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Harper's Finale

Page 9

by F. C. Clark

  ‘Where are you going with this?’

  ‘Listen and you’ll find out. I think he should have a companion. When was the last time you saw him with a woman, or the last time the poor sod had a shag?’

  ‘Jesus, Kate!’

  ‘You’re a man – take pity on him. I think he needs a life that doesn’t involve me or you. He needs a girlfriend.’

  ‘Go on. I know you have someone in mind, this hasn’t come out of thin air.’

  I clap. ‘I do – Valerie!’

  ‘You mean Harper Jones’s Valerie?’

  ‘Yes. Before you answer, think about it. They’re both single, Max is early fifties and Valerie is mid-forties, I think! Max is tall and burly and she’s feminine and petite. He would love to take care of her, I know he would. And when they danced at our wedding, they looked perfect for each other.’

  ‘Kate, when you meddle the outcome is seldom, if ever, good.’

  ‘That’s not true. Ollie and Scarlett are together.’

  ‘My brother was a one-off. Anyway, Max is old enough to decide who he wants to date, and I don’t think he will appreciate you setting him up.’

  ‘I asked him.’

  ‘And did he agree?’ Luke smiles, knowing full well Max would never agree.

  ‘He didn’t say no.’

  Luke tries to speak, but my finger reaches his delicious lips before he can utter a word. ‘I just think he needs a gentle nudge.’

  ‘If he asks for your help, that’s fine. Otherwise, back off.’

  Of course I’m not going to back off. Luke must understand that I’ve already launched my mission to meddle.

  The next morning my eyes open to a bright room. Luke is moving around, dressed in his signature black suit and ready for global domination.

  ‘Morning. I didn’t want to wake you.’

  ‘What time is it?’

  ‘Seven thirty.’ He perches on my side of the bed. ‘Your eye looks a little better today.’

  ‘It doesn’t hurt as much.’

  ‘Another day resting for you – it seems to be helping.’

  ‘I guess.’

  ‘Be good. I’ll call you later.’

  ‘OK. Love you.’

  ‘Back at you.’ He gives me a quick peck and leaves the room.

  I stretch my arms high above my head. ‘Argh!’ When will this pain be gone?

  I stand in my dressing room dealing with my crazy 70s hairstyle – some things never change. I dry and straighten my hair. So long, Roller Girl, see you tomorrow morning! What shall I wear? I decide on soft black faux leather leggings, a long black T-shirt, black blazer and black Converse. I lean towards the mirror, saving the hardest task until last: make-up that will cover my bruises. I decide that dark glasses will be the best tool for the job.

  Max and I head towards my car. He looks disapprovingly at me.

  ‘I need some fresh air. Besides, I’m only going to see Luke.’ I don’t want to mention my visit to Alexis – I will save that little surprise.

  I slide into the seat next to him and he drives.

  ‘He’ll be pleased to see me, trust me.’

  He sniggers at my choice of words. ‘Trust you?’

  ‘You can’t keep throwing Sandbanks in my face.’

  ‘You let me run around London for you – with an empty bloody box,’ Max says.

  I change the subject. ‘So, any more thoughts on dating?’


  ‘Let me fix you up on one date, that’s all. If you hate it, I will never ask again.’


  ‘You can’t keep saying no. It will be fun. We could get Mr Jones to make you a new navy suit, and what about a pale blue shirt?’

  ‘Jesus, Kate, you’re like a dog with a fucking bone.’

  Twenty minutes later we arrive at the glass skyscraper that is home to Sutton Global. It’s one of many buildings Luke owns – he wasn’t lying about leaving a legacy. Max parks the black Bentley in my parking bay.

  Max and I step out of the lift at the fortieth floor. Knowing how I look, I bow my head slightly and walk straight to Luke’s office, which is opposite my office. Stella looks up from her post outside Luke’s room and comes over to me.

  ‘Kate, you poor love. Luke told me about the car accident. I wanted to call you yesterday but he said you were resting. Are you well enough to be out?’ She is Luke’s right-hand woman and she and I have a strong friendship – after all, she was the one who offered me the job as Luke’s cook!

  ‘No, she isn’t, Stella,’ Max says. I prefer the silent Max as my sidekick.

  ‘I’m fine! Besides, I’m going stir crazy at home and I have some files for Luke.’

  ‘He’s in a meeting, but I’ll tell him you’re here.’

  I lift my dark glasses and sit them on my head.

  ‘Oh my goodness, your eye.’ Her hand flies to her mouth.

  ‘It’s a lot better today.’

  ‘Well, it looks dreadful.’

  I guess my make-up wasn’t particularly effective after all.

  ‘Is Tanya here?’ I ask. Tanya is an ex-employee of Luke’s and she has been at my side since I inherited the Bagrov and Cooper shares.

  ‘Yes. I’ll let her know you’re here.’


  ‘Kate, call me when you want to leave,’ Max says.


  I open the door to my office. It feels good to be back in my safe haven. My office is completely out of place at Sutton Global. It’s simple and feminine, a far cry from Luke’s masculine workplace. First, I check my emails then I call all the Harper Jones crew, requesting a meeting next week to go over our future plans. My door opens.

  ‘Kate, I didn’t expect to see you. How are you?’ Tanya says.

  ‘Not too bad. Bored with my own company.’

  She smiles warmly and walks towards my desk. We have become extremely close since Luke insisted that she take the role as my personal assistant.

  ‘Are you sure you should be here?’

  I point to my eye. ‘Looks worse than it feels!’

  ‘Really? It looks bloody painful.’

  ‘I’m good. So, what’s been happening here?’

  ‘Not too much – except for Philip Cooper’s shooting accident. Apparently the funeral is today.’

  ‘Yeah, Luke mentioned it.’ Sick fucking bastard. His name alone makes bile rise to my throat.

  ‘Bagrov and Cooper will change with Philip gone. It might be more bearable… Sorry, that sounded dreadful. I didn’t mean to speak ill of the dead.’

  I reach across for her hand. ‘You and I both know what he was like.’ He’s a murderer! I can’t hide how I feel.

  ‘There was something … off about him. I can’t quite put my finger on it.’

  ‘Let’s not talk about him.’ I fold my arms and lean on my desk. ‘As my honeymoon has been postponed, we need a meeting to run over the charity fashion show for Mrs Gold. I know she’s inviting various designers. No pressure, then.’

  ‘Her charity ball was definitely the right place for you to wear your dress. It looked amazing.’

  ‘Us all being together too – it was a good night. Christ, a fashion show!’

  ‘Exciting times ahead, Kate. I was looking over the designs yesterday, and Mr Jones sent over some more pieces too.’ She points to the corner. ‘It’s amazing to see the drawings come to life.’

  For the first time since my wedding, I feel excited.

  ‘I want to get everything booked – hotels et cetera. Luke has changed our honeymoon, but it won’t affect the show. Stella will have the dates.’

  ‘I’ll get them from her. I saw your sketches.’

  ‘Did you like them?’ I ask.

  ‘Yeah. It’s bizarre, but you and Mr Jones ar
e on the same page, so to speak.’

  ‘Wow, that means a lot to me.’

  ‘Smart, but edgy smart. Is that a fashion term?’ She smiles.

  ‘Get you and all your fashion lingo! You must miss working for Luke?’ We are both new to the fashion industry; we’re learning as we go.

  ‘Of course – shares, acquisitions, mergers.’ We giggle. ‘What can I say, you’re definitely my favourite Sutton.’

  ‘Good, I wouldn’t let him have you back now anyway.’ This moment of ordinariness feels good.

  The door opens and Stella appears. ‘Kate, Luke’s guests are leaving. Thought I would let you know.’

  ‘Thanks, Stella.’

  I stand up and join Tanya.

  ‘I’m not sure when I will be back. Maybe in a few days.’

  ‘Just make sure you’re ready, OK? And I’ll make a start organising the New York schedule.’

  ‘Perfect,’ I say.

  She leaves my side and I head for Luke’s office, carrying all the hotel files. I open the door with caution.

  ‘Hi.’ I walk towards him and put the files on his desk. ‘All done. I’ve made some adjustments. Let me know what you think.’

  A perfect Sutton smile spreads across his face, a green light for me to slide onto his lap.

  ‘That was quick.’

  ‘It was fun. Anyway, I needed to get out.’ I lean against him.

  ‘The fresh air will probably do you good.’

  I look up at him. ‘I thought you’d be mad that I left the house.’

  ‘Kate, I’m not a tyrant!’

  ‘I did want to talk to you. I want to see Alexis, and I thought I would speak to you first.’

  He smirks.

  ‘Plus, I need her address.’ I raise my brows. ‘You’re OK about me seeing her?’

  ‘Do I think you should be at home resting? Yes. But I understand you need to talk about everything that happened.’

  I nod. ‘She must be feeling so alone, especially today.’

  ‘I’ll get Stella to write down her address.’

  ‘This is odd, us agreeing on something.’

  He arches a brow. ‘I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.’

  I stand, then straddle him. ‘My other question is, when are we going to have sex?’

  ‘When you’re strong enough.’ He lifts up my top and peels back the dressing. ‘It looks good. After you see Alexis, please go home. Remember, it’s not just you now.’ He places his hand against my abdomen. ‘Are you still feeling sick?’

  ‘Off and on,’ I say.

  ‘As for sex? Soon.’

  ‘Soon, as in tonight? I think I’m ready.’

  He takes my face in his hands. ‘Why the rush? Kate, you’ve been through so much.’

  ‘It’s simple. I need to feel close to you.’

  Soon after leaving Sutton Global, Max and I are greeted by the doorman at Alexis’s building. We take the lift to the top floor. This feels bloody odd!

  Her nurse greets us both.

  The apartment is stunning: floor-to-ceiling windows run the length of the apartment, with a view of the River Thames. The furniture is smart and modern, as I would have expected.

  ‘Would you like tea?’ the friendly nurse asks. It suddenly dawns on me that we might be Alexis’s first visitors.

  ‘Thank you, that would be lovely. Where is she?’

  ‘She went to the bathroom. Go through to the living area. She won’t be a moment.’

  ‘Kate, I’ll wait here.’ Max sits at the kitchen table.

  I hear footsteps and turn to see Alexis. I go over to her and take her arm. ‘Lean on me.’

  She lowers herself to the sofa.

  ‘OK, are you comfortable?’ I ask.

  ‘I’m fine. How are you doing? How is your wound?’ Alexis says.

  ‘It’s healing well. How do you feel about today?’ I get straight to the point. ‘I know he was evil, but he was your dad.’

  She looks down at her lap and takes a deep breath.

  ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.’

  She raises her head. Her green eyes look empty, but mostly sad.

  ‘I’ll be fine… I have to be. I couldn’t face going to the funeral – not just because I can’t face anyone, but I’m far too weak.’

  ‘It would have been too much for you.’ I take breath. ‘You’re the only one who knows how I feel, Alexis. What we went through together will stay with me forever.’

  She nods.

  ‘Let’s try and help each other,’ I say.

  ‘I see him. When I close my eyes, I see him.’

  ‘I understand.’ I feel him too, is what I want to say.

  ‘I don’t just mean what happened in Russia, but—’

  ‘Alexis, I can’t begin to know how you’re feeling.’

  She looks broken.

  ‘What can I do to help?’ I ask.

  ‘Kate…’ She takes a breath. ‘I appreciate your offer, but…’ She trails off and looks away. I want to save her, but I honestly don’t know how to.

  ‘You can tell me anything,’ I say.

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘I mean it. I will never let you down.’

  ‘I believe you, Kate. It feels odd to have someone in my corner. I’ve never had that before.’

  ‘Times have changed, and you’re not alone. I won’t let you face this on your own.’

  Her eyes shimmer with tears.

  ‘It’s odd being here. Probably feels the same for you too.’ Her silence is enough of a response. A diversion is needed – food.

  ‘OK, so what do you like to eat? Let me cook for you.’

  ‘Ladies, here are your teas.’ The nurse places white mugs on the coffee table.

  ‘Thank you,’ I say.

  ‘Kate, you don’t need to cook for me.’

  ‘I know, but it’s what I do… Feeding people always makes the hardest days more bearable.’

  ‘I know about Harry,’ she says.

  I nod, forgetting that Alexis had no clue that she has a half-sister.

  ‘Who told you?’ I pass a mug to Alexis before I take my own.

  ‘Luke told me this morning. How is she?’

  ‘Fragile, but coping, if that makes sense. She avoided me for a while.’

  ‘It’s not your fault… I can’t believe my dad raped your mum. What am I saying? Of course I can believe it. I’m sorry for you all.’

  ‘I know you are, but it’s not your fault. Anyway, we’ve spoken and she wants to meet you, her half-sister.’

  ‘I would like that.’

  ‘Alexis, I’m pregnant.’

  Her expression freezes, then she reaches for my hand. ‘I’m really pleased for you both.’

  ‘Thank you. To be honest, I’m scared.’

  ‘You will make a wonderful mum. Have you seen a doctor yet?’

  I shake my head. ‘I have a scan in a few days… I’m dreading it but I’m also excited.’

  ‘It will be fine.’

  ‘I was shocked when Luke told me, but the news has sunk in now,’ I say.

  ‘Kate.’ I turn at Max’s voice. ‘You need to rest.’

  ‘I really appreciate you coming to see me,’ Alexis says.

  ‘I’ll be back tomorrow – I promise.’

  ‘No, it’s fine. Look after yourself.’

  ‘I’ll just drop off some food for you then go home, and I’ll speak to Harry. Perhaps we could come round on Friday if you’re up to it.’

  ‘OK, but wait and see how you feel.’

  ‘Listen, if you want to visit your dad’s grave I’ll take you.’

  She shakes her head. ‘No.’

  ‘OK, but when you do I’ll come with you. Alexis, he was still your dad.’
  ‘I know, but I can’t forget what he did. He raped me. He shot me.’

  ‘But he was trying to shoot me! You just got in the way. He would never have killed you.’

  ‘He did that years ago, Kate.’

  A single tear rolls down her cheek, and I wipe it away.

  I change the subject. ‘So, now you have an empire to run!’

  ‘I know. I spoke with my lawyer today.’

  ‘Before all this happened I was going to sign my shares over to Luke, but not now… I think strong, independent women should run the show.’

  Her eyes widen. ‘I had no idea.’

  ‘After the incident in Philip’s office I – well, I asked Luke to take over the shares. I couldn’t face seeing him again.’

  ‘I was there too.’ She shakes her head, guilt-ridden again.

  ‘He grabbed me, you didn’t. Look, that was then and this is now, OK?’

  ‘I can’t think about work yet,’ she says.

  ‘You’ll get there.’

  Max appears again at my side. ‘Kate.’ He holds his hand out.

  ‘I’ll see you tomorrow but call me if you need anything.’ I reach in my bag and offer her my business card.

  ‘I will. Thank you for coming.’

  Back at home, Luke and I sit together at the kitchen island, but again I’m not hungry.

  ‘You’re quiet,’ Luke says, finishing off my meal too. ‘What’s on your mind?’

  ‘Seeing Alexis today. I felt so bad for her.’

  ‘You can’t change what’s happened.’

  ‘I know.’

  ‘Neither of us can understand what she’s gone through,’ he says and takes my hand.

  ‘I prepared some meals for her this afternoon. I’ll drop them off tomorrow.’

  ‘Just don’t—’

  ‘Overdo it. I hear you. Actually, Harry is going to come with me on Friday. She wants to meet her – properly.’

  ‘The three of you need time to adjust.’

  I nod.

  ‘I was impressed with your design work. You raised some valid points regarding the costs too,’ Luke says.


  ‘There’s a job if you want it.’ Gently, he pulls me into his lap.

  ‘I already have a job, but thank you.’ Our lips make contact, and my tongue begins to dance with his. I break away. ‘Luke, I want to have sex. Can we at least try?’


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