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Harper's Finale

Page 15

by F. C. Clark

  ‘It was not the right time for me to enter your life.’

  ‘I suppose you had your reasons… So, what shall I call you?’

  He looks completely relaxed in my company. ‘I used to call my father Papa. What would you like to call me?’

  ‘I don’t know.’ I always knew you as my birth father, who abandoned me. ‘I guess Papa is good. At least I can call Dad, Dad without confusion.’

  His smile warms my heart. ‘Your office is feminine. May I look?’

  ‘Go for it.’

  He walks around the room, slowly absorbing my tastes and choices, items that make me tick as a human being.

  ‘You look happy.’ He points to the large prints of Luke and me.

  ‘This was taken when we first met. I’m sure you must have a copy.’ Even today, remembering the gallery of photos of me at all stages of my life at Ivor’s house in Russia leaves me feeling cold, knowing that he hired people to take the pictures.

  He chuckles, understanding what I am referring to. ‘No, but perhaps I can have a copy.’

  ‘Maybe you would like a photo of us – together?’

  ‘I would like that very much.’

  I stand and head to the board table. ‘Here, these are our collections for the show.’

  He stands next to me.

  ‘I know nothing about clothes, but these look impressive.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  The door opens. ‘Kate, a word in private.’

  ‘Luke, it is fine. I do have somewhere to be,’ Ivor says. He looks at me. ‘I will see you this evening.’

  I nod. ‘Dinner will be at seven, but you can come over whenever you want.’

  ‘I have your address.’ He passes me a business card. ‘My numbers for you.’

  ‘Oh, thank you.’ I plant a kiss on his cheek before we walk towards the door.

  ‘Luke.’ Ivor hold his hand out. ‘Thank you.’

  Luke takes his hand, but remains guarded. ‘Ivor.’

  I blink and my father is gone.

  ‘I need to leave for my meeting. Are you going home?’ Luke asks.

  ‘Yeah, I’m waiting for Max to get back.’

  ‘Where is Max?’

  ‘He took Valarie home. She had quite a lot of books to carry.’

  He gives me a one-sided Sutton smile. Fuck it, I need him!

  ‘You’re meddling. I said to stay out of Max’s business.’

  ‘Actually, she did have a lot to carry and Max didn’t mind. I can’t help it if they are attracted to each other.’

  ‘Kate, you’re playing with fire.’

  ‘They look perfect together.’ I draw him closer. ‘Care to take a wager on it?’

  ‘You’re that confident you want to challenge me?’

  I link my arms around his neck. ‘Oh, it’s not a challenge, Luke. I’m right and if I win, which I know I will, let me think. What shall I bargain for? A day driving around in your pride and joy.’ The other baby in his life is his Aston Martin.

  He whistles. ‘And if I win, your arse is mine.’

  ‘I suggest you get your keys ready,’ I say.

  My arse belongs to him anyway!

  By early evening the house smells amazing – I’m cooking roast beef and all the trimmings. Today has been bizarre, but incredible. I still can’t believe Ivor has just walked into my life, although what scares me the most is, will he stay?

  Standing at the island preparing the last of the meal, I watch my houseguests. Ivor seems fairly at ease talking to them. Surprisingly, Max is trying to engineer a conversation between an incredibly quiet Jerry and Adam. I want to shake Jerry. Your son is amazing. Get over the fact that he’s gay!

  I hear the front door open. Luke!

  Swiftly, he walks to his office. I follow him.

  ‘You’re early.’ I head towards his desk.

  ‘Yes, I altered my meeting. I know you wanted me here,’ he says, sorting out some paperwork.

  ‘And this has nothing to do with Ivor? This morning you were adamant that your meeting was far too important, but now you’re here.’

  ‘I altered my meeting, end of conversation.’

  I shake my head. ‘End of conversation! Are you practising talking to your children? I can read you like a bloody book.’

  He looks at me with a vague smile. Caught you, Sutton.

  ‘Is that so? Then maybe you should check the chapter on how to be subservient to your husband,’ he jokes, and laughs.

  I chuckle. ‘No way! But there is a chapter called “do not feed your wife bullshit”.’

  He steps towards me. ‘I’m here, does it matter why?’

  Before I can answer him, his lips meet mine. I understand Luke’s reservations regarding Ivor, so I need to accept this level of protection. I know Luke may never trust Ivor.

  Rosie carries the food to the table while I make the gravy. The front door opens again, and this time the light of my life arrives – Barney.

  ‘I was getting worried. Where were you?’ I say.

  ‘Sorry, babe, the tubes have packed up, so I got a cab – but the traffic was horrendous.’

  ‘I should have warned you. Anyway, come and meet Adam, your roommate for a couple of weeks. Ivor is here too.’

  ‘Fuck – no way! When did he turn up?’

  ‘This afternoon.’

  ‘Are you pleased?’

  ‘Yeah, I think so… No, I am, but it feels odd.’

  I take Barney’s arm and lead him into the kitchen. ‘Everyone, this is one of my best friends, Barney.’

  An hour later the plates are all empty and the atmosphere is relaxed. Tonight has been a success. Ivor is chatting to Luke, and Jerry appears to be making an effort with Adam. As for Barney – well, he’s my trump card and offers all the entertainment you could possibly want. Not one for resting, I begin to clear the table. Weirdly, Barney offers to help.

  ‘Christ almighty, Kate, that meal was painful.’

  ‘What?’ Not only did Barney clear his plate, but he asked for seconds.

  ‘Not the food, babe! Why didn’t you tell me Adam was hot?’

  ‘Oh no you don’t. The last thing I need is for you to upset Jerry.’

  ‘Cheers, babe.’

  ‘You know what I mean. Let me think, what is your motto: oh yes, fuck and run.’


  I pass him plates to load in the dishwasher.

  ‘Anyway, I don’t know what you expect me to do, he’s staying with me,’ Barney says.

  ‘Not literally – he’s in the spare room.’

  ‘Under the same roof.’

  ‘Barney, no! Keep your bloody trousers zipped up, do you understand me?’

  ‘Yeah, yeah, but you have to admit he’s hot.’

  I look across at Adam. Barney’s right. He is handsome: tall and blond with piercing blue eyes that match Jerry’s.

  ‘OK, he is good-looking, but on this occasion please don’t make a pass at him.’

  Barney leans against the worktop. ‘What if he makes a pass at me?’

  ‘He is here to mend some seriously damaged bridges with his dad.’

  ‘I’ll make you a deal.’

  I stop wiping the worktop. ‘Bloody hell, what is it with people making deals with me today?’

  Barney raises his brows and sniggers. ‘What deal has Sutton made? Babe, he can give me a deal any time.’

  ‘You know your problem? You have a one-track mind.’

  He cracks up laughing. ‘I know. Christ, babe, you’ve heard of the bounty hunter – now meet the cock hunter.’

  I slap his arm. ‘Shh – they may hear you. You’re supposed to be on your best behaviour this evening.’

  ‘Fine – but that’s my deal. I promise not to make a pass unless I’
m invited.’

  ‘OK, but don’t flirt or walk around naked.’

  ‘As if I would.’ Barney heads towards the table. ‘Adam, can you dance?’

  Barney, you little shit, I know flirting when I see it!

  When everyone has gone, I feel exhausted. It’s been a long, strange day. The door to Luke’s office is ajar. I walk in to find him at his desk.


  His eyes scan me. ‘You look tired. Tonight was too much for you.’

  ‘I won’t argue with that.’ I head towards his chair and sit on his lap. ‘Luke, today in your office…’

  He stifles a smile. ‘You had the option to look in the envelope.’

  ‘I know, but what did Ivor do? Was it violent? It must be or you wouldn’t have gone all Commander Sutton on me.’

  ‘I wish you would trust me. Not everything is about control; this is about protecting you.’

  ‘And Ivor, do you think he’s violent?’ I ask.

  ‘He made a promise, which he kept. He promised to safeguard you from further harm.’

  ‘So now you’re buddies!’ I mock him.

  ‘Don’t push it.’ He runs his hands through my hair. ‘Bed.’

  ‘Yes please, Mr Sutton.’



  ‘Shh. I want to.’

  Luke frowns, but I keep a firm grip on his hardness, sit astride him and align myself to the crown of his erection. I gently slide down his length until I have all of him. ‘I’m fine. Don’t look at me like that.’

  ‘At least allow me to help.’ He grips my hips and sits upright, leaning against the headboard. ‘You’re not strong enough for this.’

  ‘Just let me try.’ I follow up my request with a hard-hitting kiss.

  Giving him no time to argue, I set the rhythm. It’s pain-free, but it’s not my usual hip-grinding action. The early sun filters through the shutters, showering our bedroom with a soft glow. Our dark eyes lock.

  ‘Touch your clit, baby.’

  My hand slides between my legs and gently brushes against the sweet spot. I try to increase the speed, but Luke takes control, angling himself away every time I try to slam against his body. The climb begins and my body has no time to spare as the rippling pulsations inside me make my muscles contract around Luke. The quickness of my hand increases, sparking a delicious orgasm. Judging from Luke’s breathing, he’s close to coming.

  ‘Kate… Yes.’

  His fingers spread wide against my hipbones and he thrusts faster, meeting me as I slide down his shaft. Afterwards, he holds me still.

  ‘I’m fine, stop stressing.’

  Luke lifts my hips, freeing us. A sharp pain makes me flinch.

  ‘I told you it was too soon… Jesus, Kate, you never bloody listen.’

  ‘Of course it’s going to be tender, but I’m fine.’

  ‘From now on I’m on top. And it’s not up for discussion.’

  ‘When I say I’m fine, then I’m fine, OK?’ I get up from the bed. He follows.

  ‘Don’t be arsey, Kate.’ He finishes his statement with a light tap against my arse.

  ‘Oi!’ I turn and glare at him as he follows me to the en suite.

  ‘Smile. If you don’t I will slap your arse again.’

  ‘Really?’ I turn the shower on.

  ‘Are we going to have one of those days?’

  ‘What days? My husband testing me? That’s every bloody day.’

  He moves closer and I take a step back. ‘What am I going to do with you?’

  ‘Gag me.’

  He backs me into the corner. ‘It will be my pleasure, but first, what’s on your mind?’


  ‘Baby, I know you. What’s up?’

  I loop my arms around his neck. ‘I just want my body back to normal, plus I have a Bagrov and Cooper meeting today. I’m a bit nervous.’

  His hands slide down my back. ‘We haven’t spoken about your shares.’

  ‘I know. I want Alexis to run the show.’

  ‘It’s your choice.’

  ‘That’s what I want to do. It’s just, the last time I was there Philip grabbed me. Christ, and I thought that was bad!’

  ‘I think you’re expecting too much of yourself. You’ve been through a traumatic time. Let yourself heal.’

  ‘If you mention again that I need more time, I swear to God, I will cause you some harm.’

  Luke cups my wet breasts. ‘I love that these are bigger,’ he says, then lowers his head and gently uses his tongue to tease my nipples in turn.

  ‘You’re so easily distracted.’

  ‘You’re standing in front of me naked!’ He sinks to his knees and kisses my wound. I watch him closely as he looks up. Christ, he is stunning with water running off his face. How did I get so lucky? I have no time to think as his mouth makes contact with my clit. Fuck, I’m aroused again. My head falls back against the shower wall. Round two!

  After starting off the morning with a double helping of Luke, we travel to Sutton Global. He leaves me with Max and I wait for Tanya in the rear of the Bentley. I watch her walk through the revolving doors and head towards the car.

  ‘Hi, Tanya.’

  She slides in next to me. ‘You look a lot better.’

  ‘Thank God for make-up!’

  ‘The Harper Jones meeting went well. I can’t wait for New York.’

  ‘Me too – watching the pieces come to life is surreal.’

  ‘I’ve emailed you all the times, et cetera. OK, so today…’ She looks through a file. ‘There’s not too much. Mainly a company they want to sell.’

  Even now I feel overwhelmed by my inheritance, which was given to me on my twenty-seventh birthday – Bagrov and Cooper shares from my mum, who I will never meet.

  ‘I spoke to Alexis last night. She’ll be there today. I didn’t think she would be able to face it, with Philip dead and…’

  ‘Kate, can I say something?’


  ‘This seems a little bizarre. I mean, you and Alexis – are you friends now?’

  ‘We’ve cleared the air. It’s early days but I guess we have to work together, and I hate bad feelings – life’s too short.’ My eyes make contact with Max’s in the rear-view mirror. He understands why I’m lying to Tanya.

  ‘You never know. With Philip gone, things might change.’

  ‘Maybe.’ Sick bastard.

  Within twenty minutes we arrive at the Bagrov and Cooper offices. I feel more settled. We are taken to Alexis’s office, which I have never seen before – normally we are shown to the boardroom. It looks how I imagined: modern and perhaps a little too cold. She sits at her desk in a black suit with a red shirt – very elegant and very Alexis.

  ‘Hi,’ I say.

  ‘Kate, Tanya, how are you?’


  ‘Please take a seat.’ She points to two chairs in front of her desk.

  She looks well. She has no visible injuries. But her eyes remain empty – some wounds will never heal.

  ‘I am sorry for your loss,’ Tanya says sincerely.

  Alexis manages a soft smile, which speaks volumes. ‘Thank you.’ She clears her throat.

  ‘Are you sure you’re ready to face the world?’ I want to reach out to her, but I don’t want to appear too familiar in front of Tanya. It was only a few weeks ago that I slapped Alexis’s face in Dubai!

  ‘I need to keep busy. Tanya, has Kate signed all the relevant paperwork?’


  ‘Good. Could you go over everything with my secretary? I’m sorry, but my mind is all over the place. Let’s just say I need some help at the moment.’

  ‘That’s fine – I’m happy to help.’ Tanya looks at me, waiting for my approval.

; ‘I’ll come and find you.’

  We are left alone – two women who must try to understand how their worlds have been turned upside down.

  ‘Being here must be bloody hard. Are you ready?’

  She leans on the table. ‘To be honest, I don’t know, but I couldn’t sit around at home. It was driving me mad. I also dismissed the nurse – I need my own space.’

  ‘Well, you look good.’

  ‘Thanks. You seem brighter, Kate.’

  ‘I have good days and bad days,’ I say.

  ‘I want the bad days gone.’

  ‘And they will. I’m here whenever you want to talk – or scream.’

  ‘Thanks, Kate, but that’s the problem. I don’t know what I need. So, I’m here.’ She leans back in her chair. ‘I can’t allow what happened to take over my life.’

  ‘Definitely not! Look, today may be OK, tomorrow might be shit.’

  She smiles.

  ‘But you’ve won. I mean, you’re here at work, you look fantastic and the world is now in your hands, and he’s not here to control it or you.’

  I watch her eyes glaze over. Crap – too much, Harper.

  ‘Won? You think I’ve won?’

  I nod. ‘Yeah I do, and every day you live for you, you’ve won. You’re not a victim; you made the choice to say fuck you!’ I reach across the table and take her hand.

  ‘Maybe.’ She shakes her head.

  ‘You can take off the armour now and breathe. He’s not here.’

  She closes her eyes for a moment. ‘I’m trying, Kate.’

  ‘And you’re doing bloody amazing.’

  ‘Thank you.’ She smiles. ‘Let’s change the subject. I have had enough of the past. I want to take you to lunch. I hope you don’t mind, but I asked Harry too.’

  ‘Oh – what did she say?’

  ‘Yes. Twelve o’clock at Marshalls – it’s near her office. Actually, I wanted to speak to you both.’

  ‘Is everything OK?’

  A knock at the door interrupts us.

  ‘Come in,’ Alexis calls.

  Alexis’s secretary appears at the doorway. ‘Your next appointment is here.’

  ‘Thank you, Sally. Show them to the boardroom.’


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