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The Awakening: Aidan

Page 11

by Niles, Abby

  Like when he’d wiped away a dollop of Alfredo sauce from the corner of her mouth with his thumb then slid it into his own, or when he’d held up a strawberry for her and she’d closed her lips over the tips of his fingers, or how afterward she’d sucked the juice from them. Yes, his eyes had dilated, but he’d continued as if sex wasn’t standing in the corner cheering them on.

  She’d spent so long fighting her attraction to this man, that now she had given him the trust he craved, she was ready to touch him without fear.

  And she wanted to make up for the horrible kisses from earlier, wanted his lips devouring hers the way she knew they could. Why was he now being so gentlemanly? Shouldn’t her permission to take her whenever he wanted have some sort of Neanderthal effect on him? The whole ugga-ugga sex-now thing?

  It had her. She was in a perpetually aroused state, nipples erect, breasts heavy, and a constant current vibrating between her legs, making her shift in her seat more than once. All it would take was one touch in just the right place and she’d come apart instantly.

  She had to reek of lust, so how was he able to ignore it?

  Sighing, Jaylin rose and reached for a plate. He lightly swatted her hand away. “I’ve got this. All I want you to do is park your cute ass in that chaise over there and relax.”

  Again with the gentleman thing. Really, his actions should’ve been considered sweet, and on any other occasion they would have, but she was done with nice.

  She was ready for dirty.

  “If I help, it’ll get done quicker.”

  Aidan shook his head as he balanced the plates and took a step back. “I’m just going to rinse them and put them in the dishwasher. Won’t take but a few minutes.” He took another step back, nodding again toward the chaise. “Go. Drink your wine.” With that, he turned with a load of plates and disappeared into the house.

  Fine. If he wanted her to laze about, who was she to argue?

  Taking her glass, she walked to the two-person lounger at the edge of the deck and sat down, looking out across the ocean. The sun had set while they ate, replacing the spreading oranges, yellows, and violets with miles and miles of unending stars—a breathtaking sight.

  The temperature had dipped some, leaving behind a comfortable warm breeze. She’d never tire of listening to the crash of the waves in the distance. She didn’t know why the ocean was so soothing, but it always had a calming effect on her.

  As her surrender to Aidan had calmed him.

  More so than she’d wanted.

  Though he had touched her…a lot.

  And with each touch, she’d seen no sign of his beast. Felt no agitation from Aidan. He came across as a man who was bonded to his mate and was simply lulled by being in her presence, which made no sense. He wasn’t bonded. He was awakened. The instinct of the Drall was uncompromising with one focus: to Fewse. Simply being able to touch her shouldn’t be enough to control him.

  But it seemed he’d been right—her surrender had mollified the Drall and the beast.

  For now.

  She wasn’t fool enough to believe it’d last, though. Eventually her mere presence wouldn’t be enough. When that happened, he’d be back to fighting the instinct.

  Right now, he was as close to being human as he could be, and she was going to eat up every second of it. Yielding to Aidan had crumbled the last of her barrier. No tension, no hesitation, no reminders, just let him control himself as he swore he could.

  Soft music drifted from the living room as the light from the house flickered off behind her, casting the deck in complete darkness except for the tiny orange flames on the votive candles lining the deck’s edge. Anticipation clawed at her stomach. He was coming, would sit beside her, and all bets were off.

  Van Morrison’s husky voice filled the air as he sang the first line of “Into the Mystic.” Aidan’s hand appeared over her shoulder. “Dance with me.”

  She put her wineglass aside and slipped her hand into his. He tugged her against his chest as his other arm slipped around her waist. As he pressed his cheek to the top of her hair, they swayed together to the music.

  It wasn’t exactly what she had in mind, but at least they were headed in the right direction: her in Aidan’s arms.

  They rocked together until the saxophone started. Aidan moved her around the deck with some fancy ballroom footwork, causing her to laugh and hold on. His movements were smooth, flawless, and when he rolled her out, then back to him, the smile on her face actually hurt. The music slowed and he resumed the gentle sway, until the tempo picked back up and he two-stepped them across the makeshift dance floor again.

  When the song ended, he dipped her low. A new Van Morrison song started and the happiness on his face faded. He brought her back up to his chest as the lyrics penetrated her joy.

  “Crazy Love.”

  Aidan tucked her close, holding her tenderly, and moved them slowly in a circle. His grip on her hand tightened, as did his arm around her waist.

  “Yes, I need her in the daytime,” he sang in her ear, his low baritone flowing through her senses like honey. “Yes, I need her in the night. Yes, I want to throw my arms around her and kiss and hug her, kiss and hug her tight.”

  The words should’ve terrified her, the soft and loving way he sang them should’ve terrified her more, but instead her heart clenched and an emotion she refused to identify swelled in her chest. The whispered words circled her, warming her. She moved closer and laid her head on his chest, enjoying his heartbeat thumping beneath her cheek. His chin rested on the top of her head. Closing her eyes, she listened to him softly hum the rest of the song.

  Even though she’d fought with everything in her, she’d promised to surrender her body to him. What if he could get her to surrender her heart?

  If that happened, could she still walk away when their time ended here?

  She didn’t think so, even knowing it would be the best for both of them, which meant this romantic, sweet stuff had to end. The sooner the better.

  Jaylin attempted to pull out of his embrace, but couldn’t resist surrendering to the moment, to the warmth of his arms around her, the sway of their bodies to the music.

  When the song finished, Aidan led her back to the chaise. He pulled her down beside him, holding her close to his side. They lay in silence, him gently toying with a lock of her hair between his fingers. Just listening to the noises of the night. It was comfortable. Right. As if they’d done this very thing together for years.

  How unnerving. She had to break the silence.

  “How’s Liam?”

  Aidan chuckled, seemingly oblivious to her uneasy thoughts. “None too pleased with the therapist you’ve set him up with, but he’s dealing with it. The guy isn’t in town, so their sessions have been online.”

  “Trevor is a great therapist, and being male, I thought Liam would feel more comfortable. Who did he fly out to help in case Liam went into Bahrraj while you are away?”

  “Well, he’s staying with a friend of ours, Britton Townsend, while I’m away, but Trevor flew out this grandmotherly woman to administer any required shocks. According to Brit, she’s coddled Liam since she walked in the door. He’s eating it up. Says he’s had the best meals since she’s arrived.”

  She eyed him. “Speaking of older women, that was your mother who came to my office, wasn’t it?”

  A tinge of color tinted his cheek and warmed her heart. “Somewhat.”


  “That was physically her, but the woman you met was Mrs. Biggerstaff, a character she once played.”

  “You’re mom’s an actress?”

  “Was, back in the early seventies. Then she met my dad, and was happy being a stay-at-home mom. I figured if anyone could help me pull off this plan, it would be her.”

  “Well, she had me fooled.”


  The happy twinkle in his eyes took out any remaining sting that she’d been tricked into coming here.

What about your dad?” she asked.

  “Business owner turned collector of failing businesses.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Dad opened a small hardware store about thirty years ago. A couple of years later, another hardware store started down the street. They undercut him at every turn and took a lot of business from him. He almost lost the store. But my dad is an ornery old bastard and refused to give up. It took a few years, but eventually he ran the competition out of business and he bought it. He loved the challenge. So he went after a couple of other local businesses that were failing that would help expand his product line. It went from just hardware, to car repairs shops to stereo equipment. He had a knack for taking over a floundering business and turning it around to become a successful moneymaking venture. The rest, as they say, is history.”

  “Ah, so that’s where you learned it from.”

  “Yeah, I used to watch my dad when I was a kid negotiating and planning for his next conquest. I loved it, couldn’t wait to follow in his footsteps one day, only bigger and better. I didn’t settle for local, I wanted nationwide, and I got it.”

  “You apparently have a reputation and accomplished what you set out to do, so why did you stop?”

  His jaw tightened a fraction before he turned his gaze on her. “That’s a topic for another day. I won’t ruin the nice night we’re having by talking about past mistakes.”

  Her curiosity was aroused, but she wouldn’t press him. By his reaction, whatever his motivation was for leaving, it wasn’t one of those tired-and-needing-a-change sort of reasons. Biting her lip to keep the questions to herself, she lowered her head back to his chest. A moment later, Aidan placed his index finger under her chin and tipped her head back as his lips met hers in the sweetest, most tender kiss he’d ever given her.

  Jaylin’s heart squeezed. This was the first time he’d really kissed her since they’d arrived. The other two encounters didn’t count. They weren’t from Aidan—her Aidan. This one was, and it stole her breath away—and a little piece of her heart.

  At the thought, she tensed, and Aidan made a noise of protest. The fact that it was him protesting and not his beast made her relax as his tongue swiped across the seam of her lips. She opened to him and he took his time exploring her mouth, thoroughly. Her nipples pebbled. Nothing was aggressive about his kiss, no demand or enticement for more, just a kiss a man gives a woman he cherishes.

  His gentle touch caused her emotions to surge forward and topple the protective fortress she’d erected around them. Warm, gooey feelings flooded her body, leaving her defenseless.

  She could love him, possibly already did. She could spend the rest of her life with this man.

  Her physical life.

  Never eternity—what he wanted, but she was incapable of giving.

  Goaded by her waning resistance, she pushed her tongue past his and into his mouth as she slid one leg over his pelvis and straddled him. Sex, it had to be about sex, nothing more and sure as hell not about simply wanting to sit and kiss him like this for hours. Cuddle. Snuggle. Like a couple.

  She fumbled with the first button of his shirt and popped it open, desperate to push him over the edge, to make him stop making her heart feel things she couldn’t allow. At this moment, she only wanted to feel his touch, his mouth…his cock.

  Ripping her mouth from his, she kissed the exposed skin between the folds of his shirt. A growl vibrated from his chest, a feral mating growl. In a flash, Aidan had her pinned beneath him, his eyes glowing iridescent as he stared down at her.

  The beast was back.


  Aidan struggled to shove the instinct aside as he looked down at Jaylin, her hair spread out on the cushion, her brown eyes wide.


  “Don’t speak,” he forced through clenched teeth. Another bolt of instinct, hot and potent, ripped through him, his beast clawed forward, and Aidan squeezed his eyes closed, his body rigid, straining against the need to bury his head between her legs and take the bond she refused to give him.

  His canines tingled. Itched. His muscles twitched. Shook.

  He breathed. In. Out. In. Out.

  The sensation passed, much to his snarling beast’s chagrin.

  He’d been fine. Just enjoying having her in his arms, holding her, kissing her. No sign of the beast.

  Until she’d jumped him.

  Then all hell had broken loose.

  He pulled away and sat up, bringing Jaylin with him. She blinked. “Are you okay?”

  “Shh. I’m fine. Now.”

  He kissed her lightly, tentatively, waiting to be consumed again.

  No spike.

  He increased the intensity of the kiss. Nothing. He cupped one breast, kneading the hard nipple. Still nothing. Even when Jaylin moaned into his mouth, he felt normal, in control. Why now and not a moment ago? What had caused the change?

  He tugged the tube top of her sundress down, freeing her breasts, then ran the back of his knuckles over one nipple, loving the way she shivered in response. So he did it again.

  She whimpered and arched toward him. He knew what she wanted, his mouth on her, but he wouldn’t give in—yet.

  Feathering his fingers over the curvature of one breast, he leaned forward and heard the catching in her breath, felt the tensing of her body and smiled. He lightly blew.

  Jaylin groaned. “Aidan.”

  Tormenting her was a massive turn-on. He flicked his tongue out, wetting the tip, then blew again.

  He slid his hand down her belly to cup between her legs. The heat from her center warmed his palm through her panties as he rubbed against her. Jaylin widened her legs, the hem of her skirt pooling at her waist as he increased the pressure of his hand.

  Now this felt good. No fight. Just him, Jaylin, and all the touching he wanted.

  Jaylin moaned, her head moving back and forth. Frustration boiled off her. She moved her hips against his hand. “Stop…teasing me. Please. Touch me. Really touch me.”

  Aidan hooked his fingers in her panties and tugged them down her legs, where Jaylin shimmied out one foot and sent the underwear flying across the deck with a flick of her other leg.

  He again cupped her, not giving her everything she wanted. Just the pressure. Her small hands clenched and she shot up. “I can’t take it,” she said, and shoved him back. He allowed her to, but the moment she straddled his hips and tore open his shirt, the beast roared forward again.

  The top of his shoulders burned. The need for her to go down on him was suffocating. He wanted so badly for her to kiss down his chest, take his cock from his shorts, and put those plump lips around him. Too watch her head bob with each mouthy stroke and right before he came mount him and slide him home.

  Then make her mark on him.

  As her head dipped to kiss his chest, he found himself gently urging her down with light pushes to her shoulders. And she was cooperating. Between his pecs, down his abs, over his navel.

  His cock tightened, painfully. The beast paced inside. The skin of his shoulders scorched.

  Should he stop her? She wasn’t going to do what his body craved.

  It would be a blow job. Nothing more.

  Should he allow her to continue? Maybe letting her would ease the need, teach him to deal with it. Because he wanted—no, needed—her mouth on him. Before he could make a decision, she had his cock out, those lips parted and poised above the head.

  When her tongue snaked out to lick the tip, he jerked. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before she closed her lips around him.

  Aidan groaned, his hips thrusting forward as his hand tangled in her hair. His insides coiled tight, not from pending release, but from anticipation. His shoulders burned hotter, he fisted his other hand in the cushion. Each wet lap of her tongue and squeeze of her mouth pushed him closer to his release. When his balls tightened, he gasped sharply. Now.

  He needed to be embedded deep inside her.

  He grabbed her unde
r the arms and yanked her up his chest. Latching his hands on to her hips, he thrust up at the same moment he shoved her down. Her mouth rounded on an “oh” as he filled her. Before she had time to think, to worry, he pounded up. Her eyes closed on a groan, as the shock left her face replaced by pure bliss. She pushed her body up, hands braced on his stomach. The slapping of their skin melded in the air with Jaylin’s gasping breath.

  The way her breasts bounced with each forceful thrust pushed him over the edge. He roared his orgasm, pouring himself deep inside her. The heat in his body intensified, sending scorching fire to his extremities. His shoulders flared white-hot and he had to bite his tongue to keep from screaming the command to mark. He couldn’t let her know what had happened.

  As the orgasm eased, his beast gnashed his teeth in rage. A howl sounded deep within his chest before the effects of the Drall hit him full force, blinding him to any common sense.

  Take. Mine. Now.

  He flipped her onto her back. Headed south immediately, he was aware of one thing, and one thing only.

  He’d come inside her, but she hadn’t found release. He could do it now.

  She would be his.


  He thrust her knees wide, not looking at her, knowing his beast blazed in his eyes. The creamy white skin of the inside of her thigh begged for his bite. He buried his head between her legs, desperate to bring her to orgasm as the sweet juices of her lust filled his mouth.

  She was putty in his hands. Meeting the flicks of his tongue with the gyration of her hips, she pulled at his hair, her pleas making him frenzied.

  She allowed him anything, no hesitation. She was so far gone she had no clue what power he held at this moment. How he was about to change everything.

  Her clit swelled against his lips as her orgasm started, body tensing. He pulled away from her and turned to the exposed skin of her inner thigh, opening his mouth wide as he listened to her come apart. He could already feel the sensation of her flesh between his teeth. Wanted nothing more.


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