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Gone Unnoticed: A Kate Reid Novel (The Kate Reid Series Book 3)

Page 12

by Robin Mahle

  Pulling the covers back, a chill pressed against her bare skin. Her feet quietly touched the ground and she stood. Guilt gnawed at her stomach and twisted hard. She had to make it to the bathroom before losing all control of her despair.

  The small nightlight in the bathroom guided her way and Kate closed the door with quiet urgency. Her eyes reddened and she looked at her face in the mirror. Her diminutive features now appeared puffy and discolored, even in the scant light. “I’m so sorry.” Kate reached for the ring on her necklace. She hadn’t taken it off while she lay in bed with him and the realization of the fact was enough to bring her to tears.

  Her hand trembled as she covered her mouth to conceal the sound of her grief. How could she have allowed herself to indulge in a moment of weakness? The need to be touched, to be loved was too powerful and now, as she peered down at her naked form, she regretted it. All of it. And she wanted nothing more than for Will to leave; get out of her bed and out of her house. But Will was a kind man, a good man, and that made her feel all the worse. She’d used him.

  “Kate?” A voice sounded just beyond the door. “Are you okay?”

  He must have awakened from the sound of her sobs and now he wanted to know if she was okay. Of course she wasn’t. She cleared her throat and wiped her eyes with her fingertips. “I’m fine. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  She filled her lungs with the cool air and worked to pull herself together. A small washcloth lay on the basin and Kate moistened it and pressed it against her stinging eyes to stem the flow of tears. Another deep breath and she pulled open the door. Will stood just outside, his waist wrapped in the bedsheet.

  “Hey. I thought I heard something and just wanted to check to see if you were all right.” He seemed to study her features with some concern. “You don’t look all right.” Will reached out for her shoulder.

  Kate shuddered at his touch that only minutes ago had been welcomed.

  He immediately lowered his hand. A thin, knowing smile appeared on his lips and he nodded his head. “I see. Um, I guess I should be going now.” Will walked back towards the bed to gather his clothes that were heaped in a pile on the floor.

  “I’m sorry, Will. I—I’m just not ready for this. I should’ve never…”

  But before she could finish, he said, “Hey, you know what? It’s fine.” He lowered the sheet and pulled on his jeans. “I should’ve listened to you earlier. You told me you weren’t ready, but I came over anyway. It was my mistake, not yours.” The black t-shirt stretched over his head as he pulled it down to cover his toned chest. He moved to Kate, who had wrapped herself in the robe that hung on the bathroom door. “I’m sorry, Kate. I—um… well, let’s just say that I guess I let my feelings for you get the better of me.” Will leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Good night.”

  Kate remained in her room as Will walked away. She listened as the front door opened and then closed again. Her feet carried her to the living room and she pulled the curtain back just enough to watch him back out of the drive. When she reached the front door to turn the deadbolt, Kate pressed her back against it and slid down to the floor and, her knees pulled tight against her chest, she wept.

  » » »

  The instructor stepped inside the lab to waiting students and placed his briefcase on the desk. “Let’s get you paired up and we’ll get started on the assigned stations.”

  The forensics lab at the Academy was far superior to anything Kate had ever seen before. Maybe because it was used by the BAU headquarters as well as for training, but this was state-of-the-art.

  Today, the trainees would be given hands-on experience with forensics. Although several of her classmates had some knowledge, this would introduce advanced techniques that included collecting fingerprints, running DNA samples, and understanding the uses for fluorescein, a chemical used in the detection of latent blood at a crime scene.

  Each station had a different evidence collection technique and, for the first time in a long while, Kate began to feel at home.

  “Reid, Caison, you two can start on the fluorescein station.” The instructor pointed them in the right direction.

  Since they first arrived this morning, neither had spoken to one another. This was exactly what Kate hadn’t wanted. They’d slept together and she had made him feel terrible for it. For a moment, Kate considered a request to work with someone else, but then questions would be raised as to why. The two had been paired up on several occasions and had not been a problem. If the instructor discovered the reason behind her request, it could possibly jeopardize all they both had been working towards. No, she made her bed and would have to lie in it.

  The two made their way to the station. Kate had been familiar with the fluorescein technique, but only ever used Luminol. However, both chemicals would still fluoresce under LED or ultraviolet light to detect a bloodstain that had been cleaned. It didn’t matter if bleach or other cleaning agents were used, the iron in the blood would still be picked up by these two compounds.

  She began to spray the chemical onto the clothing sample. Kate noticed Will’s standoffish demeanor and hardened face. She’d hurt herself and him in the process. With several more weeks left in her training, she began to realize it would be a very long and uncomfortable time. But what could she say to him that would offer any real solace? Gee, I’m sorry I had sex with you because all I could think about was my dead fiancé. That would be a morale boost for him. “Damn it.”

  “What’s wrong? What happened?” Will moved in to see what the problem was.

  “I put too much on the sleeve, I think. You see that?” She pointed to some very faint lines in the shirt.


  “That could be a fingerprint and too much of this solution will diminish the detail.”

  “Oh, maybe we should ask for another sample.”

  “No. Let’s just keep going. Here.” She handed the spray bottle to Will. “Why don’t you try? My hands aren’t steady enough, I guess.”

  Will held her gaze for a moment. “Yeah, all right.”

  They processed the samples utilizing the various collection techniques. This should have been fun for Kate. After all, she’d spent a year or better in this environment. But she’d ruined a friendship by making a bad decision and now who was left? Her roommate had quit and Will was the only other person who she’d grown comfortable around. He’d helped her too. With the tactical training, his experience had been invaluable. She’d lost that too.

  Kate eyed the clock on the wall. It was almost over. Then she’d be on a flight to Virginia Beach to meet Nick and Dwight. She could only hope that on her return, Will might see his way to forgiving her for treating him so carelessly. Maybe she would have forgiven herself.


  The short flight from D.C. to Norfolk had been smooth until the turbulent descent hastened Kate’s desire to land. An unenthusiastic flyer, she prepared by clutching the arms of her seat and stiffening her back as if bracing for impact.

  Kate tossed her overnight bag onto her shoulder. She’d been given little instruction regarding the tasks ahead and prepared by packing a bag in the event she wouldn’t make it home tonight.

  Agent Jameson awaited her just outside the gate inside the main terminal and she soon spotted him. He was hard to miss, a result of his stature, and now his cheeks were raised in a smile so high that his eyes had turned to mere slits when he flashed his near-flawless teeth.

  “Hey, how was your flight?” he asked.


  “It’s the heat. Come on; Scarborough’s waiting for us.” Dwight pushed the button for the elevator and held the doors so Kate could step on first. “I’m on the second-floor garage.”

  The flashing headlights were a beacon in the darkened parking structure when Dwight pressed the keyless remote entry on the rental car.

  Kate slid inside the passenger seat. “How far is the coroner’s office?”

  “About half an hour. Maybe a little less.” The eng
ine turned over and they began to make their way out of the garage. “How was class today?”

  “Awkward and uncomfortable” was what she’d wanted to say, but she thought better of it. “We were utilizing evidence collection techniques and I actually felt like I knew what the hell I was doing.”

  “Don’t sell yourself short, Kate.” With a quick glance and brief smile, Dwight pulled out onto the main road. “I know you and I haven’t spoken much and I didn’t really know Detective Avery all that well, but I just wanted to say that I think he’d be real proud of you.”

  “Thank you, Dwight. That means a lot to me.” It was a nice sentiment and she did appreciate it, but right now, the struggle to come to terms with her actions was in direct conflict with the idea that Marshall would be proud of her. She doubted that very much.

  Rather than continue to engage in conversation for which Kate was unprepared, she instead passed the time by pretending to do work on her phone. Brushing him off felt harsh and perhaps Dwight was able to pick up on that, but Kate had screwed up in a big way last night and the events replayed constantly, reminding her over and over that she wasn’t worthy of forgiveness from Will or anyone.

  “This is it.” Dwight cut the engine after pulling into the parking lot of the coroner’s office.

  Inhaling the fresh salty tinge in the air as she stepped out of the car was a pleasant reminder and, for a moment, she felt like she was back at home. “Is he still with the coroner?”

  “Yes, he just texted me.” Dwight locked up the car and shoved the keys in his pants pocket. “Follow me.”

  Inside the lobby, a young woman sat behind a sleek black reception desk, complete with a raised glass top that spanned its entire length. Perhaps she was fresh out of college. The welcoming smile she wore had no hesitation behind it, as though she hadn’t a clue that people couldn’t always be trusted. Her conservative attire was likely the reflection of her place of employment. To dress provocatively here of all places would seem grossly inappropriate.

  “I’m Special Agent Dwight Jameson and this is Agent Trainee Kate Reid.” He confirmed his identity by displaying his credentials. “We’re here to meet with Agent Scarborough and Dr. Reese.”

  “One moment, please,” she replied and turned to her fairly advanced looking phone system for authorization. “Please, go ahead down the hall. Dr. Reese’s office is the last door on the right. He’s expecting you.”

  “Thank you.” Dwight led the way down the hall, his polished, square-tipped shoes tapping against the stone tiled floor, a sound that announced their approach from several feet away.

  Their arrival had been expected and the door buzzed open before Dwight could press the button mounted on the side.

  “Good, you’re here,” Nick began, wasting no time. “Dr. Reese and I have been reviewing the autopsy report on our Jane Doe. As we’ve already been made aware, the labs came back with a DNA match for the man who we believe was the last person to see her alive. And,” he looked directly at Kate, “we found this. Dr. Reese, would you please show the agents the tattoo.”

  Dr. Reese lifted the right shoulder of the body. Her black hair was pushed back to reveal what Kate had already suspected was present. “Agent Scarborough suggested there could be a connection between this victim and others you suspect are involved in a sex trafficking ring. And this tattoo is some sort of marker?”

  Her skin was pale, making the fresh-looking tattoo all the more prominent. And while her complexion was falling victim to the ashen tone of death, a slightly reddish ring outlined the flower, indicating it hadn’t been there long.

  “That’s what we believe and this seems to confirm that assumption. Any word yet on the woman’s identity?” Kate asked.

  “Not yet. If it hadn’t been for the earring, and Virginia Beach PD inputting the sample in the database, we’d have no cause to suspect she was a victim of this operation,” Nick said. “But we know she was at the house and we can now confirm she was connected to James Corbett, thanks to his unique branding. And as for Martin Druseburg, maybe he can shed some light considering it appears as though he was the last person to see her alive.” Nick examined the girl again, as though her identity might somehow reveal itself.

  “I spoke with Detective Garrett just after Jameson and I arrived this morning,” he went on. “He made mention that an anonymous call came in last week offering a description of a woman the person believed to have gone missing. Apparently, the individual hadn’t wanted to be identified. Unfortunately, an official report wasn’t filed because no one came in to file it. All they have is a description, but Garrett thinks this could be the girl, based on the photo I emailed him.”

  “Does he have a name attached to the description?” Kate asked.

  “Madlena Jankovic,” Nick replied. “Garrett is looking for an address or the name of a relative, something, so that he can get a positive ID.”

  “I guess we need to pay a visit to Martin Druseburg. With his DNA on this dead girl’s body, he might be willing to give up the man who sold her to him,” Jameson said.

  Nick gathered his files. “Thank you for your time, Doctor. Either me or a member of my team will be in touch with any further questions.”

  “Thank you, Agent Scarborough.” Reese nodded to Dwight and Kate. “Pleasure to meet you and good luck. I don’t want to see any more of these young girls turning up in my office.”

  Nick led the way outside the facility. “I’ve already touched base with the local authorities. Detective Franks has been assigned to this investigation and she’s going to meet us at the home of Druseburg.” He continued to walk toward the parking lot. “This is a very high-profile man and the local PD wants to be sure to keep this out of the media. We’re simply going to question him. We have absolutely no hard evidence suggesting he bought and paid for this girl or that he might have been responsible for her death.”

  “We have her earring and the presumed connection to Corbett – the tattoo,” Kate said.

  “We do, but that’s not enough to prove anything. She could just as easily have been a hooker he picked up and then she offed herself afterwards. No, we need to draw him out. I’m sure he’ll want to bring in his lawyer, but let’s just see what we can get out of him before that time. Detective Franks will then politely suggest that he go down to the station for further questioning.” Nick opened the driver’s side door.

  The three of them stepped inside the rental car and headed toward the home of the wealthy Martin Druseberg.

  » » »

  The enormous structure slowly revealed itself as they made their way up the long, meandering single-lane road that ran parallel to the ocean. The house, or rather, mansion, was perched atop the cliffs and stood out among the distant neighboring residents due to its modern lines and concrete grey exterior; a stark contrast to the grand Tudor-style homes in the area.

  “Well, we knew the guy had money,” Dwight said, peering through the windshield, his eyes cast upwards to the top of the cliff.

  “I guess money will buy you lots of things,” Kate replied. “Including people.”

  Dwight turned away from the breathtaking view and lent Kate his attention. “I suppose so.”

  Nick remained silent, but spotted Detective Franks’ patrol car in his rear view.

  “I’d be surprised if Druseburg was there,” Dwight said. “If this woman escaped from him, he’s got to be shitting bricks right about now. No way is he going to just be sitting around waiting for us to show up.”

  “Maybe you’re right,” Kate replied.

  They arrived at the bottom of the home’s circular drive and the agents stepped outside.

  “Nice place,” Nick said.

  “You could say that,” Dwight replied.

  Detective Franks emerged from her car and walked towards the agents. Kate took notice of the woman’s appearance. Although she looked to be older, perhaps in her late forties, she was a stunning woman. Blonde, shoulder-length hair, neatly styled in a straigh
t bob. Her reddish-toned skin made her appear as though she was blushing, but in an alluring manner.

  Kate looked at Nick, who had clearly taken notice of the woman’s beauty as well. If Agent Myers was here right now, she might have reason to be jealous.

  “Detective Franks.” Nick extended his hand. “We spoke on the phone. I’m Special Agent Nick Scarborough and this is Special Agent Dwight Jameson and Agent Trainee Kate Reid.”

  “Pleasure and thank you for giving us a heads up on this one, Agent Scarborough. Mr. Druseburg is very well respected in the community, so keeping this quiet until we know more is very much appreciated.”

  “Of course. Shall we?” Nick extended his arm in a gesture that suggested the detective take the lead.

  They reached the top of the stone steps and now stood beneath the curved, covered porch that surrounded the front of the home and faced the ocean.

  The front windows were obscured by shades, leaving the impression that no one was inside. Detective Franks rang the doorbell and they waited for a length of time that implied there would be no answer. But then the door opened.

  “Hello. Can I help you?” A stocky, middle-aged woman with short grey hair stood in doorway, the cavernous foyer visible behind her.

  “We’re looking for Mr. Druseburg. Is he available? I’m Detective Sergeant Franks with Virginia Beach PD.”

  “I’m afraid he is away on business. May I ask what this is regarding?” She eyed the visitors with what appeared to be skepticism.

  “We just have a few questions for him. Do you expect him back any time soon?”

  “Tomorrow. He said he would be back tomorrow evening.”

  “Okay. Thank you,” Franks replied. “We’ll try to get in touch with him through his office. Thank you for your time.”

  The housekeeper closed the door without so much as a “good evening.”

  “We need to find out where Mr. Druseburg has traveled to,” Franks said.


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