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Desired by Dragons: BBW Paranormal Romance (Dragons of New York Book 2)

Page 11

by Terry Bolryder

  He teased Tara at her entrance for a moment, a wry grin on his mouth as her breathing quickened with anticipation of having him inside again. She felt so ready for him. Quill came behind her, allowing her to prop her back against him, a wall of corded steel, as she faced Drake’s hard, bulging body.

  “This is for the other night,” he said, still teasing her playfully. She could almost taste it; he was so close to being inside her. She wanted his hard, thick cock now.

  Using her own dragon strength, she grasped Drake’s shoulders and pulled herself onto him. She knew it was far from the kind of strength Drake had, but if it got her what she knew they both wanted, she didn’t think he’d have any complaints.

  Drake gasped lightly, a deep, powerful sound, as she pressed onto him, then gave a small laugh as his gaze locked with hers.

  “You really are something, Tara. I guess this is what we get for having such a fiery woman for a mate,” he said.

  “But don’t think we’re not going to be absurdly overprotective of you for the rest of time,” Quill added, whispering into her ear.

  “I look forward to it,” she said. The feel of having Drake inside her was ecstasy. She couldn’t wait for him to start moving.

  As if in answer to her thoughts, he did so, holding her by the hips and pulling out, then thrusting back in, as powerful as he was gentle. Her eyes rolled back and she moaned, loving the feel of Drake inside and Quill behind her, stroking her sides and leaning over her shoulder to kiss her neck lovingly.

  Together, the three of them worked, her two dragons zeroed in on her pleasure and her on the receiving end of it.

  Drake moved slowly at first, and she relished in the feel of his hard length, every bit of it as good as with Quill. Stretching her, filling her in every way. With every stroke, he stoked the fire burning inside her, urging her toward orgasm.

  She would always love these two men. And she knew they would always love her too. Sure, there might be speed bumps along the way. Heaven knew there were a lot of things she still had to learn. But with Drake and Quill beside her, she could handle anything. Could face any obstacle.

  Drake’s pumping was so erotic, so hot, as she could see his arms and chest flex with each thrust. But she got the feeling from his increasing speed he was close too. Probably from watching her go with Quill. She knew if she got to watch Drake or Quill orgasm multiple times, she wouldn’t be able to hold on too long either.

  She let her hands rove over Drake’s luscious pecs as she rode out the waves of pleasure fast approaching. When they finally hit, her breath caught and her entire body froze, tensed and about to explode. Just a she froze, she felt Drake’s muscles go firm and his member become hard as he pushed all the way in.

  Tara’s orgasm was amazing, a combination of Drake’s thrusting and Quill’s voracious kissing mixed with all the other pleasures they had given her. Her entire body was engulfed with relief and pleasure and hot ecstasy at the same time, and she felt herself call Drake’s name uninhibitedly as she felt the cosmos come apart and then piece back together.

  Even as it abated, she felt aftershocks course through her, rocking her with pleasure and then leaving her lightheaded and filled with happiness. Drake pulled out slowly, and he and Quill laid her down on the bed, creating a protective shield on either side. She felt so warm, so safe, so loved by these incredible men that fate had united her with.

  She lay on her back as Drake wrapped an arm around her midsection and Quill teased a stray lock of her hair. Both of them were all hers.

  “From here on out, it’s just you and us, Tara,” Quill said, his voice soft and calming.

  “I know,” she said, unable to keep from smiling at the thought. If it all hadn’t been so real, she would still think she was dreaming.

  “If it’s a dream, then don’t wake me up,” Drake chimed in, giving a deep chuckle.

  Tara wrapped an arm around both of her men and pulled them closer, feeling their warmth as happy exhaustion set in from having been pleasured so much.

  The past week had been the craziest of her entire life. Yet, looking back, it all seemed so far off when compared to the knowledge they had everything ahead of them. Unlimited time to love, to give, to share.

  She gave both Quill and Drake a kiss before nestling in to sleep. Tara had no clue what tomorrow could bring. Just so long as her dragons were with her, it didn’t matter.

  Tonight was only the start of forever.


  Several weeks later, Tara was still getting used to life with Quill and Drake by her side at all times. They went wherever she went. And even though she had dragon-strength and durability, they still insisted on being overprotective. Which she had no problem with.

  That afternoon, they were taking it easy after having gone out on a mission the day before. Tara found it fascinating to accompany them as they did their “job”, though Quill and Drake were so ridiculously wealthy Tara knew she would never have to do actual work for another day of her life, no matter how long it lasted.

  Each mission was different, though it usually involved bringing in Drake to take care of some unruly shifters, or bringing in Quill to heal or help someone important to shifter affairs. Sometimes both. Either way, they let her come but were incredibly jealous and watchful of her wherever they went.

  Not everything was right with the world outside, and Tara was just glad that she and her mates could use their powers to help make things better, if even a little bit.

  There had been no sign or notice of wyverns since that day at the warehouse, but Quill and Drake had made sure to let Gentry know about it just in case.

  Tara was enjoying reading a book, something she hadn’t had the free time or mental space to do in a long time, while Quill and Drake debated over what to make for dinner. Specifically, what Tara would like more and therefore eat more of.

  Though Quill and Drake still argued from time to time, there was a much greater sense of unity between them. Whether it was making important decisions on missions or even simple choices, they seemed to be able to agree more quickly and more often than before. Granted, if Tara ever threw her opinion in, it was likely they were going to both agree on whatever she wanted. But it still made her smile and feel loved every time they put away their differences and came to an understanding.

  While they were coming to a final decision on dinner, a knock sounded at the door. Both Drake and Quill went up to it and looked at the security monitor that showed who was outside (they had it installed after the incident with the wyverns, and since then had been very wary of anyone coming to the door).

  “Gentry and Sterling,” Drake muttered. “Do I have to open it?”

  “I think you do. He is still technically our boss,” Quill replied.

  “Nobody’s the boss of me. Except her, when she wants to be,” Drake said, grinning at Tara. The look made her blush.

  “Let us in. We’re not coming to steal your mate if that’s what you think,” Tara could hear Gentry say over the intercom with a sigh.

  “Don’t make me open it for you,” Sterling said indignantly.

  Quill shrugged and unlocked the door, opening it and letting the two tall men in. Though Tara didn’t feel threatened by them, she still felt a little leery. Over the past couple of weeks, she had gotten to know more about Gentry and Sterling and the other dragons. Even though Gentry was the one responsible for assigning missions to other other dragon pairs in the region, it was obvious that everyone had mixed feelings about the enigmatic duo.

  Gentry (the one with wavy brown hair and purple eyes) came in first, shaking Drake and Quill’s hands and nodding to Tara, who remained seated on the other side of the room.

  “We wanted to come by and congratulate you for all the hard work you’ve been doing these past few weeks,” Gentry said with an air of polite gratitude. “And also to welcome the newest member to the dragon family and give our warmest wishes of good fortune for you.” Tara wanted to be skeptical, but Gentry sounded s
incere about his approbation.

  “We also brought this,” the silver-haired Sterling said, handing a flat box and a bottle of wine to a surprised Quill.

  “What is it?” Quill asked.

  “A bottle of one of our best and oldest vintages from the cellar back home, and a pie that my partner baked personally,” Gentry said.

  Drake smirked. “A pie? What kind?”

  “Apple-rhubarb,” Sterling replied flatly.

  Tara’s two mates shared doubting looks, but Quill accepted the gifts graciously and put them in the kitchen.

  “We also wanted to say sorry for the misunderstanding when we first met, and give our sincerest apologies for any trouble it may have caused,” Gentry said.

  “It’s okay. Just don’t give us another reason to have to come over there again, agreed?” Quill said with a wink and a sharp glance.

  “Unless it’s to welcome your new mate into the crew, if you ever find one,” Drake said dryly. Gentry just smiled politely, but Tara swore she could see Sterling scowl subtly for a split-second.

  By then Tara had stood and come over to meet the two men, though they seemed on their way out. They both gave her a platonic handshake and offered their best wishes again, then left almost as quickly as they had come.

  “That was weird,” Quill said, closing the door.

  “I know. They need a mate in my opinion. Badly,” Drake said.

  “Especially Sterling,” Quill added, chuckling to himself.

  The three of them stood together at the entrance to their lavish home, and Tara couldn’t help but notice the air warming around her as her mate’s attention turned to her.

  “So, dinner?” Quill said, his mind clearly somewhere else.

  “I can think of something else I want more than that right now,” Drake said, his eyes fiery and roving over Tara’s body.

  “I don’t know. Do you think it could be more delicious than that apple-rhubarb pie?” Tara teased.

  Drake scooped her up into his arms, making her feel safe and wanted. “Baby, we’ll have you screaming for more in no time at all,” he said, his voice deep. He took her and headed to the bedroom.

  Quill walked in front of them and opened the door, letting her and Drake go inside, then following. Drake set her on the bed, and Tara could feel the sexual tension building faster by the second, The promise of pleasure and excitement rising in her.

  “We’ll make it worth your while,” Quill whispered, coming over her and kissing her deeply.

  Nothing in the world sounded sweeter.

  * * *

  * * *

  Hi, thanks so much for reading Tara, Drake and Quill’s book. I hope you enjoyed it and if you did I hope you’ll leave consider leaving a review to help them and me out!

  Gentry and Sterling’s book is out now:

  Destined Dragons (Gentry and Sterling’s story) on Amazon

  Thanks so much for all your support in buying and reading and reviewing my books. I’m so grateful to have the best fans and readers in the world. It means everything and keeps me writing every day.

  I appreciate you all so much,


  Terry Bolryder

  Also, you can visit me on Terry’s Facebook

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  I’ll be hard at work on the next story!

  Sample of Destined Dragons

  Destined Dragons

  Gentry, purple dragon and leader of the New York region of dragons, woke up in a cold sweat, heaving hard breaths as the vision from his mind faded slowly into the darkness around him.

  A second later, the door to his bedroom swung open and light filtered in from the hallway. His work partner, Sterling, whom he’d been teamed with for many years, was watching from the doorway.

  “What’s going on?” he asked. “You were screaming.”

  “Was I?” Gentry asked vaguely, rubbing his temples and wishing he could forget what he’d just seen. At the same time, he knew he couldn’t forget or someone would die. Someone important to the dragons. There had been screaming in his dream all right, but it hadn’t been him.

  He got out of bed and strode to the window to look out at the lands surrounding their castle-like mansion.

  Sterling was wearing gray pajama bottoms with no shirt, his short, silvery hair glowing in the low light of the room, his silver-blue eyes unmistakably worried.

  “What did you see?” he asked, and Gentry waved a hand.

  “Don’t worry about it. I didn’t mean to wake you. It can wait until morning. I don’t think it’s happening for a good while yet.”

  “What’s not happening, then?” Sterling said, coming up behind him and putting a hand on his shoulder. “I know you’ve seen some terrible things, but I’ve never heard you make noises like that. Don’t make me go inside your mind.”

  Gentry laughed quietly. Sterling was the only dragon who could read dragon minds without permission. Then again, Sterling had many unique powers when it came to the mind. “All right, I’ll tell you, then. Sit down.”

  Sterling sat smoothly in a chair that faced the bed, and Gentry sat on the end of his bed, folding his hands in his lap. He admired Sterling’s ease of movement. Everything the man did had a silky quality to it, fluid and graceful, despite his powerfully muscled body.

  Sterling was extremely overprotective of Gentry, but it made sense, given their history. Gentry knew if he didn’t tell him what was up, his partner really would make good on his threat to read his mind. Not that he had anything to hide from Sterling, but he wouldn’t wish the things he saw in his visions on his worst enemies.

  “They’ve got a dragon-heart. And they’re going to kill her. Horribly,” Gentry said gravely.

  Sterling uncrossed and crossed his legs, the only sign of his unease. He widely claimed to care only for Gentry, but Gentry knew Sterling had a kinder heart than he let on, even if he was sort of the type to rely more on his mind than his feelings.

  He felt the usual amount of awe as he studied his partner’s beautiful face while he thought over the situation. Despite being together for hundreds of years, Sterling, like most dragons, hadn’t aged beyond his prime in his mid-twenties, retaining the peak of his physical beauty. Gentry felt and looked a little older, mainly because of the wear of so many years of stress and visions. But he guessed most people would only guess them a few years apart—Sterling in his late twenties, Gentry in his early thirties.

  “We’ll have to rescue her,” Sterling said, leaning back in the chair and looking out at the night. His lantern was on the ground, and in the darkness, the silver-blue gleam of his irises matched the light of the full moon.

  “Why?” Gentry asked. Of course he agreed, but he wanted to hear Sterling’s reasoning and see if it lined up with his own.

  “First, it’s our duty, as I’m sure you know. Second, we need a mate to complete our triad. The other two pairs in our region have one, and as leaders, we should be the strongest, not underpowered. A dragon-hearted mate will bring us a third power, which is invaluable with what is happening in the shifter world.”

  Gentry nodded. Rogue wolf shifters, angry at the dragons for interfering in illegal or forbidden activities, had begun conducting experiments with dragon blood, kidnapping dragons to steal it. It had come to a head when wyverns (shifters infected with dragon’s blood to form small dragons) had kidnapped the mate of another pair of dragons, Drake and Quill, the red and blue.

  Gentry still remembered bringing their little mate to his apartment. He’d been surprised by how pleasing the thought of keeping her for their own was, but unfortunately, she’d been set on the other dragons, and said dragons had broken down his door in their efforts to reclaim her.

  He sighed and thought about the woman in the dream. Could he take her for a mate, look into her eyes, knowing he’d watched her die? Would he ever lose the images? Nevertheless, he knew Sterling was right. They had
to get her.

  Sterling’s reasons were more Machiavellian, as usual. He wanted the dragon-heart for her power as much as he wanted to save her from danger. Gentry just wanted to make sure the horrible images in his vision never came true.

  He clicked on the lamp by his bed and gestured for Sterling to come over. He pulled a notepad out of the drawer and grabbed a pen and started drawing. “I’ll show you what I saw, and you can help me figure out where it is.” When he finished the sketch, he handed it to Sterling, who looked it over with narrowed eyes.

  “I don’t need to figure it out. I already know.” He set aside the sketchpad. “We’ll set out at first light tomorrow. Do you know for sure when it will happen?”

  Gentry shook his head. “I got the feeling it wasn’t immediately. But based on what they did to her, I don’t want to wait around and see.”

  Sterling nodded. “First light.” Then he turned and walked out of the room, assured that Gentry was fine and he’d taken care of him.

  Gentry turned off the lamp and slumped back in the bed, silently wishing Sterling had stayed. It was nice having a partner who cared and took care of things. But sometimes he wished for more, someone to talk to, someone to lighten the mood.

  Maybe a mate really would be a good idea. Someone to fill all the gaps in their lonely castle.

  * * *

  Roxy never thought saving someone’s life would result in being kidnapped.

  It all started two weeks ago when she’d rescued that man on the subway.

  Someone had gotten belligerent, and a man stepped in to stop him from harassing others. As his reward, he was thrown onto the track in front of an oncoming train.

  Roxy had stared in shock as the others around her murmured nervously or screamed for help, but only for a second. The next thing she’d known, she was running for the track and reaching in to help the other man out, paying no attention to the train as she used her weight as leverage, hoping to complete the rescue before she herself fell in or the train arrived, squashing them both.


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