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Now Maybe

Page 4

by Sharon Coady

  He went home and plopped down on his couch. Shit, he wanted to stay and have sex with her, but he wasn’t a complete dick. That was the one of the many promises he’d made to himself. He would not take advantage of anyone who was drunk. When he had sex, it had to be mutual and not one-sided. Nope, he didn’t want some woman coming after him, claiming he’d forced himself on her.

  Liam turned on the TV and flipped through the channels, looking for something to watch. His mind kept drifting back to Sophie and the way her body fit against his. Shit, he ran his hand through his hair. He let his head drop back onto the sofa and groaned. It was going to be a long few weeks.

  Chapter Four


  Sophie woke up sometime later to Chelsea turning on the light.

  “Sorry. I thought you’d be sound asleep, and it wouldn’t wake you.”

  “It’s okay.” Sophie tried to roll over. What the heck? Reaching behind her, she pushed the pillow off the bed. How did I get here? “Chelsea, how the hell did I get home and in bed? I don’t remember much after Liam took me for a walk on the pier.”

  “He brought you home. He called his friend Daniel, and we gave him the address.” She frowned. “Where is he?”

  “I don’t know.” She moaned and flung her arm over her eyes. “I couldn’t even get a drunk one-night stand?” The only person who had a small idea of how hard this was for her was Chelsea. She’d been there when Sophie couldn’t turn to anyone else.

  “I think that’s great. He must be a real gentleman to get you home, put you to bed, and leave.”

  She wanted to get to know Liam more. He intrigued her like no one had in a long time. Turning on her side, she sighed.

  “He’s not Nathan,” Chelsea said softly. “Not all men join the military and get themselves missing. Plus, this is just a summer thing, Sophie. Not a forever thing.” She clicked the bedside lamp on, turned the over-head off, and sat down on the bed. “It might be the best thing for you.”

  Sophie sat up as the guilt of her secret slammed her hard. “I want to try. I just don’t know if I can.” She looked up at Chelsea. “Do I have it in me to try this?” She noticed a paper sitting under her keys. It had his name and phone number on it. Her heart skipped. She’d text him in a few minutes to thank him for getting her home safe.

  “You do. We can stay together and just go to public places. You know, the beach and stuff. That way, we’re safe and things can’t get out of hand.” Chelsea followed her eyes. “Oh, he left his name and number?”

  “Yeah.” She looked up. “I’ll try. Did you see anyone in there that caught your eye?” She wanted to change the subject as quickly as she could.

  “Yes, I did.” Chelsea’s dimples showed from the wide grin that spread over her face. “The guitar player was too cute.”

  “Look at us. Checking out the band.”

  “Right?” They started laughing. “Shh.” Cocking her head, Chelsea raised her finger to her lips. “Did you hear that?”

  Sophie turned her head, listened, and heard the front door click closed. She nodded as she climbed out of bed. “Guess the girls are home. Let’s go see how their night went.” She opened the door and stumbled right into the doorman from the club.

  “Whoa there.” He grabbed her arms and steadied her before she fell.

  “Thank you,” Sophie stammered, shrugging him off. “I’m so sorry. Where are Tarin and Bailee?” She tried to peer around him.

  “In the living room. We walked them home and I had to use the head. It’s there, correct?”

  When he pointed at the correct door, she nodded and backed up into the room to grab a robe.

  Leaning against the doorway, she deflated. “Good lord, he saw me in my nightie.” She could feel the heat of a blush spread over her. “I didn’t know we were bringing men home the first night.”

  “Did he say ‘we’ walked them home?” Chelsea slipped her robe on and pulled it tightly around her, cinching it.

  “Yep, he did.” Sophie tugged the door back open and stuck her head out to make sure she wouldn’t run into another man walking in the hallway. “The coast is clear.” She giggled and stepped into the hallway with Chelsea right behind her. They hurried into the living room to find their friends standing beside a handsome man with a crew cut and tattoos on both arms.

  “Hey ladies.” Bailee waved, a big grin on her face as she leaned a bit closer to the man.

  Sophie waved as Chelsea stepped beside her, taking him in from the tip of his toes to his head.

  Tarin smirked. “This is Troy. Troy, this is Sophie and Chelsea.” She motioned to Sophie and Chelsea.

  He stepped forward and extended his hand. “Nice to meet you.” He shook Chelsea’s hand then Sophie’s. “Sorry if we woke you. Brice and I wanted to make sure these two got home okay.”

  “You didn’t wake us.” Chelsea yawned and walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water out of the fridge. “Anyone want a water?”

  “I’m good,” Troy said. “We need to get going so you ladies can get some sleep. We’re going to meet up with all of you at the beach tomorrow.”

  Sophie nodded and glanced at Bailee. She winked and slid her hand into his. “Yes, you are. I think we decided around three, right?”

  “Yes ma’am. I can’t wait. Remember to go to Fourth Street near the New Time Deli, walk out toward the lifeguard tower, and make a left. You’ll see us hanging out there. It’s closest to the water in that area. Plus, no driving on the beach in that spot.”

  “Oh, I thought everyone drove on the beach here.” Sophie glanced his way, surprised to hear what he’d said.

  “Nope, there are some areas that are closed to vehicles. We prefer those.” He shook his head. “Some assholes can’t drive and it’s best not to be on the beach walking around when they’re out there.”

  Sophie shrugged then jumped when Brice walked up behind her and cleared his throat. Her hand flew to her chest, and a little yelp flew out of her mouth before she could stop it.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you. Damn, almost knocked you over and now I scare you again. I’m really sorry.” He held out his hand to shake hers. “I’m Brice.”

  “Sophie. It wasn’t your fault I ran into you rushing out the door.” She put her best smile on her face. “And I didn’t even hear you coming.”

  He laughed. “Yeah, I’m pretty stealthy for a big dude.” He reached for Tarin’s hand and tugged her to him. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” When she nodded, he placed a kiss on her forehead. “Good.” He glanced at Troy. “Ready?”

  “Yep. See you ladies tomorrow.”

  As soon as Tarin shut the door, she spun, leaned against it, and sighed. “He is such a freaking gentleman.”

  Bailee giggled. “Yeah, they both are. I can’t wait to meet up with them tomorrow and see how long they can keep up the act.” She sat down on the sofa, fluffed her hair, and looked at Sophie. “By the way. I saw you leave with that singer. Spill.”

  “Seriously?” Sophie felt her heart racing. “I guess he walked me home and helped me to bed then left...”

  Chelsea took Sophie’s hand. “Talk to him tomorrow. It’s time for you to get out there again.”

  “I know. I’ll try. I promise.” Her insides were shaking, but she’d promised to do this with her friends. They’d been sticking by her since it happened, being patient and there for her. She felt she owed it to them as well as herself to get back on her feet. “Okay, I’ll go and I promise to try to talk to Liam.”

  All three of them hugged her at the same time. “I’m so happy.” Chelsea smiled. “It’s about time,” she whispered. “Now, we better get some sleep. Today is going to be very long day if we don’t.”

  As Sophie climbed into bed, her heart thumped as if it wanted to gallop out of her chest. Today she was going to make her move on a guy that made her feel things she had never felt before. Could she really do this? Yeah, damn it, I can. She picked up her phone and sent him a message. Thanks for getting me home
safe and for being such a gentleman. I’m looking forward to tomorrow.

  “SOPHIE, WAKE UP.” CHELSEA stood over her smiling. “You need to get up, it’s almost ten. Tarin has breakfast made and it smells so good.”

  She blinked, trying to get her bearings. “Okay, I’m up.” She stood and stretched, a huge yawn making her eyes water. She honestly didn’t know if she could eat breakfast. Her stomach felt as if it were full of slugs slithering around and around each other. She gagged at the mental image she’d created for herself. How am I going to get through this day? One step at a time, that’s how. She pulled on her robe after finishing in the bathroom and made her way to the kitchen.

  “Morning.” Sophie took the cup of coffee Chelsea handed her and smiled as best as she could. “Thanks.” She plopped down and forced herself to look at the plate of food Tarin set down in front of her. Picking up her fork, she half listened to the chatter of her friends as they planned out the day leading up to meeting the guys at the beach. She nodded and threw in a few words here and there, as she ate what really turned out to be a delicious meal.

  Finally making it through breakfast, they decided to shower, dress, and head down to the boardwalk to check out the stores since they had a few hours to kill before meeting the men. Sophie found, despite her trepidation, that she was actually getting excited about meeting up with Liam. It seemed he was a decent guy and not some jerk. Although, she prayed she hadn’t done anything embarrassing when he brought her home last night. Nathan had been wonderful and seemed perfect too. She pulled herself out of the memory before it got out of control. Not today. Please. Not today. Picking up her phone, she saw Liam had texted her back. You’re welcome, Sophie. Looking forward to seeing you today too.

  Once they were ready, they headed back to the boardwalk. Daytona was nothing like any beach they’d been to before. Every summer, the four of them picked a beach on the East Coast to spend their summer vacation, each year going just a bit farther away from Maryland. Maybe being so far from home was why this year they all felt safe enough to take chances and do things they’d never done before. After all, what was the chance someone they knew would be anywhere around. Sophie glanced around at the people taking in the sights and sounds and shook her head. “I couldn’t live here year round, but I’m definitely good with vacationing here,” she said softly to Chelsea. “I really needed this.”

  “Look,” Bailee yelled. “Hats. Can we please go in?” She grabbed Chelsea’s hand, pulling her toward the entrance. “You guys know I love them.”

  Chelsea glanced over her shoulder at Tarin and Sophie, eyes wide as she mouthed “Oh no.” They couldn’t help but bust out laughing. Bailee had more hats than the shop they were entering. Sophie had never seen anyone so engrossed with them before.

  “I swear girl, you are going to have to buy a bigger place just for your hats,” Chelsea blurted.

  Tarin shook her head as Bailee turned around, already trying on a big, floppy one.

  “I don’t have that many.” She spotted a wide brimmed tan hat with a large blue bow. “Look at that one.”

  Just like that, they lost her. They knew it was going to be at least an hour as she tried them on, trying to narrow them down to just a few. Sophie decided she might as well look at a few also. It couldn’t hurt to have one to shade her eyes while they were on the beach. She found a really cute one with a wide pink and white polka dot tie that would go perfect with her new bikini. Finding a mirror, she tried it on. Doesn’t look too bad. She strode to the front and paid for it then walked outside to people watch while the other three shopped.

  Tarin came out first with a cute hat she’d found. “I figured it couldn’t hurt.” She shrugged. Sophie held up hers. Tarin smiled. “I’ve never known anyone to have that many of anything. And she doesn’t think she has an issue.” Both girls shook their heads.

  “I’m glad we’re doing this,” Tarin said quietly. “I don’t know how many more summers we’ll be able to get together.”

  “Don’t say that. I love the four of us getting together for the summer. I look forward to it.” Sophie sighed. She knew in her heart Tarin was right, but her mind wouldn’t accept it.

  “I do too. But come on, Sophie, we’re going to start getting married and having families pretty soon. We can’t think we’ll be able to keep doing this.”

  “Friends sometimes still get together with their families too.” She stuck her bottom lip out. “It’s not unheard of.”

  “I know it’s not,” Tarin quietly replied, looking back at the shop.

  “It’s just that I love you guys, and we’ve been doing it for so long. I’m not ready to give it up.”

  “Me either. I hope even when we’re old and gray, we rent a cottage somewhere and bring our husbands, kids, and grandkids with us. Wouldn’t that be something?” Tarin smiled, her eyes sparkling.

  “Yeah, it really would.” Sophie’s mind went right to images of them sitting on a front porch watching grandkids play in the green grass, running and laughing. She gave Tarin’s hand a squeeze. “It sounds like a nice thing to strive for.”

  “I’m going to go see if I can hurry them up. It’s already almost two.” Tarin wove her way back into the shop.

  Sophie started people watching again when suddenly she saw him a few shops down. He was just as hot as he looked the night before, but now there was more of him showing. He had on board shorts and a sleeveless tank top that hugged his tight abs. She was surprised to see his right arm was tattooed down to his wrist. When he turned to speak to the man with him, she could see the tattoo carried over onto his upper back. She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. Oh shit, he’s so freaking hot. Just then, he turned around and his eyes caught hers. Sucking in a breath, she froze in place. Why’d he have to see me? A smile spread over his lips as he waved.

  “Let’s go.” Chelsea grabbed Sophie’s arm, breaking the trance she was in. “We can hit another shop before we head down to the beach.”

  Glancing once over her shoulder, she saw him still watching her. Sophie waved back before she hurried to catch up with the girls. A smile spread over her lips, knowing he was interested in her too. “I just saw Liam back there.”

  Bailee spun to face her. “Why didn’t you say anything? You should have gone and talked to him. Do you want to go back?”

  “No. Isn’t he meeting us at the beach with Brice and Troy?”

  Chelsea nodded.

  “Then I can talk to him later,” she whispered, feeling the darn knot in her stomach again.

  Tarin shook her head. “You’re never going to take the bull by the horn, are you?”

  “Give her a break, Tarin,” Chelsea said. “You know what she’s been through.”

  “I do. But when you fall off a bike, you get right back on, correct? Why the hell is a relationship any different?” she asked calmly.

  “Can we talk about something different?” Sophie pleaded.

  “You’re love life is apparently a hot topic,” Chelsea replied.

  “I know. Can we please not bring it up?” Sophie felt like a damaged piece of porcelain that had been glued together and handled with care so it wasn’t shattered again.

  “Come on, let’s go find something to drink,” Chelsea said. Chelsea was always the one to protect her when everyone else got tired of her being the fragile one. She couldn’t wait until they met up with the guys, and they would all see she was on her way to healing for real. Now, if she could only convince herself.

  Chapter Five


  Daniel and Liam were making their way along Main Street before going to the beach, when he saw Sophie at the hat store with her friends. She was even more beautiful in the daylight. He couldn’t take his eyes off her as she laughed, showing her friend a big floppy sun hat. She smiled when she glanced up and saw him watching her. Liam waved, and was ready to walk across the street to speak to her, when her other friends came flying out of the hat store and hurried off down the street. He felt his br
avery dissolve into a big puddle at his feet. Shit.

  “Hey, wasn’t that the girls from the club last night?” Daniel looked past a guy standing between them and the girls.

  “Yeah.” He still remembered how sweet her voice was and how good she felt in his arms. “Sophie waved at me.” He glanced at Daniel. “I took her home last night, tucked her in, and left.”

  Daniel slapped his shoulder. “Nice. This will do you good. So...” A big goofy grin crossed his lips. “There are four of them and four of us, counting Brice, right?”

  “Yeah. Tarin is attached to Brice and I am staking a claim on Sophie. The other two may be fair game.”

  “Troy walked the other one home last night. I walked the little blonde back to the cottage. She didn’t invite me in.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Man, I thought she was sexy. Guess I’ll see if she is interested in me.”

  “Sure.” Liam looked one more time in the direction they had walked, sighed, and looked at him. “Let’s go grab something to eat before we head down to the beach.” He cocked his head to indicate the sandwich shop on the corner. It was quick but good, even though it didn’t look like much from the outside. The locals loved it. They made their way into the shop and were greeted my Leonard, the owner’s son.

  “Boys, how are you today? Are you having your usual?” Leonard chuckled, placing the butcher paper on the counter and topping it with the fresh, homemade bread before he opened the cooler in front of him and took out the meats to make their lunch.

  “I’m fine and yes, I’ll have the usual. What have you been up to?” Liam raised his head, watching him. Leonard’s upbeat personality was almost as big a plus as the big sandwiches he made and never ceased to make Liam smile.


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