Bite & Release

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Bite & Release Page 26


“Come on let’s go I have an idea,” I said pulling her away from the cosmetic counter.

  “This isn’t going to involve another tattoo place is it?” Trina asked as we walked to her car.

  As soon as we got into Trina’s car, I put the address in her GPS. She looked at me cautiously, wondering where we were headed.

  “It’s too late for you to mail order like you did for your honeymoon, and considering where we live, we only have a few selected options, so I chose one. Trust me, it’ll be fun.” I heard Trina sigh. No one knew me like she did.


  As we drove up to blacked out windows Trina just stared at me. I looked at my note and the GPS, and this was the right place. We got out of the car and she set her alarm. I took her by the arm and we walked through the door. Holy shit, it reminded me of the brothels I had seen in porn movies, because being married to Garrison meant that watching porn was a staple. The walls were paneled a dark charcoal and the carpet was black. There were red stairs leading to an upper floor. The outside of this store was quite deceiving because the inside was huge. I took a brochure from the first counter we stopped at. They had a section for everything, books, DVDs, toys, lotions/gels, clothing and shoes, as well as cards and novelty items.

  “You’ve got to be kidding.” Trina pinched my arm. “This is an adult store,” she whispered.

  “No shit. Where else are we going to find sexy things for our men? Can’t home shop what I’m looking for.” I winked at her. Trina just rolled her eyes as her cheeks tinted pink.

  “Please, I don’t want to even think about you . . . my sister with my brother,” she said as her hand flew to her mouth. We both started laughing.

  “Fuck, Trina, if anyone overheard that I’m sure they’re thinking we’re in the right place.” I pulled her with me as we moved up the stairs. The room at the top was filled with lingerie, toys and massage items. I picked up a pair of panties, crotchless and edible. Would Shea like something like this? I giggled as I tossed her a package. It was a jewel encrusted butt plug.

  “What the hell, Ryan,” she hissed, tossing it back to me like it was on fire.

  “Hey, you’ll never know until you try,” I said, fingering the jewels in the plug.

  “You and Andr—forget it, don’t answer that.” Trina’s face turned several shades of red.

  I laughed hard seeing Trina squirm over sex toys. This was going to be fun. Of course, I had never tried probably ninety percent of these things, but maybe Shea was bringing out a more adventurous side in me. I picked up a baby doll negligee and matching crotchless panties and held them up in front of Trina.

  “I’m pretty sure Quinn would have a coronary.” Trina laughed as she touched the delicate material of the negligee. I picked up several things, giggling and blushing while reading the instructions. We also read several cards on display, which were not only filthy but also hilarious, and definitely not something I would want to give to Shea. I finally decided on massage oils as well as a tube of what smelled like chocolate icing that came with a brush for body painting. Just the thought of painting Shea’s body sent bolts of heat into my core. Trina found some lingerie that was sexy but not too pornographic.

  “Well, I think we’re done. We came, we accomplished, now let’s go get some coffee,” I said as we loaded our packages into her car.

  “God, yes . . . sounds good. I could really use a latte right now,” Trina replied as we got into the car.

  After an hour of lattes and laughter, she drove me home. I got home just in time before it started to rain, and I knew within hours it would turn into snow. I couldn’t wait until spring when there was some substantial daylight and a temperature above twenty. As soon as I got in the door, I put my packages on the sofa.

  “Find anything good?” Shea asked, walking out into the living room. His arms were full of linens and pillows.

  I reached over to take the pillows out of his arms. “Whatcha doing?”

  Shea dumped the linens on the floor.

  “Well, I was on my way out to the garage to do some laundry, but your red and black bags piqued my interest, so I made a little detour,” he said, and his eye brows arched as he sat next to them on the sofa. “Been to the naughty store, have we?”

  I looked at him and smirked. “How am I not surprised that you recognized the bags? Can I assume that you have been to the naughty store before?”

  “I’m acquainted with it.” He laughed, reaching over to snag one of the bags.

  I slapped his hand away. “Oh no, you don’t! Those things are for Valentine’s Day. I worked extra hard to find something that hopefully the player hasn’t played with yet.”

  Shea looked over at me, his blues eyes smoldering through inky lashes. “You think I’m a player . . . moi?” he questioned as he pointed to himself.

  “Yes . . . you, ‘Mr. I’ve-Been-Banging-Chicks-Since-I-Was-Thirteen.’” I stood up and snatched my bags away from his grasp.

  Shea shook his head. “Goddamn my sister. I see you two have been trading stories about my sex life.”

  “Baby,” I cooed as I set the bags down and reached up to him. I gave him a small peck on his cheek. “She told me months ago . . . it’s water under the bridge. Hopefully you’ve got all of your banging out of your system by now,” I teased as I chucked his chin.

  He squeezed me into him as his lips brushed my ear.

  “Banging other chicks, never again, but fucking you daily—you bet.” His breath tickled my ear as he spoke, sending an array of sensations down my body. “So, Valentine’s Day . . . ,” he said slyly.

  I cocked my eyebrow at him, “Yes, I’m sure you’ve had many, so what did you have in mind?”

  Shea pulled me down on the sofa to him. “I’m sure you’ve had just as many, but nothing as spectacular as I’ve planned.”

  “Do tell,” I demanded, fisting his shirt. I scooted around on his lap, finally satisfied after feeling him get hard beneath me.

  “You’re not playing fair, little girl,” he said as he stroked my arm lazily. “Since Valentine’s is on a weekday, I made reservations at the Aurora Borealis Lodge for this weekend, among other things.”

  I scrambled off his lap with my hand over my mouth. “Northern lights, you’re taking me to see the northern lights?” I hopped a little, unable to contain my glee, but he pulled me back on his lap, sitting me squarely on his erection. I sighed as I felt wetness start to pool in my panties.

  “I thought we’d go out to dinner, then hit Nasty’s for some drinks, make it like a romantic Valentine’s week. I also bought you a special gift.”

  I turned, pressing my cheek to his. “Dinner, drinks, a hotel . . . I’m pretty sure that’s plenty. I don’t need anything else.” I stared at him thoughtfully “As it is, my gift now seems a little lack luster compared to what you have planned.”

  “Ryan, you’ve already given me everything I’ve ever asked for—the best gift I ever got was the moment I knew you loved me,” He stood up, standing me in front of him. “Let me show you our new bedroom. Then, if you want, you can show me how appreciative you are.”


  Shea had been correct when he told me I would love our new bedroom, and yes, I had been really appreciative . . . several times. It really was beautiful. With new furniture and carpet, it was not only looked sensual but decadent as well. The bedding was luxurious, yet it looked amazingly cozy and inviting. He had been right about having a bigger bed in that it gave much more room for sex, but no matter how large the bed was, somehow we always ended up tangled up in each other’s arms in the morning. I loved the new larger fireplace because it actually produced enough heat that the warmth drifted into the bathroom if we kept the door open.

  I had no idea what I should wear tonight. Shea decided to save his sister’s gift card for when we went away this weekend. His plan for tonight was to dine at a seafood restaurant, then venture to Nasty’s. As I riffled through my closet, I needed to find an outfit I could wear to a kind
of fancy restaurant, yet be appropriate for Nasty’s. I didn’t want to go into the bar overdressed. I had a few sexy dresses and I did have some killer stilettos, but I was less than anxious to wear anything like that in ten-degree weather and heavy snow.

  I decided on a pair of black jeans and a silver silk blouse. The blouse was extremely sheer, so I wore a black satin bra under it. I looked at my outfit in the full-length mirror. I liked the blouse because my tattoo was visible. I paired it with boots and the earrings Shea had bought me for Christmas. When I finished my make-up, I pulled a small box out of my nightstand.

  I pulled off the top and pulled out the platinum chain. It was light and felt almost delicate—too delicate for a man and it had a very small platinum key hanging off of it. I hadn’t even told Trina about this purchase and had actually bought it a month ago. I hoped he liked it and wouldn’t think it was too feminine. I had searched many jewelry stores online until I found a website specifically geared towards men’s jewelry. Most of their pieces were too garish for my taste, and probably for Shea’s too, but once I had seen this chain, I knew this was the right one. The chain by itself was a stunning piece of jewelry, but I wanted to add my own personal touch to it, so I chose a very simple key to adorn it. I couldn’t wait to give it to him. I tucked the box into my purse, along with a card. I heard a deep clearing of a throat. When I turned, I was met with red roses.

  “They’re so beautiful,” I said as I took the bouquet from Shea. I bent to smell them and the aroma filled the room. I heard him clear his throat again as he studied my outfit. I shook my head, smirking, because the only outfit that would make him happy was if I was wearing a burka.

  “Jesus, Ryan, what the hell are you wearing?” he asked, frowning. His eyes got bigger as he realized how sheer my blouse was. “Baby, really? You couldn’t find anything else in that big old closet that would cover just a little bit more?”

  I snapped my purse shut as I strolled into the bathroom and finished doing my make-up. He followed behind me, shoes in hand.

  “You’re not going to talk to me about this?” he huffed.

  “Shea . . . I thought you’d love this outfit. After all, I am wearing it just for you,” I reasoned while applying my lipstick.

  “I do love it, here in the house—not out in public. I don’t like my woman flashing her goods to anyone but me.”

  I grinned, and then broke into a hearty laugh. “Good God, I’m wearing pants and a shirt and, mind you, even a bra.”

  Shea sat on the toilet lid, putting his shoes on. He had dressed in a pair of navy jeans with a pale blue polo shirt. It was one of the few times I’d seen him go out in public with a shirt that revealed his tattoos.

  “Yeah, everyone will be able to see you’re wearing a bra and that tattoo,” he frowned.

  I tugged on his arm, trying to get him up. “Yes, but you’re the only one who matters.” I walked out into the living room to grab my coat as Shea followed. Once we were both bundled up we headed out the door. A cold wind chill smacked me right in the face, dropping my body temperature, for sure, around 20 degrees.

  “Maybe we should just stay home and snuggle by the fire . . . fuck, I’m so cold now I may want to snuggle in the fire,” I said as my teeth chattered. Shea guided me into the car and handed me the fleece blanket. Since he had been driving the Bronco, the heater kicked on right away.

  “Tonight’s too special to stay home, and I want our first everything to be unforgettable,” he said as he backed out.

  I grinned as I pulled the blanket up to my chin. “Just pray that Valentine’s isn’t as unforgettable as Christmas was.”

  Shea nodded in agreement. The holidays simply had not been very good to us.

  We arrived at the restaurant just as the snow became heavier. He had his arm around me while we both ran for the front door. As we waited to be seated, he rubbed his hands up and down my arms, trying to get my circulation going. I was freezing.

  “You know, for someone who has such an aversion to the cold, you chose to live in New York.”

  “Yeah, well, it’s not like this all the time. We do have months with high humidity and sweltering heat, unlike here, where the best I can hope for is maybe seventy five, maybe eighty if I’m lucky, not to mention normal daylight hours. I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to the change in daylight and night time here, it’s been too many years.”

  “You will—it just takes time and some adjustment.”

  Just then, the hostess showed up, smiling as she crossed off Shea’s name on her reservation list. The restaurant was only half-full, mostly with couples, and all the tables had been decorated with candles and flowers. As we were seated, I noticed a very large stone fireplace in the corner, next to a man who was singing while playing the piano. There was no doubt this place was set up for romance. Our server told us the specials and Shea ordered for both of us.

  “You want a glass of wine, or champagne?” he asked thoughtfully, as he reached across the table, took both my hands in his and brought them to his lips.

  “No just coffee and some water, please.” I massaged my thumb against his hands as I watched him. “We’ll be drinking later, so I’ll wait,” I said in a hushed voice.

  “If we drink too much or the weather gets worse, then I’m leaving my car and we’ll take a cab home. No use taking any chances,” he reflected, sending a look my way that I couldn’t read. There was something in the way he just stared at me. “I want tonight to be memorable.”

  I internally snorted to myself, thinking about later on this evening, when I whipped out the chocolate body paint. Oh yeah, that was going to be something he would definitely remember.

  Fifteen minutes later, they brought my shrimp primavera and his surf and turf platter. I should give him his gift now, because once we got to Nasty’s, it would be crowded and quite noisy, and if I waited until we got home, we’d be too intoxicated. After we finished eating would be a good time.

  “And what are you thinking about?” He winked as he cut a piece of steak.

  “Oh, many things,” I said in my most sultry voice. We watched each other as we continued to eat. I really never thought I’d ever be this happy. Only a month ago, I came so close to losing this man. In a few short months, I would be a free woman without anything or anybody hanging over my head. Eventually I wanted to tell him the truth, but I knew that it would be so much better when I was finally free and clear of Garrison.

  Shea had never prodded or pushed me into telling him about New York. I really had expected him to after I no longer had a job. He had always known that I was running from something, but he would wait until I was ready to confide in him.

  As Shea finished his dinner, I went to the rest room, using the time to freshen up my lipstick and comb my hair. I walked back to the table just as our server was gathering our empty plates.

  “Babe, did you want dessert?” he asked me.

  I shook my head because I was too excited. I wanted to give him my gift. I sat back down and took it out of my purse. His eyes brightened as I handed him the box.

  “Ryan, buying me a gift wasn’t necessary. I have everything I ever wanted.” His eyes lingered on mine as he took the box.

  “You’ve given me so much, and I wanted to give you something,” I said as I touched his arm.

  “You gave me plenty by having my name tattooed on your body and letting me love you.”

  Shea removed the ribbon, then the lid. A smile curved his lips as he looked at me. He took out the chain, handling it as if it was a fine piece of china. His eyes locked onto mine as he touched the key, his expression letting me know its significance.

  “So you’ll never have to doubt. You are the keeper of the key to my heart,” I whispered, leaning across the table to kiss him. It was intensely sensual and very short. I watched him as he put on the chain.

  “I positively love it and you.” He leaned back over the table to get another kiss. I could hear some of the other patrons chuckling. Yeah, we were a c
ouple in love, so sue us. Shea beamed with happiness as he helped me put on my coat. He had me stay in the restaurant as he went to get the car. Once inside, he decided to have his fill of what he couldn’t do in the restaurant. The kiss was raw and carnal. It made my body come alive with yearning for him. I looked over at him and noticed his body too had awakened. I chuckled as I patted his thigh, knowing what we wanted would have to wait until we got home. When we pulled into the parking lot of Nasty’s, Shea dropped me off at the door.

  “You go in. I’ll be there in a minute. I need to take care of something.” I laughed because he sounded so mysterious.

  A few minutes later, he walked in, smiling, as he brushed a few snowflakes from his hair. He took my hand as we weaved through the people trying to get to the bar. I saw Cray sitting on a stool at the end of the bar; he gave us a heads-up as we walked towards him.

  “I reserved you a table, my man, but it wasn’t easy—you owe me,” Cray said as he slapped Shea on the back and winked at me.

  “You had him save us a table?” I asked, looking up at Shea then over at Cray.

  “Well it is Valentine’s Day, and I didn’t want my girl having to stand all night.” Cray walked us over to a small booth by the band. It had a cute little Reserved sign on it. I watched as Shea shrugged off his coat.

  “You’re not going to help me with mine?” I suppressed my giggle this time, knowing full well that he was not overjoyed with my blouse choice.

  “I suppose, but fair warning . . . you may have to bail me out of jail tonight if I see one motherfucker staring at your tits or the tattoo.” As I started to sit down in the booth, he reluctantly helped me take off my coat. He tossed both of our jackets to the far side of the booth. These were actually great seats because they faced the band. I looked up just as a waitress came over with a tray. She put down two large shots on the table. My eyes went to Shea, then her.

  “These are from Cray—on the house,” she said putting down the tray. “Just giving you a heads up, Shea—Carrie’s here and she’s pretty toasted.”


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