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Harper's Finale

Page 22

by F. C. Clark

  He leaves me alone in the lounge. I look out. Even though this is my second visit, I’m still captivated by the sight – and my favourite view of Central Park. I could just sit here and watch the yellow cabs go by, and the tourists taking carriage rides.

  ‘Bloody hell… The view,’ he shouts.

  He saunters towards me.

  ‘I need a cup of tea.’

  ‘I need a bloody whisky.’

  ‘I think the next few days will be fun,’ I say.

  ‘Too bloody right, babe. I won’t want to leave!’

  Later we all meet in the foyer of the hotel. We’re jet lagged, so we agree to have an early dinner at the hotel. After refuelling our tired bodies, we venture into the function room and unpack the clothes ready for tomorrow. By six o’clock we have done all that we can. Tomorrow will be mad, but at least we are prepared for it.

  Max is by my side. ‘You look beat.’

  ‘I’m tired,’ I say and yawn. ‘I’ve had enough. I’m going to my room for an early night, and you can report that to Luke.’

  ‘Don’t worry. I will.’ He smirks.

  ‘I’m off to bed, everyone.’ I call. ‘Valerie, can you and Max lock up? Max, can you hold on to the keys?’

  ‘Sure,’ he says.

  Fab, they will have to spend five, maybe ten, minutes together – alone, I hope.

  ‘Barney, I’m going.’

  ‘OK, babe, I’ll join you. PJ party.’

  ‘You’re on your own. The only party I’ll be having is with my pillow.’

  He walks towards me and takes my hand. ‘Come on, sleeping beauty, let’s get you in the land of Zs.’

  ‘See you in the morning, everyone. Max, will you make sure Valerie gets to her room? If she’s the last here, I’ll worry.’

  ‘OK. Our rooms are next to each other.’

  I know! ‘Oh, that’s handy.’

  Barney and I head to the lift.

  ‘What are you up to, Harper?’

  I look up at him. ‘What?’

  ‘Don’t what me! Max and Valerie sitting in a tree…’ he sings.

  ‘I have no idea what you mean.’

  ‘Bullshit. Besides, I asked Tanya and she laughed. You’ve been caught.’

  ‘Fine. I think they look good together, and they’re both single, so what harm can come of it?’

  ‘Actually, they look well suited. What does Sutton think?’

  ‘He doesn’t.’ We arrive at our floor. I step out first. ‘You know what he’s like. Besides, he has zero interest in Max’s sex life.’

  Barney tilts his head. ‘No, I don’t suppose he does. Good job Max has you as his little match-maker.’

  ‘Yes, he’s bloody lucky.’ I open the door. ‘Any news from Adam?’

  Barney stops in his tracks.

  ‘Not yet.’ He walks through to the lounge area.

  ‘You poor love. I never saw this coming and now I feel bad.’

  ‘Bad? Bloody hell, babe, you introduced me to someone that I could spend the rest of my life with. Shit, and I haven’t even shagged him yet.’

  ‘That looks good, Mr Jones. I think pin the hem another inch higher, so we see just enough flesh without looking—’

  ‘Vulgar,’ he says.

  ‘I was going to say slutty, but vulgar works.’

  He pins half an inch of the black lace skirt on the model, and we stand back. ‘Better, my dear – a good call.’

  ‘Yeah, I agree.’

  ‘OK. Thanks Olivia, you can get changed now.’

  The tall, slender young model walks away and another model arrives, wearing a different outfit, this time a modern twist on an evening gown – the sexy ensemble of the showcase.

  After a few more hours the last outfit has been pinned and labelled, and hair and make-up have been discussed with the freelance hairdresser and make-up artist. At last we are ready for our dress rehearsal tomorrow. All that remains is for Barney, Mr Jones and me to try on our black Jones suits.

  ‘Bloody hell, we look like the cast from Reservoir Dogs.’ We stand shoulder to shoulder and Barney examines his suit in great detail. ‘Mr Jones, this is amazing. You are one talented geezer.’

  ‘I love them. What do you think?’ I gaze at my colleague in the mirror, full of admiration. ‘The extra panel feels better. At least now I can do up my trousers.’ I lift my shirt to reveal the smallest bump – my precious babies.

  ‘I believe we are making a statement, Kate.’

  ‘Don’t mess with us.’ Barney flashes a seductive smile while striking a sultry pose.

  I look at Max. ‘What do you think?’

  He smiles. ‘They look good.’

  ‘Take a picture for me so I can send it to Luke.’

  Max rolls his eyes.

  Our first full day and evening passes. I beg Barney to go out with Maria and Tanya. I need to rest. This is my decision, not one made in honour of Mr Control Freak Sutton. I’ve thrown up a few times and my wound is aching. An early night is my best option.

  I lie in the bath enjoying some much-needed peace and quiet. My phone rings, I pray it’s him. Caller ID – Boss.

  ‘How can I miss you this much? Sutton, what have you done to me?’

  ‘I miss you too.’

  ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Dealing with contractors, plus trying to sort out the air-conditioning nightmare.’

  ‘Tell me, how are the interior plans working out?’

  ‘Good. I did have to argue over one or two adjustments you made.’

  ‘Luke, I’m not an interior designer. You should listen to the people you employed.’

  ‘Not if I disagree with them. Bradley also liked your suggestions.’

  ‘Oh.’ Why do I feel awkward whenever his name is mentioned?

  ‘How are my babies?’

  ‘OK, I’m just tired, plus Mr Jones had to add fabric to my trousers. I’m expanding, Luke.’

  ‘I wish I was with you.’

  ‘Me too. Actually not today, today has been a little challenging.’

  He laughs. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘I’ve been surrounded by models all day, all five foot ten and slender… Do models really have to look like that?’

  He laughs again. ‘I prefer five foot five myself.’

  ‘Bloody good job. But let’s not forget your encounter with a model – and, knowing you, I’m sure there was probably more than one. I bet you had a threesome…’ I pause. ‘Have you ever had a threesome?’ Oh my God, I want to scream. Why am I asking this? Do I want to know?

  ‘Jesus, Kate, are you on a self-destruct mission?’

  He didn’t say no.

  ‘It just popped into my head. Well, have you?’

  ‘Does it matter?’

  I bolt upright in the bath, spilling water over the edge. ‘Holy fuck, you have.’

  ‘I’m not discussing this with you.’

  ‘But you haven’t denied it.’ I hate feeling jealous!

  ‘Kate, please, this is not the time or the place. I want to hold you and I can’t.’

  ‘Me too.’

  I lie back down and sink into the water.

  ‘Thank you for the picture. Very clever to end with matching suits.’

  ‘I thought it would be fun, and now I have my very own suit.’

  ‘Max said you have been behaving yourself, and how is Barney?’

  ‘Sad. He’s missing Adam, and I mean really missing him.’

  ‘Missing Adam?’ he says, sounding confused.

  ‘Yeah, Adam. Jerry and Rosie’s Adam. He really likes him.’

  ‘What is it with you, setting people up?’

  ‘This time I didn’t. I actually told Barney to stay away, but he really likes him. They haven’t even kissed
or shagged yet, and Barney has never waited before.’

  ‘Thanks for that image in my head…’

  I giggle, swirling the water with one hand.

  ‘Are you in the bath?’

  ‘Yes – stark naked and in need of my husband.’

  ‘Now I’m hard.’

  ‘Just think of Barney. That’ll help.’ I laugh.

  ‘It’s working.’

  ‘OK, from the top again! Girls, listen to the beat. It’s not difficult: watch me then follow.’ Barney looks at me, shaking his head. ‘I think starvation has affected their fucking hearing.’

  I laugh as I watch him climb on to the runway then walk through the steps and turn – again.

  After a couple of hours, everything seems to fall into place. It’s time for me and Mr Jones to walk the finale. I take his hand and we walk along the runway to the beat of the club music that is echoing around the room.

  ‘Again, Harper, this time with more energy, yeah? Can we get Kate some heels? Take off those bloody Converse.’

  ‘Stroppy,’ I shout. I’ve never seen or heard Barney behave so assertively.

  Barney helps me remove my Converse and exchange them for a pair of killer heels. Thank God Mr Jones is walking with me. I need his support, physically and emotionally.

  ‘Let’s try this again, shall we? Oh, and Harper, tell your face you’re enjoying it, yeah? Now walk like you mean it.’

  We walk again, and again. Actually, this has to be the sixth or seventh time.

  ‘Really?’ I say and look at Mr Jones, who stifles a chuckle.

  ‘I never saw a perfectionist in Mr Curtis.’

  ‘That’s makes two of us.’

  ‘Kate, concentrate,’ Barney yells again.

  We walk the runway again. This time at the end I break out into my alter ego and perform the best slut drop I can muster.

  ‘Very bloody funny, Harper,’ Barney belts out.

  ‘I aim to please,’ I say and curtsey.

  From a distance I hear a whistle followed by enthusiastic clapping. With the spotlights shining on the runway, I can’t see where the noise is coming from.

  I shield my eyes with my hand. No clue. Within a few seconds I hear the sound of footsteps coming towards me until the surprise guest is revealed. It’s Bradley Taylor. What the fuck? We met briefly in New York, where he was the architect for Bagrov and Cooper, and Luke exiled him to Dubai to work on his hotel.

  ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘I’m getting a complex. You say that every time I see you,’ the tall, good-looking American says.

  ‘Sorry, I’m just surprised to see you. I thought you were working in Dubai.’ Does Luke know he is here, not in Dubai?

  ‘I was, but I’m signing over a building here in New York, plus I wanted to see my family before I head back to Dubai.’


  He comes closer to the stage, holding his hand out. ‘Let me help you down.’

  ‘Thanks,’ I say and step towards him. However, I misjudge the edge and almost fall into his arms.

  ‘Good job I was here.’ He jokes, but his eyes gleam with delight.

  ‘I’m a lucky girl.’ Crap! It wasn’t long ago that he told me he wanted to carry me to his bed – his exact words.

  My feet make contact with the floor. I look over Bradley’s shoulder and see Max watching me like a hawk. He’s on his phone. One guess who he’s talking to.

  ‘Coffee?’ I ask.

  ‘Yeah, sure.’

  He follows me to the corner of the room and the refreshments table.

  ‘How much did you see?’ I ask.

  ‘Enough. Nice dance moves.’


  ‘The designs from earlier – I recognise a couple of them from your office.’

  ‘Yeah.’ I’m shocked he remembered the drawings from when he visited me a few months ago in London.

  ‘It looks like your sticking and gluing has paid off.’

  ‘I hope so.’

  We sit, and I finally slip off my heels.

  ‘It’s good to see you, Kate.’

  ‘You too.’ Unnerved, I look away. He does this to me every time I’m in his company. I couldn’t live another day without Luke and that will never alter, but in a different time and place, maybe I would have taken Bradley up on his offer.

  ‘Can I say I missed you?’ he says.

  ‘How can you miss me? You really don’t know me.’

  ‘Maybe, but I still missed you. I hear you got married.’

  ‘Luke told you?’

  ‘No, I heard it from Zhan Abdul. He visited me, making sure I was doing a good job for Luke.’

  ‘I forgot you knew him. Small world.’

  ‘Architects know other architects. He designed the hotel so the project is personal to him.’

  ‘I guess.’ I ponder for a moment and take a deep breath. ‘Did you know I’m pregnant?’

  He nearly spits his coffee out.


  ‘What, for choking me or for being pregnant?’

  ‘I don’t know, can I say both?’ I laugh, hoping to lighten the mood.

  He sighs and looks down at his hands. ‘Fuck.’

  ‘I don’t know what to say, Bradley.’

  ‘You don’t need to say anything.’ He reaches across and tenderly strokes my hand. ‘I’m happy for you.’

  ‘You don’t look it.’

  He tries to smile, but he looks shocked. ‘I won’t lie, this was the last thing I expected you to say. Luke hasn’t mentioned it.’

  ‘It was a surprise for us too.’

  He leans across and kisses my cheek. ‘You’ll make a good mum, I know you will. I guess I always thought…’ He stops and brushes his hands through his mousey wavy hair. ‘Jesus. You affected me, there’s no other way to say it. I know how much you love Luke – Christ, it’s clear… But when I saw him and Alexis together in Dubai, part of me was hoping…’ He gazes at me, looking sad.

  ‘I know how you feel. I love Luke, that goes without saying. But had I met you first – well, things could have been different.’

  ‘Why do you always want what you can’t have?’

  ‘I know, right? Do you know how much I love regular coffee, not this decaf crap?’

  We both laugh.

  ‘Thanks for comparing my feelings to coffee… That’s what I love about you.’

  Change the subject, Harper – now.

  ‘How did you find me?’

  ‘I knew you were here. Luke mentioned it, plus I have my sources. You’re not difficult to track down.’

  I giggle. ‘Please tell me I stand out for the right reasons.’

  ‘You know you stand out.’ His eyes locks on mine.

  ‘Oi, Harper.’ Thankfully, Barney comes over.

  ‘Barney, do you remember Bradley Taylor?’

  ‘Yeah. Ivy League boy, you were at my birthday bash, right?’ Barney holds his hand out. ‘Good to see you again. It’s time for food, babe, we’re all bloody starving. There’s a sports bar down the road serving big fat burgers and beer. Bradley, join us, mate.’

  He shakes his head. ‘I have to be somewhere.’

  ‘Yeah, you do – with me, or should I say us. Besides, I won’t take no for an answer and I’m hormonal, so you don’t want to upset me.’ I can’t give him anything other than friendship and I need the awkwardness to disappear.

  We arrive at the sports bar, which is only a five-minute walk away: a noisy venue where we fit in rather well, especially with Barney there. Mr Jones opted to return to the hotel for room service.

  We all squeeze into a large corner booth. Bradley being there does nothing to change the Harper Jones crew. More by luck than anything else, Bradley sits next to me, and Barney the other side.
Max is on the edge of the group, watching me closely, no doubt on his boss’s instructions.

  After what must surely be the biggest meal ever, I am almost ready to burst.

  ‘I can’t eat any more. Anyone?’ I offer my plate.

  ‘Yep, pass it this way.’

  I slide the plate towards Barney.

  ‘Kate, have you eaten enough?’ Max bellows.

  ‘I’m fine,’ I snap.

  ‘How have you been? I mean, with the pregnancy?’ Bradley asks.

  ‘OK. Anyway, tell me about Dubai – the hotel, how’s that going? Have you been on any hot dates?’

  ‘Dates!’ He swigs from his bottle of beer. ‘Building your husband’s hotel keeps me pretty busy. The only dates I have are meetings with contractors.’

  ‘You should make time for yourself. Everyone needs some fun, and that includes you.’

  ‘Does that mean you’re coming to visit me soon?’

  Playfully, I tap his arm. ‘No. You need someone available.’

  ‘That would make life far too easy.’ He shakes his head.

  ‘You and I are probably quite alike: leave a do not enter sign out and sure enough we will go in.’

  ‘Am I supposed to read between the blurred lines here? Are you leaving a door open for me?’

  ‘No. I’m not. Besides, I’m pregnant.’

  ‘That doesn’t matter to me.’


  ‘Actually, I’ve never been more serious.’

  ‘You need a woman, not me.’

  ‘I’m not allowed to tell you what I need, am I?’

  ‘No. Keep it to yourself.’

  Max is glaring across the table. I wonder if he heard Bradley’s confession.

  ‘Right, who wants to go on to another bar?’ Barney asks.

  Max stands up from the table. ‘Kate, I think you should go back and rest.’

  Really? I nudge Bradley. ‘You up for another beer?’

  ‘Kate!’ Max says.

  ‘Max, feel free to join us… If not, you can go back to the hotel.’

  ‘Right then, let’s go, boys and girls.’ As ever Barney is in charge of the party.

  We put on our coats and get ready, then follow Barney towards the exit. Max stops me and pulls me to one side.

  I look up to him. ‘What?’


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