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Fleet Academy

Page 21

by M. Scott Cottrell

  “I wish it was only two or three.”

  “No shit? More than that? How many?”

  “I’d tell you, but you’d never believe me.”

  “Sure I would, try me.”

  “Ok. I think it was five different women yesterday wanting a piece of me. They either want to show off or try to get something started.”

  “God you are a lucky dog. I haven’t been able to get one or two a day.”

  “If I could I’d switch with you.” Matt said

  “Can I join you two?” A familiar British accent asked.

  “Sure Jenny. Have a seat.” Matt said sliding a chair back for her. “Jenny, this is Ensign Kevin Ridel, Kevin this is Lieutenant Jenny Sloan.”

  “Good to meet you Ensign” she said politely.

  “Same here, ma’am.” Kevin said nicely.

  “Well you two were having a pretty animated conversation when I came up, care to include me in?” Jenny asked.

  “I’m not sure I should.” Matt said.

  “Ohhhh a dirty conversation… All the better.” She said, her eyes twinkling brightly as she looked at Matt.

  “Well I’ll be damned.” Kevin said.

  “What is that Ensign?” She asked.

  “Nothing ma’am.” He said

  “Now don’t make me pull rank on you. Let’s have it.”

  “Matt was telling me that he seems to have women falling all over him for some reason and I didn’t really believe him.”

  “Oh I see. And you need some proof to believe that?”

  “Well ma’am, it did seem like a pretty tall tale.” Kevin said.

  Jenny looked right at him. “Did he tell you about my tattoo?”

  “Nope.” Kevin said.

  “Tell him about my tattoo Matt.” She said.

  Matt looked at her and then shrugged. “She has a tiny red heart tattoo on her left breast right over the nipple.” He said.

  “No. Honest?”

  Jenny looked around the room to see who was watching, and then unzipped her jump suit down to her navel. And pulled the material apart far enough to display the small heart, along with a bit more of her breast than was required. “See.” she said as she put herself back together. “He did know.”

  “Well, I’ll be.” Kevin said. “How did he get to be so lucky?”

  “Well, let’s just say that he came up on the radar and when women talk…well women talk.” She said with a giggle. “Besides, I’m his roommate now.”

  “No shit?” Kevin said incredulously

  “Honest truth Ensign.”

  “My gawd. It’s true then?”

  “Would a Lieutenant lie to you Ensign?”

  “No ma’am.” Kevin said.

  “Good.” Then turning to Matt she said. “I was kind of hoping you might take me down to the zero g gym later. I understand the Captain had all the cameras taken out of them.”

  “Um… Sure!” Matt said startled.

  “Good. Meet me there at 2000… Nurses orders!” She said with a twinkle in her eye.

  “Yes ma’am.” Matt replied jokingly.

  “Well, I gotta go.” Kevin said. “I’ll leave you two love birds alone.”

  “Well thank you, Ensign. I hope that some nice girl finds you available soon. It looks like you need it.” She said.

  Kevin looked down to where she was looking, seeing the bulge in his jump suit.

  “Yes ma’am.” He said turning red. “Thank you, ma’am.” He said before hurrying away.

  “Your friend was a bit turned on.” She said with a giggle.

  “Well, maybe having half your breasts hanging out of your jump suit had some effect.” Matt said with a grin.

  “Oh, did it have some effect on you?” She asked, unzipping her top a little farther and opening it so he could see a good portion of her bare breasts. She held it open as long as she could, and then closed it again. “Oh hell. Why wait for later.” She said standing up. “Let’s go now.” She said pulling him out of his seat by the hand. She led him down several decks and to the zero g gym. They walked down the line of rooms and found one not in use. She led him into the gravity lock and pulled him close as the door slid shut. She began kissing him gently on the lips, which Matt returned eagerly. He had wanted to kiss her ever since she helped him shower in the infirmary, what seemed like a year ago now.

  The intensity of their kisses increased as the emotions welled up in each of them, hearts pounding as the flow of hormones spread through their bodies. Their lips played and teased, each of them sucking and licking the others lips and tongue in a long slow sensual game. After what seemed like an hour, she broke the kiss long enough to hit the controls on the wall, allowing the gravity to bleed down while they went back to kissing each other. Almost in unison they pulled their faces away from each other, passion clearly outlined in each other’s faces, her eyes smoldering with passion. Matt held her close while he pushed them off the wall and into the large gym bay. The two of them gently spiraled across the bay, touching and stroking each other in gentle sensuous touches. Time seemed to stand still for Matt as they slowly worked each other’s clothes off, allowing their jumpsuits to float off as if they had a life of their own, their owners kissing exposed body parts in a variety of positions and ways not possible in gravity. They floated and tumbled slowly across the bay, taking turns pushing away from the walls as they floated and rotated slowly. Eventually they ended up nose to nose again, holding each other close, nothing separating them as they felt each other’s hot sweaty skin pressed together, their lips again teasing and sucking each other. “Make love to me,” she whispered.

  “It would be my delight and pleasure,” he whispered back, moving his mouth to hers once again kissing her tenderly as she moved her legs around his waist, letting her body move to accept him.

  Matt and Jenny headed for their cabin hand in hand after a good hour workout in the zero g gym. They would have stayed longer, but there were others who wished to use it and, well, they needed a shower anyway. As it was, they did overlap with one other couple that just couldn’t wait any longer, coming in and quickly stripping while Matt and Jenny dressed.

  “That was so hot watching that other couple.” Jenny said as they walked down the corridor to their cabin.

  “It was pretty hot watching her tits bouncing around like that.” Matt agreed. “I could tell you were enjoying it too.”

  “What’s wrong? You don’t like my breasts anymore?” she said with mock hurt in her voice as she unzipped her jumpsuit and pulled it open to expose her own breasts. “See? They look good don’t they?”

  “I think they are very sexy,” Matt said with a smile, reaching for them as she backed away.

  “Not as sexy as hers though?”

  “I didn’t say that!”

  They stopped at the door of their quarters, while she opened the door. She stepped inside and pushed the jumpsuit the rest of the way open and off her shoulders, letting it fall to the deck. “Doesn’t my body look sexy enough?” She said with a pout.

  “I have to say you definitely are.”

  “Well then.” She said reaching out into the corridor and grasping his arm. “Get in here and get those clothes off!” She finished as she pulled him inside. She unzipped his jump suit and pushed it off, dragging him out of it as she pulled him backwards toward the head. With a giggle she pulled him with her as she backed into the tiny shower tube, sliding the door closed on them, their bodies pressed together snugly inside the tiny space. “Now this is the way to take a shower,” she whispered in his ear as she hit the water control.

  Matt was awakened by a kiss, long and slow and gentle. “Hey sleepy head, it’s time to get up.” A gentle female voice whispered. Even in his still sleepy state he recognized the British accent and smiled. “Come on sleepy… it’s time to get up.”

  “Must we?” He murmured quietly, pulling her back down on top of him.

  “Yes, come on let’s go get showered, I have to be on duty in less tha
n an hour.”

  “Ok. Let’s go.” Matt answered, stifling a yawn.

  She rolled out of the bunk and helped him up and led him to the head, kissing him gently as he took her into his arms. They moved almost as one into the shower tube, never breaking the kiss. She felt for the water control and pressed it, dousing them with warm mist for the second time in only a few hours. She finally broke the kiss and they gently washed each other, allowing him time to wash and rinse her long red hair. Anyone watching would have called their touches loving and tender. The raw sexual desire of the night before was gone, replaced by a gentle loving touch. They stepped from the tube and dried each other off, making sure to get every place. Jenny giggled as he dried a few ticklish spots and leaned down to tenderly kiss each breast before declaring the task done.

  “Come on you kissing gourami, let’s go get dressed.” She giggled, opening the cubicle door. The lights in the cabin were on when they stepped out and Matt was showered with wolf whistles.

  “OK you two knock it off,” Jenny snapped!

  “Aw Jen!” Suzi whined from the top bunk. “You’re a spoil sport. He’s a looker!”

  “You can’t have him Suz. This one is all mine.” Patti warned from her bunk.

  “Both of you knock it off. Matt’s all mine and you can keep your hands off.”

  “Awww Jen, Why do you get the hot one? Here we get a built in stud and you have to steal him away!” Pats said with a giggle.

  “Come on Matt, we need to get dressed,” Jenny said as she went over to her locker and got out a fresh pair of panties, matching lace bra and jumpsuit.

  “That’s ok.” Lieutenant Sinclair said. “He’s still a good looker and the longer I can look the better.” She said with a giggle.

  “Just like you Pats. Looking without giving him a look back.” Jenny said to her as she tossed her clothes on the bed to start dressing.

  “That’s not fair!” Lieutenant Sinclair said. “Sometimes I let them get a look.”

  “Yeah, like now?” Lieutenant Wong chided her. “You won’t even get naked in front of your room mate!”

  “Fine, just for that I will.” Sinclair said as she tossed the covers off and swung her legs over the side of the bunk. Matt was standing next to the lockers at the head of the bunk digging out a fresh set of clothes. She was a short woman with breasts the size of small melons contained inside a heavy duty bra. She unsnapped the bra and tossed it at Matt, letting her tits swing free as she hooked her fingers in the waist of her panties and worked them down, wiggling her butt and rocking back and forth to work them over her round hips and down her legs. She pushed them down her past her knees and kicked them through the air, landing them on Matt’s head. Now that she was completely naked she slid to the edge of the bunk and dropped to the deck.

  “There you go stud. Take all the look you want.” She said as she walked by, headed toward the head.

  Matt whistled. “I have to admit, that’s a pretty nice package.”

  “You think so?” Jenny asked, as she stepped behind him and wrapped her arms round him, one across his chest and one considerably lower. She leaned her head close to his and blew gently in his ear and then whispered. “You want some of that?”

  “I have to admit it looks pretty inviting, but I’m pretty happy with what I got standing behind me.”

  “Mmmmmm getting sentimental?”

  “Definitely.” Matt said, turning in her arms to kiss her on the cheek.

  “Well, I feel the same way, but I hate to deprive my roommates of their fair share.”

  “Are you telling me to pounce on your roommates?”

  “No. I’m telling you that I don’t own you, so you’re free to pounce whomever you want.”

  “But what if I don’t want to pounce anyone else?”

  “Ohhhhhh you are getting stuck on me.” She whispered back. “But if you don’t do something with her after she showed you all that I don’t know if she’d let you back into the room again.”

  “Well, we’ll just have to take that risk.” Matt said as he pulled her close and kissed her a long gentle kiss, which she eagerly returned. “That is if you don’t mind.” He finished when they broke the kiss.

  “As long as you keep kissing like that, I don’t mind anything you do.” She said breathlessly

  “You’re going to be late now.” Matt said as he walked quickly down the passage toward the infirmary with his arm around Jenny.

  “Yeah, but it was worth it. It’s not every day your guy gives you everything you ever wanted.”

  “Did I do that?”

  “Much to the disappointment of our roommates… yes, you gave me exactly what I wanted and needed.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed my attention, but Lieutenant Wong was disappointed. I think she wanted what you were getting. I could see her hands were pretty busy under the blankets.”

  “I heard.” She said with a giggle. “She thought she was being quiet, but she was moaning almost as loud as Pats.”

  “Well, here we are. I’ll try to see you for lunch?”

  “Is that a request for a date?”

  “Take it how you like.” Matt said.

  “In that case, I would be pleased to have lunch with you kind sir.” She said. She leaned close to him and whispered, “then we can sneak back to our quarters and you can screw my lights out.” Her coarse words a sharp contrast to her cultured Queens English accent. She gave him a soft quick kiss on the cheek before she turned and disappeared into the infirmary.

  Matt continued on down to the armory office, whistling contently as he walked.

  “Sounds like you’re stuck on someone,” the duty nurse said as Jenny signed in.

  “Too soon to tell, but I have to say… this feels different.” Jenny said.

  “Oh. Now that sounds serious.”

  “Not yet. But we’ll see after we get back to normal.” She said with a bright twinkle in her eyes.

  “Honey, you’re in love, you just don’t know it yet.” The duty nurse said with a chuckle.

  Matt walked into the armory. “Well, it’s about time!” Trina said, leaning against the door frame.

  “Sorry. .” Matt said with a smile. “Anything I have to know about?”

  “Nope, all quiet. I’m headed for engineering to check on my parts.”

  “Ok,” Matt said, heading for the desk.

  “What’s got into you? You haven’t stopped smiling since you walked in.”

  “Nothing,” Matt replied with a shrug.

  “You got a girl!” She said with a squeak. “Tell me, who is it?”

  “Who is who?”

  “The girl that has your heart tied around her little finger.”

  “No one special,” he said as he tried to hide his grin from her.

  “I don’t believe that for a second. Who did you spend the night with?”

  “Me? I just spent the night in my quarters.” Matt said honestly, trying hard to keep his face businesslike.

  “Come on… tell me!”

  “Well, I did happen to meet a young lady, and it’s just chance that we’re in the same quarters.”


  “Lieutenant Sloan, the tall beautiful nurse with the British accent, if you really have to know.”

  “OHHHH I know who you mean. How does she feel?”

  “I don’t know for sure, why?”

  “Well tell me about last night.”

  “There’s not much to say. We went to one of the zero g gyms after dinner for a workout and ended up spending the night in bed together.”

  “Uh huh, and this morning?”

  “Not much. We had a shower and then we kind of got involved again.”

  “So that’s why you’re late!”

  “Yeah. I walked her to the infirmary on the way down here.”

  “Boy are you in trouble.”

  “How so?”

  “Last night and this morning, and that look on your face? I haven’t seen you this happy since… ev

  “I don’t know. I think it’s just the hormone thing working on her.”

  “How long did the shower take?”

  “I don’t know, fifteen minutes or so.”


  “Uh huh.”

  “Have sex in the shower?”


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