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Page 8

by Anna Antonia

  Victoria looked at him skeptically. “This is far from your neighborhood. Really far.”

  Adrian tried for casual, summoning his charm and gambling it would be enough to draw her attention away from how he knew where to find her.

  “So this is where you waitress?”

  “Yes. How did you even know?”

  “Well, my driver did take you home and I remembered that this was where you said you worked.”


  She had mentioned it once. Thankfully, she apparently remembered. An awkward silence passed. It was long enough for Adrian to realize Victoria wasn’t bothered by his unexpected appearance as he’d thought.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Victoria looked down, mouth pursed tight. She still held her tray against her chest like a shield. She kicked at the ground with her boot, drawing attention to the lean muscles of her thigh. Adrian clenched his jaw at the fresh surge of possessiveness he felt knowing scores of men got to see her like this.


  Adrian blew out a sharp breath. He didn’t understand where this insane jealousy was coming from. Adrian was far from a prude. His previous girlfriends had walked runways wearing far less and had taken more than one pictorial completely nude.

  That had never bothered him. Their body, their choice.

  So why did this bother him now?

  It wasn’t like Adrian felt Victoria was doing anything wrong. It was her job and he already knew how hard she worked for her independence. He didn’t doubt her character, especially after last night.

  Yet, the jealousy itched. He didn’t enjoy the way it made him feel. For a man who accepted control as his birthright, the lack of it in any way was completely unacceptable.

  He’d keep away from the source if he was sane.

  Adrian focused on her. He could self-analyze later. Victoria was the only thing that mattered.

  “What is it, kitten? Tell me”

  The pet name, so passionate and from the night before, apparently didn’t have the same reaction today in a filthy alley. Victoria straightened. Her face, curiously blank, unnerved him.

  “I found out about you today.”

  Adrian shrugged. “What specifically?” He instantly had a strong suspicion what it was, but his business instincts came into play. Adrian wouldn’t show his hand. Instead, he’d wait for Victoria to show hers.

  “That you’ve done very well for yourself.”

  “That’s one way of putting it.” His breezy smile didn’t have an effect on her other than to make Victoria even more remote.

  “You’re a billionaire.”

  He shrugged and remained silent. What was there to say?

  Victoria apparently felt differently. “What are you doing here, Adrian?”

  “Seeing my girlfriend is what I thought.” Adrian felt the beginnings of a flush. He wasn’t generally fond of that word and rarely ever used it. Especially after one day.

  But it felt right.

  And because it felt right to him Adrian experienced a touch of arrogance in assuming it would feel the same for Victoria. Unease gripped him when she frowned.

  What if last night wasn’t as earth shattering for her as it was for him? What if it was just him? What if she’d left this morning the way she did because she didn’t want to be with him at all?

  What if Adrian had gotten it all wrong?

  “I’m not your girlfriend. You’re a billionaire. Billionaires don’t date cleaning ladies or girls who wear uniforms like this at their other jobs. Billionaires like you date other rich and famous people. You have dated other rich and famous people.”

  Ah. He could fix this. Relief pounded blood-thick. She wasn’t rejecting him at all, at least not for the reasons he feared.

  “Well, I am dating you. At least, I hope I am.” When she didn’t say anything to refute it, Adrian stated, “I’d like to date you, Victoria. Exclusively.”

  Vulnerability flashed across her face. Doubt chased it. “You knew I didn’t know, right? You knew I didn’t want you for money, right? Being with you was never about money.”

  “I wasn’t entirely sure at first, but yes, I knew.”

  She inhaled sharply, her mouth opening and closing several times. “Maybe I’m wrong in feeling this way, but I feel stupid.”


  “Because I thought… I thought we were friends. I thought we could be more. But we can’t.”

  “Hold on.” Adrian took a step closer. “Nothing has changed between us, Victoria. I haven’t changed. This doesn’t have to change.”

  She closed her eyes. “I don’t want you because of your money. I haven’t spent all this time with you because of money. I didn’t go out with you because of money. I liked being with you because of you.”

  She’s reassuring me. Me.

  Adrian’s heart seemingly slowed before trying to beat right out of his chest. He knew what was happening between them was unlike anything he’d ever had. He knew and accepted it.

  “I know, kitten. I have to tell you something and if you laugh at me…I’ll die.” The lighthearted chuckle he meant to release came out strangled instead. “I want you badly, more than I’ve ever wanted anyone else. I’ve wanted you from the first moment I saw you. That hasn’t changed except I want you more. Do you still want me, Victoria?”

  She didn’t answer his question but the flush on her lovely face proved to Adrian she had most definitely heard him.

  “You know no one in your world will ever believe any of that. They’ll all think I’m a gold digger. They’ll laugh at you behind your back. They’ll think less of you for being with someone like me. Eventually, you’ll hate that. Eventually, you’ll end it and I’ll be trapped because…”

  She looked away but not before he saw the glitter of tears. Adrian didn’t want her unhappy, not with him. Not ever.

  Restrained emotion throbbed in the low tones of his voice. “That doesn’t matter to me now and it won’t matter later. Do you still want me, Victoria?”

  She crossed her arms, looking incredibly helpless and so very young. Adrian balanced on the edge. He wanted to take away all the burdens she carried. He wanted to be the man to make her world right.

  Her answer meant more to him than anything in recent memory.

  “Do you still want me, Victoria?”

  Pain rippled across her face. Her shoulders slumped as if the burden of her thoughts was too much to bear. Panic quickened his heart.


  She closed her eyes and whispered, “Yes.”

  Adrian immediately pulled her to him. Her tray clattered to the ground. The tenseness melted away when she didn’t pull back. He had her and he knew it. The emotions rocketing through Adrian weren’t victory and domination. They were euphoria and peace.

  He was going to take her home tonight. He didn’t doubt it for a moment. First, Adrian had to soothe her fears.

  “I haven’t spent my adult years letting other people’s opinions influence me until right now. Victoria, no one else’s opinion matters to me about us except for yours.”


  “Yes, really. I like you. A lot. I hope you like me too.”

  She laughed. Adrian’s heart took off on wings. “I do like you a lot, Adrian. Last night would never have happened if I didn’t.”

  His hands slow danced on her waist. Memories of her sizzled across his mind. “Last night was beyond incredible, kitten. I loved every minute of it.”

  “Did you?”


  “Then why did you act so cold towards me this morning?”


  Adrian’s lengthy silence told her a tale that made her miserable to hear.

  Her happiness disintegrated into ash. Victoria tried to take a step back but he tightened his arms. He sounded bemused as he asked, “Was I cold to you?”


  “I’m sorry. I thought…never mind.”


  “I thought distance was what you wanted.”

  Victoria shook her head. “That’s not what I wanted at all. It seemed that was what you wanted.”

  “Kitten, I’m so sorry. Let me make it up to you.”

  “That’s the second time you’ve said that to me.”

  Adrian’s flashed a naughty grin. “I followed through on my promises last night, didn’t I?”

  “You did.”

  He leaned down and pressed a kiss on her throat. “Do you get off soon?”

  I’ll never hear or say that again without thinking about this man.

  “Not for about four more hours.” It felt like an eternity to her when all she wanted was to stay in his arms.

  Adrian’s tongue pressed against her pulse. “Oh, that’s too bad. For me. I guess I’ll just have to wait that long then.”

  Victoria found it difficult to concentrate with each sensual stroke of his tongue. “Do you want to try to get together tomorrow? I can shuffle my free time around and meet you late morning.”

  Adrian’s teeth nipped the side of her neck. Victoria let out a ragged cry that turned into a breathy sigh when he soothed the sting with butterfly kisses.

  “Not good enough for me, kitten. I want to sleep with you in my arms tonight.”

  “Oh.” She bit her lip but the pleased grin broke free anyways.

  “Will you come with me if I pick you up?”


  “Do you mean spend the night? All night?”


  Adrian’s fingertips played with the bottom of her skirt. Victoria’s excitement grew with each brush against her bare thigh. She didn’t need to think about her answer at all.

  “I’ll come with you, Adrian, wherever.”

  He chuckled. “That you will, kitten. That you will.”

  Victoria thought he would kiss her right then and there, but all he did next was say, “I don’t want to keep you any longer, especially if it means it’ll keep you later. Call me when you’re ready for me. I’ll be here.”

  “Won’t a text be easier?”

  “I want to hear your voice, kitten. Call me.”

  “Okay.” Victoria watched Adrian walk out of the alley and onto the sidewalk. He raised his hand in farewell. She spontaneously blew him a kiss. Adrian caught it and brought it to his mouth sweetly.

  Quitting time can’t come fast enough.


  Adrian held Victoria in his arms as he dreamed of doing since the moment he had to let her go. He couldn’t get over how perfectly she fit there. It exhilarated him as much as it unsettled him. He kissed the top of her fragrant head and smiled.

  The night had unfolded beautifully from the time Adrian picked her up until now. Victoria had him stop at her cozy apartment where she quickly packed an overnight bag for herself. While waiting for her, he’d met two of her roommates, Jenny and Krista, and apparently passed the first inspection even if they’d been a little cooler towards him at first.

  When they arrived at his penthouse, Victoria looked around and shook her head. “I can’t believe I still thought you were some kind of middle-manager after seeing this place.”

  “To be fair, kitten, I didn’t give you the tour. I simply ravished you right…about…here.”

  Adrian then gave Victoria an encore presentation with a couple of carnal twists. It was even better than the night before.

  Later after a bubble bath and another slippery round of lovemaking, Adrian had a couple of burgers sent over. He’d wrapped Victoria up in one of his robes and had her sit on his lap while he fed her a simple dessert of chocolate chip cookies.

  “I’m so happy!” Victoria hugged him tightly and he didn’t have to tell her he felt the same. Adrian showed her exactly how happy she made him right there on the couch. Making love to her in that position gave Adrian access to all of her, but especially the expression on Victoria’s face when she came with a soft moan.

  Much later they got ready for bed but ended up lying on their sides and talking for an hour. He told her about the Arctic and she told him about her summers at the Outer Banks. Adrian shared his experience of running with the bulls in Pamplona. Victoria shared her experience about how to make the perfect burger.

  Adrian couldn’t remember the last time he actually had a casual conversation with a woman besides Victoria that didn’t involve sex, flirting, or shopping.

  It soothed him. The normalcy of being with her brought Adrian a sense of peace he didn’t even know was missing.

  But now that he had it, Adrian didn’t want to ever lose this feeling of rightness. He couldn’t even fathom that things between them would alter and change for the worse. Maybe that was why he suddenly blurted out, “Victoria, I want you to stay with me. Permanently.”

  The life-altering words were spoken but Adrian didn’t feel sick to his stomach as he might’ve felt had it been said to someone else. He felt happy. Free. His instincts approved.

  Now all he needed was for Victoria to feel the same way.

  His gorgeous lover blinked rapidly. “What?”

  “I want you to move in with me. Now. Tonight.”

  Victoria pulled back from him far away enough to look at him fully. Her face was wary but not closed off. “Isn’t this going kind of fast?”

  Now that his mind was made up, Adrian’s sole focus was getting her to see things his way. “No, it isn’t. I want you here. You want to be here.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  Adrian smirked. His hand reached down and cupped her damp mound. “This sweet part of you tells me that.”

  Victoria’s eyes closed and her hips arched up. “Maybe it does.”

  “There’s no maybe about it, kitten.” One finger slipped in to rub teasingly over her pearl. Adrian brought his hand to her mouth and painted Victoria’s parted lips with her honey.

  She looked up at him, gaze heavy with desire.


  Obedient to his command, Victoria delicately licked her lips. Adrian swooped down to kiss her. He longed for the feeling of her lips along his body just as she’d done for him a few short hours before.

  Adrian groaned just remembering the erotic image of seeing her full lips fastened around his thick shaft. It was heaven the way she’d trailed her fingers up and down his sack before grabbing the base as she swallowed as much of him as she could.

  She’s a fast learner. I can’t wait to teach her other things. Just as she’s taught me.

  He broke their kiss. She’d stolen his heart and his breath with each passing minute. Adrian brushed a hand over her silky hair. The words spilled from him.

  “I want you with me every day, Victoria. I want to wake up seeing your face every morning. I want to hold you in my arms every night. I want to spoil you. I want to take care of you. I want to make you happy. I want to take away all of your worries. I want you, kitten, and I want you to say you want to be with me too.”


  Victoria couldn’t believe Adrian wanted her so much. All the dreams she constructed the night before instantly sprang back to life. Caution should’ve stopped her dead. Instead, the wheels of madness rolled in a blur. She already knew her answer but whether she would speak it aloud would depend on him.

  “Moving in this fast would be crazy. You know that, right?”

  “I can do crazy.”

  “Obviously!” She cupped the side of his face. “What if you change your mind?”

  “I won’t.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “I do.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because I’ve never lived with anyone else before. I’ve never wanted to, Victoria. Not until you.”

  Her heartbeat quickened. Still, caution threw a wrench in the wheels of madness. Victoria’s insecurities made themselves known again. “You can have anyone you want. What’s so special about me?”

  Adrian traced the shape of her brow. His tenderness devastated h
er doubt. “I wish I could say, Victoria. I can’t really explain it in a way that would satisfy either of us. Every time I touch you…every time I hear your voice…every time I see you…I just want time to stop.”

  Victoria’s eyes filled with tears.

  “Kitten, don’t cry.” Adrian gently kissed each eyelid. “I don’t ever want to make you cry.”

  “I’m not crying because I’m sad. I’m crying because I understand what you’re telling me. I understand because I feel it too.”

  “You do?”


  Adrian pushed her back down onto the bed. “Tell me the one word I want to hear, Victoria. Tell me.”

  She stood at the precipice between her old life and a new one. Victoria leapt without hesitation. “Yes.”

  Adrian’s smile rivaled that of the sun. “Say it again.”




  Adrian kissed her breath away. “You won’t regret this, kitten. I swear you won’t. We’re going to be so happy together.”

  Victoria wrapped her legs around his waist and soon was chanting his name as he gave her a taste of what their future held.


  “Kitten! I’m home!”

  Victoria uncurled herself off the couch. She met Adrian at the foyer with a sweet kiss. It had become their traditional greeting over the past five months. He lifted his head up long enough to whisper, “How was your day?”

  Victoria answered breathlessly after another deeper more intimate kiss, “Busy but I still found time to miss you.”

  “And you know I missed you.” Adrian wrapped his arm around her waist and walked them into the cavernous living room. He sat down on the dark leather couch with her in his lap. His hand stroked her leg. Adrian audibly relished in the simple joy he felt in touching her. They sat there like that for several minutes, just long enough for Adrian to decompress from his day and for Victoria to soak in his embrace.

  This was undoubtedly the favorite part of her day.

  She loved hearing his heart beat steadily beneath her ear. She loved the delicious scent of his cologne teasing her nostrils. She loved the way he trailed his hand up and down her leg.


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