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Breakfast with Santa

Page 17

by Carol Henry

  “Hi, Kurtis. Merry Christmas,” she called over her shoulder, then turned back around and buckled her seat belt.

  Mark slid in across from her and put the car in reverse.

  “Merry Christmas, Katie. I’m gonna get a puppy. Santa told Daddy to get me one.” He giggled and clapped his hands.

  “I heard. You must be thrilled.”

  The excitement in Kurtis’ voice was music to her ears. Mark was right. He couldn’t have chosen a better gift for his son. Kids were certainly more resilient than adults. It was going to take her more than a puppy to get over the effects of being kidnapped and dumped along the road in the middle of the night, in freezing temperatures.

  Kurtis talked nonstop about black lab puppies on the way to the Bilsons’ as if he was already an expert on the care and feeding of the breed. His excitement renewed her own spirits, and before she realized it, they were off the island and entering Ellsworth. The Bilsons met them at the door, welcoming them with waving hands and warm smiles the minute they spotted Kurtis.

  “What a handsome young man.” Mrs. Bilson clapped her hands together. “Why, this is going to be perfect. Just perfect. Don’t you think so, Henry?”

  “Absolutely, my dear. And Katelyn. What a surprise. How nice to see you, too.”

  “Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Bilson. This is Mark and Kurtis Logan. It’s kind of you to let us come today. You must be busy getting ready for your own Christmas.”

  “Thanks for seeing us on such short notice. It’s very kind you,” Mark chimed in. “As I said on the phone, this puppy means a lot to Kurtis.”

  “Not a problem. Come. Come. We’ve kept the litter in the mudroom off from the kitchen. It’s too cold for them outside, and the heat from the kitchen is just the right temperature, and it keeps them out from under foot.” Mr. Bilson led them around the side of the house. “They’re starting to be a real handful, so it’s time to let them go. There are three left. You can take your pick, young man.”

  Henry opened the door to the mudroom, a disheveled wad of material used as bedding lay in the corner, next to a washer and dryer. Several size dog dishes were scattered about the floor. As soon as Kurtis stepped inside, three small black lab puppies started barking in unison, wagged their tails, and tripped over themselves to get to him. Kurtis kneeled, opened his arms, and welcomed all three hyper pups.

  “Puppies. Daddy. Look, puppies. Just what I asked Santa to bring me.”

  “That’s right, bud. Go ahead and pick out the one you like. Santa told me the Bilsons were the ones to contact for your Christmas present. He wanted you to pick out just the right one.”

  Kurtis laughed as the puppies continued to vie for his attention. They jumped up on him, circled around him, licked his face and hands, and nipped at his ears. One finally jumped up into his lap, curled up and put his head on his paws, his eyes darting back and forth at the adults. Kurtis hugged the pup to his small body. The dog stretched up and leaned his furry face into Kurtis’ neck and stayed there—both content to be in each other’s arms.

  “I think Kurtis has made a decision—or at least the puppy has chosen Kurtis.” Mark smiled.

  Katie ran her hand over the puppy’s soft furry head. The dog’s eyes looked into hers, then back at Kurtis, and licked his cheek as if to say it was where he belonged.

  “What’s his name?” Kurtis asked.

  “Well, now, that’s up to you, young man. Do you have a name picked out?” Mr. Bilson asked.

  Kurtis looked to his father. “Your choice, bud.” Mark assured him. “You don’t have to decide right this minute. Take your time.”

  “Can I call her Tasha?”

  Kurtis might be too young to remember his mother, but he hadn’t forgotten he had one, or that her name was Natasha. She watched Kurtis stroke the puppy’s furry head, run his hand along its back. Katelyn was overcome with longing, wanting to take both of them in her arms and hug them close. Mark and his parents were right. This was exactly what Mark’s son needed. The dog licked Kurtis’ cheek again.

  “Tasha, it is,” Mark said.

  Katelyn turned so the others wouldn’t see her wipe a stray tear from her face.

  “If you know of anyone else looking for a pup or two, send them our way,” Mr. Bilson chuckled.

  “We will. Thanks again for letting us impose during your holiday.”

  “Think nothing of it. So glad we could help make your Christmas a merry one. You take care.”

  Back in the car, Kurtis didn’t let go of the puppy—he held Tasha in his lap, the puppy content to be held, petted, and talked to during the entire trip home.

  “I’m sorry about the dog’s name,” Mark said, for Katelyn’s ears only. He backed the car up, then turned and drove out of the Bilson’s driveway, and headed toward Lobster Cove.

  “Don’t be. I think it’s wonderful he wants to honor his mother’s memory this way. Even if he doesn’t remember her, it’s admirable for a boy so young to be so thoughtful. You’ve done an amazing job raising him, Mark. You should be proud.”

  “Thanks. I don’t want the mention of her name on a daily basis to come between us.” He took her hand in his and squeezed it gently. “I messed up, Katie, but I aim to rectify that if you’ll let me. I want us to start over…to be together again.”

  “I’d like that, too.” She squeezed his hand in return, their fingers twining.

  “We’re going to Midnight Mass at St. Joe’s tonight. Come with me.”

  “It’s been our family tradition since I was a little girl.”

  “We’ll all go together, then. I’ll pick you up—we can meet the parents at the church.”


  Strains of “O Come All Ye Faithful” filled the church as parishioners flocked to Midnight Mass. Katelyn was greeted with hugs and well wishes for the speedy rescue and a full recovery by several of her friends and older parishioners she’d known all her life. Their concern was endearing. No one seemed surprised to see her with Mark and Kurtis. In fact, everyone fussed over Kurtis to the point that he tunneled his head in Mark’s neck from all the attention. It felt a bit awkward walking down the aisle to Mark’s family pew instead of their usual seat, but Mark kept one arm around her waist while holding Kurtis in the other. Kurtis snuggled in between them when they sat.

  Despite everyone’s blasé acceptance of them arriving as a couple, Katelyn knew Lobster Cove’s rumor mill was going to be heating up after tonight. It didn’t go unnoticed, however, that no one had bothered to ask about Sven—or why she was with Mark. She didn’t care—it would be a seven-day wonder, and the rumor mill would soon pounce on the next Lobster Cove incident.

  Katelyn had trouble concentrating on the service, even though she knew it by rote. She stood, kneeled, sang, crossed herself numerous times, and gave thanks for the safe rescue of Kurtis, and herself. While she was at it, she gave thanks for bringing Mark back home, safe and sound, to Lobster Cove. To her.

  The jubilation of Christmas filled the church. Overwhelmed, she looked around at the congregation with a sense of pride and well-being—she couldn’t envision a more caring community in which to live.

  A moment of peaceful silence filled the church once the service ended. The organ suddenly struck a chord, and the choir joined in with “Joy to the World,” bells rang in the background as everyone stood to leave. Mark ushered her from the church, his arm around her, his hand squeezing her hip, while he held a sleepy boy in his other arm.

  Her heart was full to overflowing.

  “I’m going to take Katie home, bud,” he whispered in his son’s ear. By the time they reached the car, a light snow had begun to fall, the hush of it magical as it surrounded them in the quiet night. “You go with Grandma and Grandpa—they’ll help you put milk and cookies on the table for Santa. Make sure Tasha is settled for the night before Grandma tucks you in bed. I’ll check on you when I get home.”

  “Night, Katie.”

  “Goodnight, Kurtis.” Katelyn leaned in and kissed his chee
k, her heart full of love. “Merry Christmas, sweetie.”

  “Want to come in?” Katelyn asked as soon as Mark pulled into the drive and shut the engine off.

  “I thought you’d never ask.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

  Katelyn smiled and opened the door to get out, only to have Mark by her side in seconds. He swooped her into his arms and carried her inside. Boots, winter coats, hats, scarves, and gloves littered the floor, missing the nearest chair as they made it to the hearth in record time.

  “My favorite spot.” He nuzzled her neck as he laid her down on the throw rug. “Why isn’t the fire going?”

  “I never leave it on while I’m away from home.”

  “No problem, sweetheart, there’s plenty of fire inside me right now to keep us both warm all night long. Come here, Elf, and let me prove it you.”

  He kissed her lips, deepened the embrace. She twined her arms around his neck and drew him in closer. She’d been beside herself with longing all the while they’d sat together in church. His kisses curled her toes, but that wasn’t enough. She wanted more—so much more. She wanted Mark. Forever. For always.

  She sent up another silent prayer of thanks for sending Mark back to her.

  “Oh, God, Katie,” he moaned. “I love you so much. I just about freaked when I heard you’d been kidnapped along with Kurtis.”

  “I love you, too, Mark. I haven’t stopped loving you.”

  “I’m so sorry…”

  “Hush, it’s all in the past. We’re together now.”

  “You’re too forgiving.”

  “So I’ve been told a few times. But I’m serious—we’ve found each other again and that’s all that matters.”

  “God, I love you. You will marry me, won’t you? I’m not about to let you get out of my sight again.”

  “Oh, Mark. Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you. But what about Kurtis? Do you think he’ll mind? He’s been through so much already. You don’t think this will be another hurdle he’ll have to deal with, do you? A new mother? And after just naming his puppy after his biological mother?”

  He brushed her hair behind her ears, and gazed into her eyes.

  “Kurtis adjusts better than any adult I know. To make sure he’s adjusting to all these changes, I’ve had him evaluated by a child’s advocacy group. He has another appointment scheduled for the first of the year to make sure the trauma of this kidnapping episode hasn’t left him badly scarred. With the puppy and having you for a mother—he loves you already, by the way—I think he’s going to be just fine.”

  His kiss melted her bones, her body turned to liquid in his arms.

  Oh, my God! Kurtis’ mother! The notion that she would raise Mark’s son as her own caught her off-guard. A tear slipped from her eyes. Mark caught it with his lips, kissed it away.

  “Oh, Katie. Come here.” He tightened his hold on her. “I didn’t mean to spring this on you so soon. Especially after all you’ve been through—the miscarriage, the kidnapping. This must be disconcerting. I’m didn’t mean to be so insensitive. I’m sorry.”

  “Mark. I’m okay. Really. I’m just a bit emotional because I’d love to be Kurtis’ mother. The fact that you want me to be his mother is such a gift of love, I’m ecstatic—these are tears of joy.”

  Mark tucked her in his arms, leaving a trail of sensual kisses from behind her ear, to her neckline. His teeth tugged at her sweater’s fuzzy fabric.

  “We need to remove this before I do it damage.”

  “Not a problem. But you’ll have to return the favor. It’s getting very hot in here.”

  “Say no more.”

  They made love, lay in each other’s arms through the night, and then made love again—and slept. Mark woke in the early hours, rose on his elbow, and watched Katie sleep. He brushed his hand over her smooth, rosy cheeks, and listened to her breathe—her chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. He loved her, loved the way she had made love to him without reserve, how she cuddled against him all night. He couldn’t wait until they were married and he wouldn’t have to leave her bed, ever again. He thanked God for his supreme powers in bringing them back together—for keeping his Katie safe.

  He leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips. God, it was going to kill him to have to leave her so soon after finding paradise in her arms. If it wasn’t for having to be with Kurtis when he woke to discover the presents Santa had left under the tree, he’d crawl right back in Katie’s bed and make love to her one more time.

  He couldn’t help himself, he kissed her again, and whispered in her ear. “Katie, love, I hate to leave, but I have to go home and be there when Kurtis wakes.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, arched up to meet him, and snuggled into him—God, he was lost. Her soft warmth encompassed him. He inched the covers aside, lay beside her and buried his face in her luscious, thick, silky hair, breathing in her scent. He pulled her naked body on top of him, the ache between his legs heavy. God help him, he wanted to be inside her one more time. He groaned when she nibbled on his neck and then traced her tongue down over his nipple. He lifted her, gained easy access to her plush breasts and returned the favor. When he’d had his fill, and neither of them could wait any longer, he rolled over, taking her with him. He almost lost it when she wrapped her legs around him and urged him inside her—to make love to her. Ahh, no words were necessary. Her wish was his command.

  Much later, as much as he wanted to lie in bed with her all day, he had to leave or he wasn’t going to make it home in time to watch Kurtis open his gifts from Santa. He nudged her shoulder, sorry to wake her. “I’ll be back soon, sweetheart. How about having breakfast with Santa later this morning?”

  She stretched, sat up, pulled the covers around her shoulders, and yawned.

  “As long as I don’t have to wear that ridiculous—”


  “Ridiculous elf outfit.”

  “Actually, you’re looking sexier without anything on. I wish I could stay longer, sweetheart, but I gotta go.”

  “You don’t look too bad au naturel, yourself, Santa. Are you sure you can’t stay longer?”

  “I really should be going.” He kissed her forehead. “I’ll see you later.”

  Mark left Katelyn snuggled in bed as he contemplated his many blessings. Santa certainly had given him the best Christmas present a man could ask for—a Christmas to remember.


  Katelyn anticipated the knock on the door later that morning. The coffee, hot cocoa, pancake batter and blueberries at the ready, she flew to the entrance to welcome Mark and Kurtis. She laughed when she saw their red and white matching Santa hats, the white tassels flopping to the side. Before she could comment, Mark wrapped her in his arms, and kissed her—long and hard. She didn’t resist, this time.

  “Merry Christmas, Katie,” Kurtis said, his smile contagious.

  “Merry Christmas, Kurtis. What have you got there?”

  He handed her a green felt cap. “Daddy said this is for you. Like the one you wore at the Christmas party.”

  She looked at Mark, and couldn’t resist his smile, and that sexy dimple. Who was she to dispute his idea of what a sexy elf looked like? She couldn’t contain the bubbly emotions swelling inside. Her happiness knew no end.

  “Why, thank you, Kurtis.” She took the cap from him and put it on her head. “There, how does that look?”

  “Perfect.” Mark reached outside the door and produced a small brown sack.

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “What’s a Santa without presents to put under the tree, right, bud?”

  “We brought presents.” He clapped his hands.

  “I think the real Santa left some presents for you here, as well.” Katie took Kurtis’ hand. “Let’s go see what’s under the tree.”

  Mark put the sack on the floor and pulled her into his arms for another hungry kiss while Kurtis knelt down and proceeded to pull the gifts out of the sack and place them under th
e tree next to the ones Katie had wrapped before going to Midnight Mass.

  “Before we open presents”—Mark knelt next to Kurtis, the two of them facing her—“we have something to ask you, don’t we, bud?”

  “Yes. We want you to marry us and be my mommy.” He held out a small black jeweler’s box. The look of anticipation as he waited for her answer struck her speechless.

  “You were supposed to wait for me, bud.” Mark told his son, never breaking eye contact with her. “Well, Katie, what do you say?”

  “Yes, Kurtis, I’d love to be your mother, if that’s what you really want.”

  Kurtis ran to her. She enveloped him in her arms, as tears of joy filled her eyes. She looked at Mark and noticed his eyes weren’t exactly dry, either. He joined them, and the three of them wound their arms around each other in a group hug. She felt the kiss Mark placed on the top of her head at the same time Kurtis kissed her cheek. Her insides melted.

  “Are we a family now, Daddy? Am I gonna have a mommy again?”

  “Yep, we’re a family, bud. Katie is going to be your mommy.”

  Katelyn sighed. A family of her own. Definitely the very best Christmas ever.

  A word about the author…

  Carol Henry is an author of Destination Romance—Exotic Romantic Suspense Adventures, as well as contemporary romance and historic women’s fiction.

  She is an international traveler and a travel writer of exotic locations for major cruise lines’ deluxe in-cabin books.

  Carol lives with her husband in the beautiful New York State Finger Lakes region, where they are surrounded by family and friends.

  You can visit Carol at her website:

  Thank you for purchasing

  this publication of The Wild Rose Press, Inc.


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