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The Creature - Book Two of the Marcus II Series

Page 3

by Bonnie Somerville

  They sat down across from Catherine. “Where is Jaaza and Steph, I was hoping to see them this evening?” Rachael inquired. “They’re in Arklow visiting friends.” Catherine answered after swallowing a bite of biscuit. “How have things been going here Auntie?” Rachael asked conversationally. “Good but busy. I’m thinking of going on a vacation.” Aunt Catherine confided. Rachael smiled. In all the years she had been around Aunt Kitty she had never seen her go on vacation. “Well good for you Auntie, you deserve one. Perhaps you could go to the Temple of Aphrodite and soak in the mineral springs. It would make you feel ten years younger.” Catherine gave a quiet laugh. The meal finished and Kaley excused herself. She wasn’t much interested in the boring talk of community business.

  When they were finally alone Catherine and Rachael went back to Catherines’ house for coffee. No one would disturb them there. It was generally accepted that when people had questions they found her at the town hall during the day, not at her home. Evenings they left Catherine to enjoy her own life and family. “Would you like tea or coffee?” Catherine asked. “Coffee would be wonderful if it isn’t too much trouble Auntie.” Rachael sat down on an overstuffed chair and Catherine on her settee. They both took long sips of their beverages; they were almost mirror images of each other. Both Murray women sported the same rich auburn hair that many of the Murray family had. “Rachael I want to start by telling you how proud of you I am. You’ve done a bang up job coordinating all the area leaders. It’s not easy dealing with all the various personalities and their idiosyncrasies. I knew that placing you in the position was the right thing to do in spite of your young age.” Catherine took another sip of her coffee and continued. “I’m gratified to hear you not only have gained experience and knowledge of the community but you have also cultivated a comfortable rapport with all the citizens not just the leaders. I’ve heard you are well liked and respected.”

  Rachael smiled broadly and became a little misty eyed. The last thing she had expected was such a wonderful compliment from someone she respected so very much. “Thank you Auntie; I do my best.” Catherine smiled once more. “At some point my generation is going to retire and I want you and your cousins to be able to step right in seamlessly and take over. The accident in Arklow reminded me that we need more young people to apprentice as Doctors as well as other key positions. We need more than just one person who can do the same work; especially the more technical positions. Jaaza wants us to post a Doctor in Dori’s Cove full time and I think that is a very good idea.” Catherine explained. Rachael squinted and nodded slightly. “Many of us are already wearing two hats. The population is growing and it makes sense to at least double our apprentice positions. I have travelled many times to Dori’s Cove and I agree with Jaaza’s assessment. I think it prudent to post a Doctor there full time considering their population has to travel to Arklow for medical treatment. Dori’s Cove was nothing more than an outpost a few years ago but it is growing now and it makes sense to build a clinic there.” Rachael commented.

  “Rachael you talk to Romi and get some idea from her as how best to serve the people of Dori’s Cove then I want you to go there. You should be able to talk to the people on a more personal level. Kaley having family there could make all the difference in getting to the heart of their needs. I don’t want to just implement something from here I want their input and once you hash out some of the details then we all can sit down and finalize the details.” Catherine examined Rachaels’ features for hidden answers. Answers Rachael wasn’t ready to divulge at this juncture. “My Queen, it is my understanding that the residents of Dori’s Cove have been isolated from the rest of the colonies for a reason. They want to be left to go about their business without outside interference.” Rachael tried to explain. It didn’t escape Catherine’s notice that Rachael used her most formal title. This wasn’t going to be easy but she knew Rachael was up to the task. “Rachael you are my liaison and I need you to travel there on official business. They may have been isolated by design but they are a growing community as are all our communities which means that they need to become self-sufficient. If they want to send some of their young people to become apprentices in some of the sciences they are welcome to do so. That way they will have their own people in those positions rather than us assigning people they don’t know or trust. Do whatever it takes Rachael to make this happen. It’s starting to look like we are going to have to establish a new community in the south at some time in the near future. As you know it takes a decade sometimes two before a new community will truly be self-sufficient. We will need to focus our attention there and support them. Our own resources will need to be optimized until their farming and orchards are mature. This is why we need to focus our attention on Dori’s Cove now while we have the time and resources.” Catherine explained.

  Rachael looked at her Aunt. “I understand you’re planning ahead and I’m glad that in spite of the distance to Dori’s Cove you haven’t forgotten about them and their needs. I would very much like to bring them into the greater community.” Rachael said frankly. “Good then I think we have a plan. You will travel to Arklow where you will confer with Romi and then travel north to Dori’s Cove directly from there. Use your familial connections to ascertain their needs and report your recommendations directly to me. If you need to employ Kaley’s help in discussions and negotiations feel free to include her. She has a unique understanding of the dynamics of The Cove.” Catherine concluded. Rachael stood. “Yes my Queen, we will be ready to go first thing in the morning.” Rahael moved to leave but Catherine’s voice halted her. “And Rachael, please take care of yourself, Kaley and my future grandniece. Have a safe trip.” Rachael nodded. “Yes ma’am.”

  After leaving Catherine’s home Rachael went straight to the livery to arrange for a team of two horses and a shay to take them to Arklow first thing in the morning. Kaley wasn’t happy with having to use the shay instead of riding horseback but Rachael convinced her it was best. Kaley had a bit of a restless night; she never slept well in the city. Her home was the forest surrounded by nature and trees.

  The couple snuggled close just before dawn. They knew that soon they would have to head off to Arklow so they savored their last few moments in their own bed and in each others arms. “I’m still not pleased with having to sit in a shay for an entire day.” Kaley pouted. “I know honey and I’m grateful you are humoring me with all my overprotectiveness. I just feel like I want to be part of this process.” Rachael put her head on Kaley’s shoulder while caressing her bare belly. “I wish we could stay in bed all day enjoying each other.” Kaley purred. “I would like nothing better than to stay all day with you in bed but Aunt Kitty has sent me on a mission to The Cove.” Rachael filled Kaley in on some of the details of the mission. “You certainly have your work cut out for you. They are not going to like being told to accept assistance.” Kaley held Rachael tighter; Rachael returned the embrace. “That’s why I’m glad you’re going with me. I’m going to need your help in the discussions. You can help me say things in a way that will appeal to them.” Kaley rolled onto her side draping her leg over Rachaels’. “I’m not a negotiator or a diplomat. I plan on putting my feet up and letting my family pamper me.” Kaley was joking because she was not the sort to sit around for very long. Rachael chuckled. “I’ve never seen you sit around with your feet up. Is that even possible? You are too restless for that.” “I like to call it productive; but you’re right. I will probably pitch in anywhere I can when I’m there. They can always use an extra pair of hands.” Rachael turned to look Kaley in the eyes. “Kaley, promise me you won’t over do it.” Rachael looked at her concerned. Kaley had to laugh at the serious look on Rachael’s face. She took Rachael’s face between her hands and looked her right in the eyes. “Rach I love you so much. You are just going to have to trust me to do the right thing. Please stop hovering over me you’re starting to drive me a little nuts.” She said seriously while at the same time reassuringly.

; The sun was up now so they rushed to the dining area. They ate hastily and Cook handed them a picnic basket for their journey. They went to the livery where a surrey was waiting for them. “I thought we were getting a shay?” Rach asked the liveryman. “Your Aunt wanted Miss Kaley to have a smoother ride so she asked me to prepare her surrey.” Catherine kept a personal surrey for ceremonial purposes and official events. It wasn’t something she used every day in fact she had only used it on a few occasions. Rachael was grateful to her Aunt for thinking about the comfort of her wife. Rachael helped Kaley up into her seat; Kaley accepted her helping hard grudgingly. She hated being thought of as helpless but she had to admit she was showing noticeably and her balance was off a touch.

  The journey went slow but steady. They stopped midday for lunch. Kaley was actually glad for the surrey as it had a top that protected them from the worst of the suns’ rays. Her fair skin made prolonged exposure to the sun less than a desirable option. They had had to stop every hour to let her evacuate her bladder. Cook had included in the picnic lunch everything a body needed or wanted. After lunch Kaley took a few minutes to take a short walk in the woods. She took great comfort from being in the embrace of the forest. As she walked she thought she heard a branch snap. She wondered if the creature had followed them. In fact she was almost positive it had. “We are going to the town of Arklow my friend. We need to talk to Rachael’s cousin who is the Mayor of the town. We will stay there one day and then travel north from there to Dori’s Cove. That is where I am from; almost all my family are there. You will be safe there. I wish you could trust us enough to reveal yourself.”

  Rachael was waiting by the surrey when she returned. She had a feeling Kaley was still trying to make contact with her shy little friend. It was important to Kaley so it was important to Rachael. She would never ask her to change anything about herself and that included her love of the forest and the creatures that inhabited it. She had fallen in love with her partly because she was so different.

  Most people on Marcus II had a healthy respect for the planet and nature but Kaley was ONE with it. She could walk out into the forest and survive for years without having to depend on civilization. She knew how to survive on Marcus II.

  When they arrived in Arklow they headed to the community shower after dropping off the surrey at the livery. The shower was the only place other than the laundry that had running hot water. The showers were split; one side for men and the other larger side for women. The floors and walls sported very handsome hand painted tiles similar to Mexican tiles. Kaley and Rachael stripped their sweaty dirty clothes and went to the nearest nozzles. If you were shy this was not the place to be. Everyone from two to ninety nine ended up in these showers. Kaley didn’t feel self-conscious these days but when she first left The Cove she was reminded every day how very different she was from everyone else.

  There was the odd Cove resident that left their northern home and went to live in the south. Kaley knew that some of the younger folk had left for a multitude of different reasons. The future seemed bleak for the residents of the northern community. She hadn’t been one of those adventurous teens but when she met and began dating Rachael she knew wherever Rachael was that was where she wanted to be.

  When their shower was complete they walked out into the outer room where attendants handed them fresh towels. While they dressed a raucous group of workers entered the shower area laughing and joking. Steam came billowing out as almost every shower nozzle was turned on simultaneously. Shortly Jaaza (Catherine’s youngest daughter) her partner Steph, Romi and her partner Sara came into the dressing room. Rachael and Kaley were engulfed in the warmest hugs from their family members. “Jaaza I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Aunt Kitty wants you back at The Landing as soon as possible.” Rachael said apologetically. “Rachael it’s quite alright. It’s time we went back to work. We love to stay with Romi whenever we get some time away. Hello Kaley you look ravishing.” Jaaza said turning to Kaley and kissing her on the cheek. “Thank you Jaaza, I’m not sure I feel ravishing; I just feel big. When are you and Steph going to settle down and start a family of your own?” Kaley said only half-jokingly. Jaaza blushed. She and Steph hadn’t been together very long and it was a bit early to have that discussion. “Romi, Aunt Kitty asked me to talk to you as soon as I arrived so we could head out to The Cove first thing in the morning.” Rachael said very businesslike. “Rachael I know you want to please Aunt Kitty but can’t we have a good long visit and have some fun together.” Romi said hopefully. Rachael went over to Romi and her face went from serious to a friendly smile. “I miss you too Romi, next time for sure. I just want to get this last mission over and let Kaley have a nice visit with her family and then we can go home. I want Kaley home in lots of time for her to give birth to our child in our own home instead of somewhere on the road.” Rachael explained. Romi smiled and clapped Rachael on the back. “You are really protective of that little lady. You are a good wife and I’m sure you will be a wonderful parent. Now let’s get to work.”

  The next morning after another restless night for Kaley the two headed north in their surrey. “I’m sorry we can’t stop at the Temple of Aphrodite this trip Kaley. Maybe we can stop on the way back for a few days. The mineral bath will still be there and you can get a nice massage.” Rachael said. “It’s ok Rach, I’m a little anxious to see my family and get a decent night sleep.” “Do you think our little friend is still out there?” Rach asked. “I haven’t seen any sign of her. I’ll take a better look when we stop for lunch.” Kaley said hopefully.

  The trip to The Cove would mean at least one night under the stars. The road to The Cove followed the path of the Murray River named for Rachael’s five time great aunt Dr. Moira Murray the first leader of Marcus II. When they stopped for lunch Kaley went into the woods but couldn’t find any sign of the creature. By the time dinner time rolled around Kaley looked exhausted so Rachael stopped and unhitched the horses and let them roam. She took some blankets out of the surrey and made a nice bed for the two of them. They ate a quick meal and cuddled together on the bedroll.

  Rachael could feel Kaley take a long deep breath. “Are you going to be ok sleeping here on the ground?” Rachael asked. “I’m more than fine. I feel like I can breathe better here and I can’t wait to be back at my childhood home.” Kaley said softly. Rachael held her tight. “I know you have a hard time being with me in the city. Do you regret giving up The Cove for me?” Rachael asked. Kaley turned to Rachael. “I have never regretted being with you, ever. It’s what I want and I wouldn’t change it for anything.” Kaley said stroking Rachaels’ cheek. Rachael still had a look of concern on her face. “Would it help if our house was closer to the forest or within the forest? What can I do to make your life better?” Rachael asked. Kaley smiled. “Baby I love you so much. The only thing I would like right now that I can’t really have is making love to my wife the way I used to. Unfortunately I’m too tired and too big to do that right now.” Kaley said with a huge smile on her face. She was trying to lighten the mood. Rachael tended to take things a little too seriously. She reached out with one hand and cupped her hand around Rachael’s neck and brought her close for a long lingering kiss. Kaley slipped her hand inside Rachael’s blouse to caress her breast. She could feel Rachael’s nipple harden under her fingers and could hear a quick intake of breath. Kaley felt her own heart start to race and her groin start to throb. “Uh god Rach I want you so much. You drive me crazy… shit did you hear that?” They both sat up slightly to see if they could see what had made the noise. It sounded like leaves rustling and twigs snapping. Kaley smiled and put her head back down. “It’s just our little friend. She is really close and she wants us to know it.” Kaley stated matter-of-factly. “I wish she would come out into the open.” Rach responded. “Help me up I want to go for a walk.” Kaley asked Rachael. Rach got up and held her hand out to help support Kaley. Kaley got up with a groan. She got up and straightened her clothes and walked towards
the woods. “Wait here.” She entered the forest and went to a fallen log and sat quietly for a few minutes.

  Through the dense foliage Kaley could just make out a figure she estimated to be roughly the size of an adult human. In a calm clear voice she said. “Who are you? What is your name?” She waited for a reply but none came. “Can you talk? Can you come closer so I can see who I’m talking to?” Again she waited for some sort of reply. Just then the baby decided this was a good time to give Kaley a good strong kick. She gasped slightly and held her belly. She stood up and for a few minutes she held her hand against the side of her belly taking deep breaths. She kept breathing in that manner puffing her cheeks out with each exhale. When she looked back into the woods where she had seen the figure it was gone. Eventually she took a few steps to return to where Rachael was waiting and this time a stabbing pain in her abdomen brought her down to one knee. She closed her eyes to ride out the wave of pain. A cold sweat appeared on her forehead and she thought she might faint. She needed to lie down. She sat down against a tree stump trying to catch her breath; still holding her hand to her side. Another wave of pain washed over her and she closed her eyes once more. She started to get a little worried, this was hurting more than she would expect. This was her first pregnancy so she wasn’t exactly sure what was normal. “Please get Rachael. Bring her here… hurry!” She shouted then she heard a rustling noise. She tried to control her breathing and stay calm.

  Back at the campsite Rachael was starting to worry about Kaley. She had been gone for what seemed a long time. Rachael got up and started pacing back and forth. She knew Kaley would be pissed off if she went charging off into the woods when she was close to making contact with their travelling companion.


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