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Uniquely Unwelcome (The Shadow World, #1)

Page 17

by Brandy Nacole

  “I didn’t see what he looked like,” he responds. “He had a cloak on that covered his whole body and his face.”

  My heart stops, the room suddenly becoming small and stuffy. The threat from the creatures hadn’t scared me. But this? This does. My dreams of the cloaked man, the creatures killing me and the others, the feeling of almost dying, all comes rushing over me, suffocating me. With Garron’s painful revelation that the cloaked man is real, I start to panic. No man or being is going to stop me from finding Addie, but how can I continue to drag the others with me, knowing the danger they could encounter. They haven’t lived the dreams, heard the threats.

  Ethan scoots to the edge of his seat. Cautiously he asks Garron, “How do you know it was a man?”

  “His build was tall and broad. But what really confirmed it were his hands. They were definitely a man’s hands. That was the only part of him that I saw.” Garron’s voice is muffled, his head still hung.

  “Did he have a horseshoe scar on his right hand?” Before even thinking it through, I ask the question that has everyone turning to look at me. I cringe inwardly as I lie to the people who are just as dependent on my honesty as I am theirs.

  “Something Cate told the Elders when she visited them in her spiritual form,” I tell them. “She had mentioned something about the scar on her kidnappers’ hand.” Everyone nods, accepting my lie. Jobe and Zaire both close their eyes for a moment, as if giving a moment of silence to Cate. I find this odd, considering they claim not to care for the Witches.

  Garron looks at me in confusion through a tear-stained face. “I was more worried about my mate than I was about scars on the man taking her from me.”

  Jobe, being the great leader he is, probably senses that the Lycan has had enough. He gently says, “That will be all Garron, thank you.”

  Garron rises to leave, moving sluggishly, as if weighed down by worry. Just as he reaches the door, he stops and glances back. “Are you going to find them?”

  I stand and walk over to Garron. I don’t touch him but I look him straight in the eyes. His eyes are blood shot from all the crying he’s done.

  “I’m going to do everything I can. I promise you, I won’t stop until we find out where they are.”

  “Then let me come with you.” Garron pleads with desperation.

  I know him coming isn’t the best option, but I don’t know how to tell him no. I know how he feels. He just wants to help find his loved one. If someone had told me I couldn’t go find Addie, I would have gone on my own anyway.

  Luckily I don’t have to tell him no. Jobe walks up beside me.

  “I don’t think that is wise, Garron. I know you’re hurting and I’m afraid your pain will hinder them. You should stay here with us and wait to see what they find.” He’s kind, but also stern, as he expresses his concern to his Lycan.

  Garron solemnly nods, saying nothing as he walks out the door. Jobe runs his hand through his hair and sighs. The weight of seeing one of his Lycans in pain, seems to weigh on him. He returns to the couch, and I follow.

  “I’m afraid the only other information we have for you is where the disappearances took place,” Zaire says.

  “That will be very helpful, thank you.”

  Zaire rises and walks over to the desk, grabbing a piece of paper and a pen. He writes down the names and locations from memory, just like the Elders had. Once he’s done he hands me the paper before sitting back down.

  “Now if you need anything else, please don’t hesitate to call on us.”

  I take the paper, intentionally touching his hand. “We will, thank you.”

  I want to say more, not ready to leave just yet. Coy and Ethan rise and walk toward the door, signaling it’s time to go.

  As I reluctantly stand to leave, Jobe stops us with a protest. “Wait just a second. I would like to talk with Coy for a moment.”

  “Would you like me and Racquel to step out?” Ethan asks, placing his hand on the door-knob.

  Jobe shakes his head. “No that will not be necessary.”

  Coy looks at me, a little perplexed. I can tell he’s a little scared from the rise of his heartbeat. What could they possibly want to talk to him about? He walks back over to sit on the couch. I take a seat right next to Coy, offering him my support just as he has given it to me. Plus it keeps me close to Jobe and Zaire. Ethan stays next to the door, probably wanting to give them space.

  “As you know, you are a very lucky man. As far as I know, no one has ever escaped from the Vampires’ imprisonment before. We would like to offer you protection here. You would be free like any other human, but with more protection from the pack.”

  Coy raises his brow; apparently that wasn’t what he was expecting. “That’s really nice of you, but I’m afraid I will have to decline your offer.”

  Jobe looks a little surprised by this. “Just out of curiosity, may I ask why?”

  Coy looks at me with a sad smile. He doesn’t take his eyes off me as he answers Jobe. “I hate this world.”

  I jerk like I’ve been slapped. I really don’t know what I’d been expecting him to say. I guess I was thinking his response would revolve around wanting to see the world and not wanting to be shut out again. Never did I expect this response. By saying he doesn’t want anything to do with the Shadow World, he’s saying he doesn’t want anything to do with me.

  I was starting to look at Coy as a friend, someone who doesn’t judge me. Now he’s sitting here basically saying that’ll never happen. That we will never be friends because he doesn’t want anything to do with our world. And unfortunately, I will always be a part of this world.

  But why should I expect him to stay? He made it clear when we left Sofia that he wanted to be free. So why is this so crushing to me? I’m unsure of the answer, so I just get mad at myself, resenting these feelings. Now I’m kind of wishing Ethan and I had stepped out.

  Coy turns back to Jobe, a sorrowful look on his face. “I know that the Lycans can protect me from the Vampires, but I’m willing to take the risk to live a normal human life like I want. Once I find my brother, that’s exactly what I plan on doing. I want to separate myself and my brother from this world and forget the past. Just move on and be a family like we should.”

  “Our offer will always be open, as it is for you, Racquel,” Jobe says.

  I nod my head, not really accepting their offer or refusing it. I thank Jobe and Zaire once more before we leave. Walking back through the growling wolves, through the cave, and out to the field like a zombie, I mentally curse myself the whole way for being so foolish.

  Accalia walks with us, but Cade’s nowhere in sight. She and Ethan talk amongst themselves the whole way again. I am too tuned in on my own problems to pay attention to their conversation or how they part ways.

  As we’re approaching the car, Coy walks beside me. Nothing is said until we’re almost to the car. “Racquel, I’m sorry it’s just—”

  I interrupt him, choosing to look ahead instead of at him. “It’s okay, really. You deserve a normal life, filled with happiness. Besides, it’s not like we’re friends or anything. You’re just tagging along to find your brother, remember.” My voice holds no emotion.

  Coy places his hand on my arm, turning me to face him. He lifts my chin so I’m looking at him. “You’re wrong. We will always be friends.” He runs his thumb over my cheek. Then running his hands down my arms, he tries pulling me in for a hug.

  I resist. This guy, who I have opened up to more than anyone in my life, has just reminded me why it’s best to keep people at bay. They can hurt you with simple words. Continue to hurt you with simple gestures. Keeping your heart shielded and not letting people close keeps your emotions simple. Letting people in leaves you on an emotional rollercoaster that causes too much pain.

  In addition to my current pain, I see Danika and Ethan’s pain. They like each other. They would probably make a great pair. However, they may never be together. Their worlds may never come together just beca
use of their heritages.

  With a shrug, I turn to the car. Instead of getting in the back, I hop into the driver’s seat in order to keep distance between Coy and me.

  No one protests. Ethan gets in the back without a word, looking glum. Danika hands over the keys and I take off. The ride back is quiet. We’re all lost in our own thoughts, thinking about our problems or the next move at hand. That’s where my mind stays. I block out everything except what we are going to do next.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Once we arrive back at the café, everyone returns to their rooms, needing a break and wanting to pull themselves together. We all agree to meet back in the café at seven to discuss what we have so far. I hope we can figure out a pattern or something useful.

  I can imagine Coy is shocked when he enters his room. There should be a clothes rack in the center of his room, full of shirts in an array of different colors, some pairs of jeans and other pants. Danika also arranged to get an assortment of underwear and socks, a few pairs of shoes, and a coat.

  I smile at the thought, then take some time alone to try and unwind. My mind is racing, a slight pounding thrums behind my eyes. To relieve the pressure, I release a little mind power. Sitting in the middle of the room, I start moving different objects around the room. I switch the lamp on the dresser for the lamp on the bedside table, then take all the drawers out of the dresser and re-shuffle them.

  I move smaller objects, such as the remote and magazine from spot to spot. Then I look over at my bedside table and see the picture of me and Addie. It’s the only personal thing I brought with me beside clothes and a few weapons.

  I bring the picture from the table to my hands, looking down at Addie and her smile. Remembering once again the moments we shared: the laughs, the tears, and the talks. I clutch the picture closer to me and for the first time in a long time, I cry.

  I’m not much for crying. For me, crying is a weakness. It shows that you’re hurt and in pain. It lets others know they have gotten to you, and where your weaknesses are. Growing up, I couldn’t show those weaknesses. If people knew how much they hurt me, they would hurt me more. It was something my grandfather taught me. His words whisper through my mind. Never show them your pain. They will feed on it. Always keep yourself in check. I listened to my grandfather then and I will continue to try and listen to his words now. I just wished he hadn’t left me, so he could be here to reprimand me for being so foolish. But if he was still around, I wouldn’t be here to begin with.

  It doesn’t help that my tears aren’t clear. Instead mine are more of a pink, because of the Vampire in me. Vampires’ tears are completely made of blood. Since the only fluid they consume is blood, the only fluid they release is blood. This includes sweat. Not that Vampires’ sweat, but if they did, it would be blood.

  Eventually I stop crying and take a deep breath to let out the frustration. I stand and place the picture back on the table, taking once last glance at it before walking away.

  Now that I have let out the emotional and mental pressure, it’s time for a little body release. I grab my gloves and start punching at invisible opponents. I throw in some kicks, flips, and jabs. I miss my punching bag and the release I enjoy with each impact.

  I imagine the cloaked figure standing in front of me, trying to visualize who he truly is. With each kick and jab, my body releases its tension, although it reveals no answer.

  Feeling satisfied with my release, I decide to take a quick shower. It’s nearly seven and I’m covered in pink sweat from head to toe, including my once-white shirt.

  Once I’m finished and dressed, I gather all the lists we have so far and head down stairs. Coy exits his room at the same time I do. Ignoring him, I continue on to the busy café. Abruptly I stop, causing Coy to bump into me. He mutters and starts to ask why I stopped, but when he follows my line of vision, he stops too.

  Danika is sitting at a table outside. She’s laughing and sipping tea. But the person making her laugh isn’t who I expected. Instead of Ethan sitting next to her, there’s a handsome young man leaning in toward her, saying something that makes her laugh again. The smile actually reaches her eyes.

  I’m about to turn back, hoping to catch Ethan to stall him, but when the boy looks in our direction my mind quickly changes gears. There’s not just any boy sitting with Danika. He’s a Vampire.

  I sense him now, the vibe of danger and blood. It’s unusual to see Vampires out during the day, but it happens. You sometimes see Vampires out at sunset, like it is now, in the shade, but most wait until it’s completely dark. However, I have seen some out in the middle of the day, the sun blaring down on them.

  It’s something only the younger Vampires, who are under two hundred, can do. When a Vampire first turns, the sun doesn’t bother them. As they age, their skin becomes more sensitive to the sun. This stems from their skin not necessarily aging but being exposed for such a long period of time. As they get older, their skin quickly dries and turns to dust in a matter of minutes when exposed to intense light.

  Most of the younger Vampires stay within the dark of night like the rest of their kind. Younger Vampires are usually turned by those who want to build their family. It takes around five to six years for the Vampire blood to fully take over a human body. When a Vampire couple decides they want a family, they usually turn someone who is between twelve and thirteen. This gives the child time to still go to school to learn about the Shadow World or to stay home to learn about being a Vampire. Most choose to stay home in the dark so they can be with their new family.

  I’ve also heard that once the Vampire blood has fully overtaken the human blood, the light makes them feel uncomfortable. I’ve heard some say it feels unnatural to them. All they want to do is find a dark place to hide.

  I’m about to walk over and demand what is going on, when I see Ethan come around the corner. Uh-oh. This is not good. He has his head down not paying attention to what’s going on around him. I guess he went for a walk to think. He’s going to have a lot more to think about.

  When he’s almost to Danika’s table he looks up and stops. His body goes rigid. Anger flares in his eyes as he takes in the scene before him.

  Coy gives me a little nudge. “Maybe we should get over there.”

  I walk as fast as I can without running to try and reach Danika before Ethan does. But he’s too close. He marches right up to the vamp and snatches him out of his chair. Danika stands too, asking Ethan to stop, but he ignores her.

  Ethan throws the vamp up against the wall, slightly cracking the brick. “What do you want, leech?” The crowd outside scatters, while people inside look on.

  Ethan’s anger seems to have no effect on the vamp. He calmly says, “Get your hands off me.”

  I walk behind Ethan with Danika and Coy on each side of me. “Ethan let him go. For all we know, he could have been passing by and recognized Danika. They just might have been talking.”

  Ethan seems not to have heard me, because his grip tightens. Then Danika walks up beside him and places her hand on his shoulder.

  “Ethan, let him go.”

  Ethan’s hands tighten a little more, reluctant to do so. With one last shove against the brick, he releases the vamp and takes a step back, keeping his gaze locked with his opponent. I see the café manager walking toward us, so does Coy. He rushes over to the manager, trying to keep him at bay.

  “Is there a problem here?” the manager asks, pointing at Ethan and the vamp.

  “Just a minor disagreement, but it’s fine now.” Coy tries making light of the situation by waving his hand through the air, as if this is nonsense.

  “You guys take this somewhere else. I don’t need you running customers off.” He gestures down the road and turns back to the café.

  I look down the street and see a little park about three blocks down. “Come on.” I grab Ethan by the elbow and start tugging him in that direction. He shrugs off my hand but continues to follow me.

  I glance back over my sh
oulder to make sure everyone else is following me, including the vamp. I look around the park, trying to find the most secluded spot to talk. Spotting a picnic table off to the side under some trees, I decide it’s quiet enough.

  The lighting over here is dim, the street lights blocked by the trees. The sun has completely set, the night sky setting in as the first star makes its appearance. I take a seat, but the only other person who sits with me is Coy. Ethan comes and stands by one end of the table and the vamp stands at the other. Danika finally walks over, obviously unsure what to do, but then sits beside me.

  “Okay, first off what’s your name?” I ask the Vampire, who’s in a deathly stare-down with Ethan.


  Jared’s not bad looking. He’s got short blond hair, fine sharp features, and of course the black eyes. Those black eyes staying focused on Ethan.

  Ethan’s jaw tightens. “What do you want?”

  Jared finally breaks his focus and looks over at Danika. She’s not looking at either one of them. She’s staring down at her hands, wringing them nervously. I glance over at Ethan and see his hands tighten into fists.

  When Jared doesn’t say anything, Danika speaks up. “He wants to help us.”

  Danika’s voice is low, barely a whisper, her head still hanging.

  Doubt and suspicion set in. Why would this Jared suddenly appear, wanting to help? How did he find out we were looking for the missing? Better yet, how did he know where to find us? Apparently I’m not the only one with doubt.

  “Like hell. Did Aldrick send you? Are you one of his little spy boys?” Ethan’s fists are still at his side, shaking in rage. I know he’s doing everything he can to stay in control, but wanting nothing more than to rip into Jared.

  Finally Jared relaxes a bit. Then he makes the mistake of sitting by Danika. This is all it takes to set Ethan off again. He’s around the table and throwing Jared off the bench before his butt even hits the wooden seat.

  “You stay away from her.” Ethan grits the words out between clenched teeth.


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