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Desire Part Two (The Desire Series Book 2)

Page 5

by Ava Alexia


  “Mmm,” he murmured.

  “That was wonderful. You were fabulous,” she whispered.

  “We’re pretty good together, aren’t we?” he smiled.

  “Who woulda thunk it?” she teased.

  “I would. I knew sex would be electric between us,” he grinned. “I just didn’t know we would light up the New York skyline.”

  “Well, the skyline was in need of additional illumination. It was looking a bit dull,” she joked.

  “And it was our civic duty to do our part?” he asked in mirth.

  “Absolutely. We are dedicated New Yorkers,” she giggled.

  He turned her on her back and loomed over her. The moonlight lit splashed on her face and he could see her features clearly. Her green eyes were sparkling and her face was flushed with joy. She looked radiantly satisfied and content. He realized he wanted to see that gratified expression on her face at all times. And there was no other man better equipped to accomplish that feat but him.

  “No regrets?” he asked.

  She shook her head negatively.

  “None. I wanted this and I’m not sorry that it happened,” she said seriously. “I have no expectations as to where this will go. And I’m not expecting any declarations from you. Let’s just accept it for what it is and enjoy it.”

  “No strings?” he pressed.

  “No strings,” she confirmed.

  Whit wasn’t altogether sure that he liked that arrangement. But he couldn’t object for that was precisely what he’d had in mind when he first met her. No commitments relationships were the only involvements he ever dealt in. He’d never developed any real feelings for the women he slept with and they did not hope for anything more than a good time. He should have been grateful that Maddie was fine with that same understanding. However, the idea didn’t sit well and he wasn’t sure why. But he couldn’t very well object to it so he agreed.

  “I think we have an understanding; for now anyway,” he murmured.

  “For now?” Maddie was confused. She didn’t know what he meant.

  Whit didn’t answer. Instead he began rubbing his cock against her womanhood. She gasped at the intimacy.

  “Let’s cause a city power outage this time,” he whispered.

  He moved down her body and spread her legs. When he tongued her clitoris and she forgot all thoughts of their previous conversation. She became consumed in the roaring fire that was blazing throughout her body. The only thing she could think about was satisfying her aching need.

  Chapter 4

  “I can’t believe you’re going to Aruba. How romantic,” Jaime exclaimed.

  Maddie was talking to Jaime on Face 2 Face. She could see Jaime’s exuberant visage as she spoke to her.

  “I’m not going to Aruba with a hot guy. I’m going there to work,” Maddie said.

  “But you won’t be working every minute of the day. Your evenings will be free and I hear the Caribbean man is quite handsome and sexy,” Jaime retorted. “And don’t forget, you did catch the bouquet.”

  “Which is not going to bring Mister Fabulous to me. That toss was wasted on me. Someone else should have caught it,” Maddie said.

  “But someone else didn’t…you did. Try to have a little faith, Maddie. Your white knight is just around the corner,” Jaime said confidently.

  Maddie sighed.

  “You are incorrigible. A hopeless romantic,” Maddie said wearily.

  “Maybe. But I consider that a good thing. Tell me, how are things going with you and our new boss? Jules’ information about him was sketchy at best,” Jaime asked.

  Maddie strove to keep her expression blank. She did not want Jaime getting any ideas.

  “He’s okay. Very demanding of perfection. He kicked me out of my office the first day he arrived. I’m in a cubicle now,” Maddie said.

  “What! How rude and arrogant,” Jaime huffed.

  Maddie didn’t tell Jaime that Whit had remolded that cubicle that’s now fit for a princess. She would rather Jaime dislike Whit than envisioning romantic interludes between the two of them. She would correct Jaime’s thinking after she knew what was really happening between her and Whit.

  “Well, he’s assigned the Edelston project to me and sending me to Aruba, so I can’t say he’s all bad,” Maddie said philosophically.

  “I guess. It’s the least he could do after his boorish behavior,” Jaime retorted. “I plan to come see you after we leave Greece. We’ll have a great time.”

  “Really? That would be fabulous. The two of us will get into all kinds of trouble,” Maddie exclaimed.

  “Just like we always do,” Jaime laughed. “Listen, I got to go. But I’ll see you soon.”

  “Alright. Love you,” Maddie said as she threw her a kiss.

  Jaime returned the gesture.

  “Love you too,” Jaime replied.

  Then she was gone. Maddie signed off and closed her laptop. She sat thoughtfully on her sofa and thought about Whit. She hadn’t wanted to get into an explanation about her relationship with Whit with Jaime. Not that Jaime would judge her. Jaime had entered into a sex only relationship with Jules; and it had turned out pretty good. She was now married to the man. But she didn’t know if she was hoping for the same conclusion with Whit. She had to admit that she enjoyed being with him and the sex was off the chain. She was practically insatiable when she was in his company. She had trouble keeping her hands off of him and he was the same way with her. They had even had sex in his office which was dangerous in the extreme. But the risk of getting caught was exhilarating and it only served to increased their need for one another. Their climax had been outstanding. Maddie smiled at the memory and looked forward to when she would see him tonight. They were planning to dine out but it was after dinner that she was most anticipating. She had the feeling the he shared those same raunchy sentiments. She stood and moved into her bedroom then crossed to her walk in closet. Upon entering she couldn’t help but remember her encounter with Whit here. She’d been in the closet doing the same thing that she was doing now; deciding what to wear. He’d had taken a shower and came to stand in the doorway dripping wet and nude. She’d sucked in her breath at the sight of his tall, masculine and muscular frame. Needless to say all thoughts of clothing went out the window. She’d run to him and he caught her and lifted her from the floor. She wrapped her legs about his waist and their sexual adventure had begun. That had been an exquisite encounter and she wasn’t ashamed to say that she wanted many more just like it. She turned her mind to the task at hand and selected a short, form fitting red dress. The dress was strapless and fitted her perfectly. He would be hard pressed to keep his hands off of her. This was just the reaction she was hoping for. She laid the dress out on her bed and then went into the bathroom the bathe. As she was coming out of her bath her phone rang. She wrapped a large fluffy towel around her as she ran to answer the insistent ring. She picked up her cell and saw it was Whit.

  “Hi, Whit. What’s up?”

  “Maddie, I have to cancel for tonight. Something has come up,” he said hurriedly.

  “Okay, but you sound upset. Is something wrong?” she asked in concern.

  “No. I just have to attend to something. It can’t be put off,” he said abruptly.

  “Alright. I hope it all works out,” she offered kindly.

  “I’ll see you later,” he said.

  He hung up leaving Maddie staring at her phone in bewilderment.


  “Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  Whit turned to face the beautiful blond woman languidly lounging on his tan leather chaise. Her long shapely legs were artfully posed as she held a delicate flute of champagne in her hand. She raised the glass slowly to her lips for a sip. Here dark brown eyes never left his tense face.

  “What do you want, Raquel?” Whit snapped.

  “Really darling, why so touchy? It’s not as though this hasn’t happened before. We always find our way
back to one another sooner or later,” Raquel purred.

  “I’m not in the market for a fling with you, Raquel. Things have changed,” he said unfeelingly.

  Raquel Fleming flinched inwardly. This was unexpected. She had not thought that he would reject her visit. They’ve had an understanding for years and she took it for granted that their arrangement still stood. But he seemed different. Distant. Distracted. Clearly unaffected and disinterested in her. Could it be that another woman had finally snagged his heart? If so, it was crucial that she send her packing. Raquel had plans for Whit that did not include another woman.

  “But I’m in the market for one with you,” she countered. Whit turned away from her in anger. “Come now, Whit. We’ve always dealt quite well together. Surely nothing so drastic had occurred to change that.”

  “Things do change, Raquel. It’s inevitable; nothing in life remains constant and our arrangement is one of those changes. It’s over between us,” he said starkly.

  Raquel laughed.

  “Surely you jest. I’ve only just arrived and we’ve yet to begin our fun,” she said airily. “It was a long and dreadful flight from London. Between the rain and turbulence, it was the worst flight I’ve ever been on. I can’t wait for some peace and your brand of relaxation.”

  Whit looked over his shoulder to see her sensuous smile. In the past he would have been more than ready to engage in a raunchy affair with her. Raquel was quite adept in pleasing him and there was never the fear of her wanting more from him. But looking at her now he felt no desire to bed her. The British beauty had lost her appeal. In fact, all he wanted to do was distance himself from her. There sexual play had run its course and it was time to move on.

  “Our time together has been quite enjoyable but alas it has come to an end. I hope we can part as friends,” he said in a measured tone.

  “An end? Why ever would you say that? Father will be so disappointed that things did not quite gel between us,” she sighed.

  “There was never any other expectation regarding our relationship. It was sex and nothing else,” Whit said bluntly.

  “How very course of you, Whit. I should be incensed with you. But I’ll chalk it up to your ill-humor for surprises,” she said blithely, her British accent distinct. “I know how much you detest them. And I tried to call and tell you that I was coming. But I couldn’t get a good connection.”

  Whit looked at her in total disbelief. Had she wanted to reach him she could have.

  “This isn’t nineteen-ten. There are no operators on switchboards using wires to connect a call. You didn’t try to call. Don’t lie and say you did,” Whit snapped.

  Raquel only shrugged, not bothering to refute his statement.

  “How’s Beltran doing? Last I heard it was a global success. Father will be so pleased,” Raquel said craftily.

  Whit seethed. There it was; the subtle threat. Do as I want or her father would call in the loan. A loan that he could ill-afford to pay at this moment. Howard Fleming had loaned him a substantial amount of money to purchase Beltran Industries; a telecommunications company that was near financial ruin. But Whit had seen the potential of the company given the right management. Howard had shared his vision and loaned him the money to purchase it. The company was making a comeback and beginning to turn a profit. But not to the extent that he could pay Howard back. He had made a few payments but still owed a sizable amount. Raquel knew this and was trying to capitalize on it. She was playing her trump card because she wanted something more than their casual alliance. She wanted marriage and she felt the heavy hand of her father could seal the deal. Well, that was never going to happen. Whit decided to force her to reveal her real objective.

  “Let’s not play games, Raquel. You could care less about Beltran other than how you can use it to your advantage,” he said curtly. “What is it that you want?”


  Whit had thought that was her angle but hearing it stated in a single word from her was startling. He looked at her closely and saw not one twitch of her foot or blink of an eye. Her bearing was cool and inflexible.

  “I am not available; not now or ever,” he returned.

  “Nothing is ever truly final. Deals can be canceled, minds can be changed,” she smoothly.

  “My mind is set and my answer irrevocable,” he said sternly.

  Raquel swung her long legs from the chaise and stood up gracefully. She seemed to glide to where he stood. She slid her forefinger down the front of his shirt and then attempted to unbutton one of the buttons. Whit grasped her hand tightly to halt her. She raised her dark brown eyes to his brilliant blue ones.

  “It’s over, Raquel,” Whit said.

  “It’s done when I say so,” she smiled. But the smile did not reach her cold dark eyes.

  She moved away from him and retrieved her clutch bag from the sofa. She then walked to the door and grasped the doorknob. She paused and looked over her shoulder at him.

  “See you soon,” she said softly as she blew him a kiss.

  Raquel left his apartment. Whit picked up a glass from the bar and threw it at the door. It crashed into a thousand pieces. He knew that Raquel was going to be a problem.


  Maddie arrived at the airport and walked briskly through the terminal. She was excited and could barely contain it. She had been bowled over when Tina had told her that she’d be flying on her personal jet to Aruba. Whit was treating her like royalty. She felt like Princess Kate and loved every minute of it. She arrived at the private gate and saw the blue and white jet through the window. She gasped at its gleaming sleek splendor. It sat majestically on the tarmac waiting patiently to rev it engines and take flight. Maddie found it hard to believe that she would soon be sitting within its confines preparing to experience the fabulous ride.

  “Miss McClain.”

  Maddie turned to see a young man, dressed as a flight attendant, approaching her.

  “Yes,” Maddie answered.

  “We’ve been awaiting your arrival,” he said pleasantly. “If you’ll come with me I will escort you aboard. My name is Danny and I’ll be your attendant on the journey.”

  “Thank you,” Maddie smiled. “You have my bags?”

  “Your bags are being loaded as we speak,” he smiled and gestured to the baggage cart park beside the plane. Workers were busy loading them onto the moving luggage ramp.

  Maddie grimaced.

  “Next time I’ll look before I speak,” she said wryly.

  He laughed.

  “It’s a natural question. I would want to ensure that I had clothes to wear when I arrived as well,” he chuckled.

  Danny escorted Maddie up the steps to the plane. When she entered the captain and co-pilot were there to greet her. The Danny gestured for her to move into the spacious cabin. Maddie was in awe of the luxury that surrounded her. The craft was well-appointed down to the smallest detail.

  “If you’ll have seat the captain will prepare for take-off,” Danny said kindly.

  Maddie sat in the large black leather seat by the window. The chair moved when she sat down and she realized that it was a swivel chair. Maddie grinned as she twirled the chair. Danny laughed as he went into the cockpit. Maddie stopped playing with the chair and settled back against its welcoming comfort. She closed her eyes in pure bliss. She thought about the reaction her of her family when she told them she was going to Aruba. They had been over the moon with excitement for her. Just wait until she told them about the style in which she had traveled. Tiffany would be pea green with envy. After a few moments she heard some commotion in the front of the plane. She assumed Danny was busy doing something and did not open her eyes. .

  “Welcome aboard, sir,” Danny said.

  “Thank you, Danny. It’s good to see you again.”

  Maddie’s eyes flew open. She’d know that voice anywhere.

  “Whit!” she exclaimed.

  He stood there tall, handsome and oh so masculine. He seemed bigger tha
n life to her. At that moment she realized that he was the missing link to make this trip complete. She hadn’t known how much she wanted him with her until she saw him standing there.

  “Hi, Madison. I thought I would tag along,” he grinned boyishly.

  “I welcome the company,” she replied happily.

  Maddie held out her hand to him which he grasped instantly. He raised it to his mouth and suckled it. Maddie remembered the last time he had caressed her hand so. She felt her stomach begin its familiar churn. He released her hand and sat in the chair directly in front of her. She looked in his sky blue eyes and read the message in them: he wanted her. She wondered how he could possibly make that happen here. The co-pilot came out of the cockpit.


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