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Jordan's Shadow

Page 15

by T. R. Cupak

  “You’ve had a very long day. Go to sleep,” I tell him.

  “I love you,” he yawns out as his eyes close.

  “You breathe, I breathe,” I whisper followed with a light kiss to his lips. Like any other night, Hunter’s arms wrap around me, holding me tightly. The comfort of being anchored to him gives me peace when I sleep. This is where I belong. He is where I belong.

  Chapter Eighteen


  The last couple of days have gone by in a whirlwind of organized chaos. Monte and I finalized our Vegas trip while Jordan hung out with her new friends, Maggie and Oscar. She’s never had a real family and this couple has really taken a liking to her. The Jordan of today is not the same woman I’d come to know over the past few years. The quiet loner who trusted no one is coming out of her shell.

  Jordan has come home smiling after a day of shopping with Maggie, or just hanging out on the porch in a comfortable silence with Oscar. She looks forward to her visits with them and voiced that she will miss them while we handle business in Vegas. She has never had the chance to experience these kinds of feelings. She was always too drunk and drugged up to give a shit about anyone. Now she has people who care about her and that she cares about in return. Jordan actually cares about her well-being; it’s refreshing to have this Jordan.

  “Hey,” she greets as she enters the bedroom with more shopping bags.

  “I see you had fun with Maggie today,” I gesture towards the bags she tossed onto the bed.

  “What gave it away?” she jokes.

  She rounds the bed and wraps her arms around my waist before pushing up on her tiptoes to kiss me. I stop packing, taking her into my arms, before telling her I had a surprise for her. Jordan pulls back, skeptically staring up at me. She doesn’t move or look away, she just waits for me to tell or show her, her surprise.

  “Wait here,” I instruct while disappearing out of the room and returning with one big box and then another. “Go ahead,” I encourage her to open the boxes.

  She struggles a little with the first box, so I pop open the second one for her, but leave it closed. Jordan’s eyes widen when she pulls out a Louis Vuitton suitcase from the first box and then the matching travel duffel from the other box.

  “Hunter, thank you, but you really didn’t need to buy me luggage,” she chokes out. Why is she tearing up?

  “Precious, I know I didn’t have to. I wanted to. I plan on traveling the world with you, therefore you need luggage.”

  “Oh, okay. I can’t believe I forgot to buy luggage during my shopping sprees.”

  “I noticed, that’s the other reason why I bought them for you. Which, you better get to packing. The jet is scheduled to leave in an hour and a half.”

  “Damn, time flies,” she states while preparing her bags to be filled with clothes, shoes, and whatever else she needs for Vegas.

  Our plan is to site see around Vegas, Hoover Dam, and the Grand Canyon for the first three days of our trip, and then on the fourth day, Monte and I are to meet up with Christian and Arthur at the Wynn.

  I purposely booked our rooms at the Aria Tower Suites. Jordan wanted freedom to wander her own hotel without the worry of running into her past. The first two days Christian and Arthur are in town I will be pretending all is good. On day three, many lives will change—forever.

  “Jordan, don’t forget your Dramamine,” I yell out to her in the bathroom.

  “Already ahead of you,” she shouts back.

  I have to keep reminding myself she is different now. She’s stronger. She’s got this.


  The bright lights of Vegas have me bouncing in my seat of the plane. I feel like a kid going to Disneyland for the first time. My eyes stay glued to the strip as we descend for landing at McCarran airport, and the usual uneasy feeling I get when landing is nonexistent.

  “Hunter, it’s so pretty. I’ve only seen pictures of Vegas, but seeing it in person, is just… wow.” I feel foolish not containing my excitement, but I don’t care. While Monte and Hunter are laughing at my enthusiasm, I’m thinking of all the things I want to do after we check in. I want to throw a grand on red at the roulette table and hope for the best. I want to roll the dice at a craps table, or at least blow on them as Hunter rolls. I want to go stuff my face at a buffet and then dance the calories away at a club, but not just any club or any table. I want to walk straight up to the front of the hottest club on the strip and ask for the best table in the place. If they say it’s reserved or already taken, I will pay extra to kick whomever it is out of the table, because I want nothing but the best for us. Lastly, I want to go back to the room, take a hot bath in the jetted tub, because I’ve seen pictures of our room online and I know it has a jetted tub, and then fuck Hunter’s brains out. I’ll save the sweet and caring sex for tomorrow. Tonight, is all about going hard and fast, because I’ll be ready to pass out by four or five in the morning.

  When we stepped off of the plane, the limousine driver greeted Hunter by name, and asked if we were going to his usual place. The wind in my sail has fizzled. I can’t help the feeling of jealousy that comes with the thought that Hunter has been here with other women. He’s hot as fuck and too damn sweet to not have had girlfriends that he brought here, or worse, he’s met random chicks and had sex with them in the room we’re going to be occupying.

  Hiding all of my feelings behind drugs and alcohol was easy. Hunter is my first relationship since my high school boyfriend, Max. I never had to navigate through jealousy or insecurity like I am right now, and I don’t know what to do or how to act. This is uncharted territory for me, and I don’t like it.

  Great, now I feel sick. Now I don’t feel like doing anything. I just want to go to his fuck palace, take my medicine and go to bed. Vegas is overrated anyway. At least that’s what I started telling myself.

  The ride to the hotel was a lot quieter than the plane ride. Hunter and Monte have been talking about the meet up, which strip club they planned on taking my rapists to, and when I will come into play. As their conversation carried on, I sit quietly in my seat staring out the window, people watching. I witnessed a drunken girl puking in the street, parents chasing children; children in Vegas, I just don’t get it; and all the careless cab drivers getting too close to our limousine for my liking.

  “Earth to Jordan,” his voice rings through my currently dazed state.


  “You okay? Your excitement level went from off the charts to barely a blip,” Hunter points out my obvious change in demeanor.

  “I’m fine. I think I’m just tired from the flight.”

  “It was a fifty-five-minute flight,” Monte chimes in.

  “And your point? I said I’m tired,” I snap back.

  “Hey, hey, hey, Precious. What’s going on?” Hunter asks grabbing my hand. Without thinking about it, I jerk it away, turning my body towards the door. I’m being stupid and irrational, but I’ve never navigated feeling like this, like a jealous tart, and I fucking hate it.

  “How much longer?” I ask.

  “We’re pulling up now, baby. Will you please talk to me?” The plea from Hunter nearly breaks me, but I manage to hold it together. In a few moments, I can bolt, and be free, just for a little bit.

  My current mood of deranged bitch is completely unwarranted and it’s messing with my head. Giving Hunter no response to his question, I grab my tote and quickly exit the car, purposely leaving my phone on the seat, and run straight into the hotel. I have no idea where I’m headed; I just keep going; getting lost in the crowd. Knowing they can’t track me without my phone, I leave the hotel through a set of double doors that look like they will take me to the strip. I just need some alone time. I’ll calm down—eventually.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Goddammit! For someone who has never mentioned working out or running, for that matter, she sure as hell disappeared in the sea of people fairly quickly. Never did I think Jordan would run. Y
es, she got unusually quiet once we landed, and I thought it was because she was taking it all in, but her snatching her hand away from me was a hint to something more. Now that she’s run off, I know it’s something else.

  All Jordan has to do is talk to me. Whatever is plaguing her mind, I want to help. If she is having second thoughts about facing Arthur and Christian, I would never force her to follow through. Monte and I can handle those two asshats, ridding the world of their evil nature.

  Three hours have passed and we still had no idea where Jordan went. After she fled, we asked security to check the “eyes in the sky” to see if we could find her that way, but all we caught was Jordan leaving the hotel, and she has yet to return.

  “She’ll be back, Boss. I’m sure whatever is bothering her, she will work it out. She always does,” Monte offers up some words to ease my panicked mind.

  We’ve been sitting in my suite trying to think of a game plan to find Jordan when the phone in the room rings out. Monte is closest so he answers. After a short talk with whoever was on the other end, he hangs up and the look on his face tells me I won’t like what he has to say.

  “Jordan left a message at the front desk. She’s staying somewhere else. They didn’t know where.” He looks just as distraught as I feel. What the fuck happened?

  “There’s not a whole lot we can do. Why don’t you go have some fun, Monte? I’ll stick around in case she comes back for her bags,” I encourage him to blow off some steam.

  “Why don’t you come with me? All you’re going to do is sit in here and go crazier than what you already are.”

  “Just leave.” I don’t have the energy to argue with Monte. I want to sleep.

  “Suit yourself.” He goes into his room, changes into jeans and a dress shirt, and leaves me alone, as I asked.

  Dammit, Jordan.


  Once I realized I wasn’t followed and would have some time to myself, I checked into the Cosmopolitan. It’s seems to be a younger crowd here which makes it easier to blend in. Just as I had planned earlier, I walk up to the roulette table and throw one thousand in chips down on red. I watch as the wheel goes around and round, the little white ball teasing to drop into one of the slots. As the wheel slows I catch myself holding my breath. The ball bounces a few more times before settling on “red seven”. Holy shit, I won. I get congratulations from the table, and as soon as the croupier pays out my winnings, I take my chips and move on.

  Loud shouting and clapping catches my attention, so I head in the direction I think it’s coming from. There’s a large group of people standing around a craps table, so I slide my way in, watching all of the excitement without understanding a single thing about the game.

  “The tables hot, do you want to bet?” a male voice asks from behind me.

  “Uh, no. I don’t know how. I’m just watching, but if I’m in your way, I can move,” I answer.

  “You’re okay,” he says reaching around me to lay his bet down on the table.

  Turning my head to see the stranger almost had us lipped locked. He’s dark haired, with stunning green eyes, and slight stubble canvasing his jawline. Quickly turning my attention back to the table, I watch as the buxom blonde bends to roll the dice. She’s practically falling out of her dress, and it pretty much has everyone’s attention, accept the man behind me.

  “She has nothing on you, beautiful.” His breath is warm by ear, sending pleasant chills down my spine. I’m only human. I can be attracted to this man without acting on it. Now I get why this place is called Sin City. It’s too damn easy to actually sin here. Taking a deep breath, I step back, excusing myself from the table. As I walked away, the table roars in cheer, and I hear the craps dealer call out, “Winner, winner, chicken dinner,” making the table applaud.

  After wandering around for a little bit, I came across the buffet and indulged on way too much food. I’m exhausted. It’s been an emotional roller coaster of a day, and it’s my fault. I’m waiting for my elevator when the stranger stands next to me.

  “Caden,” he says, “In case you were wondering my name.” His voice is like velvet against my skin. Who is this man and why on earth did it have to be me he wants to be around? I’m taken. If I wasn’t, I’m pretty sure I’d fuck him in the elevator and go along my happy way, but that’s not going to happen.

  “Jordan,” I reply.

  “Are you alone, Jordan?”

  “No,” I respond facing him. “I’m here with my boyfriend.” Maybe now he will go find another girl to hit on.

  “Lucky man.” The doors to the elevator chime and we both step on. He inserts his room key and hits the button to the floors with all of the badass suites, which happens to be my floor too. The elevators move quickly here. It seems like we just got on the damn thing when the doors glide open and we both exit. He goes to the right and I go to the left.

  “Goodnight, Jordan.” My name is music from his lips. Damn him for being so freaking hot.

  “Night,” I hurry into my room closing the door and look around my own space.

  “Dancing will have to wait,” I tell myself as I flop down on the bed. I don’t have any of my things, so getting ready for bed is easy.

  When I close my eyes, I see emerald green eyes staring back at me. I concentrate really hard to think about Hunter and his beautiful blue eyes. I know it would only be a dream, but somehow, I already feel guilty, and all I’ve done is imagine those eyes.

  You win Sin City. Tonight, I will dream of Caden.

  Chapter Twenty


  It’s been two days since Jordan took off. She’s left messages at the front desk of the Aria letting me know she’s safe and not to worry about our plans. I know she’s an adult with a mind of her own, but we all need our heads in the game. She needs to be present tomorrow, and I don’t think she will be.

  Monte just returned to the Wynn with Arthur and Christian. My skin crawls when we shake hands. They had been in the four-bedroom suite all of ten minutes when Christian laid out lines of cocaine on the mirrored sofa table, insisting Monte and I partake in the pre-party festivities. Goddamn these two men.

  “Come on, mate, indulge in some nose candy,” Arthur says, holding out a rolled up hundred-dollar bill. Fuck me. I’m dammed if I do, and I’m dammed if I don’t. Grabbing the make-shift straw, I snort one line, and then another. The rush hits fast and hard. I’ve done coke one other time in my life, and that was eleven years ago. This is going to end badly, I already feel it.

  The hotel’s limousine drops us off at Sapphire strip club, and we’re immediately shown to our skybox. The champagne is chilled, the girls begin to swarm, and my heart feels like it’s about to jump out of my chest. I should have been smart enough to say my heart couldn’t hang and let Monte do the lines, but I wasn’t. I had to act like I’m a part of this fucked up duo.

  Christian is the first to disappear into a private room while Arthur follows a bubbly brunette into another room. Monte and I both have girls sitting on our laps. It would be suspicious if we kept pushing away these exotically beautiful women. The raised dance floors have what I would consider gymnasts, spinning, hanging, and sliding down the poles that come up for the center.

  Everything seems to be going as planned that is until I look up and see Monte’s eyes ready to bulge out of his head. Turning my head to see what my comrade is looking at, I stand quickly, dropping the stripper to the floor. A string of profanity is thrown my direction as she picks herself up from the floor and stalks off pissed.

  “Go keep those two fuckheads distracted,” I bark out to Monte. He’s gone within seconds. Walking over to the next skybox, I grab Jordan by the arm, completely dismissing the guy next to her, and yank her out of earshot of her new “friend”.

  “You’re hurting me, Hunter,” she snaps, trying to pull free of my grip on her upper arm.

  “Who is that fucker?” I growl out at her. “Have you been spreading your legs for him this whole fucking time?” And that
’s when the punch comes. Jordan swings with all of her might, and connects with my jaw. Even over the loud music I could hear her fingers make a cracking sound. I just hope she didn’t break her fucking hand.

  “Fuck you!” She screams at me before turning and running down the stairs and out the door to the club. Her new friend follows and this had me on his tail. The cocaine has me amped and ready to fight. I don’t know who this guy is, but he’s with my woman, and that’s not okay.

  Once we were all outside, I didn’t even wait. I did the total dick move and sucker punched the asshole that was with Jordan. He wasn’t going down without a fight. One blow became two blow, and then another, taking us both to the disgusting ground of the parking lot. All I saw was red, and all I hear is Jordan yelling for us to stop. The bouncers didn’t even try to interject. They knew it would come to end soon enough.

  “Hunter, stop, goddammit!” she cries out at the top of her lungs, halting my fist in mid swing. “Get off of him,” she says, trying to pull me off of her whatever the fuck he is. “Caden, I’m so sorry.”

  What in the hell? She’s apologizing to this fucker and not to me.

  “Hey, I’m the one who insisted you not come here alone. It’s my fault,” he says, spitting blood from his mouth.

  “Hunter, get off of him,” she grits out, trying to push me off the guy.

  “Are you coming back to our hotel with me—now?” I ask.

  “If it means you’ll let Caden up, then yes.”

  I stand up, and offer my hand out to the dickhead on the ground. He smacks it away as he gets back onto his own two feet. That’s when he swings, dropping me back to the ground and I feel my head smack against the concrete; and it all goes black.


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