The Creature - Book Two of the Marcus II Series

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The Creature - Book Two of the Marcus II Series Page 11

by Bonnie Somerville

  Viva squeezed Eno’s hand. “I can think of at least a few who might be willing.” Viva added. “I’m not sure we need guides. Between Loki, Eno and myself we shouldn’t have a problem getting there and back with no problem at all.” Kaley stated. “Rach when you make your list of personnel make sure you include medical staff. I want to accompany you into the forest.” Viva stated emphatically. “Ok Viva I’ve already added at least a nurse practitioner and anyone else they can spare. I’m going to need you with us in case any of The Lost Children need medical attention. Just as importantly I need you to collect the samples we need.” Rachael said. “Who will take care of the girls while we’re gone?” Viva inquired. “Ma is looking forward to taking care of her grandchildren and I’m sure if she needs help Gilly will be more than happy to lend a hand.” Kaley said. She wouldn’t be worried in any way with her mother and Gillian watching over their precious little ones. ~

  Arklow had sent a dozen or so workers to replace the ones from The Landing along with a semi-retired Doctor and two Nurse Practitioners. All the supplies had been acquired and were packed and ready to go. Loki still didn’t want to go and leave the girls but she had promised and she would honor that agreement.

  Each member of the group met at the staging area ready to go first thing in the morning. There had been plenty of hugs and kisses and a few tears when they all said goodbye to Reese and Darcy. This had been Kaley’s project from the beginning but still it was hard to leave her daughters.

  The team shouldered their packs with Eno in the lead. The two locals along with their lovers from The Landing would accompany the other five. “Aunt Loki how is it you came across the children in the first place?” Kaley asked as they walked. “When we were young Nicola and I explored all over this side of the forest. I had seen signs that someone had been living out there and it didn’t seem like they were concerned about hiding that fact. My old Auntie had passed away and left me the old homestead. I was young and idealistic back then and very curious. I wanted to find proof Conrad Drummond had lived out that way after he disappeared from Dori’s Cove. I was convinced he had built a house or laboratory and I was determined to find it.” Loki explained.

  “I stumbled across a group of children of various ages and they were alone except for the Pendek. Pendek and Kubu are known to take care of each others young so I wasn’t surprised they were sharing their food with the children. I thought I was so smart, I was going to bring them home and raise them as my own and everyone would see what a good job I’d done. I soon found out that I was in way over my head. Even with Catherine’s help and Nicola giving me supplies I struggled, there were just too many of them. The worst part was that I wasn’t able to be there for them emotionally the way they needed. I spent so much time in the fields, cleaning and feeding them and trying to give them an education I neglected their emotional wellbeing. When they became teenagers I just couldn’t control them, especially the boys. I came home one day and totally lost my temper. I’m embarrassed to say I really made them feel badly saying I didn’t want them anymore and a lot of other hurtful things. Things I was later to regret very much… very much indeed. I’m sorry Eno for everything.” Loki said turning to Eno.

  They walked in silence a while until finally Viva broke in. “My mother told me once that the two of you grew up together. How did that happen if she lived in Cambridge Landing and you in Dori’s Cove?” Viva asked curiously. Loki looked at Viva as if noticing for the first time how very much she resembled her good friend Catherine. “We didn’t exactly grow up together as much as knew each other as teenagers. I liked her more than most of the rest of the kids my age. She had spunk and always treated me with nothing but kindness.” Loki said with a sly grin on her face. “You mean you two were lovers?” Kaley asked. Loki just smiled. “I was a bit of a handful back in the day. My mother sent me to stay with her sister who had moved to The Landing. I spent several months there, that is when I met Cat.” Loki added. “My grandmother must have had a stroke having such a bad apple influence her daughter.” Viva chuckled. “Cat and I snuck off into the forest every opportunity we could to be alone.” Loki said turning her attention back to the trail.

  The group walked without saying much for some time. They helped each other over obstacles and watched out for signs of The Others and The Lost Children. While the main body of the group stopped for lunch Eno went ahead to scout. She hadn’t travelled to the clearing for a very long time and had planned never to return. She had friends there but some were so abusive she would rather have lived alone than go back to them. She had no doubt she could find them. They weren’t as good in the forest as she was, not by a long shot. ~

  Chapter Ten

  The Clearing

  “I want to know where the hell she went. She’s one of us and always will be. Six I want you to go south and find some trace of her.” Gie shouted. “Leave her alone Gie. She wants to be away from us and I don’t blame her.” Enin said. Gie sprang to his feet and stormed over to Enin and grabbed her face as hard as he could. “I’ve told you before to shut your face Enin! Don’t screw with me or you’ll be sorry.” Gie threatened. Neves went to stand between Gie and Enin. She glared at him. He was a bully but he didn’t intimidate Neves. She was the unofficial leader but Gie and Eert had an alliance and together they forced their will on the entire group. Neves had the friendship and respect of the others but fear of Gie and his unpredictable nature frightened even her sometimes. He took the majority of the food that was collected and commandeered the best places to sleep and sit. He pushed the weaker members around whenever he felt like it and even when he was being nice everyone knew it was because he wanted something or was scheming.

  Six did Gie’s bidding, he wanted to impress Gie by being his whipping boy but in reality Gie was just using Six. “Enin come sit by me.” Neves said softly to Enin. Neves was the largest and strongest of the females but Enin and Owt were more quiet and demure and always looked weary and afraid. Neves did her best to protect them but she couldn’t be around all the time to make sure Gie didn’t inflict some sort of punishment on them. Neves sat with her back against a tree, she was exhausted and feeling under the weather. She knew if she became ill the smaller ones would be at the mercy of Gie and Eert. She had to do her best to stay healthy for them. As she dozed she thought of Eno. Eno had been her friend and strong comrade but she’d left one night and never returned. She’d warned the group that one day she would leave them but no one believed her. Even Neves didn’t want to believe it but she had gone just the same.

  Sometimes Neves wondered what it would have been like to have gone with Eno. What was it like not to have to be on watch all the time? At first she was angry with Eno for leaving her alone to deal with Gie but eventually she was happy for her. At least there was going to be one of them that would find happiness. Tears welled in her eyes. “What’s the matter Neves?” Enin asked. “Nothing Enin, I must have something in my eye.” Neves lied. “Why is he so angry all the time?” Owt asked. “I don’t know Owt, he has always been like that.” Neves replied sadly. In a moment of weakness and sentiment she said. “We never should have left the old woman. At least the two of you weren’t afraid all the time with her.” She said.

  They all stared into the distance… Neves couldn’t imagine a future where she would find happiness. The only thing she knew for certain was that one day Gie would hurt one of the weaker ones during one of his tirades and this time he might actually kill one of them. He had hurt Eno repeatedly… he had hurt Evif and Net. Neves had lost hope of a different life for herself and her little troop. “It’s almost time to sleep. We should do our business and find a place to settle down for the night.” Neves told them. Everyone but Gie, Six and Eert went into the woods. Neves stood watch over the group as they stayed in a small radius. No one wanted to be caught alone.

  They returned and Neves gathered a stack of leaves to use as a nest. The group stayed close together and once they’d settled for the night no one left the
protection of the group. Neves allowed them all to take turns cuddling up against her. She and her strength and was the hub of the sleeping group, just as she tried to be when they were awake but it was taking its toll on her. She was bone tired and chronically depressed. She felt that even if she left Gie would hunt her down but in truth she could never leave her girls. Neves lay down and cuddled Nevele close to her chest because it was her turn to sleep closest to Neves. Neves closed her eyes and tears flowed as they never had before. She was at a crisis point. ~

  The group had been bushwhacking for several days and Eno knew they were getting close. She could smell The Lost Children and she could smell fear, desperation and hopelessness. Nothing had changed since she’d left and she was extremely afraid of returning. She had sworn she would never return but she could never have imagined back then the wonderful friends she had now. She smiled thinking how shocked they would be to see her. She felt a surge of pleasure that her arrival at The Clearing would cause distress to Gie, Eert and Six. Maybe she could get Neves and some of the others to return with her. Maybe they would hate her for leaving… she had no way of knowing.

  The group stopped and put down their packs. They’d made a habit of sending someone ahead to check things out before the group advanced. “Close” Eno said to Kaley. She sniffed telling Kaley she could smell them. Kaley sampled the scent herself. She could detect almost as much as Eno. They were both very adept at distinguishing subtle changes in their environment. It was Kaley’s turn to scout ahead but Eno was afraid for her to go alone. “I’ll be right back I just want to go see what’s up ahead a short distance.” Kaley stated. “No!” Eno countered jumping to her side. Eno physically held Kaley from going by holding her wrist tightly. Kaley looked down at her wrist, she had never seen Eno so adamant. Rachael picked up on this as well and went to stand beside both of them. “I think Eno is right Kaley we all need to stick together from here on in. If there is danger here we are better off together. Let’s rest for a few minutes, have a drink and a snack and then we’ll head out together.” Rachael said. It was still early in the day so they would reach The Clearing a little past noon.

  Eno paced trying to dispel some of the anxiety of the impending reunion. Viva went to her to show her support without making her feel suffocated. She held out her hand for Eno to take if she wanted to. Eno took her hand and kissed it. They both stood together and scanned the distant trees. “Ok let’s have a meeting. I want us all to be on the same page before we go waltzing into their front yard.” Rachael said. “Is there anyone we need to watch out for?” Rachael asked. “Gie” Eno replied. “Is he the leader?” Rachael asked. “No. Neves” Eno said. Rachael studied her features. “Ok is there anyone else of concern?” “Eert” Eno answered. Loki stepped up. “Gie and Eert work as a team, they make the others obey them. Six is a follower but possibly even more unpredictable. Neves is the true leader but she can’t control them. There were twelve last time I saw them.” Loki said. Eno nodded agreement. “Twelve! That is nearly double our estimate.” Kaley exclaimed. Rachael jumped in. “Ok so we go in and try to talk to them. We’ll see if any of them want to come back to The Cove with us. If we can get Neves to agree maybe the rest will follow.” Rachael said. Eno nodded and stood. She was done talking and she wanted to get this over with. Viva stood and went to her and held her chin in her hand. “I love you Eno and we’re all here for you.” Viva kissed her on the lips slipping her tongue into her mouth briefly. Blocking the others view with her body she cupped Eno’s right breast. She looked her in the eye, smiled and gave her a wink. They hugged and Viva could feel Eno’s heart pounding. “Remember people we’re here to make friends.” Rachael reminded the group.

  The group moved in a close line following Eno. Within twenty minutes they could hear voices and hear twigs snapping. Eno stopped as Loki slipped into the woods unnoticed. “Neves” Eno hollered. There was a loud rustling in the woods. Two male figures stepped out of the underbrush. The larger of the two stepped forward standing about fifty feet away. “Ah Eno you’ve come back for more have you?” Gie thrust his pelvis and grinned. The other male laughed. “I knew you couldn’t stay away. I have lots more where that came from.” Gie said. Eno crossed her arms over her chest with a disgusted look on her face. More laughter could be heard from the young men. Eno ignored them and yelled again to Neves. A small female ran past Gie and he stuck his foot out and tripped her as she tried to get by, she fell in a heap on the ground. “I thought I told you to leave her alone!” A very strong stern female voice shouted. Neves stepped out of the forest and went over to Owt and helped her up. Neves was followed by half a dozen other females close at her heels. “Look Neves your old fuck buddy has come back.” Gie said smugly. Eert giggled. Neves looked where Gie was pointing and stopped dead in her tracks.

  Eno looked at her old friends, they looked hungry and pale. Neves and some of the others had dark circles under their eyes and were staring at her like they didn’t recognize her. Eno looked down at herself realizing how well she had made out compared to the others. She was strong and healthy with a new lover and family. The Lost Children in comparison had the look of people who had lost all hope… people who were waiting to die.

  Neves stepped forward to look closer. Enin ran into Eno’s arms. “Eno you’re back. I’ve missed you.” Enin said enthusiastically. Eno let go of Enin and moved closer to Neves. Out of the corner of her eye she saw movement. It was Six strutting toward Viva who had stepped up to stand beside and slightly behind Eno. He reached out to touch Viva’s cheek. With lightning speed Eno made a sideways step and elbowed him in the face as hard as she could, Six was propelled to the ground. “No touch.” She said with a sneer. Eno knew she’d probably hit him too hard but she also knew that was the only way they would understand she meant business. She had used so much force she stumbled and Viva caught her just in time and pulled her close to her chest.

  Rachael stepped forward. “Neves my name is Rachael Murray. I’m a friend of Eno. We met a while back and she has been living with my wife Kaley and myself in our home.” Rachael said. Kaley stepped forward and stood beside Rachael, she knew her presence was important here as well. She looked like one of The Lost Children and she hoped it might help them feel more comfortable. She didn’t say anything as this was Rachael’s job, she was the diplomat. “We came here to talk to you. Eno was concerned for your well-being and we’ve come to help.” Rachael explained. Neves looked from Rachael to Six who was still on the ground. She was surprised and a little frightened. She’d never seen Eno use any form of violence not even to protect herself. This was a strange new side of Eno. “You bitch, I’ll teach you a lesson you won’t soon forget.” Eert spat. Kaley stepped between him and Eno. The others in Rachael’s team stepped forward to show their solidarity. “We’re all friends here. Let’s all sit down and have something to eat and a chat shall we.” Rachael tried to defuse the rising tension. The female Lost Children looked to Neves for guidance. Eno went to her and reached out her hand. Neves took a deep breath. “Please” Eno said to her softly. Neves swallowed hard. “Is this true Eno?” Neves said. Eno nodded. Eno indicated Kaley and Rachael. “Friends” Neves seemed to accept this. Eno motioned to Viva introducing her. “Mate” Neves looked from Eno to Viva and back again before nodding. “Looks like you won’t be getting any more of that Neves.” Gie mocked.

  Viva and Rachael looked for a comfortable place to sit down. The female Lost Children once again looked at Neves for permission. Neves nodded. They sat down and Rachael took out her pack and rummaged through it. She brought out some fruit and baked goods and started handing them out. Eno came over and took a granola type bar out of her pack. She broke it in half and handed half to Neves. Eno popped her half into her mouth with a smile. Then she took Neves’s hand and led her a short distance away for a private chat. “Missed you” Eno said. Tears started to well up in Neves’ eyes. “Safe now” Eno said softly, guiding Neves to sit on a large rock. The tears that threatened fell in streams
down her cheeks like a river. Eno pulled her into a warm hug and held her close for a long time rocking her. After several minutes Kaley came over and sat beside them. In a soft voice she talked to Neves. “Neves, my name is Kaley Bailik. I’m from Dori’s Cove where my mother is the Mayor. There are many people there who look like us and we have a good life there. Eno and I and the others want you and any other members of your group who want to, to come back to The Cove with us. You don’t have to live alone in the forest anymore and you can stay as long as you want. You can even leave if you find you don’t like it.” Kaley looked at her pleadingly. “All of us?” Neves asked when her crying subsided. “Yes.” Kaley said. “What about the boys?” She inquired. “They can come but they will not be allowed to cause trouble or bully anyone. We don’t allow people to hurt or abuse each other.” Kaley said honestly. “You don’t have to answer right away. You should talk to Eno and think about it. We’re going to be here for a couple days.” With that Kaley got up and went back to the other young people. After a few minutes Neves turned to Eno. “Eno, I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you and keep you safe.” Neves was on the verge of tears again. “Gie hurt.” Eno said. “I know. I’m so sorry.” Neves replied. This time she did burst into tears again. Eno held her and rocked back and forth. She kissed Neves on the top of the head. They had shared so much and been through so much together. Neves had done her best to take care of all of them. Now it was Eno’s turn to be strong and take care of them.


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