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Intentional Darkness: Alexandreia Bennett: An EMP Story

Page 16

by RH Fox

  Dreia reached down and intertwined fingers with Matt, squeezing. She knew he still struggled with the way his military career had ended. He missed the camaraderie immensely.

  Matt continued, “What’s your plan, Sergeant?”

  “When the hummers get here, we’ll use them as cover to get close to the guy barricaded in the office and talk him out.” Evans looked at Dreia, “Any idea how many women he might have in there?”

  “No. Though, if you didn’t see the girl I was telling you about earlier, we can assume Carrie’s with him. They moved eight women yesterday morning, and there were four of us this morning. They originally took six but killed two of them before the day was over. So, at that rate, maybe four or five?”

  “I’m not sure we can draw conclusions based on normal assumptions anymore, honey,” Matt interjected.

  “Probably true,” Evans agreed as they heard the hummers approaching.

  The heavy vehicles stopped at the edge of the bridge. The driver of the lead vehicle jumped out and jogged over for instructions.

  “Hubbard, where are we at with that dynamite?” Evan called to his man leaning over the edge of the bridge.

  “Almost done, sir. Whoever did this had some experience with explosives. It’s rigged good. I’ll have it taken care of in about two more minutes.”

  “Okay. When Hubbard gives the all clear, bring the hummers across. We’ll drive right up into the lot and position ourselves directly in front of the office he’s in.”

  “Roger that, sir.”

  The driver went back to fill the others in and Dreia could see Gimpy behind the wheel of the third hummer. Her anxiety was rising again at the impending showdown. She knew she couldn’t risk letting Wayne walk away, even in military custody. Figuring out how to manage it was going to be tricky though. She reached up and took hold of the M4 slung over her shoulder. The smooth weight was comforting. Feeling eyes on her, she glanced down at Z. He watched her knowingly, but kept silent. No doubt assuming that Wayne’s death would ensure his own survival, and gang brother or not, the rules had changed.

  “Finished, sir!” Hubbard called out. “What do you want me to do with the dynamite?”

  “Put it in some ammo cans. We’ll take it back with us. Tell the others to go ahead and pull across.”

  Hubbard took the sticks he’d collected and followed orders.

  “Holtzer, zip tie this one’s hands and put him in your hummer. You’ll have the room since I assume you two will be parting ways with us when we’re done here?” he addressed Dreia and Matt.

  “As soon as I make sure these men aren’t a threat to anyone else,” Matt said, and Dreia nodded her agreement.

  Dean and Craig got Z up and secured, walking him back to leave in Gimpy’s custody.

  “Okay, there’s two entrances and we’re going in the south side. Stay behind the hummers and let me do the talking. Understood?”

  Everyone nodded at Evans and the hummers started moving. After they entered the lot, the drivers positioned themselves bumper to bumper, right in front of the realty office.

  “Here, I’m good now.” Matt reached to take the M4 back.

  “I’d prefer she held on to it,” Evans stated bluntly.

  Dreia had no intention of handing it over but narrowed her eyes when Matt didn’t even argue. With no time to dwell on his out of character behavior, though, she turned her attention toward the strip mall.

  “What was his name again?” Evans asked her.


  Evans cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted, “Wayne, put any weapons you may have down and come out with your hands where we can see them.”

  “Not going to happen,” a voice called back through the door where a wadded up cloth held it slightly open. Dreia felt her skin crawl at the sound of Wayne’s voice.

  “No one’s going to shoot. We’re taking you back to base to answer some questions. Your rear exit is covered. There’s no way out. You’re just prolonging the inevitable and wasting our time.”

  “I don’t give a shit about your time. What are you offering in the way of insurance?”

  “How many women are in there?” Evans tried changing course.

  “Who says I have women in here?”

  Evans looked at Dreia with raised eyebrows and she nodded.

  “Your shipment this morning didn’t make it to its destination. Dreia told us what you’re doing here.”

  “Ahhhh, Dreia. Is she out there, too?”

  “Come out and see for yourself,” Evans called.

  Wayne laughed, “Tell you what. I’ll send all the others out if she comes in.”

  “Absolutely not,” Matt growled.

  Dreia’s mind raced, “Matt, wait. This might work. He’s not going to hurt me if he thinks I’m his only ticket out of there. It’ll get the others released that much quicker.”

  “No way in hell.”

  Dreia turned to her husband and laid both her hands on his face. “Honey, I want to go home. I want to hold my children in my arms and pretend for one more night that things are normal before we face our new reality as a family. I’m willing to do anything to make that happen faster. Please understand, I have to do this.”

  Matt pulled Dreia into his arms and held her tightly. Seconds stretched out until Evans cleared his throat.

  “Fine, but I don’t like this. I’m holding my rifle, and if he tries anything I will shoot him.”

  “Sir, with all due respect, that’s not going to happen. The captain thinks these guys have knowledge of bigger issues than this bridge, or we wouldn’t be here. I give you my word we’ll protect your wife.”

  Matt released Dreia and looked Evans in the eye. “If anything happens to her, I won’t stop with him.”

  The soldier held his gaze but didn’t respond. Dreia held the M4 out to Craig who swung it onto his back, so it wouldn’t interfere with his own rifle’s accessibility.

  Matt tugged her back into his arms and kissed her deeply. “I don’t like this,” he repeated when he finally pulled back.

  “I know, love. I promise I’ll be careful, and this’ll all be over before you know it.” She turned her head toward Evans. “Watch out for a blond teenager named Carrie. No telling what she might try.”

  He nodded, and Matt grudgingly released her. Dreia squeezed his hand and walked toward the rear of the hummers.

  Craig gently punched her arm as she passed. “We’ve got your back, Auntie.”

  Dreia smiled tensely and kept moving. There were two bodies on the ground in front of the office and she recognized the lazy guard. Giving them a wide berth, she reached the glass door and made herself open it. The interior was full of shadows, and a hand grabbed her before her eyes had a chance to adjust. Wayne jerked her up against his chest and wrapped his arm across her throat. The familiar scent of leather washed over her, and her heart rate accelerated despite her attempt to stay calm and focused.

  “Hi darlin’, did you miss me?” he asked, squeezing his arm against her tender neck. He patted her down with his other hand. “Let’s make sure you weren’t stupid enough to bring another gun. No? Well, a man’s only as good as his word. Carrie, take the others outside.”

  Dreia turned to look in the direction he spoke, causing his arm to dig further into her throat. Carrie scowled at her before heading to the rear of the office. Dreia heard her ordering whoever was back there to get up. Soon, three women and one child passed by. They all looked terrified.

  “It’s okay, there are soldiers out there who will keep you safe,” she tried to reassure them with a choked voice.

  “You should all thank Dreia for taking your place,” Wayne added cheerfully.

  The women ignored him and hurried past, afraid he was going to stop them when freedom was within their grasp. He laughed as they bounced off each other in their haste to get out the door.

  “You sure you don’t want me to stay and help you, Wayne?” Carrie asked.

  “No, make yourself
useful outside,” he ordered, and she disappeared, too.


  “Dreia, is that all of them?” Evans yelled from outside.

  “Is it? Can I answer him?” she asked the man at her back, acutely aware that he was in control again.

  “Yes, but keep it simple. No sense telling him Carrie’s with me.”

  Dreia tensed.

  “You already did, didn’t you?” He chuckled, not phased at all. “Answer him then.”

  She raised her voice to be heard, “Yeah, that’s everyone.”

  “Wayne, you’ve got your bargaining chip. What do you want?”

  “I want thirty minutes to think, and then I’ll get back to you on that.”

  “You have ten minutes.”

  “Twenty. Or, I can slit Dreia’s throat now and we can start all over.”

  “You have nothing else to leverage. You just traded all your hostages.”

  “Unless I made Dreia lie and have more women in here after all.”

  There was a long silence from outside, and Dreia figured they were questioning the other women. She could only imagine how Matt was reacting to Wayne’s threats.

  “You’re the one lying, Wayne. You have fifteen minutes to figure out how you want to play this, not a minute more.”

  “Plenty of time for what I have in mind,” he yelled.

  Dreia felt her skin crawl at the same phrase she’d already heard once that morning. Matt’s angry voice bellowed loudly, and she knew the other men had to be restraining him by now.

  “It’s okay,” she shouted for Matt’s benefit. “He’s not going to hurt me, because he knows I’m his only ticket out of this alive.”

  It fell silent outside.

  “Is that why you think I wanted you?” Wayne snarled. “They already said they were going to take me alive.”

  “Then why?” she asked, wary of his tone.

  Wayne spun her around to face him. “I needed you to tell me how many men they have out there and where they are.”

  “To what end? You’re outnumbered.”

  “Not for long. I’ve got a vehicle pick-up scheduled and more men will be here any minute.”

  Dreia could see the raw truth in his eyes and turned to yell a warning. Wayne grabbed her throat and pushed her back against the front cubicle.

  “Now, would you look at us. I’ve got some serious déjà vu going on.” He slowly squeezed and Dreia began to doubt her certainty that he needed her to save his own skin.

  “How many men are out there and where are they?” he asked again, all levity gone from his voice. He released most of the pressure but kept his fingers wrapped around her neck.

  There was no sense in lying. “Eight men on the other side of the hummers, two around back.”

  “Good girl. What about the asshole firing at me from the trees across the canal?”

  “I forgot about him. He’s still there as far as I know.”

  “Are they expecting anyone else?”


  “See, that wasn’t hard.” His smile turned predatory again and he slid his hand around to the back of her neck and up into her hair. “Now, we have ten minutes to kill and you owe me. You are such a cocktease,” he growled. Fisting his hand in her hair, he pulled her up and propelled her ahead of him into the first cubicle. Turning her around to face him, he marched her backwards until she felt the desk against the back of her thighs. Then, he reached down and yanked on her belt as she struggled to slide away.

  “Stop!” he finally roared. He unsheathed a knife hidden on the back of his belt and held it against her throat. “Or I’ll have you field dressed faster than anyone can make it in to save your ass.”

  Dreia froze. She refused to scream, because nothing would stop Matt from rushing in if he thought she was being hurt. Wayne had the advantage of knowing his way around the office in the dark and she wasn’t going to let her husband be ambushed. One of them had to make it home to their children.

  Wayne pulled the belt away from her waist and lowered the knife, slicing it clean through.

  “Unbutton your pants.”

  When she remained motionless, he placed the knife back to her throat. With shaking hands, she reached down and released the button.

  “Unzip them and push them down.”

  Tears began to pool as she lowered the zipper. “Please, don’t do this.”

  He smiled, savoring the fear rolling off her. “Just this morning you were begging me to do exactly this. Now, drop the pants Dreia, or I will kill you.”

  The thought of Matt being only yards away made her throat close. She let go of the baggy pants and felt them slide easily off her hips. Regret over the decision to go without underwear washed over her, and her face flamed as air hit her bare skin.

  “Well, well, well, aren’t you the naughty MILF whore.” Wayne laughed in anticipation. “Turn around!”

  Dreia turned to face the desk and he shoved her forward, lightly trailing the sharp blade down her back as he fumbled with his pants. Silent tears ran down her face and pooled where her cheek connected with the cold surface.

  “Please, don’t,” she tried again, voice cracking.

  He didn’t answer, and she felt him step up between her legs. Dreia braced herself for what was about to happen when gunfire suddenly erupted outside.

  “Shit!” Wayne swung his head toward the sounds and back to her. She waited, breath caught on a sob, to see what he’d do.

  “Shit!” he ground out again and he struggled to get his pants zipped.

  Dreia rolled out from under him and yanked her own pants up, tears streaming down her face as she tried to get them fastened. Her fingers weren’t cooperating, fine motor skills paralyzed. Before she could get to the belt, forgetting it was useless now, Wayne grabbed her arm and pulled her to the front of the office. Careful to stay back from the windows, he tried to find a vantage point for what was happening outside.

  “I told you I had more men coming,” he said gleefully as gunshots continued to ring out.

  Dreia’s chest heaved, thinking about Matt being cut down by the new arrivals. Wayne held her in front of him, just in case a stray bullet pierced the large windows. Several long minutes later, it finally fell silent and they waited to see whose voice they’d hear.

  “Wayne, your time’s up,” Evans yelled.

  “Damn it!” Wayne bellowed. He released her and started pacing the small office.

  “Your plan to stall until your friends showed up didn’t work. They’re dead, by the way, so you’re on your own.”

  Dreia took the chance that he was distracted by the turn of events and darted toward the open door. Wayne’s speed surprised her, and she found herself once again clasped against him with the knife back to her neck. She grabbed his arm to steady her balance, trying to hold herself away from the blade while at the same time ensure her pants didn’t slide off with her other hand.

  “I’m coming out,” he finally shouted. “If anyone tries anything, Dreia’s dead.”

  “Everyone stays back,” they heard Evans order.

  Wayne propelled Dreia out the door in front of him. Their eyes adjusted quickly to the fading sunlight, and he stopped at the edge of the sidewalk.

  Matt let out a deafening roar at the sight of the undone belt and her struggle to hold her pants up. His eyes locked on hers, tears still running down her face. Craig and Dean both tried to grab him, but he knocked them out of his way and charged out from behind the hummers.

  “Stop!” Wayne ordered coldly. “Or you’ll watch her blood soak the ground.”

  Matt came to a halt, face filled with intense rage.

  “Matt, I’m okay,” she assured him, but couldn’t hide the fear on her face.

  “Looks like someone’s bothered by my getting to know Dreia on a more personal level.” Wayne goaded him, careful to stay behind her. Half a dozen rifles were now aimed his direction from across the hummer’s hoods, despite the promise he wouldn’t be shot.

��You’re dead, asshole,” Matt answered through clenched teeth.

  “I’m think I’m the one calling the shots,” Wayne taunted.

  “Sir, stand down, we need him alive,” Evans hollered.

  “Yeah, stand down Matt,” Wayne stated, “but no one’s taking me anywhere. You’re going to call your men off the back of the building, then Dreia and I are going to get in one of the cars and leave. If no tries to stop us, I’ll dump her on the side of the road somewhere. Maybe even in one piece. She’s kind of a pain in the ass to be honest, and I don’t need the headache. How does that sound, Matt? And tell you what, keep your buddies from following us and I’ll try to forget all about your daughter, too.”

  Matt went completely still and locked eyes with Dreia again.

  “He saw the family picture in my wallet. And my driver’s license,” she told him.

  In one smooth motion, Matt pulled a Beretta from under his shirt and leveled it on Wayne, firing before anyone could react. Shouting erupted behind the hummers and Dreia felt Wayne jerk against her back. She pushed at the arm holding the knife, but the blade caught the side of her neck before his arm went completely slack. Suddenly, Matt was there, applying gentle pressure to stop the blood before Wayne even hit the ground.

  “Get a first aid kit!” she heard him should.

  Dreia began to sway, so Matt swept her up into his arms. Someone opened the door to the nearest hummer and he gently deposited her in the front seat, probing at her throat.

  “It’s not deep, you’re okay,” he concluded, voice thick with relief.

  Dreia had already started to regain her senses and swatted at his hands.

  “Here, let me,” she took the cloth Craig was holding out and laid it against the wound. “Is he dead?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I checked myself. Most impressive shot I’ve ever seen, sir! The sergeant’s not too happy with you, though” Craig answered from beside Matt, not bothering to hid his huge grin.

  “He’ll get over it,” Matt replied with no remorse whatsoever. He looked up with the ghost of a smile. “Did I not mention I always earned the expert badge for pistols as well?”


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