he beat it back. “Few days. You might as well enjoy yourself while you’re here.”

  She threw her arms. “How am I supposed to do that when I have to walk on eggshells to make sure you don’t go Drall mad?”

  “I’m a big boy. I can take care of myself,” he said through clenched teeth. His amusement quickly vanished with her infuriatingly constant need to save him from himself. It was his life. He’d do what he damn well pleased with it.

  She stepped forward, then stopped. “Do you have any idea how bad an idea this is? You’re going to torture yourself.”

  He shot off the bed and stalked toward her. “Stop telling me what I’m feeling. As much as you want to believe you know exactly what’s going on inside my head, you don’t.” He stopped directly in front of her. “Have I touched you?”


  “Have I tried to kiss you, seduce you, since you got on that plane?”


  “But whose desire was sweetening the air just a few minutes ago?”

  She gasped. “That’s unfair.”

  A sarcastic scoff ripped from his throat. “How is that unfair? I didn’t even have to touch you. All it took was standing behind me and you couldn’t hide how badly you want me. In my opinion, it’s not me you have to worry about. It’s yourself.”

  Her arms tightened around her midsection and she flinched. Bingo. She already knew that.

  “You think you’re in control, but you’re not, Aidan. I can’t believe it. It’s not possible.”

  “Do you need to see how in control I am?”

  He took her face between his hands and claimed her mouth. The moment his lips touched hers, the Drall surged forward with lightening speed. A rumble vibrated his chest, the stark need to claim shot through him. Unconsciously, his body inched forward, seeking her, wanting to feel her pressed against every inch of him.



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